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Thursday, March 18, 2021

Memorial Service 
Saturday, March 20, 2021
10 AM PT 
✦   ✦   ✦

February 20, 2023
February 20, 2023
Ora mi guache... mi tío guache hoy me vino a visitar mami y me reí mucho por su risa, así las palabras de mi hijo Oliver. Gracias por haber dejado una gran huella en mi bebe, te extrañamos siempre! Un abrazo hasta el cielo.
July 14, 2022
July 14, 2022
#43 in heaven. Siempre recordando tu riza contagiosa y tus gratos recuerdos. Te extraño tanto mi retoño
February 20, 2022
February 20, 2022
Arielll! There isn’t a day I don’t think of you…can’t believe it’s a year already I miss you so much ♥️
July 14, 2021
July 14, 2021
El abrazo #42 va al cielo. ❤️ En nuestra mesa hubo enchiladas suizas, tus favoritas. Te extrañamos mucho.
March 20, 2021
March 20, 2021
Ariel Jaimes.
No hay palabras para expresar la tristeza que nos dejas.
Tan joven lleno de vida alegre y con una hermosa sonrisa. Tu alma vivirá eternamente en nuestros
corazones. Te extrañaremos mucho pero sabemos que estás en un hermoso lugar.
Porque Dios nuestro señor te recibió con los brazos abiertos. Un ser querido nunca se olvida, solo se aprende a vivir sin ellos.
Donde quiera que estes te recordaremos con mucho cariño y una sonrisa al recordar tus platicas.

Orando por tu alma y eterno descanso.
Descansa En Paz.


March 20, 2021
March 20, 2021
Mi hermoso muchachito. Tu carrera en esta vida ha terminado. Pero con tantos recuerdos que nos dejas vivirás por siempre en nuestros corazones. No hay palabras exactas para describirte. Eras único , sencillo y muy alegre. Aún recuerdo tus risas. Nos as dejado un gran vacío pero se por fe que te estás gozando con la presencia de Dios. Una estrella brillará más en el cielo pero aquí en mi corazón te quedas por siempre mi niño . Sabes. Eres un gran ejemplo a seguir. Este no es un adiós sino asta pronto. Descansa en paz mi adorado sobrino. Que la luz de nuestro Señor ilumine tu camino y te permita volar volar mi adorado angelito. Por siempre estarás en mi corazón y en mis oraciones. #MI NIÑO RISUEÑO♥️
March 20, 2021
March 20, 2021
Siempre permanecerán tus hermosos recuerdos en mis pensamientos, es difícil aceptar tu perdida, pero solo te nos adelantaste y en algún momento nuestras almas estarán juntas. Que tu luz te acompañe en la eternidad.
March 20, 2021
March 20, 2021
Que en paz descanse, Arielito, sin duda un hijo ejemplar, lo conocí de niño en los Angeles en una Navidad que tuve el gusto de conocer la casa de sus papás, tendría entre 4 o 5 años, era un niño maravilloso jugando como todo niño, recuerdo que nos saco una foto y se puso la cámara al reves y se sacó la foto el, creo que es el recuerdo más bonito de el.
Un fuerte abrazo a toda su familia, y que dios lo tenga en su santa gloria.
March 19, 2021
March 19, 2021
La luz ahora abraza tu ser como nuestros corazones acurrucan tu memoria niño bueno, amable, educado, con una sencilles q te hacia unico pues nunca te iras de esta fam. por que siempre permaneseras en nuestros corazones. Vuela, Vuela, lo mas alto q puedas,asi como suelen volar las Aguilas. HASTA PRONTO GRAN AMERICANISTA. ❤
March 18, 2021
March 18, 2021
Dear Chiquis, 

I am so grateful with God and this life for allowing me to have met you, such a kind-hearted human with the most beautiful green eyes and precious soul. 
The days are sad and empty without your comforting talks and chai lattes.  I will always cherish the memories, your integrity, honesty and selflessness in everything you did.  You brought laughter and peace wherever you went ; your energy and contagious laugh are so needed.

As you would say to me, "you will never find someone like me," and I would not answer, but I know for a fact that you were always right, never will there be another Chiquilin.  
Life is full of uncertainty and it will never answer why you had to go,  but God willing one day, somewhere we will meet again.

I told you in life and I say it again you will always be in my heart and I will forever love you.  Thank you for so much love. ❤ 

My mind still talks to you.
My heart still looks for you.
But my soul knows you are now at peace. 

