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This website was created to remember our dad, husband and brother in Christ, David Huang, who went to be with his Shepherd after living a full long life. His example encouraged us to live Christ, and we remember him for a life of kindness and generosity.

April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
Memory of My Father

My memory of my father is that he was a light-hearted, jovial person. He used to love to entertain his girls (his 5,000 pieces of gold), with flute or harmonica, or do funny things to make us laugh. He loved to sing with his deep voice and can play a host of different instruments. Not only he was musical he was also athletic. I remember him teaching us how to make hacky sac with a coin in the middle sandwiched by two pieces of felt sewn together by hand. We’d sew some feathers on the top and that was our home-made play thing for hours at a time. Then he would show off by kicking the hacky sac with both feet, the back and even on top of his head! He loved his girls!

Life was really good in Taiwan! But mom and dad wanted a better life for their girls so while dad still had his dental practice, mom braved the new world to pioneer a life in America for her family. After a year, dad joined her. And after another year, we, the kids also came to the U.S. At first, it was so exciting (I remember seeing snow for the first time and was awed that you can actually see the shapes of the snowflakes like in picture books!). But soon we realized making a living in the U.S. wasn’t as easy as we thought. Dad could not practice dentistry because the board made many attempts to make it difficult for him to be licensed in this country. My parents had different oriental gift shops and restaurants. At times, some of their business ventures would do well but most have failed for various reasons. One instance that stood out to me was one day I saw my dad mopping the floor in their restaurant. Tears welled up in me. In Taiwan, they used to call him “Doctor Huang,” but he sacrificed a comfortable life for a better life for us.

Much later in life, God showed me that what’s important in a person’s life is not the worldly accomplishment, nor the comfortable living they can earn, but how much Christ they’ve accumulated. Hardships often help us much like the fire a refiner uses to purify gold. And I have seen and witnessed that my parents have accumulated something so precious, much precious than gold, a kind of maturity and weightiness in Jesus Christ that is a sweet smelling fragrance to God.

“So that [the genuineness] of your faith may be tested, [your faith] which is infinitely more precious than the perishable gold which is tested and purified by fire. [This proving of your faith is intended] to redound to [your] praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) is revealed.” (I Peter 1:7 AMPC)

My dad wasn’t always an “overcoming christian” you know. There had been periods when he didn’t “go to church” regularly. One time when he was still a young man, some brothers from the church came to his house for a visit and he slipped out from the back not wanting to see them. When he came around the front, they just so happened to come out of the house and ran into him. He said he was caught and would laugh about it. Three years ago, at the age of 87, he was hospitalized. Even though he had been hospitalized several times before, but when he was released this time, he became bed-ridden on and off for the next three years. In the beginning, he did not seem to have much strength to pray or read his bible. However, for the past half a year, his faith seemed to have become so simple and child-like. Often, he would break out in a hymn, singing to his God; or he’ll raise his hands and shout “hallelujah!” to express the joy of his salvation! It touched me deeply to see him loving God so purely! God showed me this time, that maturity = simplicity. How wonderful! “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion!” Philliians 1:6.

I thank God for the legacy my dad left behind and the lessons God taught me through his life!! I love him and remember him with joy and fondness!!

Naomi Minahan, 3rd of his 5 girls at David Huang’s funeral April, 2016
June 13, 2016
June 13, 2016
I first got to know David and Sue after serving together with Sue at the bookstore in Chicago; that would have been about 15 years ago. After that, I visited them a number of times at their home, since I lived fairly close by; those times were always very refreshing and enjoyable. It was so encouraging to be with such a sweet older couple, just living a very simple life in the Lord's presence. And of course, their history with the recovery was quite special; saints like that are so rare among us now! They are a real support to the church and the saints. David and Sue certainly have been, and it was a real blessing to be with them.

The one particular memory I have of David is that Sue at one point mentioned he loved peanut butter, but the kind that's not so healthy, with a lot of added ingredients. I wanted to see if I could encourage him to eat the all-natural kind, "just peanuts," but the problem with that is you have to stir it; not so easy if you're a bit older. So, I got a jar, stirred it up, and brought it over for him. I don't know if that helped or not!

