Large image
September 15
September 15
Forever missed, but never forgotten. I still have your picture on my desk at home, and I look at it daily. 

In loving memories dear friend. 
September 14
September 14
This is a great way to keep Francine's memory in the forefront of our lives - while her life and legacy continue to impact the lives of everyone she touched, this is a great way to remind us of her personal impact on us
June 3
June 3
Dear Friend: We continue to celebrate you and acknowledge you in our events. You are forever loved.
May 31
May 31
Francine's birthday is one day before mine. I can remember joking about being "older" but in the same "sign". Not that I rely on horoscopes, but out of curiosity I checked today. Francine's horoscope talks about faith, keeping focused, humor, loving contacts, fun endeavors, beauty that surrounds you and creativity. That sounds like Francine to me ! Mine, tomorrow , talks about not forcing myself to move beyond my own limits and boundaries, taking my time and being patient with my own feelings and processes and going into my inner self to find the answers I'm looking for, allowing for experience to enrich my understanding. Honestly that fits for me right now. How I miss Francine ! We would have had a great conversation and laughed about our horoscopes and acknowledged there was some resonance for both of us. Sending my love to Dr. Henry, CeCe Olisa, I Adeficha and Nwachukwu today. You are in my thoughts and prayers. These "firsts" without your wife and mom must be so difficult, even though your faith is strong. All the things we learned from her, and her amazing talents and our happy memories, are vivid and present . Happy Birthday Dr.Francine Oputa ! We know you are busy and joyous with God today ! Happy Birthday my friend Francine ! I'm still processing your loss so my heart hurts, but I'm so grateful for you. You continue to be a profound blessing in my life.
October 3, 2023
October 3, 2023
This morning, i was surprised with the notice of Francine’s death. Perhaps, because I was traveling outside of USA during September, i didn’t hear about it. 
Although i didn’t have daily connection with Francine, during these last couple decades, i was exposed to her grace and contagious enjoyment for life each time i connect with her. She wasn’t just a nice person. She was a leader with the ability to impact those around her as well as our Commuity. I am sad to hear about her death. She will be missed but her contribution will be celebrate for years to come. THANK YOU Francine.
September 30, 2023
September 30, 2023
This woman Changed my perspective on life, at the young age of 15. She created a mentorship for teen girls called “Images” and she would meet with us each month for lunch.
She is the is the reason I wrote myself into a college,trade schools and jobs!I’ve even created my own an after programs for teen girls throughout the years. I remember,when She decided that it wasn’t too late to go back to school for herself, Sharing that decision with us ( her teenage mentees) was a power shift for all of us, even though we didn’t recognized it at the time! Mrs, Oputa was one of my First mentors and is and was truly a Monarch of our time! Oh,and I’ll never forget, that she introduced me to African American Poetry and literature. I could go on and on but I’ll leave off with this one simple thing Dr. Francine L. Broadous Oputa taught me, she is the reason that the Phrase “ phenomenal woman that’s me!” Lives on forever in my head. Rest well

