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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Tarek Kassem, 18 years old, born on May 20, 1997, and passed away on August 1, 2015. We will remember him forever.
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
Happy 26th habibi. I hope you are celebrating up there with Teta and you are both smiling your beautiful smiles. I miss you. I love you. I miss your smile. ❤️
May 20, 2022
May 20, 2022
Happy 25th heavenly birthday habibi… tu es parti, mais tu es partout….
Ton “hi ammo, chta2tellak” me manques énormément… et ton sourire aussi… je t’aime.
August 1, 2016
August 1, 2016
There's so many different worlds
So many different suns
And we have just one world
But we live in different ones
I miss you my brother in arms❤️
September 12, 2015
September 12, 2015
I still haven't come to terms to the fact that you'd left us. I go around ignoring it. We were friends since 4eme when you sat next to me and kept flicking my ear, and we'd laugh together in harmony.
I find comfort in the fact that you're in the heavens right now, playing and doing silly stuff and maybe flicking angels' ears.
I love you Tarek❤️ , our shining star that glows from within...
September 12, 2015
September 12, 2015
Tarek Kassem,
cela fait a peu près trois ans qu'on est amis et ces trois années ont été innoubliables. Pas un jour passait sans une blague, sans un sourire, sans une moquerie, sans un fou rire. Quand je te vois, je vois un homme passionné, généreux, aimable, charmant, intelligent, chaleureux, attentionné, un homme parfait quoi, un homme en or. Tu sautais toujours en plein milieu de mes photos, tu ne comprenais jamais mes blagues, mais malgré ça tu étais toujours mon toto et tu le resteras toujours. Tous ces moments seront gravés à jamais dans ma mémoire. Je t'écrivais chaque jour une blague de toto que je te donnais dans une petite enveloppe en classe, et j'avais toujours le droit à un regard bizarre qui voulait dire "salia c'est quoi ces blagues, je vais te tuer" suivi de ton sourire de prince qui nous a tous marqué. Il y avait toujours un mot que tu ne comprenais pas dans ces blagues, comme "asticot" ou encore "passoire". Voilà une petite blague pour toi mon ange, en espérant que tu va comprendre tous les mots cette fois-ci:
Toto qui rentre chez lui, annonce très joyeusement à sa mère:
- Maman, tu devineras jamais, mais je suis meilleur que la maîtresse.
- Ah oui! Pourquoi ?
- La maîtresse reste dans la même classe, et moi, je monte dans la suivante!
Tu es maintenant au paradis, en paix, loin de toute souffrance. Je t'aime mon héros ❤️ Pas un jour ne passe sans que je pense a toi, à ton humeur joyeuse.
I miss your smile, your laugh, your hugs, I miss you ❤️
Rest in peace angel Tarek
September 10, 2015
September 10, 2015
"Not a single day passes without me thinking about my brother...
I will cherish all the memories we shared...
Love you ❤️"
September 10, 2015
September 10, 2015
Dearest Tarek, it's been too long. Why is it that you had to leave early?You're the truest of them all, the kindest, the funniest. Why you?
I miss you. Through the day and through the night, I miss you.
But don't worry. You're eternal, you're ageless. Through our hearts and through our mind, you'll live forever. 
I miss you.
Scientifically speaking infinity times infinity is impossible. But love makes it possible. This is how much I miss you and love you Tarek.
You're absolute my dearest, don't forget that.
September 10, 2015
September 10, 2015
Dear Tarek,

Losing you has been one of the most difficult things that has ever happened.
Tarek, you incarnate perfection. You are the kindest person I have ever met. You were always there for me and I am so grateful to have someone like you look after me.
I will never forget this smile of yours, that you had on your face even in difficult moments.

Not only you are an outstanding friend but you are also the gentleman of the promo with the biggest heart ever, always ready to give. This is why we decided to donate all profits of the fashion show to the CCCL, we wanted you to be proud of us, you inspired us Tarek.
This year was difficult for all of us, it was not the same without you. You weren't with us physically but you were always in our heart and you will always have a special place in mine.  

