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This memorial website was created in loving memory of our beloved father, Peng Hak.  Father was diagnosed with Alzheimer in the beginning year of 2000. He faced his illness with great bravery, dignity, and a persistent sense of humor.

He was rushed to the Emergency Hospital on Monday, July 5th, 2010 due to his extremely de-hydration.  After six weeks period of staying, he was feeling better and was returned home on Tuesday, August 24th, 2010.  His body still continued to not accepting food nor liquid for two months afterward. He passed away peacefully in his own home with our mother at his bedside on Friday, October 22nd, 2010.

Father was survived & surrounded by loving & devoting wife (Seang Ou), his three children, niece & nephew, and many grand children.

Daughter Morany & Teng (children: Roseta & Vannarith) (grandchildren : Rowelle & Issac), son Monirom & Sorida (children: Kevin, Jame & Jackie), daughter Moranette & Tong Eak (children: Paul, Denis & Laurent), niece Chanmoni & David (children: Dara & Nicolas), nephew Vichirak, step daughter Molanette & Mari (children: David & Marady), step son Monirith, niece Tep Monory & family, grand children Honey Sokry, grand children Kanelle Heang & family, and the rest of his family/relatives/dear friends/superiors/colleagues who live here in France as well as in Cambodia, United States, and Canada.

We will always remember our father with grateful and loving heart.

May you rest in peace !!.

 We like to express our profound sincere thanks to each and everyone of your love and your support for sharing our family's grief with us especially with our Mother. 

You are invited to leave a tribute or your condolence below.  You are also welcome to contribute to the memory of our father either by adding photo or sharing your story in the stories section.

Thank You !!


 Ce site mémorial a été créé en mémoire de notre père bien-aimé, Peng Hak. Le père a été diagnostiqué avec la maladie d'Alzheimer au début de l'année 2000. Il a affronté sa maladie avec beaucoup de bravoure, la dignité, et un sentiment persistant de l'humour.

Il a été transporté à l'hôpital d'urgence le Lundi, Juillet 5th, 2010 à cause de sonétat de très-hydratation. Après la période de six semaines de séjour, il se sentait mieux et rentrait chez le Mardi 24 Août 2010. Son corps continuait à ne pas accepter les aliments ou liquides pendant deux mois après. Il est décédé paisiblement dans sa propre maison avec notre mère à son chevet le Vendredi, Octobre 22nd, 2010.

 Le pere laissait dans le deuil et entouré d'une épouse aimante et consacrer (Seang Ou), ses trois enfants, nièce et neveu, et de nombreux petits-enfants.

Fille Morany & Teng (enfants: Roseta et Vannarith, petits-enfants: Rowelle & Issac), fils Monirom Sorida (enfant:KevinJameJackie), fille Moranette & Tong Eak (enfants: Paul, Denis et Laurent), belle-, la nièce Chanmoni & David (enfants: Dara & Nicolas), neveu Vichirak, belle-fille Molanette & Mari (les enfants: David & Marady), beau-fils Monirith, niece Tep Monory & la famille, petie fille Honey Sokry, petite fille Kanelle Heang & la famille, et le reste de sa famille/cher amis/superieurs/collegues qui vivent ici en France ainsi que dans le Cambodge, États-Unis et au Canada.

Nous nous souviendrons toujours de notre père avec cœur reconnaissant et affectueux.

 Reposes en paix !

  Nous tenons à exprimer notre profonde sincères remerciements à tous et à chacun de votre amour et votre soutien continu pour le partage de la douleur de notre famille avec nous en particulier, notre Mère.

Vous êtes invités à laisser un hommage ou vos condoléances ci-dessous. Vous êtes également invités à contribuer  la mémoire de notre père soit en ajoutant une photo ou partager votre histoire dans la section des histoires.

Merci !!


October 22, 2016
October 22, 2016
Dear Grandpa, My family and I always miss u and think of you. I always remember the time when I were in France and u were so happy to see there. U reminded me of how great my mom are. U r always my good role model. U are always in my heart and never change. Lot of love from Honey and all my family members.
October 22, 2015
October 22, 2015

It has been 5 years since you passed away. We think of you and miss you so very much. Mom will have ceremony at the temple to remember of you with our family & friends. Thank you for looking up for us. Love you, your daughter, Morany
February 12, 2015
February 12, 2015

We miss you very much! Thinking of you!