September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023
Dr. Oputa was a beautiful soul. She helped us talk about difficult subjects. She made us think more deeply about our feelings and behaviors. She was well-loved on campus. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from her and be in her presence.
September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023
How do I start? I was so dazed to realize the fact that your passing is true. Iv just woken up to this reality and I told myself it is better to be late writing this tribute than not at all.
Dear Francine, your rather short but very significant life portrayed LOVE, HONESTY, HARD WORK, DISCIPLINE as well as putting God first.
You were such a loving wife to my beloved brother who taught her beautiful children good moral conduct.
The Bible says " who can find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above rubies, strength and honour are her clothing and she shall rejoice in time to come: favour is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised"
You were generous and kind, impactful to its highest peak.
The moments we shared will always be cherished while the memories we created will forever hold a special place in my heart.
However, I find solace knowing that you are resting in the bosom of the Lord.
Adieu, beautiful soul, till we meet at the resurrection morning.
With love, Dorothy on behalf of Paul Umane family.
September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023
you will be missed my lovely lady but god knows best you were always smiling whenever i saw you such a happy lady and the work you did while on this earth can never be top you were the best at whatever you did love you young lady and your work will be carried on by those you taught god bless
September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023
Dr. Francine Oputa was a dear friend, colleague and mentor. I am intentionally using Dr. because she taught me that using such titles, when earned, demonstrate respect for the person and for the community that raised and loved us. We spent countless hours working together to help make Fresno State a better place for all. Whenever we were together, I learned from Dr. Oputa and she would often push me to think and work outside my comfort zone. She did that for so many of us and her positive feedback would come from a comment like “She (or he) has put in the work (to listen and learn from diverse perspectives). Dr. Oputa was a tremendous blessing to the campus and community. I am especially grateful for her close friendship with Mary which remained strong through her final days of life. Dr. Oputa’s legacy continues in the form of the many life lessons she taught us. I already miss her, though I can’t imagine the grief experienced now by her family. May all of the memories of her extraordinary life of service bring comfort to them. I continue to pray for the Oputa Family. Hasta Luego, my dear friend, Dr. Oputa!
September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023
Brief but powerful and full of impact. Dr Francine Oputa was a woman of substance who used her God giving talents to change her world. Yes you are no more but your works are there to speak for you. My sister in-law you came ,saw and conquered. You made your husband, children and the entire HRM DC OPUTA family proud of you even in death. You are an epitome of love, generosity, discipline, hardwork and above all a lover of the things of God. Though I will miss you greatly but God have need for you. Without been told I know you are in your place in heaven. Your death is a reminder to the living that this world is not our own. All men and women must work hard to inherit the kingdom of God. No wonder Jesus said lay not your treasure on earth where termites will eat them up rather lay your treasure in heaven ,Matthew (6:19-20) Thank God your treasures are in heaven. Am so proud of you hearing all the good testimonies coming from friends and family members. My children will miss you greatly hope you know that.
Keep resting in the right hand of our God amen.
Prince and Mrs Oputa UDOGU COLLINS
This is the last and 17th child of HRM DC OPUTA
Augustine Irabr
September 28, 2023
September 28, 2023
It was hard to take in and accept the news of Dr. Francine's passing on to glory. When I received a text from Pastor Dr Henry Oputa, I had read the text a couple of times and hoped that it would be retrieved as an error. But the reality dawned on me when the text remained in my device.

First, let me extend my heartfelt condolence to Dr. Henry Oputa and the beautiful children (Chunyendu, Adeficha, and Nwachukwu). I pray the Almighty God grant you all the grace, strength and comfort to bear Dr. Francine's untimely departure to glory. I am glad that Dr Francine deposited something in you all - wisdom, resilience, and a winner's attitude which she is renowned for.

I left Fresno in 2009 and I still remember Dr Francine's smile like this morning - ever so encouraging, comforting and welcoming. I had always watched her with amazement and admiration for her abilities especially during church service. Dr Francine would usher, take the opening prayers, and lead the choir in praise and worship - she was truly a virtuous woman indeed. Dr Francine will be greatly missed - especially her leadership skills. Dr Francine is a mother, sister and a dear friend to all. She will truly be missed by all who ever came in contact with her. Adieu Dr. Francine till we meet again at the master's feet.
September 28, 2023
September 28, 2023
Thank you Francine for always greeting me with a smile, a hug and a word of encouragement. I pray God's comfort for your family and friends.
September 28, 2023
September 28, 2023
Its hard to gather any words. I am truly grateful to have met such and incredible woman! Thank you Dr. Francine Oputa for sharing your wisdom and knowledge. I could have not have had a a better mentor when I was a working through my MSW! You will truly be missed!
September 28, 2023
September 28, 2023
Our dear Dr Francine Oputa was grace, humility, love and simplicity personified. Thank you for a life well spent. Eternal rest grant her God and let your perpetual light shine on her.
It is well.
September 28, 2023
September 28, 2023
What an incredible loss! And also, what an incredible blessing to have had Dr. Oputa in our lives! Her compassion, grace, and spirit always made you feel valued and seen. Just being in her presence was special, and hearing her speak and share her wisdom...I could and have listened all day! I had the honor of working with her through NCBI at Fresno State, which is honestly the highlight of my time here. She was funny and kind and real, a wonderful mentor and an amazing woman. May we all live our lives as fully and as full of love as Dr. Oputa!
September 27, 2023
September 27, 2023
To a Phenomenal woman whose words had the power to touch the deepest corners of the soul.
Your presence provided a haven of safety, and your unwavering support made me feel truly understood. I am forever in awe of your grace and the guidance you've provided in my life.

