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In honor of Ahmet, we ask friends and family to click on the tab above labeled "stories" and leave your thoughts, well wishes, memory or story in that space as opposed to on this opening page.  As we did not hold a public memorial service we hope you'll take a moment if you have something on your heart to share and post it.  It would mean the world to his family and friends. Dad was such an amazing man, I know many of us will have something to share... whether it be touching and sentimental or down right hilarious, lets remember Dad together.  Please feel welcome to write in english or turkish.  Thank you for visiting his site and for being part of his life.

Ahmet'in onuruna, arkadaşlarınızdan ve ailenizden, "Stories" etiketli yukarıdaki sekmeyi tıklamalarını ve düşüncelerini, iyi dileklerini, hatıralarını veya hikayelerini bu açılış sayfasındaki yansımasına bırakmalarını rica ediyoruz. Halka açık bir anma töreni yapmadığımız için, paylaşacak ve yayınlayacak bir şeyiniz varsa, bir kaç dakikanızı ayıracağınızı umarız. O tüm dünyasını ailesine ve arkadaşlarına ithaf ederdi. Babam şahane bir adamdı, çoğumuzun onunla ilgili paylaşacak bir şeyleri olacağını biliyorum... Dokunaklı ve duygusal ya da biraz ayıpça komik olsalar da, babamı birlikte hatırlayalım. Ingilizce ya da Türkçe fark etmez, tercih ettiğiniz dilde yazınız. Sitesini ziyaret ettiğiniz ve hayatının bir parçası olduğunuz için teşekkür ederiz.

November 13, 2023
November 13, 2023
Şimdi farkına vardım Sevgili Ahmet; sen göçeli beş yıl olmuş. Halbuki seni tanıyan arkadaşlarımızla sohbetlerimizde, ‘Kamyon Ahmet’imiz olarak, uzaklarda ABD’de yaşamını sürdürdüğünü düşünüp, göçtüğünü akıllara bile getirmek istemiyoruz.
Bu yaşların doğasından olsa gerek, göçme sırası bizlere gelene dek, seni bıraktığın anılarla aramızda hep yaşatacağız Sevgili arkadaşımız.
November 17, 2020
November 17, 2020
Sending our love, thoughts and prayers to you all. Praying for peace for your whole family, we love and miss you all. Much love, Jer, Jo and Pepper.
September 9, 2020
September 9, 2020
I had the pleasure of working closely with Ahmet at Intelsat for many years. We would work on the in-orbit testing of new spacecraft, often in the middle of the night. Ahmet, a hard working and meticulous engineer, had a great sense of humor and made these long nights of testing more enjoyable with stories and laughter. One particularly funny incident happened during testing when we were both very tired from being up all I got a soda during a break we had for a few minutes. I sat back down next to Ahmet and he reached over and flicked his cigarette ashes into my just opened soda (yes, you could smoke inside, even at work, back then). I looked at him incredulously and said “did you really just do that”.....his eyes suddenly showed shock and I realized he was so tired that he didn’t even realize the soda wasn’t empty. After that we had a running joke when he would walk into the Satellite Control Center that everyone should hide their drinks!
    Ahmet invited my wife, children and I to a cookout at his home in Maryland and to meet his beautiful wife and children. I remember it was a very happy home with a huge kitchen where the kids could ride on their toys all through the house.
  It has been many years since I have seen Ahmet, but I will always remember him as a gracious soul who brought joy and laughter into the lives of others. My hope for his children is wonderful memories of their father and the legacy he has passed on to them. God bless!