- anonymous 

John 11:25-26 NIV

Queridisimo Chiquis, 

Estoy tan agradecida con Dios y esta vida por haberme permitido conocerte, un ser humano con un gran corazón, de hermosos ojos verdes y una alma preciosa. 
Los días son tristes y vacíos sin tus platicas de consuelo y chai lattes.  Siempre apreciaré los recuerdos, tu integridad, honestidad y desinterés en todo lo que hacias. Adonde quiera qué fueras llevavas alegria y paz ; tu energía y tu risa contagiosa son tan necesarias.
Como me decías, "nunca encontrarás a alguien como yo", y no te respondía, pero sé con certeza que siempre tendras razón, jamas habrá otro Chiquilin.
La vida está llena de incertidumbre y nunca responderá por qué te nos fuiste, pero primero Dios algún día, en algún lugar nos volveremos a encontrar.
Te lo dije en la vida y te lo repito, siempre estarás en mi corazón y siempre te amaré. Gracias por tanto amor.  ❤ 


Mi mente todavía te habla.
Mi corazón todavía te busca.
Pero mi alma sabe que ahora estás en paz.

- anónimo 

Canción dedicada para todos nuestros seres queridos que se nos an adelantado:
Cantante: Tercer Cielo
Yo te extrañare

Juan 11:25-26 NVI

March 18, 2021
March 18, 2021
ARIELLLLLL! I don’t know where to start I’m lost confused and very sad every time I think of you
You will be forever missed by everyone thank you for the great moments we shared together when you would call me “little sister” our bond was more than a friendship we were like family thank you for always watching out for me there was never a day you wouldn’t call me to see how I was doing you left a very empty space in my heart and I wish this was a dream and one day you’ll randomly just call me but that call will be in heaven now i hope to see you there and live all the crazy moments we lived on earth
You will be forever missed big brother ❤️
-Yesi -your little sister ❤️
March 17, 2021
March 17, 2021
I am still in disbelief.
Saying goodbye isn't for us. Instead, I will say that I look forward to seeing you again, each time I am reminded of you through a phrase, a joke, even an article of clothing. These are the things that will keep us close despite death.
You will be missed but never forgotten!
Much love my friend ❤
March 17, 2021
March 17, 2021

Where does one begin to describe the mark that you have left in all of our lives? Through our tear-stained faces, we remember all the good times we had with you. You were bigger than life and an amazing friend. You were kind and supportive of all of our dreams.. and supported us when we fell. Never will there be another kind and pure spirit such as yours. The world is a little bit darker without your bright light to shine the way.

We love you. We miss you. We hope we are good enough to meet you in heaven one day. Rest in peace dear friend.
March 17, 2021
March 17, 2021
Hijo de mi corazón, mi primogénito amoroso, alegre y sociable,

Siempre me preguntabas, “Ma, ¿me extrañaste?” y ya me quedó bien clara la respuesta—te voy a extrañar por el resto de mi vida con el dolor de entender que ya no llegaras en persona a tu hogar.

Viviré muy orgullosa de ti, hasta nuestro reencuentro descansa en paz.

March 14, 2021
March 14, 2021
Mi Amigaso del alma! Me acabo de enterar y no lo puedo creer. Words cannot express how saddened I am by your departure. I've lost a dear friend and my heart will never be the same. We will never forget your kind and beautiful soul. In our 20 years of friendship, I never once saw you mad. You always brightened any event you attended. I consider myself lucky to have found such a loyal friend like you. I will miss you greatly. Te hechare de menos hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar.  Rest in Heaven and enjoy making all those other angels in heaven smile and laugh like you did to all of us. Love you my dear friend!
March 12, 2021
March 12, 2021
Ora guache!!!! Mi chulo gracias por dejarnos tantos momentos muy bonitos que aún con la distancia siempre estabas ahí. Gracias por todas esas llamadas, por esas risas, por esos recuerdos que mi hijo Oliver jamás olvidará de ti. Oliver decía que su tío guache se reía muy chistoso y que le gustaba su risa. Aunque fueron muy pocos momentos que pasamos juntos, los recordare siempre, te quiero mucho por siempre en mi corazón.. 
March 3, 2021
March 3, 2021
Dear Ariel Jr -

