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His Life


April 24, 2016

這是我們父親  黃大衛的一生。他於2016 年 四 月 十 日早上安息主懷享年九十。


父親出生於1925 年安徽省 宿縣,長於一愛主的基督家庭,是家中的小兒子。照傳統命名他應是’金'字輩,但我們祖父母不照傳統而給他起名為'大衛'來表明他是屬於神的。祖父原本是當地長老教會長老,去上海時遇見倪柝聲弟兄而認識了主恢復的路。回家後就離開長老會而在家中開始聚會,在宿縣站定了召會的立場。也藉著他們一家,當地的福音工作得以開展。家中的店面打開用以聚會,並有全時間的同工常住家中,以此作據點,向於宿縣附近的鄕鎮傳福音,不但光是安䘗省,甚至於附近的省份如河南等地。在倪柝聲文集第二輯敞開的門卷一,174頁記載他父親的交通關於一些聚會的情形。



作為在召會長大的第二代,父親並没有什麼焚燒的灵。直到遠離家郷到了台灣,他才重新摸著召會生活而更新対主的奉獻。那時福音的火在台灣各地大大的焚燒,他也將自己投入參與福音的行動,以至在台灣聖徒的人數五年之內從五百人增加至五萬人-百倍的增長。之後與母親在召會介紹認識,於1958 年結婚,育有五女。

七十年代末,父母為了譲女兒們有更好的前徒絕定移民美國,所以父親再次移民,1977 年將女兒們接來芝加哥。剛來到美國,父親天天看書,考牙醫執照,母親做生意開店。在芝加哥召会仍是全家生活的中心。當召會在郊區阿灵頓高地聚會,我們也搬去了附近。 



祖母過世後,父親開始考慮回國探親。但是这願忘直到他七十四歲 - '暫時'離家近五十年後才實現。'少小離家老大回' 這時他父母已不在了,兄弟姊妹都是白髪老人了。这次的探親也是他與二哥大鋭和妹妹錫安的最後的團聚。


在家中父親仍然在召會中过一個正常的基督徒生活,照顧餵養神所安排在他周圍的人- 帶不信的人接受主,也幫初信的聖徒多認識主。在他最後幾亇月中,雖然不能起床也無法讀書,但他卻能憑記憶唱詩歌贊美主,並為芝加哥和甚至在宿縣的召会譸告。



A Brief Biography of David Huang

April 13, 2016

This is a tribute to our dad David Huang, who passed away on the morning of April 10, 2016 after living a full long life.

Early Life in China

He was born in the town of Suxien in the province of Anhui, China in 1925, the youngest son in a devout Christian family. His name "David" was quite unusual for a Chinese boy, but his dad named him such to show that he belonged to God. His father was an elder at the local Presbyterian Church, but on a business trip to Shanghai, he met Watchman Nee and came to know the way of the Lord's recovery.

When he returned to Suxien, he led his household to start meeting as the church in Suxien in their home. Through his family, they provided hospitality and a foothold for the early co-workers to spread the gospel in the Anhui countryside and nearby provinces. So, one could say that our dad was one of the earliest church kids in the Lord's recovery... You can read about the history of those early meetings in Anhui in "The Collected Works of Watchman Nee" (Vol. 2, Chapter 11).

Being from a Christian family, he studied in missionary schools and learned English as a child. He later attended the National Defense Medical University focusing on dentistry. In 1949, the university moved to Taiwan at the height of the Chinese civil war. He went along with what was supposed to be a temporary measure, which ended up separating him from his family for nearly 50 years…

Revived in Taiwan

Growing up as a church kid, he was not the most burning young person, but after fleeing to Taiwan during the war, he touched the church life anew in Taipei. The fire of the gospel in those early days also caught my dad, and he gave himself again to the Lord and participated in the move that saw the churches increase from 500 to 50,000 in five years. He met our mom also in the church, and they married in 1958 and together had five daughters.

In the late 1970s, they looked to move to the U.S. for a better future, and our dad became an immigrant for the second time and moved us all to Chicago in 1977. In those early days, he studied to get his dental license while my mom tried her hand at running several small businesses. Here in Chicago, the church was once again the center of their living, and they moved the family to Arlington Heights when the church met there.

Reunited with Family

In the 1980s, China began to gradually open its doors to the West, and our dad got back in touch with his family. He knew his dad had passed away, but found his mom and his siblings still living in China. They began to correspond, and that eventually led to his sister Xiwan (Julia) and a few nieces and nephews emigrating to the U.S.

During the decades from the 80s to the 90s, many of our relatives came and lived with us as they emigrated. Even though we weren't well off, it didn't matter if they were from my mom's side or from his side of the family, he made them all feel welcomed and helped them as much as he could.

After his mom passed away he began to consider a return visit to China. He was in his 70s, 49 years after his "temporary move" with the University, that he finally got to go "home." He and his siblings separated as teens and reunited as silvered-haired grandparents. That visit in 1998 was the final reunion of David and his older brother DaRae and his sister Xi'an.

A Normal Life with Christ

Back home, he continued to live a normal human life in the church life, caring for many people along the way. He has helped unbelievers to come to the Lord, and new believer to know the Lord. In his last months, he was not able to walk, get out of bed on his own or read, so he would sing hymns from his memory, praise the Lord from his bed and pray for the churches here and back in China. 

Our dad was the kindest, most generous man we know. He was not one to "preach" or to scold, but through his gentle demeanor, you are cherished in his presence. God was rich to him his whole life, and he passed away after completing his full course.

Priscilla, Esther, Naomi, Rebecca & Betty