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His Life

A Year Has Passed

December 20, 2011

The past year has held much growth and accomplishment for the small child. He has learned to crawl then walk. His speech has gone from simple baby babbling to speaking his first words. He has learned to love and rely on those closest to him for everything he needs and desires and he has begun to develop a personality that is all his own. He is growing and learning more with every passing day but, what he doesn't know is that he continues to teach others lessons in love, gratitude and patience as well.

It is now October 29, 1991 and family, friends and loved ones have gathered to celebrate not only the birth of the child but also his rite of passage in this life.  For it is on this day that his parent's have chosen to Christen the child before the church, God, and witnesses at the St. Cletus Catholic Church in Gretna, LA.  Following the Christening ceremonies a celebration of the child's first year is being held in his honor.  With a Big Bird cake, gifts, and the Happy Birthday song having been sung, the child has blown out the first candle of many to come. With this candle he has left behind his infancy and has become a toddler.

This is the day that Justin's salvation was guaranteed by his parents through his Christening.

A Child is Born

December 20, 2011

On October 29, 1990 a mother-to-be lay laboring in the maternity ward at West Jefferson Hospital in Marrero, LA. As she labored her mother and aunt took turns holding her hand and massaging her back. The father-to-be paced nervously as he was surrounded by family and loved ones; all who had gathered in anticipation of the arrival of his son.  When the doctors finally announced that the time had arrived, the family watched as the mother and father-to-be disappeared behind the double doors that lead to the delivery rooms.  Later, the moment came when the proud father emerged from those doors once again, this time pushing the cart that held his precious son.  A son who would later teach so many to love unconditionally; to be strong when faced with adversity; and to smile when filled with sadness.  This was the day that our family miracle was born; the day that Justin first entered into our lives.