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Share a special moment from GABRIEL's life.

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Missing you always

September 11, 2021
Its been 4 years since u been gone and the pain is as it was yesterday  we smile when  we remember the crazy things u would do. you have many love ones that will never forget u hope u are dancing up there with our savior and living peaceful  

Missing u cuz it's your big 30 bday

August 24, 2020
Today is your big 30 cuz  how I wish u could be here I'm sure u be partying it up!!  I can see that smile that laugh the dancing lol everytime I remember our memories can't help but laugh and smile and cry  cause u were that crazy in a wonderful joyful way u will never be forgotten until we met again cuz u will always have that special piece in heart and many other hearts I'm sure  love u Gabriel

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