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This memorial was created in memory of our loved one, Betty Tang (Chengbi Tang, 汤澄碧), who passed away on September 10, 2014 in Boston, Massachusetts. We will remember her forever.

Betty was born on January 27, 1959 in Beijing, China.  She received her MD from the prestigious Peking University in 1983 and worked for six years as a pediatrician at the affiliated Children's Hospital of Capital Institute of Pediatrics in Beijing.  She came to the United States in 1989 and spent six years in the University of Miami and Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, five years in Abramson Cancer Center of University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, and six years the in Harvard School of public Health, devoting herself to basic and medical research. She then worked for ten more years mainly on oncology and drug development with pharmaceutical giants AstraZeneca, Novartis and Pfizer.

Betty loved traveling, having been to almost all 50 states and many countries. She was also a gifted, self-taught artist on knitting and hand jewelry, which supported her charity work.  Betty was always full of energy and liked to help others with her warm heart.  She was loved and cherished by so many friends wherever she went.

Betty was selected as one of the 100 anti-cancer heroes at Massachusetts General Hospital in 2014, honoring not only her own courageous fight against cancer but also her charity works including a weekly art program at the Yawkey Family Inn in Boston Children’s Hospital. Her amazing journey has touched so many people around her.

Betty left behind her husband of 15 years, Kai Lin, whom she married on December 24th, 1998, and their son, Brian Lin, who just turned 10 three days before her passing.

If you would like to make a donation to charity in Betty’s honor.  Please click the link below:

The fund will specifically support the art and craft program that Betty created for patients and families in the Yawkey Family Inn at Boston Children’s Hospital.  Betty and Brian ran the weekly program for more than a year with the help of Kayla Hoffstein, a volunteer and now a close friend of ours.  Betty did this during her most difficult time, because she loved to help others which in return lifted her own spirit.  She was there until her last week when she could barely sit up. Kayla and Brian will carry on Betty’s legacy to continue the program.  Thank you in advance for your generous gifts!  There is no better way to honor her memory than giving it back to help others.

September 21, 2014
September 21, 2014
澄碧, so that's your Chinese name, I just learned it on this day, when we celebrate your life, and say goodbye. But how beautiful, how perfect! Betty, your eyes are just like your name, so clear, deep, sparkly, and when you smile, they shine ever so brightly. You are always so full of energy and laughter. Your smiling eyes have tiny little wrinkles from laughing so hard... 

I came to say goodbye, feeling so lucky that I've learned so much more about you as a person today. When I last saw you in April, I was confused and in disbelief about your diagnosis. I am an oncologist - nothing about your clinical course correlates to it. I listened to you telling the story, with your laughter threading through here and there the many silly and miraculous details. Disarmingly, you told the story without any pain, when I should have known how much pain and struggles you must have gone through. You made it so light, you lifted the weight off our shoulders. You only had tears briefly in your eyes when mentioning your beloved son Brian, that you'd prepared audios and letters and so much more so that you would always be with him after you were gone. You said that Kai would be okay too. I was in awe of the power and wisdom of your mind, while at the same time the most gentle, profound, of your love. How extraordinary! 

Betty, you are a beautiful soul. I have thought of you often since I last saw you that April afternoon. Today, with tears in my eyes, I say goodbye. My dear, there is no more pain where you are now. I will forever remember your clear, deep, sparkly eyes that smile loudly to form wrinkles around them. I smile. And I carry on.

Love, Fei
September 20, 2014
September 20, 2014
我是几天后才知道澄碧去世的消息的。 直到今日我仍不相信她真的走了。 我一直觉得她是一个天使, 疾病和痛苦在她面前总是无可奈何。

我大学毕业后在北京工作, 和澄碧是同事。 她自身条件很好。 北医毕业, 书香世家, 相貌出众, 才智过人。 她的身边总有朋友。她有凝聚力, 也有感染力。她阳光, 开朗, 热心肠 。 她对人舍得出力, 舍得花钱。 你有困难, 她恨不得替你担下来。 她总是能带来笑声, 鼓起勇气。 给旁边的人带来正能量。澄碧是个强者。 她生活的态度, 过人的毅力, 令人佩服。 这几年与癌症斗争, 她创造了奇迹, 是个真正的勇士。

五十五年不算长, 但你度过了一个没有遗憾的人生。 你得到了亲人, 家庭, 朋友的爱。 你留下了宝贵的精神。 很多人惦记和思念你。 癌症被你战胜, 你也累了。 天国里没有痛苦, 你休息吧!

