October 19, 2023
October 19, 2023
It has been more than a half century since you hired me at the Ontario Pavillion, at Expo '70, Osaka, Japan. In two years from now, another expo will be held in Osaka, Japan. I wondered if there would be any Ontario pavilion being scheduled. I found that Canada exhibits only the Canadian pavilion this time. Since I believe that history repeats itself, I was hoping that there will be 'another you' who will hire 'another me' at the Expo 2025 to help expand a young girl's life to the wonderful wide world. That's what you did for me. By working at the expo '70, my life started to expand to a wonderful wide world. Thank you and Mrs. Chang for giving me all the kind support when and after I immigrated to Canada.
My heartfelt gratitude and respect never fades away.
Thank you so very much.
Shizuko, Oct. 19, 2023.
My heartfelt gratitude and respect never fades away.
Thank you so very much.
Shizuko, Oct. 19, 2023.