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March 9, 2019

36 years today since I last saw you, What I would give to just see you for one minute, always in my thoughts, loveand miss you every day

Gone 35 years today

March 9, 2018

35 years, where have they gone, 35 yrs since I heard you laugh, 35 yrs since I saw your face or touched you, your grandson who was born only three weeks before you died is now a grown up man of 35, life can be so cruel at times, miss you every day my darling dad (dell boy)

Happy Birthday

April 20, 2016

April the 20th your birthday and you would have been 76, although i havent seen you since you were so cruely taken from us at the very young age of just 40, i still see your loving face each day, hope mum lets you have a few pints with your brothers to celebrate, you are still with me every day and always will be, 

Love you

Susan xxxxxx 

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