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Her Life

One year passed and an apology...

May 20, 2015

One year anniversary of Mom's passing...

I'm so bad with dates like this, it was the email from the website that reminded me. Yes, I knew it was around this time, but I didn't lock the exact date in my mind... I just don't work that way. My wife does, and I always feel a bit sheepish when she points out a date I have forgotten. Don't get me wrong, I remember our anniversary, hers and Ashlynn's birthdays without any problem, but beyond that the dates get a bit fuzzy.

Anyway, I haven't added all the stories I wanted to this memorial, so I am using the anniversary (and that sheepish feeling I was talking about) to try and rekindle my passion to get these all written the way I want them. Heck, I don't know if anyone is checking in here to see the progress (or lack of it) I have made... I hope so, but I'm smart enough to realize that it doesn't matter even if they don't. This is mostly my tribute to Mom, and my catharsis for my grief at her passing. I'm just hoping to take some of you along for the ride....

With that, I'll try to get back on track... One year and counting, Mom... 


June 11, 2014

Ok, so I don't know if you subscibe to the notion of soulmates, that there is one person out there for all of us...

Well, I do.... I HAD to, I grew up with it as the example before me every day! I knew what it meant to find your soulmate long before I ever started looking for my own. So scoff if you like, I know the truth... And here is how it all started...

How does a secretary in 1960's Los Angeles meet a farm boy from North Dakota going to college at CalTech? The odds are already astronomically against this, but just wait, it gets better... We have to set the scene... Judi is dating Mike, he does actually go to CalTech, but I don't think Judi really cares where he's going to school, she mostly likes his little red convertible sports car. Bill is attending CalTech, a school for serious students. He is studying physics. He knows how to use a slide rule, for God's sake! He is dating Diane, but isn't too serious about it. So Mike takes Judi to a CalTech party, and tries to get her drunk...

Any of you who know Judi can guess how well THAT was likely to go...

Anyway, apparently he convinced her to have some of the ubiquitous "party punch" that seems to have been a staple at college parties even then. It tastes something like Kool-Aid mixed with rocket fuel. If it has fruit floating in it, you could probably use that fruit for tiki torch, they are so imbued with alcohol. According to the story I have gathered, as the room started to spin a bit, Judi headed for a room where she could try and make it stop. On the way there, she passed Bill and, liking what she saw, said "Hello" in the most memorable way she could... She KISSED him.

Yes,take the capital letters and bold type just as implied!

 Bill was impressed, he told me so. Me, I am NOT surprised in the least. Judi was like that... she had no problem going after what she wanted. She was never ruthless, but "irresistable force" DOES come to mind where she was concerned.

So, remember that whole soulmate question we started with?? Well that kiss was the start. They were married mere months later and were never really apart for the next 48 years. Oh yeah, Bill had work travels that took him away from home on occasion, but when other couples took separate vacations to give themselves time apart, Bill and Judi went together and truly enjoyed the time with one another. They expanded their world to include me when I was born and grew up, but when I moved on to my own life, their world contracted back to be the two of them. Many of us got invited to share little bits and pieces of that world, but if everything had gone pear-shaped and left them all alone, they would have still been as happy.... God's truth.

So... Judi has her soulmate, a highly educated farm boy from North Dakota and life is her oyster, so to speak... what now?

Time to make two....three! 

Humble Beginnings

June 5, 2014

Judith Weedman was born on February 26, 1946 to Annabelle Weedman. Judi never knew her biological father, something she never talked about much as I grew up. The man who married Annabelle and took on fatherly duties for a young Judi was Jack Kelley. Jack was a Navy man, and according to Judi, he did his best for them. Judi was a self-reported tomboy, playing baseball with the boys, and she was the one who tried to teach me to throw and catch. I ended up a swimmer, which might tell you how well I learned what she tried to teach...

Judi's mother Annabelle died when she was only 13, and Jack remarried. The lovely lady who wrote Judi's obituary in the Chilkat Valley News was a champion of "find the good in all." Mom had a number of stories about her stepmother, and I remember spending time visiting when I was young... I remember Jack, and he must have thought she was a good person, so I will go with that.

Jack had been moved from Seattle to Chicago before Judi graduated from high school and as soon as she had her diploma in hand, she hopped a train across the country to L.A. No job waiting, no place waiting for her.... She just went! I think that right there is proabably one of the best examples of what Judi was all about. If Mom wanted it, the odds weren't likely to be high on her concern list. She hit L.A. and had a job in 3 days as a secretary, back in a time where typing speed was king. Mom was a queen, regulary hitting 100+ wpm with very few mistakes. It was a skill that would carry her a lot farther than being simply a secretary, and would be a lifesaver to her typing-challenged future son, but that is still a ways away.

She still had to find that perfect someone....

A warning before I begin....

May 30, 2014

It is my intent to cover bits and pieces from Judi's life to the best of my knowledge and recollection.... I am GOING to make mistakes, I know it. Dates wrong, places mis-remembered. Please bear with me, and if you see mistakes, PLEASE EMAIL ME with corrections AND additions you would like me to make. I really want this to be a wonderful celebration of who she was and I want your help.

With that being said... Set the wayback machine to 1946... 

Final Chapter- The Final Wish

May 28, 2014

It seems strange to write the LAST chapter first, but with all that has happened, it just seemed to work out that way. Today, under a steely Alaska sky, Dad, Meg, Ashlynn and I took to the waves in Lynn Canal to fulfill Judi's final wish; that her ashes be spread in the waters of the place she loved and called home.

Don and Helen Turner provided the boat, Dan and Katie Northrup and Linda Palmer and her granddaughter were on the shore nearby as we let her ashes drift on the wind and into the dark water. The tears were running freely as we each said our final silent goodbyes to beloved wife, mother, grandmother and friend. As the ashes settled and sank beneath the waves, I felt I could almost sense Judi's spirit settle in to become a part of the Alaskan beauty that even a cloudy sky couldn't dampen.

When we returned, the mail had begun to fill with cards of sympathy as news of Mom's death started to reach the many friends and family she touched. In one was a poem that had to be shared in the final chapter:

Walk Within You - Nicholas Evans, 'The Smokejumpers'

If I be the first of us to die,
let grief not blacken long your sky.
Be bold yet modest in your grieving,
there is a change but not a leaving.
For just as death is part of life,
the dead live on forever in the living
and all the gathered riches of our journey
     the moments shared, thy mysteries explored,
     the steady layering of intimacy stored
     the things that made us laugh or weep or sing,
     the joy of sunlit snow or first unfurling of the spring,
     the wordless language of look and touch,
     the knowing, each giving and each taking.
These are not flowers that fade,
nor trees that fall and crumble,
nor are they stone,
for even stone cannot the wind and rain withstand,
and mighty mountain peaks in time reduced to sand.
What we were we are,
What we had we have,
A conjoined past, imperishably present.
So when you walk the woods where once we walked together,
and scan in vain the dappled bank besides you for my shadow,
or pause where we always did upon the hill to gaze across the land
and spotting something, reach by habit for my hand, and finding none,
feel sorrow start to steal upon you,
be still, close your eyes, breathe, listen for my footfall in your heart,
I am not gone, but merely walk within you. 

It just FIT.... Goodbye Mom...

Next... We start back at the beginning...