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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Ps. Dr. Hadi Kusumo born on May 13, 1956 went home to be with the Lord on September 15, 2020. His memory and legacy will always remain in our hearts.

Thank you to those that have attended Ps. Dr. Hadi's Celebration of Life and Home Going Service on October 3rd, 2020 at Rose Hills Memorial Park.
October 12, 2021
October 12, 2021
Dr. Kusumo was a most kind, warm, and caring person. I will always remember him this way and as someone totally without pretense or guile. In his everyday, unassuming way, he was a monument and master class in how to be a gent. I took numerous mental notes on his honorable nature over the many years I knew him. Always so patient and in good humor -- even when there seemed cause to be otherwise -- Dr. Kusumo always saw and brought out the best in people. Thank you, Dr. Kusumo, for all the moments. I will cherish them. In love and gratitude.
September 15, 2021
September 15, 2021
Remembering Mr Kusumo today , his wonderful smile and gentle spirit. God used this man and his wife to spread Gods love.
I and my family will never forget him.
January 14, 2021
January 14, 2021
I first met Dr. Kusumo upon randomly visiting his dentistry for the first time in 2013. I dropped into his office as a sales solicitor but was treated with genuine hospitality rather than being turned away as is the tendency here in the USA. Because of his and Maria's love during that first visit, I wanted him to be my family dentist. Even though I randomly visited his practice that day, I believe that God led me there to learn from his godly example. Over the years, God used him and his wife to draw us close to Jesus in many ways. His was the only dentistry that I ever heard of that played worship music in the background, fellowshipped, and prayed with his patients upon their request. Because my teeth are so sensitive, I would often ask him to pray for me before doing work. Without hesitation, he would laugh joyfully and then pray. Laughter and joy are the words that summarize my family's experience during regular visits. While most family's dread going to the dentist, my family always enjoyed it! I believe we were drawn to the Spirit of God living within him. My son was 2 years old when we started going there. He will soon be 8. Ever since visiting his practice, his dream has always been to be a dentist and a pastor just like Dr. Kusumo (even to this day). We feel blessed to have known such a Christ-like person and are thankful for the many ways that God used him in our lives. We look forward to our regular visits now with Dr. Joshua and Maria and enjoy reflecting on the good times that my family had while visiting Dr. Kusumo's practice. Even though I will not need a dentist in Heaven, I can't wait to see him again in eternity.
January 6, 2021
January 6, 2021
I had the honor of meeting Dr Kusumo in a very difficult time for him and his family. He always greeted me with a smile. The love his family had for him and each other really touched my heart and made me admire him for the Father, Husband, and family man as a follower of God he must be for them to Love him so. I am sure he is shining that love back down on everyone he knew right now threw Gods light and love for us all.
November 1, 2020
November 1, 2020
My wife Teresa and I have had the pleasure of knowing a lot of great pastors, evangelists , preachers and devoted Christians . We love and respect them all . We also had the pleasure of meeting and knowing Dr.Hadi and sister Maria. They were he first couple who truly touched our lives They never preached to us , never tried to change us . They simply walk the talk and loved us unconditionally. Dr. Dadi and sister Maria showed us how to live like Christ. We are so blessed to know this Godly couple. Dr. Dadi and sister Maria forever we will love you.
October 24, 2020
October 24, 2020
To Ps. Hadi’s beloved family: Ci Maria, Joshua, Marietta and to all his friends.

It is a great honor for me, that I can share with all of you, some of the most precious moments I have witnessed in the life of our beloved brother, Hadi Kusumo. He was a doctor of dentistry, a pastor and a founder of churches in Indonesia, a dear friend, a brother, a loving husband and a caring father. I knew him closely over the last 3 years in the UCLA Hospital, as a very gentle, warm and loving brother in Christ.

I want to share that every single time when I was together with Ps. Hadi while he was in the hospital, I deeply sensed the presence of Christ among us. I could see that during the last years of his life, Ps. Hadi was in great physical and mental pain in ways a human cannot even imagine. And yet, I could always see that he was filled with faith and life.

The apostle Paul wrote to the believers of the church in Philippi: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”. These words from Paul became a “Spiritual Reality” for me every time when I saw Ps. Hadi fighting for his life, and when I saw Ci Maria loving and caring for him and never losing hope. Every moment when I spent time with Ps. Hadi and Ci Maria, I sensed a “Peace of God” that transcended my human understanding. According to the medical science and the human understanding, Ps. Hadi should have been in great pain and suffering and in great despair with an uncertainty in what will happen tomorrow. However, I always sensed a peace that surpassed our hearts and minds through Christ.