You should be proud of yourself Tarek you fought like a champ and gave us a life lesson: never give up and always see the good side in life no matter what. You engraved your pure soul and beautiful smile in our hearts.

I’m gonna miss you !
September 10, 2015
September 10, 2015
Our dearest angel,
You're at peace, in God's most wonderful and amazing land. Being in this place is your reward for being a great and loving young man, leaving your beautiful and contagious smile to everyone you've known. you'll be there, happy and smiling, for a very very long time.
We've all admired your perseverence and your courage while you were fighting this illness. You've showed us how to be strong. And that's what we're all trying to do. That's what pushes us further in life.
You may not be around us, but you will always be in our hearts. you're still here, because we didn't forget you. And we never will, Tarek.
I miss you.
We all miss you.
I wish I got the chance to get closer to you before you left us. I really regret it.

May your beautiful and unique soul rest in peace

Love you hero
September 10, 2015
September 10, 2015
Hayete ya Tarek, i miss you so much it hurts! i still can't believe you're gone, you left a huge void in our lives! i miss every single thing about you. You are the kindest, most loving person i know. I'm so happy I got to meet an incredible soul like you Tarek!. Your bravery and strengh inspire us everyday! You left an amazing place in each and every one of us, you are always on our minds and we will carry you in our hearts wherever we go! Living without is not easy, our little family will never be the same! you were and will always be the most amazing part of this family. i will cherish every moment we spent together from ps to terminale. you lived a short life but i happy one and I'm grateful i got to meet an amazing gentleman like you! i'm sure you are living in a better place now, and you are watching over us with the biggest, most beautiful smile on your face! habibi you are the bravest fighter i know, loosing you was the hardest thing ever. I'm grateful i got to spend theses 18 years with you as one of my closest childhood friends! you were always laughing and smiling despite everything that was happening and thats what makes you a true a hero. you are always alive in our hearts ya albe! gone but never forgotten. you own the biggest part of my heart Toti and i hope you are happy where you are. you are always with us hayete! until we meet again petit prince! je taime plus sue tout <3
(ps:i will take good care of our kids, they miss you so so so so much :'))
September 10, 2015
September 10, 2015
"Better place" is a better place with you over us, keep smiling..
I love you brother.
September 9, 2015
September 9, 2015
Tarek. Dès que je prononce ce nom j'ai la gorge serré et les larmes au yeux. Tarek il a 40 jours la vie a décidé de ton départ. 40 jours de peine, de larmes, de douleurs et de tristesse se sont écoulés. Te voilà aujourd'hui mon ami, mon frère libéré dans mon monde où seule la paix résigne. Tarek j'ai passé à tes cotés durant plusieurs années des moments inoubliables. Des moments de pur joie et de bonheur comme par exemple les cours d'histoire de première durant lesquels on avait des fous rires exceptionnelles, nos exposés extraordinaire, notre voyage à Paris, nos moments où l'on parlait des nouvelles technologies dont tu les connaissait toutes....J'ai passé aussi à tes côtés des moments moins drôles comme en 5eme on l'on a décidé de jouer "les 12 travaux d'Hercule", un jeu qui s'est un peu mal fini. Sache que je n'oublierais jamais tous les moments que l'on a pu partager ensemble, les bons et les moins bons, ils resterons des moment a jamais gravé dans mon esprit. Durant toutes ces années tu as toujours été là, près de moi avec ton sourire, tes blagues amusantes qui me permettait de retrouver le sourire. Durant ces années, maintes fois tu m'a aidé à retrouver le moral et oublier mes problèmes. Je te remercie énormément. Tarek, tu as été et tu seras pour toujours une personne qui a gravé mon histoire et celle de toutes les personnes qui t'on côtoyer par ta gentillesse, ta générosité, ton amabilité et toutes les valeurs profondes que tu porte en toi.
