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Hello everyone!

This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Boris Kaschenko 58 years old, born on December 27, 1959 and passed away on February 11, 2018. We will remember him forever.

Boris was a man always striving to reach new heights. This was true in his personal life and career, or more literally on mountain peaks and rock faces. In all these dimensions of his life, Boris was known for his methodical, calculated and calm approach. It was through this approach, not just the successes and summits, that he showed us what you can achieve with a vision, hard work and determination. Boris taught us all to aim high, to make room for what you love every day. And that is a lesson that will forever inspire everyone who was lucky enough to cross his path.

I invite you to unmute your browser as there is a custom playlist that begins when the site opens that I uploaded to share with everyone.  It's a bunch of songs that Boris loved and that remind us of him. You can start the photo slideshow and watch it while listening to the songs.

Thank you so much for visiting this site. Through opportunities like this, Boris can live on forever, through our memories. Please, share what you remember about Boris. You can leave a tribute, add photos or contribute few words to the stories section.

February 11
February 11
Today is the 6th anniversary of Boris’ passing.

After a week of rain, a blissful warm sunny day. Spent all day outside.

In the morning, the girls (Boris' granddaughters) spontaneously picked a cinnamon bun and a Danish from the bakery. Dad's two favourites.

Thought how he would have laughed with them and chased them at the playground.

Saw a pink blossoming tree lit up by the clouds.

With Nata (Boris' younger daughter) on our walk rays of sun magnetically pierced the clouds. Hello pa

And we kept walking until the sun set.

Sigh. Heavy heart, full life. Being grateful.

Veronika (Boris' older daughter)
December 27, 2023
December 27, 2023
Помним и любим Борю. Он с нами на всех наших восхождениях, в наших сердцах.

Лена и Саша Наумовы

27 декабря 2023 года
February 11, 2022
February 11, 2022
Nature is what connects our realm to that of loved ones no longer with us.
Through nature, and in nature, we feel their presence most.
Today it is 4 years that Boris is not with us.
Today, precisely 4 flowers bloomed on my orchid in London, where me and my sister are. (This is the first time ever I've had an orchid rebloom.)
On the other side of the Atlantic, where mom and brother are, their orchid also bloomed.
Also with precisely 4 flowers...
A simple, elegant reminder that we are all together, we are all connected, life is still beautiful.
Dad was always a gentleman – never forgetting flowers on an occasion.
However, he was also always looking for a good deal, and always trying to preserve nature... So how fitting, that these flowers came from plants we already had!

By Veronika Kaschenko, February 11, 2022
February 16, 2021
February 16, 2021
These words were sent from the family friend Anna Gernega:

February 11th It is such a sad day for us too. We were so inspired by Boris, by his wisdom and kindness. We shared so many wonderful lifelong experiences with him and his entire family. Love all of you! Always...
February 16, 2021
February 16, 2021
On February 11th, 2021, the third anniversary of Boris' death, we honored his life. This day has become in our family a Day of Memory. We set aside time to remember. We like to do on that day what Boris liked to do - spend time in nature with family and friends, enjoy good food, and have a good laugh. This year we went for a hike, made Boris' favourite Russian salad "Olivye", shared funny memories and stories, and watched old family videos until midnight.
The grief has lowered in intensity but on the Day of Memory we felt quite emotional. If Boris was here we would say so much to him... We would tell him that his two baby granddaughters were born 3 months ago in November only two weeks apart, one in Canada, and one in UK, and the one in UK looks like Boris a bit! We would tell him how much we miss him every day, and it feels like he went to the mountains, he is somewhere far away, and we know he will not return, but it feels like he is about to walk into the door with open arms, ready for our embrace...
We would tell Boris: You lived and you lived well! You brought a light so great to all around you that even after you are gone the light remains...
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Это письмо пришло от Бориного друга Вити Васянина 11 февраля 2021 года.

В день памяти Бориса !..
О Вас и о том Чувстве, пронесённом через всю вашу жизнь.

Любовь готова всё прощать,
Когда она - любовь.

Умеет беспредельно ждать,
Когда она - любовь.

Любовь не может быть грешной быть,
Когда она - любовь.