It's never easy to lose a loved one, even when they lived such a long and full life as David did. May the Lord's comfort be with you all in this loss.
May 5, 2016
May 5, 2016
For over forty years David and Sue have graced the church and faithfully ministered life as pillars in the church. David's going to the Lord is a loss to us physically and he is missed. He was the epitome of Romans 12. The example of a faithful saint in function blending into the Body in appropriate measure according to Christ.
His care and portion in shepherding many, lives on as an example to us all, to the Glory of Christ. We along with his family miss his presence, but are thankful to the Lord for David's long life with us.

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Recent Tributes
April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
Memory of My Father

My memory of my father is that he was a light-hearted, jovial person. He used to love to entertain his girls (his 5,000 pieces of gold), with flute or harmonica, or do funny things to make us laugh. He loved to sing with his deep voice and can play a host of different instruments. Not only he was musical he was also athletic. I remember him teaching us how to make hacky sac with a coin in the middle sandwiched by two pieces of felt sewn together by hand. We’d sew some feathers on the top and that was our home-made play thing for hours at a time. Then he would show off by kicking the hacky sac with both feet, the back and even on top of his head! He loved his girls!

Life was really good in Taiwan! But mom and dad wanted a better life for their girls so while dad still had his dental practice, mom braved the new world to pioneer a life in America for her family. After a year, dad joined her. And after another year, we, the kids also came to the U.S. At first, it was so exciting (I remember seeing snow for the first time and was awed that you can actually see the shapes of the snowflakes like in picture books!). But soon we realized making a living in the U.S. wasn’t as easy as we thought. Dad could not practice dentistry because the board made many attempts to make it difficult for him to be licensed in this country. My parents had different oriental gift shops and restaurants. At times, some of their business ventures would do well but most have failed for various reasons. One instance that stood out to me was one day I saw my dad mopping the floor in their restaurant. Tears welled up in me. In Taiwan, they used to call him “Doctor Huang,” but he sacrificed a comfortable life for a better life for us.

Much later in life, God showed me that what’s important in a person’s life is not the worldly accomplishment, nor the comfortable living they can earn, but how much Christ they’ve accumulated. Hardships often help us much like the fire a refiner uses to purify gold. And I have seen and witnessed that my parents have accumulated something so precious, much precious than gold, a kind of maturity and weightiness in Jesus Christ that is a sweet smelling fragrance to God.

“So that [the genuineness] of your faith may be tested, [your faith] which is infinitely more precious than the perishable gold which is tested and purified by fire. [This proving of your faith is intended] to redound to [your] praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) is revealed.” (I Peter 1:7 AMPC)

My dad wasn’t always an “overcoming christian” you know. There had been periods when he didn’t “go to church” regularly. One time when he was still a young man, some brothers from the church came to his house for a visit and he slipped out from the back not wanting to see them. When he came around the front, they just so happened to come out of the house and ran into him. He said he was caught and would laugh about it. Three years ago, at the age of 87, he was hospitalized. Even though he had been hospitalized several times before, but when he was released this time, he became bed-ridden on and off for the next three years. In the beginning, he did not seem to have much strength to pray or read his bible. However, for the past half a year, his faith seemed to have become so simple and child-like. Often, he would break out in a hymn, singing to his God; or he’ll raise his hands and shout “hallelujah!” to express the joy of his salvation! It touched me deeply to see him loving God so purely! God showed me this time, that maturity = simplicity. How wonderful! “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion!” Philliians 1:6.

I thank God for the legacy my dad left behind and the lessons God taught me through his life!! I love him and remember him with joy and fondness!!

Naomi Minahan, 3rd of his 5 girls at David Huang’s funeral April, 2016
June 13, 2016
June 13, 2016
I first got to know David and Sue after serving together with Sue at the bookstore in Chicago; that would have been about 15 years ago. After that, I visited them a number of times at their home, since I lived fairly close by; those times were always very refreshing and enjoyable. It was so encouraging to be with such a sweet older couple, just living a very simple life in the Lord's presence. And of course, their history with the recovery was quite special; saints like that are so rare among us now! They are a real support to the church and the saints. David and Sue certainly have been, and it was a real blessing to be with them.