I knew you professionally for the last six years. During that time however, I got to know you personally as well. We loved talking about basketball, and you especially loved giving me a tough time when your Utah jazz would beat the Lakers. We talked about cars, and most importantly, we talked about life. I cannot believe you are gone. I will never forget your wonderful outlook on life, and it was a real honor and pleasure to get to know you and work with you. Rest in peace my friend.
February 28, 2021
February 28, 2021
Our families lost touch for a while and I just heard the news. I am at a loss for words. Sending my condolences and prayers to the family. We may have lost touch but I still have a lot of memories that make me laugh. Like when Ariel would pretend to be driving stick shift with an empty Gatorade bottle in his little Toyota. Or when we would all think we were so cool and wanted to try smoking and Ariel lit the cigarette on the wrong end, we laughed so hard. I’m sure you’re gonna make everyone laugh up there! May you Rest In Peace. Much love, Karla and Diego
February 27, 2021
February 27, 2021
Les and I are so saddened by the loss of Ariel Jr. He was a wonderful young man who treated everyone with courtesy and respect. He will be greatly missed by us. We send our deepest condolences to the family.
February 25, 2021
February 25, 2021
Que triste se encuentra mi corazón, es una pena que un joven tan sonriente con tanta vida por delante se haya ido. Lo recuerdo como la ultima vez que lo vi, trabajando en la plomeria. Reciban mis sinceras condolencias, que Dios lo tenga en su Santa gloria y les de consuelo a sus padres, familiares y amigos ⚘
February 24, 2021
February 24, 2021
Our hearts are saddened. We will miss your smile and warm welcoming hugs. Signal Hill will not be the same without you.
May God bless you and your family.
Larry will especially miss sitting on the curb talking with you as he did a few weeks ago.
Forever in our thoughts and prayers,
Larry & Elsie ❤
February 24, 2021
February 24, 2021
I’ve waited this long to type this out and after going through old photos of you, I finally found the courage to stop crying and clearly write out what your loss means to me. My mom and I looked through old pictures of you as a baby and then as a young kid. She wanted me to share those here. Looking at them, I found myself feeling the “what-ifs.” My favorite memories of you are not the one’s I was there to remember; they are the ones in photographs of you, Joel, Yoshe, and Orel at family birthday parties in Santa Monica. My mom tells me stories of when your parents brought you home from the hospital and how she loved spending every single second with you. She has always said you were the cutest baby she ever laid eyes on, more times than she has said that about me when I came around about ten years later (thanks mom.) Thank you primo for all the joy you brought to her life then and now.

As I look through more recent photos, I regret not taking more with you but I hold on to the memories that aren’t captured in photographs. Every time I listen to 2pac, I’ll think of you. Every time I listen to R&B classics, I’ll think of you. And when I finally get around to listening to banda, I won’t know where to start…so I’ll have to look for your best playlist. I’m looking forward to it.

Looking ahead is hard to do. As I sat in your house this week, I found myself feeling a rush of emotions. The empty spot on the couch and the empty seat at the dining table didn’t feel right. I kept looking back at the garage door imagining you walking through it and offering me a beer to drink, asking me for the 100th time if my friends and I were still single lol. I never told you this, but I admired your curiosity and zest for life. You lived life for yourself regardless of what others thought. I find comfort that you spent your time on earth in continuous happiness, humor, and humility. Who wouldn’t want to live the rest of their life that way? This is how I choose to honor your life.

Arielito, thank you for being the best nephew, primo, and tio to the Dominguez Family. Camila and Valentina already miss you, we all do. I feel so fortunate that they got to meet a true angel on earth. We love you.

February 23, 2021
February 23, 2021
Arielito ( as we lovingly called you)
My mind took me back to so many memories when I found out you had left us.. but what stood out the most was your smile and your fun, quirky energy. I think it’s because of you that I like 2Pac as I remember your love for music and dancing!! Thank you for that! I am grateful for the time we shared growing up and you will always be in my heart! Love you primo!!
February 22, 2021
February 22, 2021
Primito!!! Aunque no hayamos convivido mucho por la distancia, los pocos momentos que nos vimos y que platicamos los llevare siempre en el corazón. Gracias por las risas, por los consejos, y por los jalones de oreja, gracias por ser mi pareja de baile en los quince años, pero sobre todo gracias por iluminar este mundo con tu sonrisa y alegria! Tenia un viaje planeado ah California donde tu me darías un tour, y aunque no estes físicamente, se que tu espíritu me acompañara en ese viaje. Vuela alto primo, fuimos muy afortunados de que formaras parte de la Familia Jaimes. Por siempre en nuestros corazones, LOVE YOU SO MUCH COUSIN, arriba las Águilas del America como dijimos❤️
February 22, 2021
February 22, 2021
Arielito, como siempre te llamamos de cariño, te reconozco como un gran ser humano, cálido, amoroso y con una sonrisa siempre, me quedo con los recuerdos de nuestra infancia cuando estaba de visita en Los Angeles, esas memoria me acompañarán hasta el último día de mi vida, perdimos a un extraordinario hombre; pero ganamos un Ángel que por siempre estará con nosotros.
February 22, 2021
February 22, 2021
Well apparently the emotions hit me when I clicked on this page, ugh! Anyways i wanted to share my happy slash funny memory: a group of us at brunch celebrating birthdays and he comes back to the table all excited and he goes LOOK it's Kevin Hart! I was like man he aint nobody special! And ever since, every single time i see Kevin Hart, i think of Ariel. I always enjoyed seeing him at the family functions. I can't go to signal hill without looking up at the houses thinking of him and his parents. He will definitely be missed. But I was blessed to know him.
February 22, 2021
February 22, 2021
I am at a loss of words and I cannot believe that you are gone my longtime childhood friend. Even though we haven't spoken in many years, it broke my heart having heard the sad news. You are going to be missed my brother and may you rest in peace.
Ivan Legorreta
February 22, 2021
February 22, 2021
Mi corazón está destrozado...y me duele el alma saber q no llamarás mas para preguntar cómo estamos o que quedo con tus llamadas.. tus carcajadas, tus antojos a media noche, tus palabras de aliento, tus regaños, gracias por siempre estar a mi lado y a lado de tu cachetes... la próxima vez que te vea nos comeremos los cheetos con crema o El Caballito de tequila... y nos pelearemos por el fut bol y cuando sea viernes nos reiremos tanto que nos dolerá la panza y Sebastián te dirá putito ya no te rías porque haces llorar a mi mamá...te amamos y te vamos a extrañar mucho...un ángel que nos cuidará desde el cielo...hasta pronto Arielito... atte. la pinche prieta...We love you.

