Leave a tributeIt's been 18yrs since u went away and I sure wish u were still here i miss u so much sometimes it hard to wonder through life without u helping me .... I love u so much
If I could write a story
It would be the greatest ever told
Of a kind and loving father
Who had a heart of gold
If could write a million pages
But still be unable to say, just how
Much I love and miss him
Every single day
I will remember all he taught me
I'm hurt but won't be sad
‘coz he'll send me down the answers
And he'll always be MY DAD
However great or small To have you as my Dad was the greatest of all
A special time,A special face A special Dad
I can't replace.. With an aching heart i whisper low i miss u Daddy and
Love u so
I miss those days more than you know, love you
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Corn Fritters
Papaw and Grannie lived at the Vineyards and I would go by everyday to check in on him and Grannie and rub his feet with lotion. Nothing I would not have done for my Papaw!! I called before going over and asked what they wanted for dinner that night and Papaw said he wanted son corn fritters so I said okay thinking in my mind i can go but them at the local grocery store. I serched forever and could not find them so I found a little elderly lady and she said honey you can not buy those you have to make them and she instructed me what to buy and how to make them. I went to their apartment and made them for him and he said they tasted great. i had never heard of them but they were good. I love you Papaw and when I think of you I smile because you were the greatest.
My Papaw was always doing something. Working in the yard, on cars, was never a lazy man. He put his ALL into EVERYTHING he did. I'm honored to be his granddaughter!! He is my HERO!!