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The Teaching Moment

February 23, 2023
I remember the first time I ever shot a real gun; something other than a BB gun.  I had a 12 gauge shot gun that belonged to my grandfather and Greg offered to take me out to the range so we could test it out.  Of course first he said, 'Hon, start with this 410 and see how you do' with a smile on his face.  Seeing as how I did OK, he let me shoot a 20 gauge shotgun after that, working my way up to the big gun.  Like a gentleman and adventurer, he offered to shoot the 12 gauge first just to make sure it was 'safe' for me. Thankfully it was, and after his testing, he let me finally fire it.  It was a great day at the Setter Club in NJ, and he was very patient with me, and offered great instruction.  We had a great time, probably blowing off work in the process...

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