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His Life

Dad's Life

January 20, 2012

Our dad had 5 great children that he brought into the world. He was a carpet installer for most of his life. He and our mom had there ups and downs but they loved each other. They separated when we were little. He got him self into a some trouble here in Indiana and moved to Kentucky where he loved it there. He fixed up the house that has been in our family for many years and had a nice life. He would come and visit us once a year around fourth of July, then we started to go there fourth of July week so we can go to the lake. That would light up his eyes when we all pulled into the driveway. He got sick and never really like going to the doctor so he put it off until he really had to go, that's when he found out he had stage 4 colon cancer. He was devastated. He called us around Superbowl time 2010 and said he was coming to see us and had something to tell us. We all gathered at my house to hear the news. I didn't take it very well( but I don't take any news like that very well) He started to see a cancer doctor and they wanted to do surgery. So they went in to remove the cancer and started to do chemo and radiation and he was doing very well . (We thought) Once they open him up the cancer had spread to other parts of his body and then his blood stream. I tried to get him to come back to Indy and live with me so I could help him and be close to all the kids. He wanted to stay in Kentucky, it was peaceful for him. Well the chem and radiation was making him very tired and was in alot of pain. He called us often (I still have the voicemail he left me on September 6, 2010 saying Danyelle its your dad call me when  you get a chance I love you) I listen to that often and will keep forever. It started by him calling Jimmy on September 13 about 6:00pm and saying he has been having chest pain off and on all day, he told him to call the ambulance and go to the hospital and he said he would if it got any worse. Well he didn't and went into the bathroom and died of a heart attack. I got a call from the neighbors saying we need to come something had happen to my dad. I lost it !!!!!!!!!!!!!  I called my brother Jimmy and told him he needed to come over dad had passed away. Then I called everyone else. That is the worse phone call anyone could get especially he lived 5 hours away and I felt like there was nothing I could do. We had planned on going there the following weekend for his birthday because I didn't think he would make it until the end of the year with his cancer, I never thought he would die of a heart attack at age 54.