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July 24, 2016

Wow, don't know exact year but Frank had shot shorts on and was smoking a pipe back then.  It was probably in early 90's.

Making Portuguese sweetbread

July 24, 2016

Cousin LaSallette and Mario and me (Diane) were visiting Ma & Joe in Florida and LaSallette wanted to make Dennis Portuguese sweetbread and mail some to Dennis.  It came out delicious!  He was thrilled with her surprise for him.  He LOVED SWEETBREAD!  THANKS LaSallette.

Gloucester MA

November 26, 2012

Den, Kim, Mitch & Cody visited Gloucester so he could have his famous Fried Clams!!!  Nice place!!  He loved Cape Cod!

November 26, 2012

Aunt Mary & Uncle Elmer with L to R their son Kenny, then Russell & Dennis.  Russell was crowned that year.  Grandparents had parade.

November 26, 2012

Bottom L to R - Dennis, our mother, dad, Russell
back row, cousin Manuela, me(Diane) being held by cousin Albert, cousins LaSallette & Mario & cousin Mary 

November 26, 2012

Grandparents top left.  Mother & father top right - Dad holding me.  Uncle Elmer bottom left then Russell, Kenny and Dennis.

November 26, 2012

I (Diane) it's my 4th or 5th birthday.  My father is directly behind me.  Uncle Elmer to my Dad's left.  My godmother to Dad's right.  Dennis is at table.

November 26, 2012

I (Diane) was being crowned.  To my right is Russell (bro) Our grandmother then Dennis then grandfather then my cousin Kenny.  Grandparents held the Portuguese parade that year.

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