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His Life

The beginning

April 24, 2012

When I found out I was pregnant in 1977 I was so pleased, it was all I had ever wanted since I was a little girl, to have a baby of my own. I did all the usual things like pregnancy tests, doctors visits and then my first hospital visit everything was going well until at 12 weeks I was admitted to hospital with a threatening miscarriage. After a weeks total bed rest I was discharged and advised to "Take it easy". All through the rest of my pregnancy I had scans (which were rare then) examinations and queries about my gestation, but because I was so sure of my dates I knew without a shadow of a doubt what my due date was. One doctor had sent me for 4 scans one week after another because he thought my dates were wrong, I knew they were right. After lots of questions and more scans I asked to see a consultant, He sent me for an X ray and as soon as he asked for that I had an idea they were worried. I must at this time remind you that this was 35 years ago and we were not given the details we are now and we certainly did not not question what a doctor told us. On my return from X ray the same consultant told me with no sympathy or concern that my baby was going to die because it was suffering from annencephally. This was a word I had never heard of and was totally shocked, he then said he wanted me to come into hospital to have a termination. I won't repeat here what I said to him. By this stage my husband had been called and he made all the "arrangements" without me knowing for me to come into hospital a few days later.