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His Life

Looking Back

February 5, 2016

Chad Paul Wright was an amazing, hansome young man that made a impression on the un-impressionable. He was confident, bold, funny, charming, loving and too damn young to be written about in the past tense.
I had heard that If you spend your life looking back then you will miss the "now" and "the future", as the future becomes the now and the now an empty past. That is why there is a specific order in which we expect things to happen. A chronilogical order that allows us to digest certain enevitable happenings that we all have heard will happen and eventually see happen before our very eyes. I spent several nights with my grandfather exchanging stories and he answering questions, any question I asked. We knew we were saying goodby. When he passed I was sad, but it was enevitable and it was time.
My Father called my Brother and Myself together to tell us his decision not to have treatment that would extend his life quoting "quality over quantity". The extra time he would gain in life he would spend trying to mend, again enevitable, it was his "Time". He left us and I was really sad, but, I had a chance to say goodby.
This is where Chad would continue the story, passing on what little he remembered about my mothers father, my father and his father, me. But instead, choices have been made that changed the enevitable path, the accepted course of life, the span of time we all think we have to get it right.
I needed more time. Everybody I know, from his boys, to his Sisters, Salene, Natalie and Darlene, to his Aunts, Uncles and extended family, I know I can say with out a doubt that we all needed more time. We all really, really wanted more time! But I can also say with extreme certainty, that if you knew Chad.....really knew him.....he only gave you his time on his terms, save two, Logan and Luke. He literally graced you with his presence, that being said, his presence wasn't always graceful.
It's been one month today. It still hurts in a way I can't explain and I don't expect it to go away anytime soon. But I get it, Chad being Chad left the party like he came....on his own terms. How lucky were we.......How lucky was I ?

Love, Dad