Tu es pour moi et, pour tout le monde, aujourd'hui un héros, un combattant, un exemple, un modèle, un champion. Je suis très fier d'avoir eu la chance d'être ton ami et d'avoir pu passer tous ces moments a tes côtés. Aucune journée ne passe sans que je tourne ma tête vers le ciel pour voir ton sourire mon ange. Je t'aime très très fort et jamais je ne t'oublirais. Repose en paix mon ange, à bientôt ❤️
September 8, 2015
September 8, 2015
Un meilleur ami, un frère, une personne admirable sur qui on peut compter et s'appuyer; tu incorpores tout ce dont on a besoin. Tes qualités et tes vertues Tarek, font de toi une personne d'exception, une personne qui rend nos journées meilleures. C'est toi qui as rendu les heures de philo un peu moins éprouvantes, et les récreations bien plus divertissantes. Toujours d'humeur joyeuse, tu as su marquer la vie de chacun, que ce soit par une blague qui nous a fait rire ou par une amitié qui durera à jamais.
Aucun texte ne suffira à exprimer suffisamment l'amour qu'on ressent pour toi, la trace indélébile que tu as gravé en nous. On t'aime fort Tarek et pas un jour ne passera sans qu'on ne pense à toi mon ange. On est fier d'avoir pu partager avec toi ces dix-huit années magiques et crois moi tu es l'auteur talentueux d'un chapitre marquant dans l'histoire de chaque personne que tu as croisée (je sais que le mot "auteur" ne te correspond pas vu que tu deteste ecrire, mais dans ce contexte là tu en es un..). Je t'aime mon ange ❤️
September 8, 2015
September 8, 2015
My brother,
You never left us and never will.
[ 20 May 1997 , ∞ [
September 6, 2015
September 6, 2015
Petit ange,
Nous voila la, chacun commençant une nouvelle vie, ouvrant un nouveau chapitre sans toi. Nous regardant de la haut, tu devrais voir comme il est dure pour chacun d'entre nous, de continuer sa vie sans un jour penser a toi. N'importe ou, n'importe quand, ton beau prénom, Tarek, reste gravé dans nos coeurs. Ta présence est parmi nous ou que l'on soit.
C'est ton rire qui me manque le plus. Ce rire qui nous fait oublier tout nos petits problèmes quotidiens. Ce rire qui t'oblige a rire que tu le veuilles ou non. Ce rire aujourd'hui qui semble si lointain. Je suis sure que les murs de ton nouveau monde résonnent aujourd'hui de ta belle voix. Ce nouveau monde qui t'a offert un peu plus de paix, ou tu pourra te sentir mieux, et ou ta maladie injuste ne connait pas ton corps.
C'est en pensant que tu seras mieux la haut Tarek, qu'on arrête d'être égoïste, qu'on arrête de penser a la tristesse de t'avoir perdu et qu'on pense a ton bien être a toi. As much as I want you and need you here, you're better up there. And that's what counts.
Tu as toujours été different Tarek. Tu as toujours suit tes forts principes, que ta maman t'avait appris depuis que tu est petit. Tu as toujours eu une âme pure, un coeur en or, et c'est pour cela que la qualité d'ange sera toujours accompagnée de ton prénom. Sois fière de toi Tarek.
I wish things were different. I wish cancer was just an horoscope. I wish it didn't take my best friend's life away. You will never be forgotten champion. You will always be with me, all along the road, in my heart and in my mind. I promise. I love you so much it hurts Tarek. Rest in peace hayete. Keep looking over your family and friends.
see you soon love

"Swear that I can still feel you here
I just can't believe you're not here
I've been needing you
All I dream is you
Don't think I can make it
I don't think I can make it
And I would never leave you
Cause I am in the stars
And everywhere you are
And every single little moment
Every single bit of sunshine just
Know that I am right by your side
Know that you are right by my side
So I'm gonna make you so proud"

