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His Life

Favorite Song

September 25, 2013

La cancion de fondo de este web site conmemorativo es la famosa cancion de Mark Anthony, "Vivir mi Vida." Este tema musical fue el favorito de Pipe antes de volver al cielo.  La letra de la cancion se identifica con su gran deseo de vivir, a pesar de todas sus limitaciones. 

My School

September 25, 2013

Hermoso homenaje a un niño maravilloso que sin duda dejo una huella inborrable en todas las vidas que toco.  Presionen el link abajo: 

Seleccionen el Vol 12 september 23 debajo del tituto "2013-2014"

Dear Son

September 18, 2013

Te queremos dar gracias por habernos dado la posibilidad de haber aprendido de ti el don de la fortaleza que muy altivamente aplicabas en cada momento de tu vida.

Te damos gracias por brindarnos un amor desbordado acompañado de firmeza Que momentos más sublimes para ti en cosas tan comunes como elevar una comenta, tu comentario en Sesquile cuando logramos que esta se elevara y te la pasé para que la tuvieras y me dijiste "Papa esté es el momento mas maravilloso de mi vída"

Cuantas enseñanzas nos dabas a cada momento, tus inquietudes propias de la adolescencia que iniciabas cuando escuchaba la frase "Papa tenemos que hablar de padre a hijo", sabía que tenía que explicarte con mucho detalle de cada tema dificil para mi hasta que escuchaba el Gracias.

Tus espacios de descanso en la cama con tu varita de Harry Potter, tu más preciado tesoro, con la cual construías castillos, batallas héroes y tu frase firme "atrás, tengo mi varita y no me da miedo usarla"

Tu temor por el número 13, sabías que no habían piso 13 en algunos edificios y asientos 13 en los aviones le dijiste a tu tío que no querías cumplir 13 que preferías 14 y vaya que tus temores eran reales.

Tantos otros momentos que vivimos que resultaría interminable.

Simplemente nos queda decirte Gracias hijo por tanto amor, por tanta felicidad y por tu presencia en nuestras vidas, contigo tuvimos el privilegio de vivir con un ángel .

Te amamos,  Papá y Mamá

Gone too soon

September 18, 2013

All week, since learning about Pipe’s death, my mind has been roaming around the past 13 years, searching for memories of him.

Unfortunately because we lived in different countries, I was not able to see him as a baby or as a toddler.  I met him when he has a handsome boy playing with his videogames, struggling to walk because of his illness, but ready to overcome any obstacle to get to his cousin’s room to play with his toys.

When Pipe was a small boy, he was diagnosed with Muscular dystrophy. Thus began his journey in search of trustworthy doctors, effective treatment, and good health. He fought long and hard to live.

He was always bright and articulate, funny, and brilliant. He was purposeful, always ready to learn, explore, and share what he was up to. But he was not always easy to know, and I sometimes struggled to make our relationship work, not unlike the common awkward conversations between people of two different generations.

As he grew older, he became more and more amazing. He was a good student in school and he turned his attention to learning more about science and math. In fact, he was so good in math that he became a math athlete.

In spite of knowing about his illness and following his countless hospitalizations, it still came as a shock to all of us when we got the news that Pipe had died sometime during the night of September 8.

Gone was a gifted kid, a young life, a child who was afraid to be thirteen. We who loved him weep for having lost him too soon

Tia Lucia