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Christopher Jacob Martin, “Jake” of Birmingham, Alabama passed away on April 30, 2021. Jake was born on April 15, 1992. Jake will forever be missed by his loving and caring family. Jake is preceded in death by his grandparents, Debra and Robert Nelson; his great grandparents , Charles and Norma Reynolds, his great grandparents, LP and Liz Alvision. He is survived by his parents, Wendy Martin and Christopher Martin; his siblings, Kaylan Martin, Justin Martin, and Shelby Jones, his grandfather David Martin (Marjorie Mahan Martin) his fiancée, Ruth Dodd, his nephew, Tyler Martin; his uncles, Joseph Reid, Johnny Reid (Lacey Reid) and his aunt Cyndee Martin Riddlesperger (Terry Riddlesperger) and an overwhelming amount of friends, cousins, great aunts and uncles. He was a talented writer and singer, he loved music and his family. A memorial service was held for him at Sharon Heights Baptist Church at 1:00 pm on Friday, May 7. 
May 14, 2021
May 14, 2021
What up Ghost...That stuffs foreal ain't it.we had some times together you and James earl. Man me you and lord Baltimore. As I prayed for you I'll continue to pray for your family brother.i think the world's worse off with out your presence in it.i heard a poem once that fits you perfect was called passed stated when we die we don't do any thing but turn into wind and bro that's how I'll always remember you when I feel a cool breeze I will know a ghost just passed you forever nephew...
May 14, 2021
May 14, 2021
Just wanted to say that he was the best brother a person could have and all the inside jokes we have together will never be the same I could say something that me and u will know about and no one else would get it miss u my guy and I’ll see u someday
May 13, 2021
May 13, 2021
My son Jake had a big heart he loved everyone he was actually born with a big heart and the doctor's told me that his little body would grow into it and it and he did. When Jake said he loved you he really loved you and he meant what he said. Jake loved his family there were times when we didn't get along with each other but deep down inside we never stopped loving each other not a day went by that I didn't call and check on him expect that last week before he passed away I always regret that I love you Jake Martin

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May 14, 2021
May 14, 2021
What up Ghost...That stuffs foreal ain't it.we had some times together you and James earl. Man me you and lord Baltimore. As I prayed for you I'll continue to pray for your family brother.i think the world's worse off with out your presence in it.i heard a poem once that fits you perfect was called passed stated when we die we don't do any thing but turn into wind and bro that's how I'll always remember you when I feel a cool breeze I will know a ghost just passed you forever nephew...
May 14, 2021
May 14, 2021
Just wanted to say that he was the best brother a person could have and all the inside jokes we have together will never be the same I could say something that me and u will know about and no one else would get it miss u my guy and I’ll see u someday
May 13, 2021
May 13, 2021
My son Jake had a big heart he loved everyone he was actually born with a big heart and the doctor's told me that his little body would grow into it and it and he did. When Jake said he loved you he really loved you and he meant what he said. Jake loved his family there were times when we didn't get along with each other but deep down inside we never stopped loving each other not a day went by that I didn't call and check on him expect that last week before he passed away I always regret that I love you Jake Martin
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It's been 3 years

April 30
It's been 3 years and yet. I think about you all the time, but I can't call you. I can't text you. I can't email you. I can't come see you. period I just celebrated 5 years my man. Without  any kind of drugs. And my son is 3 and a 1/2. I've been working the same job driving the truck for 3 and a 1/2 years.
 Every time I think about you, I get mad and it gives me another reason. Not to touch drugs again.because we're not guaranteed tomorrow or to the next minute.The drugs don't care about you, but you know who does our family.They wanna see doing  good regardless of whatever we think just wanted to say.I miss you brother

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