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Miss you my dude....

November 4, 2020
Hey Bo just wanted to tell you I miss you I wish you was here and let you know how much you are nice Gracelyn loves and misses you very much wish you was here man you're a good worker and I'm glad that I got a chance to meet you I wish that we could have got to know each other a little better I hate that you had to go so soon

Miss you Bo more then life.....

November 4, 2020
I love and miss you more than anything in this world Graceland everyday talks about how much she misses her Uncle Bo even though she didn't know you very well you must have put a very good impression on her because she sure remembers Who You Are I will never let her forget you I will always speak of you to let her know how much you loved her I just wanted to let you know that you was a good father and a brother damn good uncle I miss you more than anything I wish you was here but I know you're in a better place up there smiling down on us with Mom and Grandpa them hi I'll forever miss you

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