Love Jose & Roseta family
February 10, 2015
February 10, 2015
Dear grandpa! We always miss u and think about all the great things you had done and the great son, man, uncle, father, grandpa you were. We always miss and think of you forever! Miss from family in Cambodia! Honey and all family members in Cambodia!
February 10, 2015
February 10, 2015

Nous pensons fort à toi à l'occasion de ton 86è anniversaire !
Repose en paix et continue de veiller sur nous de temps en temps ;)

Ta famille,
February 10, 2015
February 10, 2015

Happy 86 Birthday!!. We love you and miss you very much. It still seem like yesterday. May you be blessed with peace always.

Your daughter,
October 23, 2014
October 23, 2014
yesterday was your fourth years since you passed away. We want you to know that we think of you all the time. Mom will have ceremony for you this Saturday, please be there to receive the blessing. 
Love and miss
Your daughter Morany
February 10, 2014
February 10, 2014

Today is your birthday. If you were still alive, you would be 85.
I miss you so........much !! 

I am flying with Roseta to France for mom's 86th birthday, The ceremony will be held in Lyon's temple on Sunday, March 30th. Daddy, please come to join us in blessing mom for a longer life !!

your daughter, morany
November 5, 2013
November 5, 2013
Mon cher Oncle,

3 ans déjà que tu nous as quitté. Ton souvenir reste avec nous chaque jour. Merci pour tous les moments que nous avons eu l'occasion de partager, hélas si peu nombreux.
Repose en paix.
Famille Sreng, Maly.
October 22, 2013
October 22, 2013

This coming Sunday, my family and I will be there to honor your 3rd anniversary.
We all miss you.

Love and respect from Mam's family
October 22, 2013
October 22, 2013

Mom wanted to visit us here this passed summer of 2013 and she did. She was very happy to see her grandchildren. Thank you for making her wish come true; I know you are looking over us. Mom honor your 3rd anniversary this Saturday,the 27th. Love and miss you even more...
October 22, 2013
October 22, 2013
My dearest Father ! Three years ago that you passed away , I always
miss you and think that you are always help us and stay with us forever .You are the best person that I deeply respect and love in my life .May you stay with peace in the Heaven .
February 12, 2013
February 12, 2013
Happy Birthday Grandpa! We miss you so much and wished you were coming to join grandma in visiting us this summer/fall. LOVE YOU!
February 11, 2013
February 11, 2013
Dearest Father,

You are always in our heart and we miss you so much. Happy 84th birthday, Daddy.

Your daughter with love
February 11, 2013
February 11, 2013
Dear Father ,
I always miss you and remember all your best activities in my mind . .You are the great Father that I never see in my life .I always love and respect you ,you are always in my heart .I thing you still stay with us and help us forever .
October 22, 2012
October 22, 2012
Dear Father,

Tomorrow Monday, October 22nd will be 3 years after you passed away. Mom and our family in France always remember you. Tomorrow I am bringing food to the temple.
November 7, 2011
November 7, 2011
We love and miss you very much! You are one of the most caring person I have every meet.....and it is a great honor. I wish we were able to have seen you more often, but life is so complicated. My kids would have love to spend time with you! Love you - Roseta
November 6, 2011
November 6, 2011
Dear,great grandpa,
I love you grandpa and I missed you since my first visiting you in France. May you rest in peace.
Love, Rowelle
November 6, 2011
November 6, 2011
Dearest Father,
It's been a year since you passed away. Mom and all of us think of you always especially on your first year anniversary; you are forever in our heart.
Much love, your daughther
October 25, 2011
October 25, 2011
My dearest grandpa:

Time flights so fast, but you are always in our hearts and minds with deep love and miss. May your sould rests in peace.

