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His Life

History of my life - Segment 2 (Duration 5:10)

April 25, 2013
Papa Kam history_Seg_02

"How I met your grandma (mother)?"

5 minutes segment out of 120 minutes of audio recorded by Papa Kam himself back in 1978 in Japan.

Language: Cantonese only!

If you like to download the full 120 minutes audio please let me know.

History of my life - Segment 1 (Duration 3:17)

April 25, 2013
Papa Kam history_Seg_01

"Where is our name based on from our heritage?"

3 minutes segment out of 120 minutes of audio recorded by Papa Kam himself back in 1978 in Japan.

Language: Cantonese only!


April 25, 2013

* The Alliance Nursing and Rehabilitation Center and Staff.

* Our friends Anna Yu and Lisa Qin for their devoted care for Mr. Fong Kam.


* 恩慈老人護理中心及醫療護理工作人員

* Anna Yu and Lisa Qin 對甘芳先生無微不至的照顧


甘芳(甘錦芳)先生 — 生平述史

April 24, 2013

1924年, 軍閥搳據, 民生徬惶, 混亂--- 甘芳先生就在這樣的一個年代在中國廣東出生。 1937年, 日寇侵華, 中日戰事全面爆發--- 童年光境難覓安定。19歲的他喜獲梁惠芬女仕為賢妻, 卻苦於家計而不得不外出謀生--- 新婚燕爾卻兩地分離。1953年愛妻帶著子女三人來香港一家團聚。

他畢生投身於中菜烹飪, 曾任廚香港著名食府鏞記酒家及陸羽茶室, 並於1970年獲香港政府委任為日本世界博覽會香港館中菜部主廚。因其精湛廚藝, 被應邀為日本高級中國料理專門店 - 留園 - 廣東菜系主廚--- 從此展開在異地生活的新篇。

1982年從日本移民美國紐約, 與家人共創南國中餐館, 實現了一生的夢想。在羅徹斯特, 纽约, 南國中餐館非常成功。它為顧客帶來了30年的喜悦, 是社會心愛的。經過20多年的掌舵, 他於2003年愛妻病逝後退休。 2006年遷移到加利福尼亞州, 得其幼子銘輝, 朋友, 恩慈老人護理中心及醫療護理工作人員悉心照料, 得享安逸晚年。

其人雖無彰顯事蹟卻終其一生所能,以“力賤人敬”為座右銘, 全心投入工作, 為安家為活兒。其人雖常歷於諸多困境之中, 亦不忘常與別人援手--- 卻留言子女“得人恩惠千年記”與其妻的“簷前水滴, 點滴在心頭”倆雙呼應。

                                                 -- 子女八人及衆兒媳女婿十數孫兒女及曾孫敬上


Papa Kam's Story

April 24, 2013

In 1924, China was in the Warlord era; it was under these harsh conditions in Guangdong where Fong Kam was born.  His childhood was spent in fear and uncertainty as the Sino-Japanese war waged on.

At the age of 19, he married his beloved wife Wei-Fun Leung.  Looking for a way to a better future, he left home by himself to search for new opportunities, adding an ocean of distance between the newlyweds. The Sino-Japanese war ended in 1945 but the tumultuous years were far from over.  It was not until 1953 that the Kams were re-united in Hong Kong.

With his life engagement in Chinese cuisine, he had served in various acclaimed restaurants, including Yung Kee (鏞記) and Lok Yu (陸羽).   In 1970 he was appointed by the Hong Kong Government for the World Expo in Japan, Hong Kong Pavilion cuisine chef.  It was there where his extraordinary culinary skills were applauded, and was invited to become the Head Chef of Guangdong Cuisine at “Liu Garden” (留園), the premier gourmet Chinese Enterprise in Tokyo.  Thus began another chapter for the Kam family.

Mr. Kam immigrated to the United States in 1982.  With the help of his loving family, he fulfilled his lifelong dream as a restaurateur. “Wokery”
(南國) opened its doors in Rochester, New York to incredible success, bringing 30 years of joy to its patrons and was beloved by the community. After 20 years at the helm, he retired in 2003 after the passing of his beloved wife.

In 2006, Fong Kam moved to California. Under the tender love and care of his son Ming Kam, with the help of the staff at the Alliance Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, he spent his golden years in comfort and tranquility.

The life of Fong Kam was by no means filled with ease and glamour, for he dedicated his entire life for the hope of a better tomorrow for his family and the generations to follow.  Regardless of his own situation, he always extended a helping hand to those in need – he was a living embodiment of the phrase "Remember the Grace of Others Eternally”.  These words that he lived by echoed the sentiments of his beloved wife, passed down onto us: "Grace from Others, Collected like Water Droplet from the Eaves, should be Treasured in Your Heart Forever”.

   — From your eight children, daughter-in-laws, son-in-laws, a dozen + grandchildren and great-grandchildren, we love you forever!


Spring ritual for the deceased on May 5, 2013

April 5, 2013

Fong Kam's urns will be placed together with his wife at Chuang Yen Monastery, Thousand Lotus Terrace.

Spring ritual for the deceased:

Chuang Yen Monastery
2020 Route 301
Carmel, NY 10512-3426

May 5, 2013 at 12:00pm


Memorial Service was held in California on April 13, 2013

Rainbow Chapel
Rose Hills Memorial Park and Mortuary
3888 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, CA 90601

甘芳(甘錦芳)先生 追悼會


玫瑰崗殯儀館 - 彩虹教堂