From the moments you taught me the importance of leading with both assertiveness and compassion to the times you stood beside me as I advocated for myself and others, you've been my earthly angel. Your accomplishments are beyond what most people can only dream of, and you've shown me that I too can break boundaries.

Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being an unapologetically powerful woman. Most of all, thank you for creating a space for everyone.

As you depart from our physical lives, your absence will be keenly felt. But your love, which knows no end, will forever comfort and guide us. May you rest peacefully, knowing that your legacy of love and inspiration lives on in our hearts.

I’ll miss you dearly.
September 27, 2023
September 27, 2023
The news of your death came to me and my family as a big shock and up till now we are still trying to come out of it. Aunty Francine, the last time you visited Nigeria with your family, you really bonded with myself and my kids and that memory is still with us. You were a loving mother to your kids and a great aunty to us. We will miss you dearly. Rest on in the bossom of the Lord until resurrection morning when all the saints shall be United to our creator to part no more. I pray God Almighty to give your immediate and extended families the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss in Jesus name. ADIEU AUNTY FRANCINE.... From your sister in_law Pastor Mrs Josephine Iyamu and family.
Hugh Flake
September 27, 2023
September 27, 2023
What a beautiful life gone too soon. But, only God knows the right time. We, Virginia and I, are thankful we had the pleasure of you and Henry visiting with us just two months ago. As cousins we talked about the good, the bad and the wonderful. You are in the wonderful category. If I had a need I could count on you. May the Lord bless Henry and the Girls. And we thank Him for your lIfe.

Hugh & Virginia Flake
September 27, 2023
September 27, 2023
I'll miss Francine whom I've known for over 30 years. I enjoyed her smile, personality, and calming presence. She was always proud of "her girls" and loved her husband , Henry. I wanted to share the words to a song by the Williams Brothers called "If I Don't Wake Up ".

If I don't wake up, in the morning
It's alright it's gonna be alright
If I don't wake up, in the morning
(I know) It's alright it's gonna be alright
I fixed it up with Jesus along long time ago I paid my dues yea mm
And if I should leave this old world before the morning comes
I got a crown waiting for and some golden shoes
Oh my friends there's is no need to cry
God has prepared me a better home way up in the sky
If I don't wake up, (If I don't wake up)
In the morning (in the morning)
It's alright (it's alright it's alright)
It's gonna be alright (it's alright)
If I don't wake up
(If I don't get up out of me bed in the morning)
In the morning (I know deep down in my heart)
It's alright (its alright yea)
It's gonna be alright (it's gonna be alright)
I promise the Lord when I made my start
Know matter what they do, I'm going through
Been through the storm, I been through the rain
I kept on trusting in Jesus name
If I don't live to see the sun rises
I know I got a home on the other side it's alright oh yes it is
It's gonna be alright oh my Lord
And this is what I like about it
There be no more tears to shed
There be no more burdens to bear
No more hard ache and pain
Oh when I get over there y'all
There's something else
Trouble will be over yea
When I, when I get home
It's gonna be alright
I'm not worried about it…