When ps. Hadi was in the hospital, I had several moments to talk to him alone, and to be in fellowship together. We shared a lot about our faith and about our personal lives and our past. Ps. Hadi gave me a lot of advice and feedback when we were alone. It was striking to me that ps. Hadi, although he was very sick, was always willing to carefully listen to my stories and sharing, and he would always pay careful attention and carefully consider all my stories with great empathy and understanding. And vice versa, Ps. Hadi would also share many stories with me. He was a very gentle, patient and caring man, and he gave me many wise advices. One day, when we were talking in the hospital room together, I asked ps. Hadi if past sins of the family and ancestors could still affect our current lives, and ps. Hadi firmly answered: “No that is impossible!! Because we are covered by the blood of the lamb of God, and we are delivered from our slavery to Satan”. I really enjoyed our sharing and fellowship together, especially this moment and discussion.

In addition, I have heard the words of the same apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 13 where he is talking about Faith, Hope and Love many times during wedding ceremonies. This time, I want to bring these words up during a funeral. Every time, when I watched Ci Maria and Ps. Hadi together during the darkest and most difficult moments of their life together, I saw so much love. Ci Maria cared for him in body, soul and spirit with a “joyful heart”, just to be together. Ci Maria would always massage Ps. Hadi his head and his feet, and she remained at his bed side in the hospital almost day and night. When Ci Maria and ps. Hadi were together in the hospital, they looked very happy despite the difficult circumstances they were facing every day. And I could see that it was certainly not easy for ci Maria, because she saw the man she had shared her life with and raised two beautiful children together with, suffering every day in the hospital. I knew, that it was breaking ci Maria her heart to see ps. Hadi suffering, and yet, in front of him, she would just be quiet and caring and hide her broken heart. She was always trying to protect ps. Hadi and not show any tears before him, and care for him at his bedside.

When they were in the hospital, there was not one single moment that I saw that Ps. Hadi and Ci Maria would lose Faith. Every time when I saw them both together in the hospital, they were either praying, listening to hymns, listening to sermons or have the Word of God on the background. With every single person who would come into the room (a nurse, a resident, a student or a janitor) they would always ask if they go to church and if they know Christ. In the final moments of Ps. Hadi’s life, he would still have a “Gospel Spirit” and try to bring people to Christ. Even at the end of his life, Ps. Hadi was still trying to bring people to Christ by sharing the gospel.

Lastly, I was very touched when last August, when the situation looked very grim, and I had to tell Ci Maria the honest truth that I did not know what would happen. Ci Maria was in tears, and she told me, “But I have hope”. No matter how difficult the situation, ci Maria never lost hope in Christ, and always lived by faith.

I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to witness Ps.Hadi his life, and that I had the privilege to watch Ci Maria and Ps. Hadi together as husband and wife. I learned a lot about Faith, Hope and Love (not by human abilities, but as a Spiritual Reality), and I learned a lot about Peace that transcends human understanding. I will never forget Ps.Hadi and I will never forget Ci Maria. We know that Ps. Hadi is now with the Lord and someday ci Maria will be with him again in the New Jerusalem, and she will see him wearing a huge crown of righteousness (2 Timothy 4:8).

To Joshua and Marietta I would like to say that they can be very proud of such a great father, and I would like to encourage them to follow his example and his gospel spirit throughout their lives and just like ps. Hadi chose a life of faith, of purpose and of service.

I would like to end with the same last words that Ps. Hadi spoke to me while he was alive. “Thank You”. Ci Maria, thank you for showing me true Faith, Hope and Love in your most challenging moments. Thank you Lord Jesus for the life of Ps.Hadi, that we may always see Your Purpose in ps. Hadi his life and in his death.

David Liem
October 23, 2020
October 23, 2020
It was an honor to know Dr. Hadi as our family dentist and more so as a friend who was kind, caring, and humble.

After reading so many tributes in his honor, we realized how many lives he has touched/impacted in a positive way.

There is no doubt that Dr. Hadi was a very down to earth, unbiased, dedicated, kind, caring, cheerful, funny-man and the list goes on. He is in a better place with God now.

May God give comfort to his wife Maria (our dear friend), his son Dr. Joshua, his daughter Marietta, and all the family.

Rest In Peace Dr. Hadi, we will greatly miss you.

With Respect, Honor, and our Deepest Sympathy,

Mohammad Khan, Ghazala, Nazmeen, Brad, and Nadia
October 15, 2020
October 15, 2020
Selamat Jalan Ps. Kusumo, terima kasih untuk hidupmu dan visi yang ditaburkan dalam hidupku...

Terima kasih kepada BAPA SURGAWI yang telah mempertemukan dengan Ps. Kusumo dan keluarga pada tahun 1999 di Solo, dan menjadi awal perubahan kehidupan kekristenan saya dan juga istri, kami sangat berterima kasih untuk dedikasi hidupmu dan waktu yang diberikan untuk menjadi gembala, orang tua, guru dan sahabat yang baik bagi saya pribadi, sehingga saya bisa belajar banyak dari teladan, kesabaran, ketekunan, pemikiran dan seluruh dedikasi hidupmu sungguh menjadi inspirasi bagi ku. Visi dan Amanat Agung TUHAN YESUS yang Engkau ajarkan sangat merubah hidup kekristenan kami dan akan terus kami kerjakan.

