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Share a special moment from Tiffany's life.

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Missing you

January 8, 2022
Dear sweet Tiffany, I miss you so much! I still feel your presence in my life everyday. Your Daddy was out here to California to visit with me this Fall. He and I talked a lot about you and how deeply you are missed. This day, eleven years ago, changed everything. And I can only hope you knew you were loved.  

Forever Beautiful

January 9, 2021
Darling Tiffany, 
I miss you, I miss our talks on the phone, I miss your love, and I miss your amazing artwork. You are such a talent!! It's a Bush Thing, right?! 

Forever loved

January 8, 2020
Darling Tiffany, 
Heidi and I, and 'the brothers' miss you so much all the time. You are our precious Angel, and the sorrow we feel on this anniversary day of your departure hurts more every passing year. We hold your love and memory in our minds and hearts always. You are forever loved. 
Aunt Birdie


February 6, 2013
I am an acclaimed wiggler when I sleep. I think you and Spencer even made video documentation of this when we were in DuBois. That leads me to my story...and question. One night, while we shared a room in DuBois, I must have been particularly wiggly in my sleep. I awoke to laying there, completely naked. Not even my undies were on and my blankets were on the floor. I, luckily, managed to grab my sheets and cover myself only seconds before dad came in to see if we were up, getting ready for school. You thought the whole thing was hilarious. I have often wondered...did you do that? No one can be that wiggly! You did love playing tricks and practical jokes on people. Since you can't answer, I am going to just assume that was you, you sly dog; and then I will proceed to tell that story differently for the rest of my life. That is just one of the things you can't control anymore: how we all tell your life story!! I miss you.

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