Writer(s): Leonard Williams, Melvin Williams, Douglas Williams

September 27, 2023
September 27, 2023
Psalm 23
Psalm 30
John 3
1 Corinthians 13
We Love our Cousin Francine L. Broadous Oputa. She had the Biggest White Smile. She was a Lovely Loving Great Woman. She was a Family Woman, a Daughter, a Mother, a Friend, and So Much More. Words cannot express how much Cousin Francine will be missed. We have the FAITH and HOPE and LOVE of GoD YHWH ROHI to bring us through this valley all THE WAY HOME to HEAVEN (1 Corinthians 13; Psalm 23; John 3; Revelation). Have Eternal Life through and in Yeshua (John 17:3; Romans 6:23; Romans 10:8, 9-10).

To Cousin Francine's DEAR HEARTS AND BELOVED ONES, We LOVE You All. Our thoughts are with you. ‭Revelation‬ ‭21:4‬ ‭KJV‬‬
[4] And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Psalm‬ ‭30:4‭-‬5‬ ‭KJV‬‬
[4] Sing unto the LORD, O ye saints of his, And give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness. [5] For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

GoD be with you until we meet again in Yeshua's name Amen, Amen and Amen.
Olalemi Family
September 27, 2023
September 27, 2023
Our collective hearts are heavy with sympathy and sorrow for the Oputa family. Please accept our most heartfelt and sincere condolences.
A kindhearted individual so special will never be forgotten.
May she rest in perfect peace.

- The Olalemi Family
September 26, 2023
September 26, 2023
Tribute to Dr Franchine Broadous Oputa

So sad. Life is ephemeral!
The light of our community is dimmed. The wind beneath the wings of Oputas is siphoned out. The inspirer, mother and sister of our children is gone. The mentor, adviser, confidante and counselor of local and international students is no more. The radiance of the community with reassuring friendly smiles, the golden and angelic voice, labourer in the Lord’s vineyard has gone home to be with the Lord. May God send forth her replacement and give the Oputas, in particular, and entire Fresno community the fortitude to bear this immense and irreparable loss. To God we belong, to God we return! May God accept her loving and magnanimous soul. Amen .

Chief Dr Bernard Okwelogu
Kpakpando Ndigbo Gburugburu
Mrs. Regina Iwegbue (nee Oputa) and Dr. Ignatius Iwegbue
September 26, 2023
September 26, 2023
Dear Francine, from the very moment we met you for the first time, we knew you were a jewel in the Oputa family, a God-chosen one, Mother Mary’s daughter, and a child of Grace.

The good Lord has called you back to His Glory. It is for a purpose; you have meritoriously fulfilled your mission on earth and He needs you to be in higher realms to continue your work of advancing all of humanity lovingly. For those of us you left behind, it is apt to remind ourselves that this world is not our home; we are all just passing through it.

When we received the news of your passing on, we found it difficult to accept, but remembering that the debt we all owe Almighty God is material death, we started praising God for the exemplary life you lived in your professional work and in your harmonious relationships with all Oputa family members.

Adieu, Francine!

Mrs. Regina Iwegbue (nee Oputa) and Dr. Ignatius Iwegbue
September 25, 2023
September 25, 2023
Francine touched thousands of lives in the Central Valley and at Fresno State. He lifelong commitment to equity and justice should be remembered forever. She approached her work with compassion and patience yet she was always very clear about her beliefs and her commitment to helping people better understand the cultures represented at Fresno State. As the University history is written she needs to be remembered for her huge impact on the lives of people at Fresno State and in the Central Valley. THe University is a better place because of her dedication and service. She made a difference!
May she rest in peace.
September 25, 2023
September 25, 2023
Dr. Francine Oputa is a legend in higher education, student affairs, equity, social justice, and heart work. She has transcended into the realm of our ancestors and how grateful am I to have been in her presence in this lifetime? The impact of her work and her love are everlasting, but we miss her hugely, nonetheless.

