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His Life
September 15, 2014

Mr. Jianjun (Jay) Ma, beloved husband, father, son, brother, and friend, passed away in the afternoon of September 5th, 2014, in Morris Medical Center, at the age of 51.  

Mr. Ma was a talented scientist. He earned a Master of Science in Electronic Engineering from University of Science and Technology of China, and a Master of Computer Science from New Jersey Institute of Technology. He was an assistant professor at the University of Science and Technology of China, and a Research Scientist at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), in Trieste, Italy. He worked as a senior software engineer/developer for AT&T and Avnet. He specialized in software development and system design. 

Mr. Ma was a loving husband and considerate father. At home, he always managed the most important family matters and remained the voice of reason and logic in all situations. He was a filial son and honored his parents in his everyday actions. His actions have touched and changed the lives of not only his wife and daughter but also anyone who was fortunate enough to know him well. He always brought his joy to his friends and coworkers. His legacy will live on in the hearts of those he loved and his love will never be forgotten. 

马先生是非常有爱心的丈夫和慈祥细心的父亲。在家中,他总是承担管理家庭重要事物的责任,他也是家庭的主心骨。他是个孝顺的儿子,平日里非常孝敬父母。 他的行为不但感动与改变他妻子与女儿的生命,而且也影响了有幸成为他亲近朋友的人们。他是一位总是能够给朋友和同事带来快乐的人。他的音容笑貌将永远活在他所爱的人的心中。他的爱会永不遗忘.