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This memorial website was created in the memory of our beloved teacher, Tam Sir, who left us on March 22, 2013. We will remember him forever.

Information about Mr. Tam’s vigil and funeral
Venue: 1/F, Grand Peace Funeral Parlour, 6 Cheung Hang Road, Hunghom,
Kowloon (九龍紅磡暢行道6號福澤殯儀館一樓永恆堂)
Wake and memorial service: 1 April 2013 5:00pm onwards (wake), 7:30pm(service)
Funeral ceremony: 2 April 2013 8:00am

Mr. Tam Chi Sing, Laurence (1933-2013)  
(extracted from Wah Yan Colleage Kowloon website)

Mr. Tam Chi Sing, Laurence, our teacher from 1956 to 1971, passed away peacefully in Queen Elizabeth Hospital on 22 March 2013. 

During his time in Wah Yan College, Kowloon, Mr. Tam taught Art, English, Mathematics and Physics.  Having deep faith in the liberal spirit of Jesuit education, Mr. Tam led a new direction in art education by encouraging students to be creative rather than imitating the works of others.  WYK students were taught by him to apply their imagination and living experience into creative art, and were led to experiment western painting techniques in Chinese ink paintings.  Mr. Tam’s educational philosophy, his students’ paintings that reflect this philosophy, and his passion and dedication in promoting Chinese art have been disseminated through the publications and exhibitions of “The Cradle of New Chinese Ink Painting Movement” held in Hong Kong, Mainland China and North America.  

Being a former Chief Curator of the Hong Kong Museum of Art and a dedicated promoter of Hong Kong art, Mr. Tam will be remembered for his immense contribution to the art world.  For Wah Yan College, he will be remembered by many as a great friend, a passionate teacher and a loving mentor.  May he rest in peace in the eternal love of our Lord. 

John K. Tan (Dr.) Principal

June 26, 2016
June 26, 2016
Your devotion to art and education is much appreciated. The legacy you left behind will certainly benefit many others.
March 22, 2014
March 22, 2014
Tam Sir, a year has passed since your passing. Miss your passion and warmth. Bless Mrs Tam from above.
March 22, 2014
March 22, 2014
Dear Tam Sir, A year has passed since you left us, but in our hearts you are always remembered and treasured. Thank you for all your teachings, dedication and leadership, and - as our beloved Teacher !
May 19, 2013
May 19, 2013
Tam Sir, you have left us for almost two months. Whenever I see your last book that you autographed for me in the hospital, I miss you so much. I miss your wisdom, your passion, your warmth and your friendship. I can no longer seek your advice now, but from Heaven above, bless our VA development in WYK, Tam Sir.
April 3, 2013
April 3, 2013
Learned of the sad news through an article paying tribute to Mr Tam in today’s Hong Kong Economic Journal 信報.
Very grateful to Mr Tam for being my teacher and F3D classmaster 44 years ago (1968/69).
RIP Mr Tam.
April 1, 2013
April 1, 2013
Dear TAM Sir,
  In 1971, when you taught us Trigonometry in F3D, you said that the trigonometric ratios were used by painting artists to achieve perspectives in their pictures. What a beautiful merging of teaching Arts using mathematical models! May you rest in God's peace.
April 1, 2013
April 1, 2013
I met Tam sir during lunch with several retired WYK teachers when I visited HK 2 yrs ago. He talked enthusiastically about various art projects and gave me a booklet on paintings by Wah Yan students he collected and exhibited all over the world. Tam Sir, your teaching have touched and will be remembered by generations of your students. Rest in Peace.
From Los Angeles, Ian Yip WYK '80
March 31, 2013
March 31, 2013
With every respect and deepest appreciation.
Thank you Tam Sir.
May you rest in peace!
March 31, 2013
March 31, 2013
Below is from 梁培熾教授:
「得接来函,心如石擊,對志成兄離世,悲痛异常,痛失良師畏友,至哀难言;并请转知 令慈,祈為节哀顺变。
March 30, 2013
March 30, 2013
Because of Tam Sir, The University of Alberta Library, and every school in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada with a Chinese Immersion Program has in its library a set of his books "The Cradle of New Chinese Ink Painting Movement" in English and in Chinese. He was my Form Master in Form 3, and my mathematics teacher in Form 4. Thank you Sir!
Vincent P. Lee, WYK 1965
March 29, 2013
March 29, 2013

