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In honor of our beloved Father, Alan Frank who was born on September 29, 1926 and passed away on Friday May 6, 2011, we will hold our Father, Grandfather, Great Grandfather and Father-in-Law in our hearts forever.

We are grateful for all the blessing our Dad brought to our lives.....his love, laughter, non-stop fun, unconditional acceptance and his generous spirit and heart.


Julie Frank. Gloria Frank. Sue Frank Boswell & Todd Boswell and their children Chandee Bond, Sam Bates, Michael Boswell. Micah Frank Morrison & Rick Morrison.....and their beautiful baby girl due August 29, 2011.  Chandee & Hyrum Bond and their child Aiden Bond.

Daughter Patty Frank, passed away on February 1, 2010. We hold our beloved sister in our hearts forever.

As you are enjoying the photos of our Father, and as you read our stories and memories, you will hear the song "The Lovin Child" in which the words and music were written by our Dad in 1966. He wrote this song for our beloved sister Patty when she was 14 years old. Sadly, she passed away on February 1, 2010. We miss her and love her dearly.

Our sister Julie is a beautiful singer and she recorded this song in San Francisco many years ago. See Julie's story that she has written about bringing our Dad to San Francisco after she recorded it with some fabulous musicians. Our Dad cried like a baby when he heard Julie's recording.