Robert Lingo
September 8, 2020
September 8, 2020
My name is Kris and I had the pleasure of working with Ahmet for two years closely. To me he was a man who did not worry about anything, be it a launch of a spacecraft, a performance evaluation or even submitting a report. Even with a guy like me he was was able to get along very well. Once were walking down a street in Princeton. I mentioned that these are the streets in which Einstein walked. Immediately he knelt down kissed the pavement and said that he now knows lots of Physics. He never stopped to make other people laugh. I often mentioned to him that he looked like Omar Shariff and he said yes.. I will as long as I live, will live in his sweet memories. Kris Raghunathan
August 4, 2020
August 4, 2020
ODTÜ’de iken adı “Kamyon Ahmet” idi. İri yapılı, kaslı ve güçlüydü. Arkadaşları belki kendilerini otomobil olarak görürken her halde onu da kamyona benzetmişlerdi. Son derece yaratıcı idi. Çocukken tahtadan eğe, törpü, zımpara kullanarak dekoratif uçak modelleri yapardı. Yaptığı uçaklar F-84, F-86 ve F-100 idi. Çıta ile maket uçak yapıp uçururdu. Akordeon ve bateri çalardı. Düğünlerde de çalardı. Akordeonda bazen düğünlerde uyduruk, yani kendisinin anlık ürettiği müzikleri çalardı. Düğündekiler, parçanın uyduruk mu yoksa orijinal mi olduğunu çok dikkat etmedikçe, kolay kolay anlayamazdı.
XB3 marka Rus malı bisikleti vardı. Bisikletin her yerini söker ve takardı. Çankırı’daki bisiklet parçacısı dükkan sahibinin takma adı “Cingan Kamil”den bozulan bisiklet parçalarını alıp değiştirirdik. Daha sonra Eskişehir’de Peugeot marka ikinci bisiklet alındı.
İnkum’da defne ağacının dalından yaklaşık 50-60 cm yüksekliğinde bir totem yapmıştı. Totemde ağaç kabuğunu keserek insan suratı, boynuzlar gibi dekorlar şekillendirilmişti. Son bir dokunuş olarak, göğsünden makasla kestiği kılları da toteme bıyık olarak yapıştırdı.
Ahmet iz bıraktı.
Murat Özkul
September 11, 2019
September 11, 2019
Erin and family, we are very sorry about your loss. Please know that you are all on our prayers!
September 7, 2019
September 7, 2019
Sevgili Ahmetcim, eski dost, kardeşten öte olurmuş! Unutulmaz anılar, hiç silinmezmiş hafızadan, hiç gitmezmiş sesler kulaklardan, yaşananlar hiç eskimeden gelirmiş zamanın derinliklerinden. Görüşmesek de ufak bir haber geçmişi taşırmış tüm canlılığıyla bugüne. Dostluğun, sevecenliğin, "al üstüne" diye bağırışın, yarış heyacanlarımız hep yaşayacak bizlerde ve kim bilir belki de hiç kaybolmayacak bu kocaman evrende. Sevenlerin ve elbette çocukların, özverili müthiş insan Jennifer Hanım, seni hep sevgi, dostluk, özlem ile hatırlayacak güzel kardeşim. Rahat uyu, Allah'ın rahmeti hep üzerine olsun.
Şafak Ural
September 5, 2019
September 5, 2019
Sevgili Ahmet,
Henüz onlu yaşlarımızda İnkum/Bartın’da başlayan arkadaşlığımız yarım yüzyıldan uzun sürdü. Her ne kadar ayrı kentlerde yaşamış da olsak; yollarımız bir ara İstanbul Kabataş Erkek Lisesi’nde kesişti. Kısa sürdü. Bir süre sonra, sanırım sen Eskişehir’e dönmüştün.
Ama kısa bir süre sonra yaşam bizi ODTÜ’de buluşturdu. Ama o da kısa sürdü. Senin ABD’ye transfer olduğun haberi geldi. Sonrasında uzun bir süre görüşemedik. Ama biliyordum ki, ne sen beni unutursun, ne de ben seni unuttum. Yıllar sonra, senden ilk haberi Muhsin Erdem Kardeşin’den aldığımda ne kadar sevinmiştim, anlatamam. Çünkü aradan geçen uzun yıllar sonra tekrar bir araya gelme olasılığı belirmişti. Nitekim kısa bir süre sonra Ankara’da buluştuk. Muhsin de vardı. Uzun yılların özlemini, sıcacık ve uzun bir kucaklaşma ile gidermek istedik. İkimiz de yetmediğini anladık. Sonra tekrar buluşmaya söz verdik ama, olmadı be Ahmet’im. Olmadı ne yazık ki!
Benim eşim o sıralarda meme kanseri tedavisi görüyordu. ABD’ye döner dönmez, beni aradın; tedaviye yardımı olur diye bir takım supplementler gönderdin.
Ardından pek sık olmada da, zaman zaman telefonla özlem gidermeye çalıştık. Bir süre sonra ben eşimi kaybettim. Hemen ardından senin eşinin de o kötü hastalıkla mücadele ettiğinizi öğrendim. Çok üzüldüm. Ama elden ne gelir?
Sonra bir Türkiye’ye gelişinde rahatsızlanıp çabuk döndüğünü öğrendim. Uzun süren böbrek rahatsızlığını, Jennifer Hanım’ın büyük hayranlık duyduğum özverisi ile aştığını öğrenince, çok sevindim. Birkaç kez telefon görüşmemizde, uzun sohbetler ettik. Çok mutlu oluyordum sesini duymaktan.
Ardından beklemediğim bir zamanda, başka rahatsızlık haberlerin gelmeye başladı. Muhsin ve Ali aracılığıyla izledim ama haberler bir türlü iyiye dönüşmedi.
Sonunda haberi aldığımda adeta yıkıldım be Ahmet’im.
Çocukluk ve lise arkadaşım, ODTÜ yıllarımızın kürek takımı arasında bilinen nick’i ile Koca Kamyon Ahmet’imizi kaybettiğime inanamadım. Bizim Koca Ahmet’imiz o hastalıkları da, nasıl olsa yener; yeniden kucaklaşırız umudum gerçekleşmedi ne yazık ki!
Seni seven herkes gibi;
Ben de Seni Çok Özlüyorum
Yarım yüzyıllık Değerli Kardeşim.
Aziz Ruhun Işıklar İçinde
Huzurlu Olsun.