September 20, 2014
September 20, 2014
Betty, a beautiful woman with a beautiful mind

I met Betty the first time while working at AstraZeneca pharmaceutical company. She was a research scientist working on cancer research. One day she came to the lab where I was working. I saw a beautiful woman in white shirt and dark dress, with rosy cheeks, shiny eyes, thick black hair and a beautiful smile and a beautiful voice. She told me that her name was Betty.  I quickly grew fond of her as her joyful appearance and warm personality were like sunshine in my daily life. She later on told me that the reason that she was so happy was that she was deeply in love with her husband. 
The last time I saw Betty was at her bedside at her home. Her rosy cheeks were replaced by pale, thin face, her thick black hair was completely gone, replaced by a hat. But her eyes were still shiny, her voice was still beautiful. I can tell that her love for her husband and her son was even stronger. She showed me the beautiful and delicate artwork she has done in the past few years while fighting her late stage cancer: the hats, sweaters, necklaces and bracelets and so on. She did not do these out of boredom. She said that her metastatic cancer has given her so much pain and most patients would have required high dosages of pain medications. She did not ask for pain medications. Instead she did the most complicated part of her art work whenever she was in severe pain. She told herself that she cannot make any mistakes while working on connecting these beautiful beads into a perfect piece of art work. Each completed piece represents how much pain she had suffered, the tears and the sweats she had shed. She donated these pieces of artwork to charities and to people she loved. Out of her most desperate battle for life she had touched and changed lives of many people including a prisoner and many terminally ill young children whom she had given the art lessons. She did all these with her husband, an equally brave and strong man who has given his unconditional love to Betty and her beloved young son who will now continue the legacy of giving to the world the love and hope which immerged from impossibility.
Betty, I will always remember you, a beautiful woman with a beautiful mind.
September 20, 2014
September 20, 2014