Её немыслимо забыть,
Когда она - любовь.

Она способна жизнь отдать,
Когда она - любовь.

Она спасенье, благодать,
Когда она - любовь.

Полна безмерной доброты,
Когда она - любовь.

Она, естественно, как ты,
Когда она - любовь.

(Эльдар Рязанов)

February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Это письмо пришло 11 февраля 2021 года от Лены и Саши Наумовых.

Вчера вместе со всеми Бориными друзьями и мы его вспоминали.
Жизнь продолжается и Боря остаётся с нами рядом.

Пока мы живы - Борин кувшин будет полным - см стихотворение.

Зураб Орджоникидзе, 1983 г.

Поминальный кувшин

Когда он одолел последний путь,

Пред ним была прозрачная стена.

И в рай войдя, присел он отдохнуть

И попросил прохладного вина.

Бог приютил его и так сказал:

«Желание твое сейчас исполним».

И глиняный кувшин ему подал

И обещал: всегда он будет полным.

С тех пор не знал печали гость в раю.

Все отдыхал от дел земных и пил,

Благодарил он Бога за судьбу свою.

Кувшин всегда вином наполнен был.

Прошло три года, может быть, и пять…

И вдруг вина не стало в том кувшине.

Явился он к Всевышнему опять

И умолял поведать о причине.

— Послушай, вечный странник, — молвил Бог.

— Не ангелы кувшин сей наполняли —

Твои друзья, когда, восполнив рог,

Тебя с любовью часто вспоминали.

Из рога то вино тебе предназначалось.

Но было так угодно провиденью,

Что никого в живых уж не осталось

Иль предали друзья тебя забвенью.

Когда узнал он это — сник, зачах,

Исчез, уйдя по млечному пути.

Кувшин иссох и превратился в прах,

Уж от него песчинки не найти.
February 12, 2020
February 12, 2020
Boris was a man full of wise words and amazing stories of his climbing adventures. I have known him for 6 years and he was one of my co-workers I was closest to.He was such an amazing person - full of generosity and good will. He is extremely missed but he lives on in all of our hearts and memories.

Jennifer Lan
February 12, 2020
February 12, 2020
I will always remember Boris's kind and gentle nature. I have only known Boris for 5 years but every time I reached out to him, he always made sure that I was in good hands, and he ensured things at work would work out fine. He always had a positive outlook on everything. This is what I miss most about Boris.

February 12, 2020
February 12, 2020
One of the last conversations I had with Boris at work, was about his kids and his grandchildren. He lit up instantly when he spoke of his family.
I can understand why he was so proud.
We miss Boris!
Filomena Henriques
February 12, 2020
February 12, 2020
Borya's footprints are not only on glaciers and rocks, but also in the hearts of old friends.

Lena and Vlad Ace
February 12, 2020
February 12, 2020
This is a tribute from Bryan Thomson - one who Boris mentored, who Boris taught how to live life to the fullest, and how to be compassionate and caring toward others. I miss all our meals together!
February 11, 2020
February 11, 2020
Dear friends,
Today is the second anniversary of Boris’ crossing to the other side. This day reminds us that love is immortal. The connection with Boris remains alive even though he no longer lives in his physical body.

I would like to share with you what our neighbours wrote about Boris when they came to the celebration of life in February 2018. Our neighbours are from Columbia and speak Spanish. Boris learned Spanish for 2 years, and often practiced speaking with them.

Querida Familia Kaschenko! (dear Kaschenko family)
You were blessed to have Boris as a husband and father. Our lives were touched in so many ways. Our kids will always remember his adventurous spirit.
We honor his soul celebrating his life!
To Boris: querido amigo, gracias por tu amistad y carino. Tu personalidad siempre sincera toco nuestros corazones. Tu pensamiento y tu palabra dejo hvella en nuestras vidas. Te recordaremos como un padre que amo su familia, como el esposo que adoro a su esposa, y el amigo que nos dio tantas sorpresas agradables.
Eres una Estrella mas en el universe que nos alumbrara por siempre.
Con immense carino desde muchos rincones del mundo…
Ivanna, Ale, Lilyana, Mario

