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March 27, 2021
March 27, 2021
Dear Uncle Daniel,

TC and I are very saddened by your passing. We are sorry that we couldn’t attend your funeral.

Thankfully, we got a chance to be your host for a couple days when you visited San Francisco for WYIC in 2017. We really admire your kindness and determination. Thank you for sharing your experience and stories with us. We will always remember your teachings.

We are grateful to have an uncle we can learn from and look up to. You will be dearly missed.

March 22, 2021
March 22, 2021
"艱險我奮進,困乏我多情。" 小弟的一位中學中文老師常以之自我鞭策的兩句新亞書院校歌,我想亦可借用為華雄兄近年在推行天水圍區義教英文計劃的寫照:經他的感召,在籌備的初期我亦曾參與其事,出席他與該區學校的教職員面談,一起探討新移民和弱勢社群學生在修習英文的困難,亦了解到計劃在經費和資源上的限制,以及學生家長對我們的信任問題;鑑於每期三個月祇得八堂,我們的目標主要是提起同學們對主動學習英文(特別是在發音及以英語對答方面)的興趣,而我本人亦有加入首期的義教工作,再度執起已放下多年的教鞭(註: 我曾在大學畢業後任教中學生物科兩年,之後才轉攻會計專業及加入政府的);我們一群非正式的「華仁仔老師」,各自發揮創意,不拘一格 ,除了原有計劃提供的教材外,亦利用電腦 YouTube 播放英文歌和朗讀報紙英文稿等,一切但求能引起學生的共鳴,讓他們覺得英文是與現實生活相關的,學懂聽講英語可以擴闊他們的視野和升學的機會;我們並且跟隨華雄兄的提示,間中與學生分享人生經驗(我幼時家境清貧)及如何逆境求進等,讓他們明白到他們現時英文程度偏低的情況是可以經由自身的努力改變過來的,最重要的是切勿輕言放棄……



香港華仁書院'71班 唐偉光同學
March 21, 2021
March 21, 2021

香港華仁書院'71班 張文燊老師
March 20, 2021
March 20, 2021
收到 Daniel 去世的消息,我和 Ms Fu都非常難過。希望Daniel親人節哀順變。感謝你百忙中通知。



[forwarded by anthony kwan]
March 20, 2021
March 20, 2021
I am very sorry to hear about the loss of Daniel.

Please also express our students' and teachers' deepest sympathy to Daniel's family. Daniel will deeply be missed.

Best regards,

Principal Lui
JC Eduyoung College

[forwarded by anthony kwan]
March 20, 2021
March 20, 2021
It is extremely sad to hear the bad news.

On behalf of the students and our School, we would like to show our heartfelt gratitude to Daniel for his utmost contribution and devoted effort on us. It is him to change the life of our students. We will never forget his great spirit and attitude.

May God bless him and his whole family.

with best regards,

Principal Yuen and Carol
Caritas Tuen Mun Marden Foundation Secondary School

[forwarded by anthony kwan]
March 20, 2021
March 20, 2021
回想那時自己還是讓人發笑的英文文盲,在老師鼓勵下參加了華仁英文班 [Tin Shui Wai English Tutorial Project]。沒想到,世上還有不求報酬地向學生展示英文樂趣的人。那時我亦得知他們不是學校的老師,而是一群熱心的人。在班上,我們聚在一起,吃著小食,聽著音樂。一句「讓我們一起看看歌詞」,這說話使我不如以往般,只聽旋律而不理會歌詞意思,而是可貴地了解著當中的含意。即使還是一個蘋果都不會串的中學生,但那時光,仍是享受。

在談到日常英語時,口中能說出一句「啊!我看過輕鐵上emergency的字眼。」仍深深記著。更沒料到,這英文班成為我的人生轉捩點。當下課準備離開時,一隻手向我伸來。「Ken 你如果有決心要追英文的話,我可以幫你。」 回想起那時就像演戲和熱血的故事般,從而開始了與這位良師益友一起在英語上拼搏。

如今即使我仍沒有一口流利讓人讚嘆的英語,但那時我由一個英文文盲與大學無緣的人,兩年間成為了一個英語合格並能入讀大學的學生。拿起現在手中香港浸會大學的學生證,心情大概只能形容成經歷拼搏後,在山上回望的感受。真的,很感激華仁英文班 [Tin Shui Wai English Tutorial Project] 的出現,很感激Daniel Mak Sir創辦了這英文班。成就了一位少年不一樣的人生。

萬鈞伯裘書院校友 陳栢朗(Ken)

[forwarded by anthony kwan]
March 20, 2021
March 20, 2021
In fond memories of Mr. Mak Wah Hung, Daniel, founder and co-ordinator of Tin Shui Wai English Tutorial Project.

We, the teachers, parents and students of Man Kwan Pak Kau College, would like to express our deepest sorrow and regret about Mr. Mak’s demise.

Starting from 2015, our students have participated in the Tin Shui Wai English Project organized by Wah Yan Alumni. This is such a meaning Project in which our students gained a lot and got great improvement in their English level with the support by Wah Yan tutors. We really appreciate Mr. Mak’s full support on this Project. With his great care and encouragement for our students, Mr. Mak always demonstrated his professionalism and positive attitude to the younger generation.

Mr. Mak was knowledgeable and conscientious. His professional attitude towards work, his enthusiasm for education, his care and encouragement for our students do worth our great respect. We would like to express our deepest condolences to Mr. Mak’s demise and also show our greatest gratitude for his selfless contribution on the Tin Shui Wai English Tutorial Project and his devotion to education.