你自幼聪明伶俐,活泼美丽。你聪慧超人,无论哪个学段你的学习成绩总是名列前茅。你的一生以医生, 医学科研为职业。你敬业, 工作能力强,业务水平也很高。你待人真诚热情,乐于助人,无私奉献。对病人你救死扶伤,得到了病人和家属赞扬和认可。对待研究你科学严谨,研究出对人类有价值的科研成果,得到导师的好评。但你的人生旅途也崎岖坎坷。 1989年你只身来到美国独自打拼。一生中你用你的坚强意志, 刻苦钻研的精神和乐观宽容的生活态度,克服来自多方面的种种困难和生活中的误解和不如意。你中年得子,将他从襁褓中的婴儿抚养到今年的10岁。在长期负重和压力下,和在一段时间精神和心情极度压抑的情况下,你的身体被压垮,患上了癌症,直至癌症晚期才得以确诊治疗。病痛的折磨没有压垮你,你以坚强积极乐观的态度,用你坚实的医学学识与医生密切配合积极治疗。你永不服输,癌痛让你艰难渡过每一天,但每天你都呈现给人们以快乐的脸庞。你热爱生活,你有超人的生存活力,你深爱着林凯和儿子憨憨,你为你深爱的人和爱你的人尽力延长自己的生命。你告诉自己,多支撑一天,你的家庭就存在一天,家人和憨憨就幸福快乐一天。你以母亲的责任感和伟大的慈善之心,教育你的儿子,并一同实践着慈善之举。你心灵手巧创造性地亲手编织出各式帽子和美丽挂件、手链并进行义卖,用来救助同样的癌症患者。你为能给身患绝症挣扎在死亡线上与病魔顽强抗争的孩子们带去欢乐,你到处奔波游说,终于得到了波士顿儿童医院的理解和支持,为你的艺术班每周一次的工艺美术课提供了良好的教学条件和环境。你的毅力和热情支持感染着这些弱小的生命,并教会他们亲手制作漂亮的工艺品,为他们带来了欢乐,你做到了。当治疗无效,医生宣布你已没有治疗措施和治疗意义生命进入倒计时时,你呼唤自己要平静,快乐每一天,要继续做善事,做好艺术班。要感恩,不能让那些曾经关心,支持,帮助过你的那些在美国,加拿大和中国的同学,同事和朋友们失望。你一直坚信爱情,亲情和友情的力量。你说过:“我从来没有将爱情,亲情和友情遗忘过,相反我获得的更多。这也是我人生中最美好的一段生活。这些爱的力量会让自己的生命创造奇迹。虽然不能起死回生,但能使自己超越肉体的痛苦达到心灵的安宁。”你坚信自己能够走得最远走得最潇洒。就是到了2014年9月3日,你学用电影《闪闪的红星》中描写战争时期的老土办法,用高浓度盐水来注射冲洗已经溃烂的肠子处,把自己从感染休克中救过来。肠穿孔附近剧烈疼痛才缓解些。你真的很伟大。2014年9月7日你在半昏迷中,眼前一片白光视物不清的状态下坚持参加了儿子憨憨10岁Birthday event, 完成了你最后的心愿。你与癌症抗争了三年多。今天,你怀揣着一颗感恩的心,心留一份感恩的情和对人世间美好生活的眷恋,对亲人,朋友,同事的不舍之心和惦念走了。病魔最终还是夺去了你可贵的生命。

大姨 王媛伶,姨夫 吴中敬;小姨 王媛俐,姨夫 袁光普;
舅舅 王经志,舅妈 王秀华;
妹妹 袁 巍,袁 岚;妹夫 刘国文,张绍武;
弟弟 王 争,王 雷 ,吴 楠,吴 涤;
弟妹 常芙冬,戢宏飞, 窦建坤
September 20, 2014
September 20, 2014

过去的九天,一直是在泪水和忙乱中度过的。 现在一切准备就绪,只等朋友们明天来与你告别。
翻开我们的微信记录,一遍遍播放着天高地厚这首你说你用心声想唱给我的歌,泪水止不住流淌。相识十一年,仿佛相伴了一生。 你与我分享的人生阅历是我最大的收获。你的聪明,果敢,坚韧,宽容是无人能敌的。你用你的智慧和毅力一次又一次创造了生命的奇迹。你是我尊敬的大姐姐,是我孩子们崇拜的偶像。认识你是我的荣幸。你会永远活在我们心里。
Betty, 承蒙厚爱,让我有机会结识你在不同时期的朋友,并在与他们交谈中对你有了更深层次的了解。在你留给我的名单中,唯独没有的是那些被你帮助过的病人。虽然你们可能还来不及见上一面, 你为他们做过的,他们会永远铭记。元香会一直在远方为你祈祷; 蓉已经上班一个月,她说要像你学习,珍爱生命,把每一天当做最后一天过;Katheryn 术后恢复得特别好,已经回北京开始她的新生活。她说如果没你的鼎力相助,她的今天不敢想像,你是她见过的最美的人…
Betty, 请你放心吧,憨憨很坚强,一下子长大很多; 凯很伤心但也很冷静,一切都按照你的意愿有条不紊地顺利进行;Yawkey family inn的手工课也会一直办下去。

