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His Life

Loved my dad

April 19, 2011

My father Donald bertman was a true man of God. He was in WWII as a photographer for the 16th Photographic Squadron. He was very dedicated and did whatever he could to help those less fortunate.After my mom died of lou gehgrigs disease he had my brother who was a heroin addict for years to take care of. I was on my own at 17 but I knew that one day dad and I would make up and I loved him so much. Children just don’t realize what their parents have done for their children till they are grown really. Dad loved to help out and won numerous awards for his giving to the community. You get him on the web and see he counted for a lot of what happened at the nursing homes. The blue plains for one and then he was at the health care institute. I would love to have him remembered  He died from lung cancer October, 2008. I miss him every single day and in some way I wanted to have him remembered. How fitting would it be to have the American flag which I have next to his picture at home and to know that he meant something to so many people. He cared and did whatever he could. He denied himself so that he could give to others. My brother died on Memorial Day 2003 from his addiction he tried but could not get hold of himself in time. I know he and dad both tried their best. I wanted my father to be remembered for his great works. He will always be in my home and in my heart forever. He was buried on All Saints day How fitting for this man who loved so many. He died at 88 and 88 people signed his memorial book. I am so glad to have known what my father did to try and pass along to those who may not have known dad. He gave even at the time he was sick $13,000 to charities in 2008 even though he died in October. He never ever complained. For he did so much.  Donald bertman would do anything for you and knew that he cared for the young and well as the very old. Peace be with you and I appreciate your time whoever reads this . Laurel Larison my address is 8810 Middleburg Court Manassas, VA 20109 email