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His Life

Remembering Dale

July 15, 2010


Remembering Dale
                   Aug. 24, 1932-Feb. 9, 2010
To George Dale Alexander, everything
was either black or white—no gray,
no in between of wrong and right.
He loved to joke and pick; always
held out his hand in friendship,
served the public as deputy, supervisor,
and the board of the water department.
He made sure that every Sunday, his boys
attended church. They learned to play hard
and they learned how to work. During
the week without surprise you’d find him
at the stockyard, stopping on the way
at Williamsville to buy some groceries.
He was someone on whom you could
depend—faithful to God, wife, country,
family and friends. I see him now
with that curly black hair and wide,  
welcoming grin, shaking hands,
meeting friends old and new, eating
an endless supply of Moon Pies
in his beautiful new home in heaven.                                             
                                         —Wynne Huddleston Alexander