English translation:
Dear friend, thank you for your friendship and love. Your always sincere personality touched our hearts. Your thought and your word left a mark in our lives. We will remember you as a father who loved his family, as husband who adored his wife, and a friend who gave us so many pleasant surprises.
In the Universe you are one more star that will shine for us forever.
With immense love from many corners of the world…
Ivanna, Ale, Lilyana, Mario.
February 11, 2020
February 11, 2020
Дорогие друзья,

Сегодня исполняется 2 годя со дня ухода Бори. Этот день напоминает нам, что любовь бессмертна. Связь с Борей остаётся неразрывной, несмотря на то, что он не живёт больше в своём физическом теле.
Сегодня Борин близкий друг Витя Васянин, который живёт в Москве, прислал свои воспоминания о Боре. Я их помещаю ниже.

In Memory of Boris

Привет, Рита!
Здравствуйте, Все!

В этот день , да и всегда, я с Вами !
Еще раз смотрел фото, выложенные Ритой в Память о Боре.
Счастливая Семья, наполненная Любовью и Радостью !!!

Рита и Боря ! Вы — мужественные люди, решившиеся на Важный в Жизни шаг, сменив
страну, среду обитания с детишками. Достойно глубокого Уважения !
Восхищен !

Я знаю Борю больше по спортивным нашим общениям..
Мы ходили с ним и успешно в серьезные горы. 3 серьезных похода 5-6 категории сложности.
Знаете, я никогда не видел Бориса грустным и унылым. Всегда у него — Радость и Улыбка на лице.
Потому столько людей вокруг притянули его улыбчивые глаза с «лучиками» в уголках !!

Не предаваясь грусти, вспоминается только хорошее и по-доброму веселое...

Наш поход на Памиро-Алае (Матча). Хорошая группа, сильная ! (я тогда «закрывал» норматив МС этим походом)
Восторженность Бориса простым вещам при посещении им Средней Азии …

Ребята приехали ко мне в Ташкент и попали на экзотический ритуал местного узбекского действа - «плов» (ранний утренний, ок 04-00 утра), куда я и все мои гости были приглашены.
Громкий «завтрак» под звуки карная и домры …
Огромное количество гостей, прошедшее в это утро через наш двор, я жил. По скромным подсчетам за то утро праздник соседей посетило около 1.5 тыс человек.
Искренние Эмоции Бори и ребят !! Помнятся и сейчас ..
Потом, уже в горах, Боря не раз вспоминал весь ритуал того утра и вкус настоящего плова.

Хорошие и добрые эмоции Бори были всегда и во всем. Поднялись мы через серьезный ледопад Райгородского (600 метров по высоте, рваный лед и т. п., 7 часов тонкого ледолазания и командной работы).
Встали на ночлег на первом плато ледника (на 4100 м). И тут — нас прижала непогода, что было совершенно нетипично для района Матча. 2 суток дождя (и это на 4100 !!).
Вспоминаются восклицания Бориса - « и это Солнечная МАтча (он так ставил ударение!!) ??!!»
Потом Боря дежурил и периодически нам громогласно снаружи сообщал - «открылся пик Скалистый (господствующая вершина хребта, 5600), закрылась вершина пика Скалистый» …

Наверное, Рита еще помнит Борин рассказ про «героический траверс ребра Макалу» в том походе. Когда в результате моей тактической ошибки, как руководителя, группа вынуждена была карабкаться по крутому и пыльному конгломерату вверх …

Сам отъезд группы (отлет после успешного похода из Ленинабада — Худжента).
Ждали самолет (ребята летели в Харьков обратно через Москву).
Накупили дынь и арбузов. То, что не съели , ребята взяли с собой.
Потом Боря мне восторженно пишет, представляешь, прилетели в Домодедово, дождь, сыро.
Прохладно после «жаркой Матчи». )) Достали дыни и арбузы. Разрезали, а они — горячие внутри!! А с нас пар и такой «духан» - запах куриного пера от пуховок, которые достали в а-порту по погоде.
Вот такая «восторженность» и всегдашняя радость от происходящего!
Только ЭТО и помнится

Серьезная 6-ка на Кавказе (руководил Коля Крупко).
Задумка прохождения трудных перевалов и первопроходов.
Боря вседа и во всем был Лидером в команде!
Рита, вспомни его восторг от успешного «первопрохода» перевала Светгар!
От Подьема на Безенгийскую стену (сквозной проход перевалом Чирлёниса по ребру 3А).