Honey and the family.
October 22, 2011
October 22, 2011
Papi, Chao srey Marady from Norway miss you so much !! Already 1 year, you passed away... RIP my lovely Papi !
January 11, 2011
January 11, 2011
Mr EAV, notre rencontre fut tardive mais je suis heureuse d'avoir pu faire votre connaissance avant votre départ pour ce nouveau monde. Je sais que vous garderez un oeil sur toute votre famille .Je me souviendrais de ce papy gourmand qui a su bien se régaler avec des petits rochers à la noix de coco.Je vous souhaite un très bon voyage rempli de sérénité et de paix. Audrey
January 11, 2011
January 11, 2011
Mon cher Papi,
J'ai si peu de souvenirs de toi, mais les souvenirs que j'ai ne sont que bonheur, joie et éclats de rire. Tu as été le grand père que je n'ai pas eu. Tu as été là lorsque les autres n'étaient pas là. Tu nous as accueillis chez toi les soirs de Noel et grâce à toi j'ai eu l'impression d'avoir une vraie famille. Merci papi pour tout ce que tu as fait pour moi. Ton petit fils d'aubagne
January 9, 2011
January 9, 2011
Dear Lok Pou,
You've always been a moral and financial support for our 2 families. You were always here when we needed your advices. This is thanks to you that we are again together my husband, my brother and me. You were like a 2nd father to Veachirak and me but you did not leave me enough time to thank you the way I wanted.
January 9, 2011
January 9, 2011
Dear Uncle,
Since you were sick, we were very sad. All the family lost a great support, a pillar, a spiritual guide for ever. We miss you a lot and we think of you all the time.
David Chhoeun UNG
January 9, 2011
January 9, 2011
Bien cher Lok Pou,
Tu as toujours été le soutien moral et financier pour nos deux familles.Tu étais toujours là quand on avait besoin de conseils. C'est gràce à toi si nous sommes à nouveau réunis mon mari, mon frère et moi. Tu étais notre 2nd père pour Veachirak et moi mais tu ne m'as pas laissé le temps de te remercier comme je le souhaitais.
January 9, 2011
January 9, 2011
Cher papi,
Merci pour le rôle que tu as joué dans ma vie, pour le grand-père que je n'ai pas eu. Grâce à toi, j'ai des souvenirs comme la plupart des enfants ont de leur papi.
Depuis que tu es parti, il m'arrive de te parler juste avant de m'endormir mais jusqu'à présent, tu ne m'as pas encore répondu... Je suis sûre que tu me donneras un signe un de ces quatre...

Achao dara= petite-fille dara.
January 9, 2011
January 9, 2011
David Chhoeun UNG
January 9, 2011
January 9, 2011
Dear papy,
I would like to thank you for the role you played for me, for the grand-pa I didn't have. Thanks to you I have memories like most children have of they grandpa.
Since you passed away, it happened that I talk to you just before I fall into sleep but so far you have not replied to me... I'm sure you will give me a sign some days...

Achao dara (= grand daughter dara= petite-fille dara).
January 8, 2011
January 8, 2011
Je me souviens toujours de toi même quand tu n'es pas là.Tu es toujours dans mon coeur: si gentil
,généreux.C'est la première fois pendant le discours,j'ai pleuré sans arrêt et c'est là et à un cet instant là que je compris que tu nous quittais pour toujours.Je me sens triste de voir toi partir et mamie tout seul.Je te promet de bien travailler pour que tu sois fier de ton petit-fils "kévin eav".
December 26, 2010
December 26, 2010
Mon cher Oncle,
En ces fêtes de fins d'année, c'est avec beaucoup de tristesse que je me souviens de toi. J'ai une pensée particulière pour ta femme et tes enfants que tu laisses derrière toi. J'ai beaucoup d'admiration pour ton parcours, et pour l'homme que tu étais.
J'aurais aimé avoir l'occasion de partager plus de moments en famille.
Ton souvenir restera à jamais gravé dans nos coeurs
December 25, 2010
December 25, 2010
My dearest father,

The loss of you is our biggest loss in my life. I wish I would be able to see you the last time in your life but I couldn't because of the distance. Eventhough, my heart and mind are always with you. If there is next life, I wish to be your daughter.
Your daughter, Monory and the family.
December 21, 2010
December 21, 2010
My Dearest Grandpa,

Our family in Cambodia always think of you. You are our role model and the most respectful person. The lost of you is the biggest loss to all of us. We know time passes and not returns though our love, miss and respect to you rest forever. Wish your soul stays in peace and heaven.

Your grand daughter, Honey and the family
December 19, 2010
December 19, 2010
On behalf of myself and my family I would like to express our deepest sympathies for the loss of your father and grandfather. My heart goes out to you. Although no words can take away the sorrow that you bear just know that we care deeply. Please know that our thoughts are with you each day. Please let me know if there is anything you need or I can do for you...
December 17, 2010
December 17, 2010
Depuis déjà presque 2 mois que tu es parti dans un autre monde mais je ne cesse de penser à toi chaque jour comme nous tous ici qui t'aimons et te respectons toujours. Je me rappelle que mon papa Mam Mari t'aimait vraiment beaucoup et avait beaucoup d'admiration pour toi. Il nous parlait souvent de toi, tu étais son exemple. Repose en paix mon très cher Papi et également mon Papa bien aimé.
December 13, 2010
December 13, 2010

Though your body is no longer with us, you are always in our minds. We do love you and miss you.

