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His Life

About my daddy, Duff Paradise

May 3, 2012

He smoked
He drank
He got divorced from my mom before long ago
He saved my moms life by pushing her out of the way when a car came.
He loved us very much!!!
He took us places and we had the best time ever!!!
He loved racing and bungee jumping
He wasn't really scared of anything. He thought of himself as tough. Tough Duff haha. He was cremated and his ashes were put in the ocean. 
He <3'd the ocean.
 Last memory I have of him is me and my sister at the car museum. 
He had a seziure and fell and hit his head on the cement of the car museum floor.
I was freaking out and starting to cry, yelling daddy! daddy!
Weird but he eventually got right up and starting walking around.
 We then went to the hospital and they took care of him and layed him in a bed and he was taking his iv's out and stuff. I dont know why. Anyway he died idk how many days later.