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Her Life
June 16, 2014

Mommy was the oldest of 4 her parents had 3 girls and then later a boy. I did not know my Mom she died when I was 3 years old my last memory of her is one where my father was carrying her out of the house wrapped in a blue blanket taking her to the hospital where she died 3 days later.
Dad told me that Mom had a fire -cracker temper and she was a true redhead. Once when I was a baby he was in a local drug store with her and her older son from a prior marriage. As Dad was holding me Pagie my older (he was 10 yrs old) half brother began crying for a toy gun, Mommy said Pagie you have plenty of toys and right now we just do not have the money to buy a toy, he then threw a tantrum, my Mom calmly walked up to Dad ( he was 6 ft 1 she was 4 ft 10) removed his belt and cracked Pagie on the bottom ( this was in 1957 so do not think "child abuse") Dads pants fell and some lady in the store yelled at Mommy saying she was calling the Police, Mommy handed the woman a nickle and  said here is a damned nickle call them!".