記得去年三月, 香港社企Healthy Kids 資助我校孩子參加狄恆神父的生日聚會, 有幸在活動中認識了譚志成教授, 印象中, 滿頭白髮的教授, 面上掛著暖暖的笑容, 當時他滔滔地, 神彩地為在場的文德師生談及他對藝術的觀點和分享他欣賞藝術的角度, 就連我這們這群個對藝術認識不深的 聽眾, 也被他的誠懇和親和力吸引了! 記得當日跟教授話別時, 曾邀約他到我校為孩子作分享, 他亦禮貌地答允了. 雖然是首次見面, 他給我們留下清晰的回憶.

譚教授一生貢獻教育, 他不單授以學術, 更傳予藝術, 他積極引領及鼓勵學生勇於創作, 建立自我風格, 他的身教言教, 薰陶了不少門進, 影響了不少學生. 他實在是教育工作者的階模, 令人敬佩!

我和我的師生們會默默為可敬的譚教授祝禱, 願他主懷安息, 永享天恩. 願教授的家人也在主內平安!

March 29, 2013
March 29, 2013

March 29, 2013
March 29, 2013
Tam Sir, we thank you for teaching us, at our early teenage, that there is more in life than just mathematics, English language, science subjects or football. You sowed the seeds of artistic appreciation and presentation in our young, developing minds. You’ve made us better persons, whatever roles we’re playing in society today. We are forever indebted to you, our beloved teacher.
March 28, 2013
March 28, 2013
Browsing your marvelous book "The Cradle of New Chinese Ink Painting Movement" (a gift from a 1972 classmate) 12 time zones away from Hong Kong is awakening. 
We are deeply touched by your endeavor.
May you rest in peace.
March 28, 2013
March 28, 2013
傳揚新法 興我水墨 澤及國族
March 28, 2013
March 28, 2013
March 27, 2013
March 27, 2013
Dear Tam Sir, Your deep passion for art education and students will forever stay in the mind of your students and many friends. We will miss you.
March 26, 2013
March 26, 2013
今天,梁健平老師與立法局的莫乃光議員親自帶領著中港兩地的校園小記者全體為您默哀一分鐘,您對教育的熱誠以及為社會作出的貢獻,我們是永不會忘記的! 願譚Sir主懷安息。
March 26, 2013
March 26, 2013
For whom the bell tolls ... Mr. Tam r.i.p.
By the camp fire site we sang...
For he is a jolly good fellow
   for he is a jolly good fellow
      for he is a jolly good fellow
   and so say all of us ..
March 26, 2013
March 26, 2013


March 26, 2013
March 26, 2013
主召清明藝楫沉, 鐸聲遺繞渡頭琴.
                許灼勳 敬輓
March 26, 2013
March 26, 2013
Miss you and RIP..最深刻是譚老師教我們的很多做人道理..
March 25, 2013
March 25, 2013
譚老師承傳新水墨畫, 推廣創新教學法,不遺餘力,稱老師為
March 25, 2013
March 25, 2013
May you rest in peace in the hands of our Lord.
And may your present and past students bless and be Blessed by the Almighty.

WYK, 1974
March 25, 2013
March 25, 2013
Dear Tam Sir, we all missed you. You are always on our minds.