My dear friend: Until my time is right and I can get another one of your amazing hugs in person, please know that I send you my aloha and l continue to feel you with us. Please continue to guide our work and our hearts to make your values manifest.

Always with aloha,
September 24, 2023
September 24, 2023

Dying so suddenly left a deep pain in my heart.
Because we get back what we give;
The death of my sister in-law Dr. Francine Oputa, has really brought home to me that, when we leave this world, our material goods, roles, titles and profits no longer matter.

All that counts when we leave,
When we have completed our mission, is that we loved fully and were loved in return.
I sincerely believe that, when we leave this life, our soul takes this LOVE with it.

When you love fully, only then are you truly alive.
You get back what you give.
We can die having been miserable with others or we can die having made a difference and leaving beautiful memories in the minds of people.

Thinking of Francine automatically brings a smile to the lips of those who knew her because she loved life.
She always had a smile.
Thank you dear Francine for the great privilege of having known you for 45years.

Thank you for reminding us that the present moment is precious, and that we should make the most of it by loving fully and generously.
Spread your wings and fly proudly Francine.
You have earned it!

Uche Oputa and family.
September 24, 2023
September 24, 2023
Tribute to Dr Franchine Broadous Oputa
So sad. Life is ephemeral!
The light of our community is dimmed. The wind beneath the wings of Oputas is siphoned out. The inspirer, mother and sister of our children is gone. The mentor, adviser, confidante and counselor of local and international students is no more. The radiance of the community with reassuring friendly smiles, the golden and angelic voice, labourer in the Lord’s vineyard has gone home to be with the Lord. May God send forth her replacement and give the Oputas, in particular, and entire Fresno community the fortitude to bear this immense and irreparable loss. May God accept her loving soul. Amen.

Chief Dr Bernard Okwelogu
Kpakpando Ndigbo Gburugburu
September 24, 2023
September 24, 2023
Dr. Oputa always made me feel welcomed and accepted in her home. It meant so much to me as someone who didn’t get that from their own family. Just her existing the way that she did left such a positive impact not just on me personally, but to everyone she met. Her influence will definitely live on for a long time.
September 24, 2023
September 24, 2023
Heartbreak is what I initially felt when I got the news.....
I couldn't find the words....still cant...but I must acknowledge the powerful presence of this amazingly compassionate and courageous woman we know as Dr. Francine Oputa!

She taught us all so very much in her day to day example! Dr.Oputa showed up for others and took up space often to stand in the gap for those who didn't have the courage to do so themselves!

She taught me graciousness, poise, patience, and to always bet on yourself! Dr.Oputa is the only human being I know who could look in your eyes and see your whole soul! Her comforting and encouraging words as well as her safe healing hugs mended all of our wors!

There will never be another YOU!!
I am so grateful for your life & life's work
You will forever be with me!I will always carry you with me and stop before any action I take to reflect on "What would Dr.Oputa do (WWDOD)

May you rest in peace knowing you made my world, the world a better more meaningful place!
September 24, 2023
September 24, 2023
As the vice president for student affairs at Fresno State, I had the privilege of working with Francine for almost 12 years – not enough time – but enough to recognize her extraordinary capacity to make a huge difference in the lives of students, the campus, and the local community.
Francine changed our campus culture to be more embracing of individual differences, more aggressive in combating sexual assault and domestic violence, and more focused on advocating for being a more civil and accepting community of collaboration among students, faculty and staff.
Whether it was a Take Back the Night Rally, the Central Valley Cultural Heritage Institute, or the National Coalition Building Institute(NCBI), Francine was the consummate teacher, mentor and role model - touching the lives of everyone from the President and his cabinet to first year freshman – and we were/are all better off and grateful for her words and her actions.

Godspeed, Francine – please know that your life, your legacy, and your passion will live forever on the Fresno State campus, in the Fresno area community, and in the hearts of everyone who had the privilege of knowing you.