Promises-Jhene Aiko
August 31, 2015
August 31, 2015
I miss you my torks. I miss your smile, your laugh, your jokes, and every little detail about you. I don't know why this happened to you, you sure as hell didn't deserve any of it so i'll just convince myself that God needed an angel by his side. You were too god for this cruel world, and a beautiful person like you deserved a better life. I truly hope you're in a better place now, and I think about you every minute of every day. Its really impossible for someone like you to be forgotten. You left a mark on every single person you ever met, with your charm, your intelligence, and sense of humor, without even trying. You lived a short life, but that life was filled with joy and laughter. There were only good vibes whenever you were around and that's definitely something you'll be remembered by, other than the fact that you're a champion, a fighter, a warrior. Like they say, it isn't about winning the battle, its about staying strong and persevering, and that's what you did. I'm happy to have known such a pure-hearted person. Our memories are forever carved in my heart. You were the first person who understood my obsession with The Weeknd's music, my partner in crime/rebellion when we used to do silly stuff no matter where we were, the one who used to make English classes funny, the one who used to walk me home at night because I was scared to walk by myself, the one who used to steal my phone to take selfies and weird pics even if I left it for 5 seconds.. and many, many more. Words can't express how much I love you, how much I miss you, and how much I wish you were still between us. Fuck cancer. Fuck the way it made you feel, fuck the way it took one of my closest friends away. I hope you're resting well. You deserve to be happy. I'll keep you in my heart forever Je t'aime beaucoup mon heros, till we meet again
August 28, 2015
August 28, 2015
"Goodbyes are not forever,
Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean
I'll miss you
Until we meet again"
I miss you mon toto,
Ta voix, ton sourire, tes bruits bizarre au beau milieu des cours, ton parfum, tes calins, tout ce que tu es est à jamais gravé dans nos coeur, dans nos vies, dans nos mémoires.
Petit prince, prend bien soin de toi de là où tu es, tu nous a tous marqué très très fort et on est tous heureux de t'avoir dans nos vies, d'avoir un ange là haut où tout est beau, où tout est pure comme toi et comme ton bel âme.
A bientôt mon ange, Je t'aime ❤️
August 27, 2015
August 27, 2015
Tarek Kassem
I remember talking about your gold hair with my best friend when we were in 6eme, and I also remember how sad we were when we found out that you won't be coming with us to Turkey because of a passport problem. Then you kind of became a regular schoolmate, till we became friends again this year. Although it was only a year, our friendship was special and unique in many ways others can't understand(forever little Ps!). Don't worry, our inside jokes will remain a secret, and I promise they will accompany me as long as I live, just like your smile, your sense of humor, your laugh, your eyes. I miss you so much it hurts, and if there is one thing I regret, it's not wanting to spend time with you sometimes because I was too scared of getting attached. Yet here I am, thinking about you every minute of everyday. When you left us, I felt like a part of me left too, but I was afraid to be selfish because I thought that your family and close friends must be going through hell. We all may be devastated and most of us may never heal, but you, Tarek Kassem, my hero, taught me strength and patience, and most importantly, you taught me to never give up. I love you forever. They say that you're in a better place now, and that's my only wish.
You live in us forever angel
"You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have"
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Tarek, I know I didn't know you as much as your best friends did, but you will always be family. And I knew enough about you to know that you have such a beautiful soul, such a beautiful spirit. You always brought joy and laughter with you wherever you went. When I think back, I remember you always smiling. I picture your face with a beautiful smile glued onto it because that's truly how you were. I remember running into you in New York; you were fighting your battle, yet you were still smiling and laughing the entire time. That's a perfect example of how amazing you were; no matter what the circumstances, you always wore a smile on your face. You were so kind, handsome, and funny, and you always made your family proud. I remember I would always have stories to share, and you would always be ready to listen, smile, and laugh, regardless of whether what I was sharing was actually funny or not. I remember, as kids, you were always open to join us in anything we were doing, any game we were playing; as long as it meant you would have fun, you were interested. Words cannot begin to explain how tough it is that you're gone. But in fact, you're not gone. You're more present than ever now, because you left a piece of you in everyone that loved you, and we all proudly carry that piece of you with us everywhere we go. Believe me when I say I think of you every moment of every day, but I know you're resting in a better place. I know you're watching over us all with that vibrant smile of yours. God gained a beautiful, beautiful angel. Keep smiling champ.
August 7, 2015
August 7, 2015
This is too early. You don't deserve this, no one does. But now, hopefully you're in a better place. The only conclusion i ever came to, is heaven was needing a hero like you, a solder, a champ like you. You were a great person to everyone, everybody loved your personality cause you never showed hate to anyone. You will be missed Tarek. You'll be in our hearts, forever and always❤️
