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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, David Rangel, 24 years old, born on August 1, 1996, and passed away on May 29, 2021.  We will remember him forever. We love you David.

Este sitio web conmemorativo fue creado en memoria de nuestro ser querido, David Rangel, de 24 años, nacido el 1 de Agosto de 1996 y fallecido el 29 de Mayo de 2021.
Lo recordaremos para siempre. Te amamos mucho David.
August 1, 2023
August 1, 2023
Hola mi David hoy solamente quiero decirte Feliz cumpleaños mijo hoy cumplirias 27 años, saves mi corazon q me haces falta tds los dias q te recuerdo a cada momento q no hay dia en q no piense en ti, q te estraño td tu mijo tu carita tus abrazos tu risa el sonido de tu guitarra td tu mijo te amo con td mi corazon y mi vida, nunca voy a entender q paso mi padre lindo y q nunca voy acceptar el q tu ya no estes con nosotros mi corazon, perdoname papi por no querer enterder tu partida haci tan derepente, pienso q la vida fue injusta se rompieron tdas tus iluciones y tds tus sueños q tenias para tu vida y eso me duele mucho mijo por ti, pero sabes mi David tambien me siento muy orgullosa por la persona y ser humano en la q te convertiste siempre fuiste y siempre seras nuestro orgullo ese ser q nunca se daba por vencido y q siempre la familia es lo mas importante en la vida, te amo con td mi corazon y ya sabes q algun dia nos volveremo a ver q dios te bendiga siempre mijo q desde donde quiera q tu estes cuida de Tda tu famila hasta siempre hijo de mi vida descansa en paz hijo de mi corazon te amo mi David we see you again my sweet sunshine kisses rest in peace my son
May 29, 2023
May 29, 2023
Hey my sweet David just a few minutes ago it was 2 year's that you lost your precious life, I just can't believe it and I'm never going to accept it, I still waiting for you to come home mijo, is very difficult to understand the reality and the truth, that's why I'm always going to be waiting for you, mijo nos has dejando con el corazon y el alma rota nunca seremos los mismo sin ti has dejando un gran vacio y nunca se podra llenar,solamente quiero q sepas q desde donde tu te encuentres nos des mucha fortaleza y q nunca dejes solos a tu familia q tanto te amamos, a dios te bendiga siempre mi amado hijo de mi corazon te amo con td mi vida dios te bendiga siempre mi amado David ❤⭐vuela siempre muy alto hasta el Infinito y mas aya mi dulce estrella de David te amo mucho mi corazon, descansa en paz hijo de mi vida .
January 1, 2023
January 1, 2023
Hey my sweet sunshine, another year with out you, yesterday I was remember how much we love each other and how we love to play, laugh,dance and get crazy and have fun, it's suppose to be like that every single day, time,year,and forever, but no everything changed, I just can't believe I don't understand why you are not here with me mijo I miss you so so much, I pray for you and wait for you all the time, just want you to know that I will remember you forever,and just for the record mijo yesterday I danced with your cousin and brother and I know you was there too. Mijo quiero q sepas q desde tu partida nada es igual, todo es gris y triste a mi alrededor.haci q quiero q sepas q estoy despidiendo el 2022 llena de mucha tristeza y nostalgia por tu ausencia pero nunca te vas a ir de nuestro corazon y siempre te recordare y te amare mi amado hijo David, a dios te bendiga siempre y q dios te reciva con el descansa en paz hijo de mi corazon algun dia nos volveremos a ver mi David te amo mucho mi padre see you again my sweet sunshine.
August 2, 2022
August 2, 2022
hi david,
happy birthday! i had a few cupcakes for you today and we left you some of your favorite candy. i hope you have endless sweets... you deserve them. i miss you a lot. i've been struggling a lot the last few months and i can't help but think of you on my hardest days. you give me the strength to not give up and to keep fighting to live another day. so thank you for being there for me, even when i can't see you. i love you forever.

La Cadena Quebrada

No sabíamos esa mañana que
Dios iba llamar tu nombre.
En la vida te quisimos mucho
En la muérete hacemos igual.
Nuestros corazones se rompieron al perderte.
No te fuiste solo,
porque una parte de nosotros se fue contigo
el día que Dios te llamo al cielo.
Nos dejaste con recuerdos de paz.
Tu amor es todavía nuestro guía,
aunque no te podemos ver,
siempre estás a nuestro lado.