September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023
Happy Birthday Dad! With continued gratitude and my heart felt love I am thinking of you today and will go have a meal at a place that honors the food and laughter we got to share with you. I know you are available to me, and I find comfort in that knowing. Peace and love for us all.
September 29, 2022
September 29, 2022
Happy "Birth"day Dad! I often wonder what you would think of this crazy planet earth these days. I am grateful you do not have to worry yourself here. I am always humbled and grateful for the many blessings I have that you provided and continue to send you much love through the ethers.
September 30, 2021
September 30, 2021
Dear beloved Dad, As your 95th birthday was yesterday, September 29, 2021, my heart was full of so many life-long wonderful memories. You are with me every moment of my life Dad, and I thank you for being such a kind and loving Dad, and forever present in my life. I hold you in my heart and will love you for eternity Dad. Love your daughter Gloria
September 29, 2021
September 29, 2021
Happy 95th earth Birthday Dad!! Honoring you today in my heart with love and gratitude. May your travels be light and may we continue to feel the exchange of love we carry for each other today and always.
May 6, 2021
May 6, 2021
In honor of my beloved Dad's memory, and today marking10 years today since he passed away, I want to express and share that without the unconditional love and support from my Dad, life would have been so much more difficult. No one loved me and my sisters as much as he did, and I am missing my Dad every day of my life. I am so very thankful today to have shared this day with my sister Julie, and we shared our stories and our memories.....and we had tears and laughs in remembrance of our loving and kind father who touched my heart for as long as I can remember. Love you dear Dad and I know you are still with all of us daughters in the depth of our hearts and souls forever and ever.
May 6, 2021
May 6, 2021
It’s been 10 Years since our dad passed away and I miss him more today than ever. I was fortunate enough to have lunch with my sister Gloria today.
I also spoke with Sue earlier today and we all commiserated about the loss we feel and How grateful we are that we at least got to tell our dad goodbye right before he passed. Life isn’t about being perfect. There’s so many lessons and they don’t stop. We know our dad was torn in so many directions but he never turned his back on us. We know with all our hearts that he loved us. He loved all his children and grandchildren. We would have loved to have been in his life more but he did his best to juggle what he thought at the time he needed to do. I will forever be grateful for my dad when I had my daughter and he said don’t worry about anything. Of course I’ve worked all my life and raised my beautiful child to The best of my abilities, but the fact that our dad was there for us was such a gift! In a world now of so many unknowns, we all grapple to find our balance and our peace. The lessons are abundant. I love you daddy and I’m so grateful that you were my dad in this life. Let us all find peace and let us all give peace to ourselves and others.
May 6, 2021
May 6, 2021
It is a beautiful May day. You are thought of and missed today as much as if it was the day you transitioned 10 years ago. I know you are with us, I feel your light and love, especially whenever I ask for reassurance. Thank you Dad. Love is all there is. Thank you for the love you gave and continue to provide. The world is still in chaos, I know you are at peace and that peace and love is your offering to myself, my sisters, and all those you love. Namaste
May 7, 2020
May 7, 2020
May 6, 2020 marked 9 years since the passing of our beloved Dad, and I am certain my sisters and I share in unity how very missed our father's presence is in each of our lives. As I read my sister Julie and sister Sue's tribute to our father, many tears ran down my face, and yet I am so deeply grateful to have memories of him for the glorious years that we were all so fortunate to have. My memories stay tucked in a very special place in my heart forever. Love you and miss you dear father, Gloria
May 6, 2020
May 6, 2020
Sitting quietly in my home now in Texas near my beautiful family. Listening to my recording of the song, “The Lovin Child” that our dad wrote for our sister Patty when she was young. Just reflecting on time gone by and how much I miss my dad every day and think of my sister Patty with great love and compassion. As my sister Sue mentioned in her tribute, we are in a pandemic all over the world really. Few places untouched. I am glad you aren’t here dad and Patty to have to process this new way of life. For myself however I am confident and have a vision of a better world to come for our children and their children and their children. No matter what, love remains And nothing else really matters. There is great wisdom with life experience. I am grateful for this
May 6, 2020
May 6, 2020
It’s May 6 2020 and we are currently facing a global pandemic. I am grateful you are not here to have to witness and navigate through this and I know that you are with me and all of us to assist in providing strength and guidance during these challenging times. I am able to feel secure in many ways because of all you provided and I continually give thanks and gratitude for you daily. Forever missed and eternally loved. Your daughter, Susan Ann Frank ❤️
September 29, 2019
September 29, 2019
September 29, 2019. Happy Birthday Dad!! As each year passes and I am fortunate enough to still be here, and I continue to have Birthday's that increase my age number, I am humbled more each passing year for the clarity I gain and the eternal gratitude I have through all my many blessings. Thank you for doing all you could to love and protect us and please whatever non physical place your are in continue to love and protect us the best you can. Love always your daughter Sue
May 9, 2017
May 9, 2017
Dear Dad, You are forever missed and loved by me, and so many times throughout the year we sisters speak about how much we miss you, and your laughter, and your jokes and your unconditional love of all of us. No child can ever be prepared for the untimely passing of a Father, and I know you had many more years to live. You live in my heart every moment of every day of my life. Love always, your daughter Gloria.
September 30, 2016
September 30, 2016
Dear Dad....Happy 90th Birthday from this dimension! You know how much we miss you and what a challenge it has been to deal with your being taken away from us even before your passing. As I know everything is in Divine Order, learning to accept these choices that were made is what my sisters and I are working towards. I am so grateful for the time that God gave us all together this lifetime! May our hearts be healed and forgiveness embraced for not just others but ourselves as well! Thank you Dad!
September 29, 2016
September 29, 2016
Dear Dad, Today you would be 90 years old. I so miss you, and some days are unbearable, and some days I have to accept that you left your children way too early in your life. I hold you in my heart each and every day, and I will continue to go to that place in my heart as long as I live to in remembrance of you..... and unconditional love I received.
September 29, 2016
September 29, 2016
Happy Birthday Dad!! I'll keep counting till I am no longer here too! You'd be 90 today! You're in my heart eternally. Love you
May 6, 2016
May 6, 2016
In honor of our Dad.........I love you and miss you so deeply today and everyday Dad. I keep photos and videos nearby so that I can visit you and hear how much you made us laugh throughout our lives. Much love, your daughter Gloria.
May 6, 2016
May 6, 2016
Our Dear Dad passed to the other side 5 years ago today! There is not a day goes by that you are not missed deeply Dad! I talk to you all the time & feel your presence. You left this world way too early. And because we were not allowed to see you, call or write you in almost 2 years before your demise, I feel very lost without you at times. We know ultimately that no one can take away our connection with you! You are " Forever" Loved!
September 29, 2015
September 29, 2015
Missing you as each day goes by, and each year passes Dad. I hold you in a sacred place in my heart forever and ever! Thank you for all your unconditional love Dad......thinking of you always with laughter and of course tears too! Your loving daughter, Gloria
May 6, 2015
May 6, 2015
Missing you more than ever....loving you everyday and thank you for your unconditional love dear father. Thank you for always loving your daughters with all your heart and soul Dad. Love always, Gloria
September 29, 2014
September 29, 2014
Today would have been our Dad's birthday! It is still surreal that he is not with us on this earth anymore! My sisters and I miss him more than I can express. You are loved Dad and so missed!
September 29, 2014
September 29, 2014
Dear loving and kind father, I'm thinking of you today with love and gratitude in my heart and missing your more than words can ever say. Thank you for loving your daughters! Love always Dad.
May 7, 2014
May 7, 2014
Dear Dad, My heart is with you every moment of my life. I hear you and know your presence is just a touch away. I miss you and love you with all my heart. Love forever, Gloria
May 6, 2014
May 6, 2014
I miss talking to you Dad. I miss you so much. You now have two beautiful great grandchildren that Micah gave birth to. They are so magnificent! You would be so proud. I know that you are just across the "veil" and I keep that thought very near to my heart! Please tell me that things will work out and the scales will come into balance...along with the truth! I Love you!
May 6, 2014
May 6, 2014
Another year! Hard to believe. I'm going to have one of you favorite meals at the Cinegrill in your honor today. I always carry such gratitude for you Dad.
Much love always
May 7, 2013
May 7, 2013
It never matters when I post something Dad because you are with me always. But I can't believe it's been 2 years. I am so grateful you were my Dad. I love you always.
May 6, 2013
May 6, 2013
I can't believe you have been gone from this earth for 2 years Dad! I think of you everyday and miss you beyond words! I know you are watching over us! I know you are proud of us and the way we are all living our lives with love and forgiveness in our hearts. God will take care of the rest! From your "Lovin" daughters! A Hui Ho!
May 6, 2013
May 6, 2013
For my Dad as I remember his passing 2 years ago today. Forever loved, forever missed!
September 30, 2012
September 30, 2012
Dear Dad,
I love you Dad...I feel your spirit with me always.
I miss you and love you with all my heart.
Your daughter, Gloria
September 30, 2012
September 30, 2012
Dear Dad,
I'm thinking of you today. I feel your spirit with me always.
Love you and miss you always dad. Your daughter Gloria
May 6, 2012
May 6, 2012
May 6, 2012: A tribute to my beloved father.This past year has been a constant reminder of my Dad and the love I hold in my heart for him. I have grieved and also surrendered to the acceptance of the cycle of life in the passing of my Dad. I am in heartfelt gratitude every day and I am with my Dad always. Love you Dad, Gloria
September 29, 2011
September 29, 2011
Thank you for being my caring and unconditionally loving father all of my life. I will hold you in my heart always...with deep gratitude. I miss you more than words can ever express.
September 29, 2011
September 29, 2011
In memory of our Dad, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! This is a date that shall bring joy and many beautiful memories shared.
Thank you for loving your girls Dad!