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February 20, 2023
February 20, 2023
Ora mi guache... mi tío guache hoy me vino a visitar mami y me reí mucho por su risa, así las palabras de mi hijo Oliver. Gracias por haber dejado una gran huella en mi bebe, te extrañamos siempre! Un abrazo hasta el cielo.
July 14, 2022
July 14, 2022
#43 in heaven. Siempre recordando tu riza contagiosa y tus gratos recuerdos. Te extraño tanto mi retoño
February 20, 2022
February 20, 2022
Arielll! There isn’t a day I don’t think of you…can’t believe it’s a year already I miss you so much ♥️
His Life


February 24, 2021
by Joel .
Ariel Jaimes Jr., 41, passed away on Saturday, February 20, 2021 in the hospital after 15 days of intensive care. The cause was a cerebral aneurysm.

Ariel was life-sized and gregarious. He was loving, kind, loyal, and caring. Those who knew Ariel, even a little, were affected by his big heart and light.

At a very young age, Ariel fell in love with music and cars, and would obsessively polish his collection of CDs, his Accord, then a Malibu, and, of late, his Murano. He would blast music from those cars, all his favorites: old school hip hop, banda, love songs, mariachi, R&B slow jams.

Ariel grew up in the surrounding neighborhoods of Mid-City Los Angeles, visiting family in Mexico. Committing to his education, he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from California State University Los Angeles, and later dedicated himself to the family plumbing business.

Everywhere Ariel went, he sowed seeds of friendship—with neighbors, children, at the barbershop, the grocery store, with a restaurant’s waitstaff, at the flower shop, at the gym, with plumbers, electricians, customers, gardeners, mail carriers—no one was a stranger for too long. He was always ready to offer help and laughs, never asking for anything in return.

Last updated: 2/23/2021
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You were here...

March 17, 2021

Where does one begin to describe the mark that you have left in all of our lives? Through our tear-stained faces, we remember all the good times we had with you. You were bigger than life and an amazing friend. You were kind and supportive of all of our dreams.. and supported us when we fell. That one trip to Vegas with the LACC was epic.. :) You always had the best stories.. Never will there be another kind and pure spirit such as yours. The world is a little bit darker without your bright light to shine the way.

We love you.

March 17, 2021
As a young kid/teenager, when I go visit LA, Ariel JR would always treat me as his own son. There’s just so many things Ariel JR and I would do together but I would like to share that, he would always take me joy riding in his green Honda Accord, bumping his very own old school hip-hop and R&B music. He would take me anywhere I wanted to go. He would introduce me to all his friends and was happy to do so. Ariel JR will always be with us. 


February 22, 2021
Man I still remember as if it was just yesterday all of us growing up on Marvin Ave. You, Me, Manuel, Joel, Victor playing baseball in front of the school and having the best time of our lives as kids without a care in the world. Always hanging out whether it was going to the liquor store to buy stuff or listening to house and old skool music or playing golf in the hallways of Marvin elementary or playing Nintendo after school...damn we sure had fun didn't we. And let's not forget watching the Telenovelas with your mom...hahaha....There are so many good memories that I have of you from our childhood that I could probably write several pages here!! You were one of my childhood best friends and I will forever hold on to those memories and never forget you my friend. You will always be remembered!!

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