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His Life

Daniels Birthday

October 27, 2017

Born on 27th October 1986 at the Johannesburg General Hospital in Johannesburg South Africa weighing only 1kg and 2 months premature. Despite the doctors saying you would be behind in your milestones, you actually reached them early and took your first steps at 9 months. I got my first real smile on my birthday 23rd December 1986. Everyone loved you because you really were the most gorgeous baby boy. You grew up into a handsome kind and caring young man and never gave us trouble even as a teenager. We often wonder if you would be married now or with children of your own and we feel sad that you were never able to achieve the things most people do in life. We are certain that you are happy and well however and that we will definitely see you face to face one day. We love you Danny boy. Ma, marsh, amber and layla may xxxxx