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His Life
November 28, 2010

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Dr. EAV's Biography

November 28, 2010

Father was born on February 10, 1929 and was raised in Prey Kabass, Takeo, Cambodia.  He was the oldest son of Khy Eav and Ear Hearn.

He graduated from Preah Sisowat High School in 1958 and married his wife Seang Ou; they have five children together which two of them passed away during the Pol Pot regime.

Father entered the Ministry of Social & Labor first, as a Controller, then as an Inspector, and later as a Director.  In this responsibility, he was sent to France  many times  for advanced training courses.  He also is recognized as specialist Cambodian Social Affair who participated in the delegation Khmer conferences to include South Korea and Philippine.

Shortly, before the fall of Phnom Penh, he was sent to France to continue his study.  Father attended Paris Sorbonne University where he earned his PHD specialty in Social and Security in 1983.  He became a Professor taught at the Center National the Studies Superior and was living with his family in Saint-Etienne, France.

Beside his daily work, father was a dedicated Buddhist who maintained a strong commitment to the development of many pagodas here in France, India, and Cambodia.  He kept the best interest of the community at heart & devoted himself in keeping his culture alive.  His Goal & Mission was to uphold the Buddhist teaching through  the knowledge of the DHARMA. He wrote a book in French about Buddhism Practices which will be donated in the early year of 2011 to young generation.

By the radio voice of Khmer Lyon, he participated in many years of debates with his fellow compatriots on various issue concerning Social Security in Cambodia.  Father was a remarkable patriot who contributed to the development of his country on several occasions.  He planned in volunteering to go back to Cambodia again right after his retirement to assist his Ministry, unfortunately, his project was not finished because of his diagnose with Alzheimer after his retirement.

Despite his exorbitant labor, Father was a strong, truly caring, compassionate, and dignified man who was highly respected & admired by those who knew him of his leadership, uncompromising integrity and his sense of fairness.  He was a great inspirational role model who was always willing to sacrify for the happiness & prosperity of his family, friends, and his country.

Father's life bears testimony to his deep interest in his beloved country and in spiritual faith and he has left a lasting positive impression on all of us. 


Mon pere, Mr. Eav Peng Hak, fils de Eav Khy et Hean Ear, est ne le 10 Fevrier 1929 a Phum Sla, Khum Charr, Srok Prey Krabas, provence de Takeo.  Il est l'aine de la famille de 4 enfants.  Il s'est marie avec Mme Eav Seang Ou avec qui ils ont 5 enfants dont 2 enfants on perdu la vie pendant la guerre civil au Cambodge.

Il debuta ses etudes primaires a la pagode Vat Charr pus aux ecoles de District de Kraing Sla et de Prey Lovea.  Il poursuivit ses etudes a Phnom Penh au Lycee Sisowath jusq'a l'obtention du Baccalaureat, 2eme partie serie Sciences Experimentales.

Il entra ensuite au Mnistere de Travail et d'Action Sociale, Il devint Inspecteur Regional du Travail a Battambang et a Kampong Som.

Il fut nomme en 1970 Directeur Adjoint de l'Inpection de Travail.  A partir de 1971, il prit la responsabilite de la Caisse Interprofessionnelle de Compensation des Allocations Familiales et de la Securite Sociale en tant que Directeur.

Il vint plusiers fois en France pour des stages de perfectionnements en Securite Sociale.  Au Cambodge, Il dirigeait a plusieurs reprises la delegation Khmere lors des differentes conferences de travail a l'etranger notamment, au Coree du Sud et aux Philippines.  Il est reconnu comme Specialiste Cambodgien des Affaires Sociales.

Avant la chute de Phnom Penh, il vint en France poursuivrea obtenu en 1983 le diplome de Doctorat de Specialite de Securite Sociale a l'Universite PARIS SORBONNE.  Il devint ensuite enseignant au Centre de Securite Sociale de Saint-Etienne ou il residait avec sa famille. 

En plus de son travail, il s'occupait des Associations Cambodgiennes en Rhone Alpes.  Par la voix de la radio Khmere de Lyon, il a participe aux debats avec ses compatriotes sur des questions diverses concernant la Securite Social au Cambodge.

Il etait un bon bouddhiste.  Il a participe souvent a des seances de meditations et aux developpements des pagodes a Saint-Etienne, Lyon et Marseille.  Il avait egalement un esprit patriotique, il contribuait aux developpements de son pays, ainsi a plusieurs reprises, il est alle au Cambodge en aide au Ministere du Travail, dans un but d'introduire la Securite Sociale mais le projet n'a pas pu aboutir a cause de sa long maladie (Ahzheimer).

Malgre son travail exorbitant, son role du chef de famille etait toujours present car c'est un mari modele toujours disponible et pret a se sacrifier pour le bonheur et la prosperite de sa famille, son amis, et son pays.

La vie de mon pere témoigne de son profond intérêt dans son pays bien-aimé et dans la foi spirituelle et il a laissé une impression positive et durable sur l'ensemble d'entre nous.