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His Life

Alex wrote this for Mom (undated)

August 8, 2015

Acknowledgements, Respect & Dearest

 Mom, Mother & Dearest Mother

Cheers to you, the beloved woman who gave me life,

Who blessed me with her own life.. It had/still is

An honor yet privledge in this lifetime having the

Opportunity to be your son. You are indeed a wonderful

Woman, the best mother (mom) any son would be proud

To have, placing family 1st above all else was always

Your priority. Throughout my breathing years you have loved

Me, cater & spoiled me even when deep down I know I

Don’t deserve it. No 1 in this world is marked or known as

Walking perfection, but you come close. In my heart always,

I will always remember, honor, love & respect our special bond.

Thank you for always being the best mom in the world to me.

You have taught me the importance of family and how fortunate

It is for me to have you as 1st teacher & loving guardian.

Deep down I know in this world, you would always love/support

Me. You are my greatest strength, my greatest gift.

You are my gift from God. You are, my mother

If I leave you too early in life, I’m truly sorry that I

Couldn’t fulfill my true duties to honor you, my beloved mother.

I’m sorry, but I truly try, I will continue to try until the

Breathe I take. As a son, my life’s fulfillments and accomplishment

Is to have the enabling ability to shelter, protect you from any given

Life struggles because you already had sacrified so much. It would

Be time for you to just experience the finer things in life.  


May 4, 2015

Alex是一位很乖和孝順的兒子。他勇敢和樂觀的性格,令我這位媽媽感到驕傲和自豪! 我真的很難接受他巳離開返到天家。心裏真的很痛和不捨!雖然我們相處只有短短30年,但是我真的很感恩我們度過了那麼美好的時光!我們一起度過了甜,酸,苦,辣!媽媽以你為榮!

從細到大,他也是一位好動活躍的男孩,照顧他真的很費神!但是看著他漸漸成為一位細心體貼的男生, 我真的好安慰!看到他身邊那麼多的好朋友和家人對他的愛和關懷,我真的很感激每一位!

Alex, 你一出生就躺在媽媽的懷裏,直到你最後離開時也是在我的懷抱裏。我感到很慶幸能做你的媽媽。多謝你一直那麼愛我,一直成為我的精神支柱! 雖然心裏萬分之不捨,但我也很安心,你現在巳安躺於主的手裡。我感到Alex一直都會守在我身邊,我們一天又會再相聚!希望大家也要記得Alex的話:

活在當下, 珍惜眼前人!


My Baby Boy

May 4, 2015

Alex is my firstborn child. I loved this child from the moment I found out I was pregnant.  He taught me things as he grew that I will never forget! Alex was a high maintance baby (that explains a lot, right?) that required constant midnight feedings. I don't recalled getting a good night sleep until he turned 2.  But all the tiredness would disappeared when I saw his big smiles.  I always knew he was a special boy! The first time he met his newborn brother, he greeted Jo with a slap on his face.  I had only a 2 minutes window to shower and must wheeled baby Jo in with me.  All the cabinets and stove must be locked...he was like an energized bunny and I had to keep my eyes on him 24/7.  The first day he came home from Pre-K, he was beaming with joy and excitement.  He said his first word that he learned from school that day.  KEY!! I was a proud mama watching him kept repeating that one word.  Until he whooped out a set of heart just sank.  Alex took his teacher's keys home,  I immediately ran back to the school and returned it to his teacher. That was Alex for you!  I was so touched to see some of his grade school teachers and childhood friends attending his funeral.  Alex was indeed loved by so many people.  

His passion and love for cars started young.  The moment he saw a little blond girl driving a mechanical car at Sesame Place, he went straight for it.  The next thing I know, he became the driver cruising with the little girl besides him.  Let's not talk about his infamous BBQ parties!  I remembered how he turned our little house into a night club one year (disco ball and all)! More than 50 kids showed up at our little place and I was glued to the sofa fearing what might happened that night. 

As he grew older, we grew closer, we had a fun mother-son relationship. He was very protective of me,  he is just like my Guardian Angel. Alex was such a good son, he always took me to different places and tried different restaurants.  My life is not the same, it never will be. I miss Alex with all my heart and soul. I look at pictures and wonder where this little boy of mine went. Where did all the time go, he grew up before my eyes, and I can't except that I will never hold, kiss, touch or smile and laugh with this child again. The longing to do these things are so overwhelming at times, so painful. 

Alex, I feel so blessed and proud to have you as my son.  I was holding you tightly from the moment you took your first breath till the moment you took your last.  Thank you for unconditionally loving me for the past 30 years.  Although our time was cut short, you had given me a lifetime of memories. I will always cherish that special bond that we shared.  My heart is aching but I know that you are embraced in God's arms. I know that we'll all meet again one day. 

My heartfelt gratitude to all his friends and family...thank you for sharing your love for him. My baby boy, you are so missed and I love you now and forever...

Love and Missing You,