Nuestra cadena familiar está quebrada,
y nada se parece lo mismo,
pero Dios nos llama uno por uno,
y nuestra cadena
se ligará otra vez.
August 1, 2022
August 1, 2022
Hola primo,
I always find myself missing you when i’m alone. I sometimes I look through your instagram and think, “wow, where’d you go?” I hope you can forgive me for not always visiting you at the cemetery or stopping by your tree. It’s kinda funny, you got a whole tree to yourself, lucky you… Today you would've been 26, and i’m so glad I got to be apart of your life for 24 of those years. I hope that wherever you went, you’re doing great things like always. We all miss you, so very much. Until we meet again. ❤️
August 1, 2022
August 1, 2022
Hey my sweet David, hoy cumplirias 26 años, pero solamente q dios tenia algo diferente para ti y quiso llevarte mucho antes con el,saves mijo por mas q trato de enterder y por lo menos acceptar un poco tu repentina partida no puedo, y te pido perdon por eso,pero esq te estraño tanto pero tanto mi sunshine ❤ q a veces me cuesta hasta respirar mijo, tds los dias le pido a dios te bendiga siempre y q a nosotros nos ayude a seguir adelante ,quiero darte las gracias por esos maravillosos 24 años q compartimos juntos, las Risas los juegos por tds los buenos momentos y tambien por las tristezas pero sobre td por ser tan excelente hermano,sobrino, primo,amigo, pero por siempre ser un excelente hijo, siempre me voy a sentir orgullosa de ser tu mom, ❤⭐gracias mi amado hijo, recive td mi amor y mis bendiciones hasta donde te encuentres Feliz Cumpleaños hijo de mi corazon q mi dios te bendiga siempre mi amado David ❤hasta siempre y we see you again my sweet boy ⭐❤⭐.
July 28, 2022
July 28, 2022
Hey my sweet sunshine, today is July 28 2022, solamente a 4 dias de tu cumpleaños, solamente quiero q sepas q desde donde quiera q tu te encuentres , no hay un dia un momento q no te extrañe, vivo y respiro pensando siempre en ti y tus hermanos, mañana se cumple un Año y 2 meses de tu partida es tan dificil entender y acceptar tu ausencia mi padre, q mi corazon llora de tristeza por tu partida, a diosito te bendiga siempre mi amado hijo David besos y abrazos hasta el universo y el cielo, we see you again my sweet sunshine ❤⭐.
July 27, 2022
July 27, 2022
I miss you every single day David. I think about you everyday. Every butterfly reminds me of you. I love you. 
May 29, 2022
May 29, 2022
Hey my Sweet Sunshine, today is one of the most painful moments that changed my life forever,TODAY is one year ago you left us is not easy to look forward with out you my dear David, you know how much we love you right mijo, we're always going to loving ❤and remember you forever, your family, friends and people who had the chance to know you the way you was and forever will be, ❤ God bless you and look for everybody my love ❤ we miss you very much mijo, today the family and friends visit you and show you how much we love you ❤, I because I miss you hugs you laugh ,my friend, I just miss everything about you my beloved Son ,I thank you for the wonderful time we spend all together❤ and thank you for been one of my 3 Musketeers ❤, God bless you and rest in peace my son David,forever miss you but never forgotten we see you again my sweet sunshine and remember I'm behind you my love, mis oraciones y mi vida siempre contigo ❤hijo de mi vida Tqm hasta pronto mijo ❤.
May 10, 2022
May 10, 2022
Hey my sweet sunshine ⭐❤, I was waiting for you text or phone call to say happy mother's day, but then I remember that you had something more beautiful to do and I told myself that I'm going to wait until I see you again and we can be together my love, ❤ please don't be stranger and give me signals that you are around me, I miss you so so much mijo ❤please my sunshine take care us, perdoname por molestarte mijo pero es q te estraño con td mi ❤❤ con mi vida te amo mi amado David te mando tdas mis bendiciones y mi corazon ❤hasta donde te encuentres hijo de mi vida y recuerda siempre cuanto te amamos mi padre recive saludos de tds, siempre pensando en ti dios te bendiga hijo mio ❤hasta pronto "NORMAN" from MOTHER",I'M BEHIND YOU SUNSHINE ❤see you.
July 9, 2021
July 9, 2021
I've always found comfort in writing and poetry, and it's been hard to write anything since David passed, but I found a poem that brings me comfort and I wanted to share with everyone, in honor of David.

If Tomorrow Starts Without Me
by David Romano

If tomorrow starts without me, and I’m not here to see,
If the sun should rise you find your eyes all filled with tears for me;
I wish so much you wouldn’t cry the way you did today,
While thinking of the many things we didn’t get to say.
I know how much you love me, as much as I love you
And each time that you think of me, I know you’ll miss me too.
But when tomorrow starts without me please try to understand,
That an angel came and called my name and took me by the hand.
He said my place was ready, in heaven far above
And that I’d have to leave behind all those I dearly love.
But as I turned and walked away a tear fell from my eye.
For all my life I’d always thought, I didn’t want to die.
I had so much to live for, so much left yet to do.
It seemed almost impossible that I was leaving you.
I thought of all the yesterdays the good ones and the bad.
I thought of all the love we shared, and all the fun we had.
If I could relive yesterday, just even for a while,
I’d say goodbye and kiss you and maybe see you smile.
But then I fully realized that this could never be,
For emptiness and memories would take the place of me.
When I thought of worldly things I might miss come tomorrow
I thought of you and when I did my heart was filled with sorrow.
When I walked through heavens gates I felt so much at home.
God looked down and smiled at me from his great golden throne
He said, “This is eternity and all I’ve promised you”
Today your life on earth has passed but here life starts anew.
I promise no tomorrow, but today will always last
And since each day is the same there’s no longing for the past.
You have been so faithful so trusting and so true.
Though there were times you did some things you knew you shouldn’t do.
You have been forgiven and now at last you’re free.
So won’t you come and take my hand and share my life with me?
So when tomorrow starts with out me don’t think we’re far apart,
For every time you think of me, I’m right here in your heart.
June 23, 2021
June 23, 2021
My cousin David had energy that could light up a whole room, and make everyone feel so loved and welcomed. There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think of him, and miss my cousin. I’m so lucky to be able to call him my cousin. I love him, I miss him, and I wanted to make this tribute page in memory of David, for us to always have to look back on, and always have him remembered. I love you David. We miss you so much.