December 4, 2010
December 4, 2010
Cher Papi
Même si je n'ai pas vécu longtemps auprès de toi cependant tu es pour moi et ma famille , présent à jamais dans notre coeur. tu es un grand père formidable , j'aurais voulu te connaitre plus davantage just pour admirer de tout les travails que t'as accomplis et sacrifiés pour ta famille et les autres.Je te suis très reconnaissance papi.
A Chao DAVID .
December 1, 2010
December 1, 2010
Tu as ete un papa le plus merveilleux du monde.Tu nous manques enormement.Nous les enfants nous tenons à te remercier pour tout ce que tu as fait pour nous.Que tes bonnes actions te conduise à Nirvana.Pour la prochaine vie nous les enfants souhaitons avoir comme papa toi et comme maman notre maman.
November 30, 2010
November 30, 2010

Thing will not going to be the same without your presence but, I am truly grateful that you gave me a chance to be with you for your last moment. I am also very thankful for all you're done for us. You're much loved and deeply missed !!.

Your Daugther.
November 30, 2010
November 30, 2010
You are a wonderful and a world greatest father to be proud of.
We love and miss you very much. I promise to take good care of Mom for you.

Your Son.

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Recent Tributes
October 22, 2016
October 22, 2016
Dear Grandpa, My family and I always miss u and think of you. I always remember the time when I were in France and u were so happy to see there. U reminded me of how great my mom are. U r always my good role model. U are always in my heart and never change. Lot of love from Honey and all my family members.
October 22, 2015
October 22, 2015

It has been 5 years since you passed away. We think of you and miss you so very much. Mom will have ceremony at the temple to remember of you with our family & friends. Thank you for looking up for us. Love you, your daughter, Morany
February 12, 2015
February 12, 2015

We miss you very much! Thinking of you!

Love Jose & Roseta family
Recent stories

Remember You

February 19, 2011

We remember that special smile,
That caring heart, that warm embrace,
You always gave us.  You being there,
For mom & us through good & bad times,
Your life was full of loving deeds,
Forever thoughtful of our special needs,
Today & tomorrow, our whole life through,
We always love & cherish you !! 


Nous nous souviendrons de ce sourire spécial,
Ce cœur attentionné, qui vous embrasse,
Vous avez toujours nous a donné. Vous y être
Pour maman et nous par le biais fois bonnes et mauvaises,
Votre vie était pleine d'actes d'amour,
Forever de la part de nos besoins particuliers,
Aujourd'hui et demain, notre vie entière,
Nous serons toujours l'amour et vous choyer!

He is Gone

February 19, 2011

You can shed tears that he is gone
Or you can smile because he lived
You can close your eye & pray that he’ll come back
Or you can open your eyes & see all that he has left
You can cry and grieve for him
Or you can do what he would want:
Smile, open your eyes, love more, and go on !

Vous pouvez verser des larmes qu'il est parti
Ou vous pouvez sourire, car il a vécu
Vous pouvez fermer vos yeux et prier pour qu'il y reviendrons
Ou vous pouvez ouvrir les yeux et voir tout ce qu'il a laissé
Vous pouvez pleurent et se lamentent pour lui
Ou vous pouvez faire ce qu'il voudrait:
Smile, ouvrez vos yeux, l'amour plus, et aller sur!


I am Always with You

February 19, 2011

Be thankful we had so many good years
I gave you my love, and you can only guess
How much you've given me in happiness
But now it is time I traveled on alone,
Although you can't see or touch me, I will be near
and if you listen with your heart, you'll hear
And then, when your time has come
I'll greet you with a smile with a "Welcome Home”.

Soyez reconnaissants que nous avions tant de bonnes années
Je vous ai donné mon amour, et vous pouvez seulement deviner
Combien vous m'avez donné dans le bonheur.
Mais maintenant il est temps je me suis rendu seul.
Bien que vous ne pouvez pas voir ou me toucher, je serai près de
et si vous écoutez avec votre cœur, vous entendre
Et puis, quand votre temps est venu
Je vous salue avec un sourire et un «Welcome Home»



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