Боря рос в спортивном отношении уже без моего присутствия в ХАИ, я закончил учебу и уехал по распределению в Ташкент.
Кстати, на Матчу Борис готовил и выпускал группу без моего присутствия, как руководителя, в Харьковской МКК (маршрутно-квалификационная комиссия).
В.Н. Борискин (Боря рассказывал) посмотрел заявленные доки на поход, сказал, а «Васянин», знаю такого и … подписал.
Борис сильно тогда удивлялся ))
К чести сказать, Боря стал следующим поколением в руководстве Спортивного Клуба ХАИ. И держал достойно «престиж туристов ХАИ» в спортивном мире Харькова (и в соревнованиях, и в участиях в Чемпионатах походов).

И вот, Боря позвал меня в 1990 в свой первый поход-руководство 5 к.сл. на Центральном Кавказе (поход на норматив своего Мастера Спорта).
Потом мы долго вспоминали нашу встречу, и то, как Васянин таскал по горам Кавказа — арбузы !? (мы съели крайний из них прямо на перевале) )))

Боря всегда старался и жил «по-максимуму».
Его маршрут имел несколько спортивных «изюминок». Одна из них — заявленный перевал Юж. Цители (сложный и ...красивый! Нас так воспитывали в этом спорте. Маршрут должен быть красивым и сложным!)
Ю. Цители. 3А* (3Б — категория от первопроходцев, Борискин В.Н. ). Большой многоступенчатый крутой ледопад. Сейчас в лексиконе спортсменов появилось понятие «распечатать ледопад». Именно так и происходило у нас в группе с Борисом. Сначала работа головой и глазами… потом — само прохождение по выбранному и наиболее безопасному пути!
И мы прошли! Борис сильно гордился «спортивными достижениями» и в этом походе.

Вот таким ОН БЫЛ Спортсменом !!

Из малых деталей складывается наша Память
Уверен, что Человек, такой, как Борис и никуда и не «ушел».

По разным странам катаясь на лыжах, сейчас вспоминается «местная традиция», я наблюдал в Болгарии (Банско). Там на воротах домов в определенный период года (поминовения) появляются листки с фото и надписью («2(3) года ...без Ивана/Марии ... »)

Считаю, что для НАС это НЕ так !
Борис с нами , в наших Сердцах ! И ВСЕГДА !
Он рядом, он видит и помогает ! Он — Любит !
September 13, 2019
September 13, 2019
О дяде Боре у меня только самые светлые воспоминания, каковыми могут быть воспоминания из беззаботного детства. Мы жили в одном подъезде. Практически все наше детство, до эмиграции семьи Кащенко в Канаду, вся детвора с нашего двора проводила время дома у наших друзей Вероники и Кирилла и их родителей дяди Бори и тёти Риты. Сколько времени ими было потрачено на занятие этой детворы на развивающие игры, просмотры диафильмов... И все это было с любовью, улыбкой и всегда очень дружественно и приветливо. Именно таким я его навсегда и запомню.
Царствие небесное!
March 12, 2019
March 12, 2019
Эту поэму написал Борин друг Владимир Шевченко и прочёл её, когда мы собирались у нас дома вспоминать Борю в феврале 2019 года, через год после его ухода. Огромная тебе благодарность, Володя, за твою поэму.

Пусть невозможно прошлое вернуть,
И боль унять лекарством долгих лет.
Борис ушёл, и остаётся путь,
Борис ушёл, и остаётся свет...

Бог не сотрёт ни голос, ни строку,
Не пресечёт познанье глубины.
Он – океан, а я на берегу
Смотрю в живое зеркало волны.

Я знаю: скоро предстоит поход,
И сердце переплавит новый стих,
И завтра наступает мой черёд
Сказать: «Пришёл мой час, я ухожу. Прости...»

