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His Life


March 15, 2013

You picked the date because you never wanted to forget it :) God truly brought us together. We both felt that very strongly. Neither of us wanted to ever get married again after what we both had been through with previous spouses. We thought we had found a friend to go to dinner/movies. Little did we know that a love story began and it was truly "til death do us part" We were best friends and soulmates. You made laugh so much at the wedding. The cutting of the cake was literally a "cut up" that was my favorite part. I so miss that smile & laugh. Love you forever & for always, Donna 

Picnic July 1991

March 13, 2013

We went to Pt Defiance for a picnic. We had so much fun. We took the boys most times but not this time. What I remember about this particular one is that you were feeding me potato chips and you would reach in the bag and a tiny one would come out and when you reached in for yourself it was a big one :) (you were breaking them apart) you thought that was so funny and told that story many times over the years. You did that kind of thing to me all the time. We go to a restaurant and you would either remove/put food on my plate when I wasn't looking. What a sense of humor you had. You made me laugh everyday.

First Date

March 12, 2013

On Feb 2, 1991 I met you and my life was never the same. You were a perfect gentleman. We went to The Keg for dinner and then we went for a drive and got lost. We were out in the middle of nowhere and out of the blue you ask me "how do you know I am not the Green River Killer?" OMGosh we laughed so hard. Once we found our way out we went to Denny's for coffee. What is so unusual abou this date is our friend Carol (who introduced us) told me I would have to do all the talking because you were so shy - NOT!! Lol :) you talked all night and told me stories about you when you were growning up. I still remember each of those stories and plan on sharing them here on this site.