Paul Oliaro (Dr. O)
September 24, 2023
September 24, 2023
I learned of Francine's death from the wonderful tribute written by Dympna Ugwu-Oju in the Fresno Bee. I served on the founding board of the Women's Resource Center at Fresno State and with a wonderful and innovative group of people helped to hire the first director. I remember her first interview. In walked this majestic Black woman that filled the room with insight, innovation and a wonderful vision for women. Everyone knew this was the person to lead our dream into fruition. And she did just that. Francine encompassed the breadth of diversity. As a person with a disability, my community was a part of that. I worked with her at many levels and I can not believe she is gone. There is now a huge hole left by her absence. I will miss her.
September 23, 2023
September 23, 2023
A tribute to my darling sister-in-law, Dr. Francine L. Broadous Oputa.

Words cannot express the shock and sadness I felt upon hearing the news of your sudden departure from this world. The will of the Almighty has left me reeling in disbelief.

Just days before I heard of your translation, I found myself thinking about my sister Easter, whom we have just lost and watching the video recording of her celebration of life again; I was captivated by your golden voice as you read the tribute I had written.

On Sunday morning, the news of your passing hit me like a wave, but looking back, I now realise that God was preparing me for that moment. 

Francine, you lived a life filled with love, touching the hearts of everyone fortunate to have known you. Your zest for life was infectious, and your numerous visits to Nigeria with your family revealed your deep-rooted love for our African heritage.

Your presence brought joy, and your contributions to our family were invaluable. As a wife to my brother and a mother to my beloved nieces, you were truly remarkable. Thank you for blessing us with your love and care.

I remember your last visit to Nigeria. It was a beautiful moment of togetherness that will forever be etched in my mind.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful life with us. Though you may have sailed on to the heart of God, I genuinely believe He awaits you for a higher service to life. Your memory will continue to live on in our hearts.

Farewell Francine! You will be greatly missed.
September 23, 2023
September 23, 2023
Dr. Francine Oputa was an innovative and caring leader on the Fresno State campus providing incredible support to everyone she worked with. She was able to speak truth to power and simultaneously be both blunt and kind in her groundbreaking DEI work. The lessons she taught were life-changing, and it will be a great responsibility to carry on her legacy.

My heart goes out to Dr. Oputa's daughters in particular because losing your mother at such a young age is simply unfair. It may take a long time for your hearts to heal, but she is still with you because she made you who you are. My hope for you is that you feel her presence daily simply by being true to yourselves and following the daily lessons she gave you. Give yourself grace to rest as you walk through this difficult time.

"It is a long baptism into the seas of humankind, my daughter. Better immersion than to live untouched." ~Tillie Olsen
"God created through love and for love. God did not create anything except love itself, and the means to love. He created love in all its forms. He created beings capable of love from all possible distances." ~ Simone Weil
September 22, 2023
September 22, 2023
In loving memory of Dr. Francine Oputa.

A vibrant soul filled with abundant positive energy, you lit up every room you entered. Your radiant smile and infectious laughter brought joy to us all.

I was lucky to have reconnected with you during your family's visit to Nigeria in 2017, where we shared precious moments in Lagos as you returned from spending time with your mother-in-law, my grandma.

As a wife to my dear uncle, you exemplified what it means to be a true partner in life. Together, you modelled a relationship built on love, respect, and support. Your children were blessed to have you as their guiding light, their cornerstone of strength and love.

Though I bid you farewell, it is not truly goodbye. You may no longer be with us physically, but your essence will forever imprint on our souls.

Rest well, dear Aunt Francine, knowing that your light will forever shine through the countless lives you touched. May you find eternal peace and serenity in the realm beyond.