Wong Wing Tung

Principal of Man Kwan Pak Kau College

[forwarded by anthony kwan]
March 20, 2021
March 20, 2021
First of all, my sympathy for Joyce being unable to attend significant events
at home while overseas. I had similar experience in my younger days.

My backgate mate : Mak Wah Hung
Of course we all missed you.
Not many people know of the back gate of Wah Yan.
I cannot be sure when I first met "Monkey". I am almost sure it was
at the back gate . Most of us at Wah Yan will leave after lessons through
the long and winding front road,I was introduced to use the backgate by
Daniel. It got me home 10 minutes quicker.
Daniel was probably my "closest friend" during my Wah Yan days.
We literally only lived about 200 meters from each other at Lockhart Road,Wanchai.
Very often we would have left school together after lessons through the
streets of Wanchai after using the quicker back gate. Sometimes ,we would
stop and eat some street food on the way home. Finally,we would have parted at the junction of Obrien Road and Lockhart Road and said see you
With the name Daniel ,I thought he was Baptised long ago.
Only found it was quick recent.
I hope someday,I will meet up with my old classmate at the front gate of
P.S. I admire him with the effort he put in for whoever that needs help
in front of him.
"I am sending him some comfort pictures from the Bible each day giving him hopefully some warmth n support since not many of his family n friends are around him." This is what he was doing for one of the Wah Yah boys who is
very sick ( in Australia) and Daniel was very sick himself.
March 19, 2021
March 19, 2021








係爸爸身上睇到 ,人生嘅旅程不在乎長短 。最重要嘅係懂得愛家庭,家人,朋友和關愛社會。善用天父俾佢嘅"塔冷通"。雖然宜家同爸爸分離,但我相信呢個只係暫別。他朝我哋都會喺天國再遇。
March 19, 2021
March 19, 2021
My Dear Father-in-law,

I m very grateful to be part of the Mak’s family as your daughter-in-law. 

Over countless conversations at our dinner table, I had come to know you were a very kind and caring man. You were always very generous to those less fortunates in the time of need. Despite you were undergoing cancer treatments, you were still there for me before and after my surgery. I was very worried about you driving in your condition but you confidently told me you could without a single doubt. You always did and gave us your best effort. I am very proud of your kindness, courage, and strength! 

Thank you for being a great role model and a wonderful dad for my husband and myself. We will remember all your wise guidance deep in our heart.

We know you are now watching and protecting us from above. Gone but never forgotten. Our memories will always bring back you.

March 19, 2021
March 19, 2021
Uncle, it was so lovely to meet you and your family that time at Clarke Quay TungLok. Through your daughter, I’ve seen your life’s work of dedication to helping others and standing for what you believed in. Thank you for welcoming my husband and I to the table that night and making us feel so welcomed. As in Heaven I know our good Father welcomes you to sit at His table. May your good work and legacy continue to live on. God bless your beautiful family with love, courage and strength.
March 18, 2021
March 18, 2021
5)  爸爸教我玩scrabble, mastermind, 捉棋
9) 和爸爸一起看C朗踢波
March 18, 2021
March 18, 2021
I only met your father a few times but he left a powerful impression on me: caring and yet powerful and ready with a smile or joke (excellent Dad jokes as I remember). Determined and hardworking, he managed to keep in mind what was really important for his children and for many others in his community. He had a memorable smile and presence and I’m so sorry to hear that you have lost your Father, Joyce. Big hug to you and best wishes of health to all your family. ❤️
March 18, 2021
March 18, 2021
As far as i can remember, 契爺 was a very clever man. A man of discipline, sense of humor, compassion, and warmth. I remember you once jokingly said “哈哈! 未死得” after sneezing non-stop for a good 30 seconds. He never fail to amaze us with his witty replies and quick thinking. Thank you for all those joyous memories you brought to me and my family in both Hong Kong and Vancouver. Your memories will continue to live among us, and your warmth and compassion will continue to inspire us. Goodbye for now
March 17, 2021
March 17, 2021
I am really lost for words for the very sudden departure of a very dear friend. I can only say that I regret that I did not say thank you to Daniel for his selfless and tremendous contribution to linking our classmates together and his services to the disadvantaged and less fortunate. Surely, God will award him abundantly in heaven!
March 17, 2021
March 17, 2021
It has been a huge privilege to have known Daniel - it is as if he was sent by God to lead me down the path of serving Tin Shui Wai (TSW) students and more. He was single-minded and totally focussed in his purpose, and that was an important factor, I think, in rallying the support from Wah Yan alumni and friends for the TSW project. The purity and simplicity of his thoughts and mind are exemplary of Christian’s service leadership, which is to put our service targets first. I am sure those of us who have been blessed by his leadership will continue from where he left behind. May God’s blessings be with him and his family now and forever.
March 17, 2021
March 17, 2021


March 16, 2021
March 16, 2021

March 11, 2021
March 11, 2021
RIP, Daniel. Thanks so much for your kindness to our students.
March 11, 2021
March 11, 2021
I am writing on behalf of the students of Jockey Club Man Kwan Eduyoung College, who had joined the English Tutorial Programs to send our deepest thanks to Daniel! Daniel showed our students that a meaningful life is not being rich or highly educated , it is all about being caring and helpful when you have the abilities to help others who are in need!
March 11, 2021
March 11, 2021
RIP, Daniel. May God keep u. Thanks so much for your kindness to our students. You are a role model for us.

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