September 4, 2019
September 4, 2019
I am here to say a last goodbye to my beloved uncle Ahmet. Which he called himself as USAdayisi (Means uncle@USA)

My dear uncle was such a strong person through and through, from character, personality and presence. For me, he will always be with me.

What I remember will always be how often he made me laugh. This is what makes him remain with me personally, and I am sure that all family and friends have their very own, special and private moments that they will cherish and keep close to their hearts.

We were all very lucky to have had him in our lives and as much as he will be missed by us all, he will remain with us all, every day, as long as we can remember.

I love and miss you uncle….. past, present and future.


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November 13, 2023
November 13, 2023
Şimdi farkına vardım Sevgili Ahmet; sen göçeli beş yıl olmuş. Halbuki seni tanıyan arkadaşlarımızla sohbetlerimizde, ‘Kamyon Ahmet’imiz olarak, uzaklarda ABD’de yaşamını sürdürdüğünü düşünüp, göçtüğünü akıllara bile getirmek istemiyoruz.
Bu yaşların doğasından olsa gerek, göçme sırası bizlere gelene dek, seni bıraktığın anılarla aramızda hep yaşatacağız Sevgili arkadaşımız.
November 17, 2020
November 17, 2020
Sending our love, thoughts and prayers to you all. Praying for peace for your whole family, we love and miss you all. Much love, Jer, Jo and Pepper.
September 9, 2020
September 9, 2020
I had the pleasure of working closely with Ahmet at Intelsat for many years. We would work on the in-orbit testing of new spacecraft, often in the middle of the night. Ahmet, a hard working and meticulous engineer, had a great sense of humor and made these long nights of testing more enjoyable with stories and laughter. One particularly funny incident happened during testing when we were both very tired from being up all I got a soda during a break we had for a few minutes. I sat back down next to Ahmet and he reached over and flicked his cigarette ashes into my just opened soda (yes, you could smoke inside, even at work, back then). I looked at him incredulously and said “did you really just do that”.....his eyes suddenly showed shock and I realized he was so tired that he didn’t even realize the soda wasn’t empty. After that we had a running joke when he would walk into the Satellite Control Center that everyone should hide their drinks!
    Ahmet invited my wife, children and I to a cookout at his home in Maryland and to meet his beautiful wife and children. I remember it was a very happy home with a huge kitchen where the kids could ride on their toys all through the house.
  It has been many years since I have seen Ahmet, but I will always remember him as a gracious soul who brought joy and laughter into the lives of others. My hope for his children is wonderful memories of their father and the legacy he has passed on to them. God bless!