September 22, 2023
September 22, 2023
In honor of our Warrior Queen....
We should all wear purple instead of black to her services sense that was her favorite color!
September 22, 2023
September 22, 2023
Rest in Power Dr. Francine Oputa. You exemplify what it means to “walk in Love to those around us” . Never have I encountered such a beautiful soul who loved all of us the way you did. I was truly blessed to know you. You always had a kind word for me when I was feeling down, encouraged me when I felt less than. You loved me when I needed to be loved.. I will always carry you with me. A shining example of that Agape Love. Till that glorious day….
September 22, 2023
September 22, 2023
I am sorely missing my friend Francine these days. Everything I see and read on this website in tribute to her, resonates with me. She is and was an amazing , wonderful woman. She is and was joy and a blessing to me. What began as a working relationship, became a friendship unlike any I have known before. In spite of time and distance between us, when we spoke on the phone we never missed a beat. We shared memories, struggles, thoughts and feelings, and laughter. Her support, faith and wisdom are no longer a phone call away. But I do have those conversations in memory . They are varied and vivid, and that helps me now. Her unexpected passing is a sharp reminder to me to love and treasure my friends and family each day I have with them. I learned so much from Francine. Her ministry, education, life experience and most of all her example. My love and prayers for Henry and her beautiful daughters. Francine is a beloved wife and proud mother still, as well as my friend forever. I am so thankful for all she gave me, and so many others.
September 22, 2023
September 22, 2023
I have been struggling this past week--like so many others--with the reality of the physical death of my dear mentor, colleague, co-facilitator/trainer, and friend, Dr. Francine Oputa. 

First shock, then resignation, then awe and inspiration at the life she lived and the love she shared with her husband Dr. Ifeanyi-Chukwu (Henry) Oputa and children, her extended family, her community, and the world. Through it all, I have felt deep sadness for the family's, my own, and our collective loss, while at the same time finding comfort in the deep faith convictions of the family and my own and focusing on the impact and legacy that Dr. Francine has left for all those whose lives she touched during her 70 years on this earth. I imagine the Lord saying to Dr. Francine, "Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord." (Matthew 25:21)

I'm also reminded of a 1905 poem titled "Success" (adapted & republished in 1911 as "What is Success") by American writer Caroline Elizabeth "Bessie" Anderson Stanley (1879–1952), which is often incorrectly attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson or Robert Louis Stevenson:
SUCCESS (1905)
He achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much;
Who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men, and the love of little children;
Who has filled his niche and accomplished his task;
Who has never lacked appreciation of Earth's beauty or failed to express it;
Who has left the world better than he found it,
Whether an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul;
Who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had;
Whose life was an inspiration;
Whose memory a benediction.

To laugh often and love much;
to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children;
to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends;
to appreciate beauty;
to find the best in others;
to give of one’s self;
to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation;
to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived
- this is to have succeeded.
September 22, 2023
September 22, 2023
Francine was my mentor, and my friend. Just her presence left the room in awe. I once saw her speak at an elementary school. If you can believe it, she was able to captivate an audience of children so well, you could hear a pin drop within her pauses. She was a beautiful, beaming light that reflected in each of her beautiful daughters. I feel personally blessed to have known her. I know God wanted her back so she can continue His work in Heaven. Goodbye, for now, Francine. We will see you again.
September 22, 2023
September 22, 2023
Thank you, Dr. Francine Oputa, for being a rainbow in so many clouds, including mine.
September 21, 2023
September 21, 2023
Dr. Francine had a vibrant spirit. Being in her presence was always a joyful experience whether it was at the African Black Caucus, Institute, Campus webinar, or speaking with her on the phone she always shared wisdom, support, and love! Dr. Francine truly will be missed. Sending the family my prayers and condolences.
September 21, 2023
September 21, 2023
One week ago, I lost a dear, dear colleague and friend, Dr. Francine Broadous Oputa.

I am deeply grateful for the work that originally brought us together in 2001—the founding of the Fresno State National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) team. Co-leading countless workshops, presentations, projects, consultations, nurtured our shared commitment to foster inclusion, respect and equity. Our community is better because of you.