Ни ветра, ни напутствия во след,
Лишь та, что из окна махнёт рукой...
И те, кто остаются на Земле,
И тоже временно, и скоро на покой.

Я верю, что потом, через года,
Про Борю Кащенко промолвит кто-нибудь:
- Пусть он ушёл, горит его звезда,
Пусть он ушёл – за ним остался путь...
March 9, 2019
March 9, 2019
What follows is a speech of Boris' older daughter Veronika at the Celebration of his life on February 21st, 2018.
We haven't really been following funeral traditions, so isn't realy a speech or eulogy. Instead I wanted to share a realization I had in past few months.
When you become a parent, you look at your baby and to you it is literally the most precious thing you've ever seen.
You think your baby is somehow more special than all other babies. But as you look back, you loose the rose coloured glasses. Luke and I look at Bella's baby photos saying "Oh my, she was so round and bald! How did we not see it?!" Obviously we still think she's the best, but your perspective changes.
What I realized was the child's perspective is quite the opposite.
You grow up and at best you take your parents for granted. Worse, you think your parents were put on this earth to annoy and embarass you. You see their faults. BUT - as an adult - when you look back, you see your parents as precious. You realize that they are somehow better and more special than all other parents.
So what I'm grateful for is that dad was around long enough for me to reach this age of 'parent appreciation' and have many years of showing him just how special he was to me.
And in some twisted way I'm grateful for the cancer.
       That he didn't die in the mountains or an avalanche like some of his mountaineering friends.
       That I had time to thank him for giving me the most incredible life,
       for instilling in me a love for outdoors and respect for nature,
       for showing me that love and family takes work, but it is the only thing that matters.
       And for giving me his wisdom - so frequently - that I can hear his wise voice of reason in my mind whenever I need it.
And I'm grateful that all of you, all of his friends, had time to do the same. To show him how much you love him in words and action.
I think he was such a kind, selfless, giving person that he never expected much gratitude in return. I don't think he realized just how much his actions touched people.
I take great comfort knowing that at the end, he felt proud of his life, of what he achieved. And although it was way too short, he achieved more than anyone I know. And I'd be lucky to achieve half as much in double the time.
So, although there is so much sadness, let us also remember to feel pride, honour and gratitude for having this most incredible person in all our lives.

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Recent Tributes
February 11
February 11
Today is the 6th anniversary of Boris’ passing.

After a week of rain, a blissful warm sunny day. Spent all day outside.

In the morning, the girls (Boris' granddaughters) spontaneously picked a cinnamon bun and a Danish from the bakery. Dad's two favourites.

Thought how he would have laughed with them and chased them at the playground.

Saw a pink blossoming tree lit up by the clouds.

With Nata (Boris' younger daughter) on our walk rays of sun magnetically pierced the clouds. Hello pa

And we kept walking until the sun set.

Sigh. Heavy heart, full life. Being grateful.

Veronika (Boris' older daughter)
December 27, 2023
December 27, 2023
Помним и любим Борю. Он с нами на всех наших восхождениях, в наших сердцах.

Лена и Саша Наумовы

27 декабря 2023 года
His Life

Chapter One - Beginning

March 8, 2019

Boris was born four and a half days before the end of 1959. A year when The Soviet Union crashed the first man made object, the Lunik 2 spacecraft, into the Moon. Meanwhile in a quiet, district hospital in the city Kharkiv, in what is now Ukraine - a very different man-made ‘object’ was making it’s landing, only on Earth.

Boris was an only child and grew up surrounded by loving parents, grandparents and relatives. Despite the risk of “spoiledness” from being the focus of all attention, Boris grew up a very humble and inquisitive child.

Summers spent with his parents on the rocky Black Sea beaches had Boris quickly fall in love with the beauty of outdoors from a very young age. His dad taught Boris how to sail at the age of 13, and in his teen years Boris learned to cross country ski and downhill ski in the vast Carpathian mountains and Caucasus region. Boris also spent one summer with his mom in the small town of Verhniy Baksan (on the border of Georgia) exploring trails near the famous mount Elbrus. He didn’t know it then, but Boris would return to this region many more times, attending and leading mountaineering expeditions. 