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Recent Tributes
September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023
Happy Birthday Dad! With continued gratitude and my heart felt love I am thinking of you today and will go have a meal at a place that honors the food and laughter we got to share with you. I know you are available to me, and I find comfort in that knowing. Peace and love for us all.
September 29, 2022
September 29, 2022
Happy "Birth"day Dad! I often wonder what you would think of this crazy planet earth these days. I am grateful you do not have to worry yourself here. I am always humbled and grateful for the many blessings I have that you provided and continue to send you much love through the ethers.
September 30, 2021
September 30, 2021
Dear beloved Dad, As your 95th birthday was yesterday, September 29, 2021, my heart was full of so many life-long wonderful memories. You are with me every moment of my life Dad, and I thank you for being such a kind and loving Dad, and forever present in my life. I hold you in my heart and will love you for eternity Dad. Love your daughter Gloria
Recent stories

Never mad Dad!

August 4, 2011

          My Dad was never me! I truly cannot remember a time when he yelled at me, or made me feel bad about myself. Disappointed in me sometimes yes, but never mad. That's pretty amazing because I have three kids and I cannot say that! I'm sure it helped that we did not live together 24/7, but nonetheless I find it pretty amazing. He was always consistent in his visitation and included me always with my older sisters and extended family. Although he was a divorced man when I was young, he provided much stability and predictability, which I know are key in helping a child to feel loved and grounded, which I did.

         Life is ever changing and changes came in my teen years and remained changed for the rest of his life. But.... he was still providing me with love, stability, and predictability. He could have made choices to abandon ship and sever all ties, but he chose to do the best he could with the choices he made, and I will be eternally grateful to him.

        He always had a smile when he saw me, or his grand kids, and his first great grandson. He was supportive, loving, and never mad!

        We are blessed to have him and we shall cherish him and miss him always.



September 29, 2011

It is with such joy that our family is blessed with this angelic child, Makena, daughter of Micah & Rick Morrison.  It is with great sadness that our Dad was not here to meet or hold his second great grand child when she was born on 09/02/2011.  The circle of life continues as it was meant to be!


June 12, 2011
07 The Lovin Child

Above all our Dad's passion was music!  Gloria has already talked about Dad teaching the three of us harmony when we were very young. When I was 13 years old my Dad gave me an acoustic guitar for my birthday.  I did play for many years, Joni Mitchell, Joan Baez etc.  Our Dad not only played and sang songs beautifully, he also wrote music.  When our sister Patty was around 14 years old, Dad wrote a song for her entitled "The Lovin Child".  This song haunted me (in a good way) for  many years.  As I matured as a singer and after my daughter was born, I had a dream to record an album.  In those days I was living in Half Moon Bay California.  No shortage of fabulous musicians in the Bay Area.  I found Lee Parvin Studios in Pacifica and the beginning of my album "Spiritual Blues" began.  The one song that I had clealy in my mind to record was my Dad's "The Lovin Child". Dad traveled to the Bay Area in those days and we frequently spent time in San Francisco.  On one visit, I told Dad that I had somewhere to take him.  I surprised him and brought him to the recording studio in Pacifica so he could hear my final rendition of "The Lovin Child".  Dad sat and listened and cried like a baby.  It was a very emotional moment for the both of us. I have downloaded "The Lovin Child" on this site if you are interested in listening to it.  As it has come to pass, our sister Patty, transitioned from this life to the other side on February 1, 2010. I feel as if our Dad understood how fragile she was for her entire life.  We know that our Dad loved all us girls with all his heart our entire lives.  "The Lovin Child" tells a story, "the lovin child is not so wild, she's praying someone please love me.  To me personally this song speaks to the wounded child in all of us. Thank you to our dear sister Patty for being who she was and inspiring Dad to write "The Lovin Child".

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