September 19, 2014
September 19, 2014


September 19, 2014
September 19, 2014

September 19, 2014
September 19, 2014

你改变了我的人生轨迹。受你的影响, 我也出国了。1994年,我到美国后的第一个生日,你专程从迈阿密赶来Ithaca, New York. 你带给我无限的欢乐。我衷心地感谢你。
2011年初,当我听到你被确诊为晚期癌症时,如同晴天霹雳。我愕然。从此你开始了顽强的抗癌斗争。你忍受疼痛折磨。你坚强无比。我为不能与你分担疼痛而心酸。当听到你的病情稍为稳定,又为你欣慰。你不断地创造出晚期癌症病人的生存记录。我把你看成神。本想你一定会战胜病魔,战斗到到癌症被科学征服的一天。怎想到,你已经筋疲力尽,耗尽了全部之所能。失去你, 我感到无比的悲痛。
澄碧, 你放心地走吧。安息吧!我的好妹妹。来生我们还是最好的朋友。


September 19, 2014
September 19, 2014
Dear Kai and Brian,
It is been my privilege to be Betty's physician and friend! She is such a remarkable patient, with such great enthusiasm even with grave diagnosis. She fought with all her energy, winning battle after battle even though she succumbed to the disease at the end. She is a true hero, inspiring my patients and other patients with cancers. One time, she went with me to visit one of my patients with end stage liver cancer. I was totally impressed by how she energized my patient and me at the same time, even though she had such high cancer burden in her body. She kept the hope of sick children alive by having marvelous ideas of arts as therapy for children going through surgery. I learnt by watching her work wonder with perla beads, porcelain squares, greeting cards, bracelets, and flowers. She continued on until the last days, when she was so sick and all she could do was to lie down on a table next to the children. But she persevered!
We had been through together the tough journey of fighting cancer and she was just a fighter and kept fighting! I always use her as an example to inspire my other patients!
Two days before she passed away, she called me to say goodbye even though her blood pressure was too low to be measured! I told her that this life was just one sentence that was about to be ended with a period. Another sentence is going to begin soon in her book! So I would like to use this opportunity to celebrate life of such a wonderful woman. Kai: you should be very proud of such a brave and loving wife! Brian: you should be very proud of such a thoughtful and loving mom!


Howard Liu
September 19, 2014
September 19, 2014
  明天是你的memorial service,你三年前为自己的memorial service准备的那些美丽的相片会用上了。我仿佛听到了你开心的笑声,仿佛听到你在自豪地说:“我赚了三年!我送憨憨上middle school了!”
  Betty,依然记得你带我去Kiehl’s,记得我们一起去Walden Pond去Castle Island去Belmont Habitat,记得你给Max做馄饨吃,记得你教我们做tree ornaments,记得我们一起办Holiday Event卖帽子,一起过复活节帮孩子们寻找彩蛋,一起去钓鱼……在波士顿的一年里,因为与你相遇,我们的生活更加精彩。记忆中的你,分分秒秒或在忙碌着创造美,或在大自然中发现美。
  亲爱的Betty,我也非常的爱你!谢谢你在波士顿给我的帮助,更感谢你从此在我的生命里矗立,成了我的勇敢聪慧的role model。Betty,无论你是否能听到,我也想告诉你,“下辈子我们还是最好的好朋友”。

                        Tracy / 钟燕
September 19, 2014
September 19, 2014

写这些话时你已离开我们五天了。今天是9月15号,一早匆匆踏上公出的旅程。在飞往西雅图的班机上多日来纷乱的思绪才渐渐澄清。从和你初次相识到随后十多年的友情再到今年三月见到你与病魔 搏斗的情景都在我脑海中一一闪过。在八月的一个微信中你曾告诉我你已来日无多唯一的希望是能活到儿子9月7号的十岁生日,为此你每天都数着手指过,凭借顽强的毅力不断延续着几近熄灭的生命腊烛,你真的撑过了那一天。而我深知你那强烈的求生欲望和能够让你忍受 常人难以想象的病痛折磨的精神支柱就是你作为妻子和母亲的那份责任以及对爱你的家人的万分的不舍!