Robert Lingo
His Life

Ahmet's First Chapter

August 9, 2019
Dad was born near the Black Sea in a small town called Cankiri on December 7th, 1947.  He was raised in a household of 7; his parents, his brother and sister (Emel and Ali) as well as his cousins who came to live with them when their parents passed in a tragic car accident in 1961 (Murat and Arif).  Their family made many childhood memories on the beach at Inkumu. 

What was happening in 1947?  Important News and Events, Key Technology and Popular Culture
Major News Stories include Kon-Tiki expedition, Roswell UFO incident, India and Pakistan Become Independent Nations, CIA established. IMF Established, Ferrari begins production of sports cars, Cold War Beginnings between East and West, United Nations votes in favor of the creation of an Independent Jewish State of Israel, Technology includes First "instant camera", "Tubeless Tire", Transistor is invented, Sound Barrier Broken, First Mobile Phone,
Click here for a more detailed description of these world events.

1963-1968 METU & Rowing

August 9, 2019
In 1963-1964 Dad attended high school in Istanbul before moving to the Capital of Turkey, Ankara, to attend METU (Middle East Technical Institute) where he studied Mechanical Engineering.   Dad discovered his passion for rowing when he joined their crew team.  He spoke fondly of times spent with crew mates and days training on the water.  A photo of the team training out on Eymir Lake in Ankara hung on the wall in his home office for years.  Dad was also part of the Turkish Olympic Crew Team but found himself at a crossroads when the opportunity to attend Cal Tech Institute in the US presented itself.  In the end, at 21 years of age, Dad packed his bag and set out with a one way ticket for Pasadena, CA where his American adventures would begin!  The year was 1968.

Coming to America

August 9, 2019
Dad arrived on campus before classes started and slept in a park until he could move into his dorm. During those first weeks he had a case of cold feet. Homesick AND homeless, he went to his admissions adviser asking if he could return to Turkey.  He was told the university would only pay for his ticket there and not home.  Dad was never one to sit on the sideline and sulk, before long he had joined CAL Tech's infamous soccer team "The Beavers" and in 1971 led them through their most pitiful season.  At 0-13 they didn't win a single game...but man, he looked good in that 70's style uniform! 

Dad was diligent and gifted in his studies, one achievement in particular still remains on display at the university, a table he designed and built for the use of precision lasers.  It was both level and stable enough to support, what was then, cutting edge laser technology.  During his time at CalTech Dad had several jobs, including in the home of Alexis McCone, CIA Director, as his Tech Handyman/"Italian Gardener"/Dog Walker.  His first day on the job Dad took Mr. McCone's dog for a walk and let him off the leash.  The dog took off and Dad couldn't retrieve him, he was terrified to tell Mr. McCone, as he had just arrived in America and thought for sure he would be ex communicated LOL. A classic Dad story!
Recent stories
November 11, 2019
He was such a giving, genial person, who I had the pleasure of meeting. His notion of life has always been a great example for me. My first memory of him is the first time that we have met and he helped me to study English for my exam for hours. That alone shows how gracious and kind he was. He will be missed deeply, even by the ones like me that he touched briefly…

Strength Joy and Radically Fun

September 6, 2019
Erin - After I met your Dad and your family, I could see where you got your laugh and the twinkle in your eye...  God's sweet design in all that lovely DNA that passed on to you.  I remember when I was staying at your house, and then I finally met your Dad, it really was like, "Dad is home".  He brought a sense of completion to the story that was etched into the walls of the house.  I could see how his personality and everything impacted the life your home, even after he was no longer living there.  He really was such a family man, full of interesting wisdom, and so generous in love and energy.  I feel like you and your family members could fill books with wonderful stories about your Dad.  May your family find comfort and joy in sharing the wonderful memories.
September 6, 2019
I was lucky enough to be in the bridal suite to witness Ahmet’s first viewing of his daughter, Erin, in her wedding dress before she walked down the aisle. I have never forgotten the look of pride and love that he displayed for her and I knew that I was privileged to be witnessing something intrinsically beautiful in those moments. Erin’s sister Mine was also in the room and there was a moment of beautiful connection with all of them. Later in the evening, I saw the same adoration again during Ahmet and Erin’s Father and Daughter dance. It was very touching as it showed his deep love and pride for his children. It imprinted on me and I have carried those memories with me until today.
I have been trying to source photos from these precious moments and will send if I am able to find them. 
My sincerest condolences again and much love.

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