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Recent Tributes
June 26, 2016
June 26, 2016
Your devotion to art and education is much appreciated. The legacy you left behind will certainly benefit many others.
March 22, 2014
March 22, 2014
Tam Sir, a year has passed since your passing. Miss your passion and warmth. Bless Mrs Tam from above.
March 22, 2014
March 22, 2014
Dear Tam Sir, A year has passed since you left us, but in our hearts you are always remembered and treasured. Thank you for all your teachings, dedication and leadership, and - as our beloved Teacher !
Recent stories

My cousin Laurence

April 1, 2013
by C Y JOE
Our friendship went far beyond just kinship.  Despite our growing up in very different circumstances, there was initially that bond of kinship, but beyond that there was this sharing of basic values of integrity, family, and all the many other attributes which equate to human decency.  

His warmth and good cheer will always be remembered.  The attached picture was taken in April, 2009 in Toronto at the exhibit of the Cradle of New Chinese Ink Painting.

Condolence from Mr Anthony HO 何 鎮 源 (in Toronto)

April 1, 2013

Father Deignan, Father Chow, 各 位 Laurence 的 親 友:

我 是 何 鎮 源, 現 居 多 倫 多。今 日 (1 Apr 2013) 未 能 和 你 們 一 起 送 別 我 六 拾 年 親 如 兄 弟 的 老 朋 友, 是 我 永 久 的 遣 憾。

我 和 Laurence 五 拾 年 代 在 羅 富 國 師 範 學 院 先 後 受 訓 , 他 是 我 的 師 兄。 我 們 先 後 到 九 龍 華 仁 書 院 教 書。 其 後 我 們 先 後 獲 英 國 文 化 委 員 會 獎 學 金 到 英 國 進 修 英 文 教 學 法 ,回 港 後 在 九 華 繼 續 任 教 。當 年 九 華 的教 員 室 是 一 間 大 房 ,內 放 拾 餘 張 工 作 檯 每 檯 兩 位 或 四 位 教 員 共 用,Laurence 與 我 同 檯 工 作 十 多 年 無 間。

Laurence 於 1972 離 職 往 政 府 工 作 ,展 開 他 新 的 成 功 一 頁。 我 與 Laurence 兄 弟 般 的 情 誼 保 持 如 昔。

Laurence 於 九 零 後 到 多 倫 多 定 居, 我 們 和 九 華 同 學 聚 會 多, 當 日 的 師 生 成 為 親 切 的 朋 友。

上 星 期 Laurence 去 世 的 消 息, 立 即 綱 絡 傳 出。各 地 的 朋 友 ,同 學 悼 念 譚 Sir 的 電 郵 紛 紛 傳 送 ,追 思 師 生 之 歲 月, 感 謝 老 師 的 教 誨, 為 老 師 在 藝 術 教 育 作 出 的 貢 獻 致 敬 ,全 是 肺 腑 之 言, 訴 之 於 文, 於 詩 歌。我 將 之 放 在 多 倫 多 舊 生 會 的 網 上, 作 為 永 久 的 懷 念。

多 謝 上 主 給 我 Laurence 這 位 兄 弟。

Margaret, Vincent, Simon, 請 節 哀 順 變。

願 主 與 你 們 同 在。

Anthony HO 何 鎮 源 (in Toronto)

Condolence to the Tam family from The Honourable Philip Siu Lun LEE 李紹麟, Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba

April 1, 2013

Dear Members of the Tam Family, 

I am saddened to hear that another great teacher, Mr. Larence Tam,  has left this world.  Tam taught me physics in Form 3, and I will forever remember his teachings.  My earlier career as a scientist was greatly influenced by the fine teachers at Wah Yan College Kowloon.  I was fortunate enough to have reacquainted with Mr. Tam a few years ago in Toronto.  He kindly presented one of his books to me, and it is currently treasured in the library at Manitoba's Government House.  At this time, my thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Tam's family, friends, colleagues and students. He was a good teacher, a scholar and an artist. We shall all miss him.
The Honourable Philip S. Lee, C.M., O.M.,LL.D.
Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba

以下是在加拿大中部Manitoba省現任第二十四屆省督 李紹麟 先生所發出的哀悼。原文是英文,以下是中文翻譯﹕




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