Betty,记得我们相识于2000年,在AZ Boston。我们同在AZ oncology 工作。那时的oncology部门还是新组建时期,总共才10几个人. 大家都来自不同的地方彼此不熟。当我看到那个年龄和我相仿,个子和我相似,也从北京来的你时心中真是非常开心。 你工作认真,乐于助人,说话不紧不慢和永远乐观的心态给我留下深刻的印象。我们在一起工作的时间不长我就搬到旧金山湾区。而我们的友情也从此一直延续。在我生病期间你经常来电问候鼓励,在我求职时你又千方百计想办法帮忙。这些看似平常的事却展现了你对朋友的真诚。

Betty,你走后的这些天我反复的回放你写给我的那些微信,一次次的检查结果另你和Kai崩溃而你们强按绝望坚持去医院做义工,在那里你不但展示了自己的创造力和艺术天赋也施爱与患病儿童。让我深感愧疚的是当你向我诉说对病魔的无奈和顽强抗争时在你最需要帮助的时候我要么束手无策,要麽词不达意,我所有的安慰都显得那麽苍白无力。令人宽慰的是由于你顽强的抗病精神和作为义工的杰出供献你入选今年麻省top 100 抗癌英雄之一这个英雄称号你当之无愧。也是对你和Kai相互扶持一路艰辛走来的最大安慰和鼓励。


好友 Bo
September 17, 2014
September 17, 2014
唁  电

林凯先生及其爱子Brian Lin和澄碧的家属:
惊闻林凯先生的爱妻,Brian的好妈妈,我们挚爱的好朋友、好同学Betty Tang (汤澄碧)于2014年9月10日下午在波士顿麻省总医院永远离开了我们。我们深感悲痛和惋惜。汤澄碧正值事业腾飞、家庭美满幸福之时,却遭遇不测身染不治之症,虽经全力救治和顽强抗争,还是被病魔夺去生命。我们对澄碧老同学的英年早逝表示深切的哀悼。
值此之际,我们对汤澄碧同学的逝世表示深切的哀悼,对林凯先生及其爱子Brian Lin和澄碧的家属表示诚挚的慰问,并恳请汤澄碧的家属节哀、保重!

中国北京 北京市大山子中学七七届毕业四班全体师生
September 17, 2014
September 17, 2014

      好友: 宋昭瑞 谢征宇 林蕾 李正元

        二零一四年九月十六日 于中国北京
September 15, 2014
September 15, 2014
To Betty's Family & Friends: I hope your pain is always eased by wonderful memories, enduring love, and the knowledge that a new angel is forever looking out for you.

The cancer-fighting community was made stronger by Betty's energy, passion, and never-stop-living attitude, even on the days when it would have been much easier to stay in bed. Betty fought for herself as well as others. Whether it was through creative arts or spreading the good word about patient and family programs (e.g., Sailing Heals, which Betty introduced us to), she sought to bring solace to those struggling with, and affected by, cancer. So many of us at Dana-Farber marveled at her spirit. 

Rest in peace, Betty -- your legacy is as warm and as bright as your smile!
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September 11, 2022
September 11, 2022
Dear Betty,

It seems to be just yesterday that we were having good time together. I will never forget your smile and voice. I love everything about you. I miss you very much!

September 11, 2022
September 11, 2022
Hello My Dear Betty,
I want you to know that I think of you often and the impact you have had on the world while you were here. I still have my hats, necklace, and have shared some I bought from your fundraisers with others to brighten their days. Your soul still runs through my veins as I do what I can to try to have some of the impact you did on others' lives. You are loved!
September 10, 2022
September 10, 2022
2022-09-10 easily the worst day since 8 years ago. Today happens to the Mid-autumn day in Chinese, known for mooncake intended for the whole family getting together. Instead, I am with my dad in the ICU fighting for his life. I had to take my mom to the ER this morning. It turns out she has gallbladder infection. Now she is admitted to the hospital waiting for surgery. This is also the first year Brian is not with us after going to college in Michigan. I don’t think any of us knew how much we should appreciate the last time when we had mooncake together.
Recent stories

Betty, Farewell

September 27, 2014

I am Betty's medical school classmate. I knew Betty through many large classes we shared during our pre-clinical courses. However, at that time, I did not know Betty too well.