The one particular memory I have of David is that Sue at one point mentioned he loved peanut butter, but the kind that's not so healthy, with a lot of added ingredients. I wanted to see if I could encourage him to eat the all-natural kind, "just peanuts," but the problem with that is you have to stir it; not so easy if you're a bit older. So, I got a jar, stirred it up, and brought it over for him. I don't know if that helped or not!

It's never easy to lose a loved one, even when they lived such a long and full life as David did. May the Lord's comfort be with you all in this loss.
May 5, 2016
May 5, 2016
For over forty years David and Sue have graced the church and faithfully ministered life as pillars in the church. David's going to the Lord is a loss to us physically and he is missed. He was the epitome of Romans 12. The example of a faithful saint in function blending into the Body in appropriate measure according to Christ.
His care and portion in shepherding many, lives on as an example to us all, to the Glory of Christ. We along with his family miss his presence, but are thankful to the Lord for David's long life with us.
Recent stories

A Tribute to My Grandfather

April 18, 2016

As a writer, the ability to communicate is a necessity for me. Language is how I navigate through the world, it's the lens through which I view every moment, every person. But, there was always a language barrier between me and my grandfather, and because of this I felt that something was lost between us. I felt I could never truly know him because our words were different. However, I've learned over the years that some things surpass language. Things like the light in his eyes when he could just sit down for dinner with his family, his inclination toward creativity documented in poetry and calligraphy and paintings, and his determination to spend tim with us even as he grew weaker. I didn't have to understand my grandfather's words to understand the person. The last time I saw him, my parents, my brothers, and I sang a hymn for him. He didn't know the words, or perhaps even the tune, but he listened. And when we finished, he called hallelujah, and we said amen, and I knew at that point that there was no language barrier between me and my grandfather because there we were, sharing in Christ together with just two simple words. I learned that day that we did in fact speak the same language, my grandfather and I; the language of faith, of love, of art, and of family.

April Yoder


April 13, 2016


35 年前來我只身來到美國 , 第一個見到的親人就是我舅舅黃大衛 。 虽然我們從來都沒見過面, 但是好親切呀 , 你太像我外婆了 。 從小聽過我外婆講過你的故事,今天忠於見到你了。 在機場出口的地方你舉着一塊牌子上面有寫著我的名字 , 當時我根本就沒看那手上的牌子 , 就是知道你是我舅舅 , 你就是我外婆故事里的那個人 。我好高興呀 , 一路的緊張一下就沒了。

我舅真有愛心 , 二話沒說就答應我可以住他家 , 盡管他自己有五個女兒 , 生活也不富餘 。要不是他的承渃我媽媽是不敢讓我來美國的 。 在我來美國之前他就忙著幫我找學校 ,幫我申請 I- 20 等 , 來美後他又帶著我去學校注冊 , 帶我去考試  , 好多好多瑣碎之事他都幫我一一办妥 。 舅舅太謝謝你了 ! 要不是你 , 我那有今天 ,要不是你帶我去教會 , 我那會有新生命 。 當年你為我的靈命禱告 ,感謝神我在會所受洗歸入主的名下 。這幾年你年邁多病 可总不忘記為Neal我的兒子得救禱告 。 你真是一位愛主的僕人 ,我們的好榜樣 。

聽我外婆說 ,你是個很認真的人 , 做事很仔細 ,從不調皮 ,好東西都讓給別人 。當你的學校遷去台灣了 , 你不知所措 , 你跑來問我媽 , 我媽是黃大衛的姐姐 , 說怎麼办呢 學校要搬遷了 , 我媽說 當然是要跟着學校啦 ,你不是學生嗎 ? 就這樣你勇敢的跟着學校走了 。 從此你再也沒見過你的母親 。

在83年的時後 你的母親 我的外婆在國內過世了 。生離死別 你都經歷了,在你最傷心的時刻 , 你自己在會所隱藏了一整天 ,於神獨處 ,把自己的痛苦交給神 。 晚上我們在你家有個小小的追思儀式 ,你領我們唱詩禱告,不露自己的痛苦 反而來安慰我們這些孫子輩的 。現在想想這是多麼不容易的一件事 。

感謝神,歇了他的老苦重擔,在天國於他的父神,肉身父母 兄長永遠在一起了 。


許以慧 (Yvette Hsu)

San Diego



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