What a tremendous blessing for our lives, our families to intersect. So much shared, learned, remembered. I am, and my family is, better because of our friendship.

Thank you for your impactful life. Your rich legacy lives.

Until we meet again,
Jody Hironaka-Juteau

"A Poem for Fran-YA!"
Love joy peace patience,
Faithful servant harvester,
Radiant in rest!
September 20, 2023
September 20, 2023
Our family met Francine when our oldest children were in second grade and we'll never forget her warm smile and welcoming heart. We're deeply saddened over this and sending much love and prayers to the Oputa family. Rest in love Dr. Francine Oputa
September 20, 2023
September 20, 2023
RIP Dr. Francine Oputa. You were without a doubt a “phenomenal woman”! I feel so extremely blessed to have called you my colleague and friend for over 25 years. I learned so much from you over the years and will always cherish the work we got to do together while serving on the University President's Commission for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. I sit here and remember your powerful voice reciting this poem by Maya which would always bring me to tears. Thank you my friend for all that you gave to us all. My sincerest condolences to the family.

Phenomenal Woman

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size 
But when I start to tell them,
They think I’m telling lies.
I say,
It’s in the reach of my arms,
The span of my hips, 
The stride of my step, 
The curl of my lips. 
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman, 
That’s me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please, 
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees. 
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees. 
I say,
It’s the fire in my eyes, 
And the flash of my teeth, 
The swing in my waist, 
And the joy in my feet. 
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.
Men themselves have wondered 
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can’t touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them, 
They say they still can’t see. 
I say,
It’s in the arch of my back, 
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.
Now you understand
Just why my head’s not bowed. 
I don’t shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud. 
When you see me passing,
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It’s in the click of my heels, 
The bend of my hair, 
the palm of my hand, 
The need for my care. 
’Cause I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.
September 20, 2023
September 20, 2023
Dr. Oputa, you were one of the first people to believe in me. I’ll never forget coming to you in tears, the way you held my hands and said to me “let’s show them who you are.” The last conversation we had you reminded me to never let anyone dim my light to never forget who am I am. You were a constant force, a constant light. Your laugh, your smile, your hugs, your presence made this world better…more connected. I’m so beyond grateful for the time we spent, for the space you created. For every way you taught me to challenge inequity. I will do my part in carrying on your legacy. I wish you a peaceful transition, and thank God for allowing us the time we had with you. Your transformative impact knows no bounds. Thank you for everything
September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023
My heart is sad and heavy at the passing of a very Dear Friend Francine. I've known her and most of her family since the 50's. We went to the same church, we went to high school together and she was a true friend. She loved me enough to ask me to go to her prom. I'll never forget..she was someone that I learned how to confide in early in my like. I will miss her❤️
September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023
*God is God All the Time *
You are God on the good days .
And you are God on the bad days.
You are God when your children live long fruitful lives .
*And you are God when tragedy cuts life short *
You are God when we have plenty,
And you are God when we lack enough.
You are God when we have good health,
And you are God in our sicknesses.
You are God when we are happy,
And you are God in our sadness and our sorrows.
You are God when we understand,
And you are God when we don’t.
You are God ,
Selah, Selah , Selah .


*Janie Kellog - Daisy , Oklahoma*
September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023
There are very few words to express the weight of losing my dear colleague, mentor and friend Dr. Francine Oputa. Like so many of us, I am not ready to walk this world without her guidance, support and brilliant smile. There are so few persons as genuine, kind and giving as Francine. Today there is a hole in the world and my heart.

My condolences to Francine's children, husband, siblings and all others who were blessed to have her in their lives. 

September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023
Francine graciously spent quality time to be there with me as I explored best practices in handling diversity matters. She has modeled to me how to be a devoted Christian to live out genuine compassion in a diverse setting. She always makes people feel understood, respected, and cared for. She will always live on in my heart.
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