I saw Betty again in Boston in 2009 and only got to know her really well after her cancer diagnosis in 2011. Therefore, I had some first hand knowledge of the journey Betty had gone through, and want to share with you some of Betty's stories I knew.

Several months into her cancer diagnosis, Betty had a lot of pain and also anxiety. I encouraged her to go to meditation with me to help dealing with these problems. On Dec 21, 2011, Betty went with me to a meditation class in Boston for the first time. During the discussion in the class, the meditation teacher asked Betty to make a hat for her. I knew that the intention of this request was to make Betty taking her mind off the suffering she was going through and focus her mind on something helpful to others. Although Betty had knitted thing before, she told me that she never made hat before. She gladly took the challenge regardless.

The next day, Betty sent me a website ( showing how to make a hat from the very beginning and she started the first try. The first hat she made was a bit small for the teacher, the second one was a much better fit. 

Around the same time frame, she told me that she knew some wonderful people at the Patient and Family Resource Center of Dana Faber Cancer Institute. They taught all kinds of Creative arts to cancer patients and their families. She could use the yarns provided by that resource center and some from her own resource to make more hats for children with cancer. 

Then more and more hats came out of Betty's hands just like magic.

Nov 8, 2012 (not even one year after her first hat making effort), Betty sent to a group of her friends a powerpoint file containing pictures of hats of 141 different styles (see 4 attached photos). The beautiful designs plus the diversity of those hats is just one example of Betty's " “whirlwind of creative energy." called by one of her doctors.

Dec, 2012. A website announcing Betty's fund raising effort for children with cancer was publicized ( To my knowledge, Betty made over 1000 hats since Dec 2011 for charity. The hat story is just a tip of the iceburger of Betty's creativity. She had made many other creative art objects and taught many patients, their families and her friends. I was also among her students of creative arts.

On Betty journey with cancer, there was not just pain and suffering, there were amazingly also lots of fun and laugh. When the pain prevented her from getting the sleep at night, she told me that she listened to ghost stories and ghost stories scared her to sleep sometimes, “It was so much fun 好玩儿极了”and she even offered some of those ghost stories to me.

She went on cruises, spent a lot of time with nature, flowers, friends and other cancer patients. Betty told us  that the time after her cancer diagnosis, she had the best time of her life.

I sent Betty's hat pictures to some people in depression, people with other serious illnesses, Betty's spirit always to cheer them up and to see life in a brighter light.

Betty, in this life, you loved, helped and inspired many. You are also loved by many. On this journey with cancer, you transformed yourself from a vulnerable cancer patient to a hero against cancer and other adversities in life. You were so beautiful, lovely, so brave, so unique and so much fun. We were very lucky to have you in our lives. We are very proud of you.  Farewell Betty, in my mind, you have not gone far, your life has transformed into a different form, an inspiration and a loving memory forever in our hearts.


From: Li Xiao

September 20, 2014
Betty and I were childhood best friends. I first met her in middle school through a teacher. I was immediately drawn to her by her love, joy and enthusiasm to life, people and everyone around her.   For a while, we, just two of us, went running in the farm field around our homes every morning at times as early as 5:30am. There were roads lined with big trees, the morning sun shined from sky, making everything bright and beautiful. After running, we read aloud, talked and shared our dreams for the future, what we wanted to and could do with our lives. We were so young, so full of hope. It was a precious time in my life I always remember. I learned confidence from Betty and trusted that we can achieve anything we set up for ourselves.   Li Xiao

A real hero

September 19, 2014

Betty did not like to talk about herself, but working side by side with her I have learned about some events in her life.  One story made me realize that Betty was a real hero. She told me how she moved to the United States. Betty had to leave China for fear of prosecution by the government. During the tragic events on the Tiananmen Square in 1989, Betty was helping the injured. As a medical professional she could not keep away. Betty was driving her small car back and forth picking up injured students and soldiers and delivering them to the hospital to get help.

Betty was always very companionate, always tried to help. I will miss her friendship.


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