August 7, 2015
August 7, 2015
Dearest Tarek,
I truly hope that you are feeling better right now and that youre in a better place because you only deserve the best. From the day you told me about your tumour until Today, I always said to myself that it was just a phase, that after a while everything will go back to the way they were, that I would get to spend every recess again with you listening to music or making fun of little kids. I made myself believe that you were going to get better, and I was right: You are better where you are right now. And you're right, I have no idea where you are right now, or what you're doing, but I'm sure it's better than where you were for the past year. You had your whole life ahead of you, you were going to graduate, to become a perfect civil engineer, you were going to ace Maths like you've always did ( I was always secretly jealous of how fast and well you understood les cours de Maths), etc.. I guess God wanted you by his side, because of how pure, perfect,handsome and intelligent you really are. I mean who wouldnt want you by their side? I hope you enjoyed every moment spent with me because I swear they are my best moments. I'm gonna miss your smile, your super comfy hugs, your smell, the way you talked.. It's crazy really, the things we don't value enough but should. I hope you can in someway know what I'm writing and if you can there is one thing I want you to promise me you'll always do, Take care of yourself my favourite, my sweetest Tako. Take care of yourself, and I'll see you soon. There are some things I told you but should've reminded you more often. I love you more than you will ever imagine and I miss you more than words. I dont want to imagine my life without you, and I wont because you'll always be in my heart, I promise you my angel. Take care of yourself. Until then Tako
August 7, 2015
August 7, 2015
On garde tous au fond de nous tout le bonheur que tu nous as offert. Tu as dessiner des sourires sur nos visages sans jamais effacer le tient et je m'inspire de cette force que tu avais pour avancer. Je t'aime tellement❤️ l'impact que tu as eu sur nous est immortel. Soit fière de toi mon ange, tu es un exemple pour tous.
August 6, 2015
August 6, 2015
May that beautiful and pure soul rest in peace. Your spirit will never stop existing and will always be around people who loved you. I wish people were half as much as what you were. Rest champion.
August 6, 2015
August 6, 2015
To the person who made the 5 weeks in philipps academy the best summer in my entire life, I can't thank you enough for that, with just your smile you managed to make everyone happy and grateful to have met someone as amazing as you. I love u so much tiko and miss you already, you left us with nothing but great memories and laughter, rest in peace tiko, bhebbak❤️❤️❤️
August 6, 2015
August 6, 2015
T'étais le plus beau, le plus gentil et le plus fort. On t'oubliera jamais Tarek. Ta mort n'est pas une fin de vie mais le départ d'une nouvelle vie dans un nouveau monde, un monde fait de bonheur et d'amour. They're so lucky to have you up there I swear. Ton sourrire restera gravé chez tout tes amis Tarek. I will never forget les 3ans dans lesquelles on étaient 2 personnes inséparables!! Je penserais à toi chaque jour! Je t'aimeeee
August 6, 2015
August 6, 2015
They say your life is your message to the world, he made sure it was inspiring. He showed us that a hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. Tarek carved his name on hearts. There is something of himself that he left at every meeting with another person. A spark. He impacted people in such a positive way, that it is almost impossible to believe. The one person who befriended everyone, who was always fooling around and enjoying life, constantly making amazing memories out of ordinary everyday-life situations... That's Tarek. And so many people, including myself, look up to him. The love we all have for him will never die or fade, because we will hang on to it. Rest in peace handsome❤️
August 5, 2015
August 5, 2015
Habib albe enta. Heaven will be that much better with you up there. I am sure you will brighten it up even more with your wonderful sweet smile. RIP habibi. I will not say goodbye, as you will forever be here, in my heart, in my mind. I love you.
August 5, 2015
August 5, 2015
"Fill not your hearts with pain and sorrow, but remember me in every tomorrow. Remember the joy, the laughter, the smiles, I’ve only gone to rest a little while" tk i love you with all my heart.Your beautiful spirit will live on forever through us we promise. God only calls his strongest believers a bit sooner but you're in a better place my love and ill see you soon. Rest in peace (booboo) ❤️❤️
August 5, 2015
August 5, 2015
To the hero with the brightest smile, I miss you so much it hurts.
You will never be forgotten fighter, gone too soon but alive in each and every one of us.
Rest in Peace T.
Until then..
August 5, 2015
August 5, 2015
Love is immortal, and guess what? So are you ya albe. You live in us, and I personally carry you with me everywhere i go. I love you Tix, keep smiling at us you're lighting up our days
August 5, 2015
August 5, 2015
Its unbelievable how such a wonderful person in life can leave us in just a blink of an eye. Tarek, you were such a sweet, smart, loving person. You will never be forgotten.
I can feel that warm smile of yours that I miss so much.
Rest well in heaven angel
August 5, 2015
August 5, 2015
il n'y a pas un jour que je ne penserai a toi toujours dans nos consciences toujours dans nos coeurs. Je t'aime habibi mesh ma32oul ensek!❤️