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August 1, 2023
August 1, 2023
Hola mi David hoy solamente quiero decirte Feliz cumpleaños mijo hoy cumplirias 27 años, saves mi corazon q me haces falta tds los dias q te recuerdo a cada momento q no hay dia en q no piense en ti, q te estraño td tu mijo tu carita tus abrazos tu risa el sonido de tu guitarra td tu mijo te amo con td mi corazon y mi vida, nunca voy a entender q paso mi padre lindo y q nunca voy acceptar el q tu ya no estes con nosotros mi corazon, perdoname papi por no querer enterder tu partida haci tan derepente, pienso q la vida fue injusta se rompieron tdas tus iluciones y tds tus sueños q tenias para tu vida y eso me duele mucho mijo por ti, pero sabes mi David tambien me siento muy orgullosa por la persona y ser humano en la q te convertiste siempre fuiste y siempre seras nuestro orgullo ese ser q nunca se daba por vencido y q siempre la familia es lo mas importante en la vida, te amo con td mi corazon y ya sabes q algun dia nos volveremo a ver q dios te bendiga siempre mijo q desde donde quiera q tu estes cuida de Tda tu famila hasta siempre hijo de mi vida descansa en paz hijo de mi corazon te amo mi David we see you again my sweet sunshine kisses rest in peace my son
May 29, 2023
May 29, 2023
Hey my sweet David just a few minutes ago it was 2 year's that you lost your precious life, I just can't believe it and I'm never going to accept it, I still waiting for you to come home mijo, is very difficult to understand the reality and the truth, that's why I'm always going to be waiting for you, mijo nos has dejando con el corazon y el alma rota nunca seremos los mismo sin ti has dejando un gran vacio y nunca se podra llenar,solamente quiero q sepas q desde donde tu te encuentres nos des mucha fortaleza y q nunca dejes solos a tu familia q tanto te amamos, a dios te bendiga siempre mi amado hijo de mi corazon te amo con td mi vida dios te bendiga siempre mi amado David ❤⭐vuela siempre muy alto hasta el Infinito y mas aya mi dulce estrella de David te amo mucho mi corazon, descansa en paz hijo de mi vida .
His Life

Happy 25th birthday David

August 1, 2021
Happy birthday David, We love you and you’re always in our hearts. We miss you everyday. Thank you for bringing us an amazing extension to the family too, your friends are so amazing and love you so dearly. We love you
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Facebook memories

October 5, 2023
My favorite thing to do on Facebook is look at my memories, and take screenshots of all the comments and messages you’d send me. I have so many now in my google photos. I’m sure you’d think I’m crazy. Lol miss you david. 

Secret Santa

July 9, 2021
I remember there was a time that David and a few of my other cousins would hang out to play cards against humanity together. We'd all meet up in David's kitchen, laughing at our dumb jokes. We decided to do a secret santa with each other and David got me. He gave me a potty putter haha. It was a joke gift that made me laugh so hard. I think that's when David taught me the best gift you can give your loved ones is a happy memory. I don't have the toy anymore, but the memory is forever in my heart, just like you are, David. I miss you so much and I love you.

My sunshine

June 23, 2021
Hey papaaaaa,my sweet and wonderful son and my best body I miss you so deeply I just can't believe you are not coming back to me my love no more playing guitar singing  or dancing together is really hard for me trying to understand what happened to you, no more hugs or kisses,I wish everyone knew you the way I did, siempre tu sonrisa tu sentido de humor jugeton pensando en tds los q te rodean nada es impossible para seguir sus sueños,fuiste el mejor Hermano,Sobrino Primo, Amigo, Ahijado, pero sobre td como  hijo dios nos mando a nuestro SUNSHINE gracias por el honor d permitirme  ser tu mom love you forever ,I always going to have my three musketeer, never think for one minute that you are gone because you aren't we always going to remember you forever God bless you my dear Sunshine, What are you doing Mother?Nothing Norman!! I'm behind you my love❤❤.

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