Chapter Two - Passion for Mountaineering

March 8, 2019

In the USSR, ‘Mountaineering’ was defined as a type of sport: a combination of alpinism, trekking and climbing with the goal of arriving at valleys through mountain passes (cols) rather than summits. Mountaineering differed from the sport of “Alpinism” which focused on ascents and technical climbing and maintained its own Alpine ranking system. In fact, in the sport of Mountaineering, ascending summits was forbidden until 1989. In the absence of defined “national parks” or designated natural areas in the USSR, the growing interest in mountaineering led to a specific sporting phenomenon, called “self-regulating tourism”. Participants in this sport were referred to as mountain tourists or simply “tourists” (very different from the holiday type of tourist, usually found on a beach with drink in hand). These tourists explored routes developed by other tourists or recommended by tourist clubs – and they did this largely in teams, not solo. Teams were always large (6-15 people), all working towards a collective expedition goal, with each team member assigned a specific role. A tourist would be given the title and responsibility for: First Aid / Medical, Photography and Documentation, Orienteering and Leading, Finances, Equipment manager, Food manager and many more.

Mountain expeditions could be of six categories by complexity. For Category 1, the minimum duration of the route was 6 days, whereas for the most complex Category 6 it was minimum 20 days, no maximums were established. Mountaineering expeditions were regulated for security and safety, but also to grade the skill of participants, and standardise routes to allow competitions. For regulation, teams had to obtain documents from the route-qualification board (a type of administrative body) before the trip; and after the trip to submit a report to the same board. The report contained detailed documentation of the route completed, and several photos of participants on the cols as visual proof of accomplishment. This allowed them to qualify for a more difficult route next time, working up through to ‘mastering’ more challenging categories.

Boris mastered routes of 1st, 2nd and 3rd categories in 1977-1979, when he was only in his late teens, and then quickly began leading trips. In 1980 he led two trips of 1st and 2nd categories, and in 1984 he led a trip of 3rd category. When he was not leading, he mastered more challenging routes and areas - a trip of 4th category in Tian Shan, two trips of 5th category in Altai (1983) and Matcha (1986, Pamir-Alai mountains). The two most challenging trips of the highest 6th category Boris completed in Caucasus (1987) and Matcha (1988). For the trip in Caucasus, Boris dug in the archives of his local library to find information about a 1st ascent on Svetgar Pass (Georgia mountains). His team successfully then climbed over this challenging pass for the first time.

Photo: Boris is scrambling in Caucasus, 1987.

Chapter Three - Leading and Coaching

March 8, 2019

In 1989 - 1992 Boris organized and led mountain trips of 4th and 5th categories and reached the top of the mountaineering ranking which took him 15 years. In all of these trips Boris climbed with members of his university and other universities’ tourist clubs. For the more challenging trips, the same group of people would train together, develop routes together, and spend months in remote mountains together. Doing this for many years with the same group forged lifelong strong friendships, which continued despite Boris and his friends dispersing to different countries and continents. A friendship made in the mountains, was a friendship for life.

Many years later, over tea, Boris’ family would often hear stories of these expeditions, which had become Kaschenko family legends – such as the infamous 30 day expedition (Altai 1983). Boris would tell us how his team ran out of food with 10 days still ahead of them, which meant breakfast, lunch and dinner were served as a gourmet combination of a ¼ of a saltine cracker topped with a sugar cube. Needless to say, Boris made sure his children never grew up as picky eaters, learning to appreciate what was on the dinner table from a young age.

In addition to leading and participating in trips, Boris became the chair of his university tourist club in 1982, and for the next 10 years coached his university mountaineering team that competed at the city, republic, and Soviet Union level.

Competition criteria involved several ways to earn team points. For example, a team had to run a certain distance within an obstacle course designed with typical and varied mountaineering terrain (often in Crimea mountains). It was required to cover the distance as fast as possible, observing safety rules, not making any mistakes and without losing any equipment. Typically this distance was covered in one hour. Boris’ university team became of the the strongest in Kharkiv and Ukraine while Boris was a coach and participant of the team.

Photo: Developing a route in Caucasus mountains (1987) (Boris in the middle).

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Anastasia Kaschenko

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