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May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
Happy 26th habibi. I hope you are celebrating up there with Teta and you are both smiling your beautiful smiles. I miss you. I love you. I miss your smile. ❤️
May 20, 2022
May 20, 2022
Happy 25th heavenly birthday habibi… tu es parti, mais tu es partout….
Ton “hi ammo, chta2tellak” me manques énormément… et ton sourire aussi… je t’aime.
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September 8, 2015

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  Tarek Kassem‎ - Maged Beydoun December 7, 2008 ·   

hi!!!! sar 3ande 47!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(freinds)

  Tarek Kassem‎ - Maged Beydoun December 7, 2008 ·   

Sar 3ande 52 freinds

        Maged Beydoun‎ - Tarek Kassem December 7, 2008 ·   

wlik eeeh tarek lol

  Tarek Kassem‎ - Maged Beydoun December 7, 2008 ·   

Ba3rif ana jagal miche ijbare ya3neh plz ba3rif hale. LOL

  Maged Beydoun‎ - Tarek Kassem December 7, 2008 ·   

enno eh akiiid:p

    Tarek Kassem‎ - Maged Beydoun December 7, 2008 ·  

Walaw !!!!!!!!!!!              

   Tarek Kassem‎ - Maged Beydoun December 9, 2008 ·  

sar 3andeh 62 !!!!!!!!!!!                  "


Miss you soo much ya jagal !!! ❤️

May 21, 2016
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I think it was our last TPE rehearsal. But we didn't do much of a rehearsal. We ordered lots of food, told Ivan to join us, ran towards the school's bats like crazy children, stayed really late in school, laughed like we never did before and broke a plastic chair. I don't know why or how we got there. But we did. And it was fun. Like you always were Tarek.

Miss you angel...❤️

August 7, 2015

"Tarek and Fawzi are sitting in class listening to the teacher's explanation.

Tarek: Ah! I see..

Fawzi: IC? La2 college

*Tarek punches Fawzi*

Tarek: Khaye shu hal nekte... Btestehal box

Fawzi: Bro admit it ktir helwe

Tarek: Eh eh ma3ak ha2 walla bi hayetna ma fakarna fiya

Tarek and Fawzi start laughing together, and then the teacher starts shouting because they're not paying attention.

I miss you T ❤️"

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