Terima kasih Ps. Kusumo, semua jerih lelahmu pasti tidak akan sia-sia, selamat beristirahat karena Engkau telah mengakhiri pertandingan yang baik dan mencapai garis akhir dan memelihara iman, sampai berjumpa di rumah BAPA di surga.

Kami yang mengasihimu,
Kandi & Keluarga
October 5, 2020
October 5, 2020
Dr. Hadi will be fondly remembered as the gentle, humble man of God. One who willingly and generously gave of himself and what he had in service of the King, together with Maria. Many have been so blessed because he was obedient to God's call despite the many challenges. I am blessed to have known him and to have had the opportunity to serve alongside him years ago. 
Our prayers for Maria and family. May the Lord continue to sustain and cover you all.  Wilson & Lai Ling 
October 4, 2020
October 4, 2020
Dr. Hadi S. Kusumo was, and is even more so now, a child of the living God. He was a light in the darkness of this world, a beacon pointing the way to the Lord Jesus Christ. His life exemplified Christlikeness and professional courtesy. He was of a humble spirit and filled with the knowledge of the Word of God. He was not only a doctor of dentistry, but was also a dear friend and brother-in-Christ to my wife and myself. It is not a fabrication, nor is it an excessive claim to say that we, my wife and I, loved Dr. Kusumo on earth; and we will be honored to sit with him at the Supper Table of the Lamb.

I pray that Dr. Kusumo's family (Maria, children, etc.) and dear friends, be comforted and strengthened by the Holy Spirit during this time proceeding his heavenly transition; and that someone, anyone, who knew him but not his God, now ask "What must I do to be save?" That certainly would be a great going away gift to a holy man, that is to truly believe and give your life and full dedication to his and my God...In the Name of Jesus.

Sister Maria, Phyllis and I love you dearly and we will never stop praying for you and your family. As dear friends of yours and your husband, we treasure you and will never forget how much the both of you mean to long as we shall live.

Rev. James and Phyllis Ross
October 4, 2020
October 4, 2020
Hoo Soen adalah keponakan saya , dia panggil Ik ....saya sangat kehilangan dia sebab selalu telp saat dia kangen ...minta di ceritakan kenangan waktu kecil , kenakalannya di masa kecil, makanan kesukaannya dan juga kenangan saat Hoo Soen .
Dari kecil dia dekat sebab saya tinggal di rumah Mami nya Hoo Soen . Hoo Soèn kecil nakal banget ...tapi waktu besar dia malah menjadi seorang hamba Tuhan yang sangat setia .... Masih ingat kamu selalu bilang bahwa Tuhan itu baik ...walaupun kamu dalam kondisi sakit . Ik akan kangen telp dengan kamu.
Soen....selamat jalan , sampai jumpa kelak di rumah Bapa ...semua kenangan manis tidak akan terlupakan ...kamu sudah menyelesaikan pertandingan dengan baik . Tuhan akan menjaga We Ling , Joshua dan Etta Ik Liek
October 4, 2020
October 4, 2020
Kami bergabung dengan Hope Of God atau Gereja Pengharapan Allah Solo, mulai awal perintisan Gereja di sebuah ruang praktek dokter di daerah Sraten Solo, di bawah penggembalaan Ps Hadi Kusumo dan Ibu Maria, sejak th 1993 dan suami 1995, kami bersyukur sejak muda kami bisa mengenal Beliau, Seorang Gembala yg baik, memberi contoh teladan hidup serta memancarkan karakter Kristus, seorang Pemimpin yg rendah hati cinta Tuhan luarbiasa yg di buktikan sampai akhir hayat Beliau, tidak membeda-bedakan, mau bergaul kepada semua orang, suka bercanda, dan baik hati, sungguh kami di berkati oleh pelayanan Beliau dan keluarga, selamat jalan Gembala, Guru, pembimbing, sahabat, terima kasih untuk semua cinta dan teladan hidup yg kau berikan pada kami. Ps Kusumo telah mengakhiri pertandingan iman dengan sangat baik dan saatnya kini menerima mahkota kehidupan kekal bersama Bapa di Surga.

From : Bhudi Utomo dan Rahayu Sugiarti
October 3, 2020
October 3, 2020
Yvonne and I have known Rev. Dr. Hadi Kusumo, Maria since 2006 in our
Orange County Christian Fellowship and we are blessed knowing them both. They are very religious, kind and a good example to many of our Christian friends. Even during his stay in the hospital, when we visited him, he always says that God is good. We have never found a person that can say that in spite of his sufferings. When he is in good health he always look forward to have a home bible study meeting with friends including non believers who enjoy his uplifting preaching and testimonies.
We know that he is in a better place now with God Almighty and trust that God will continue blessing Maria, Josh, Marietta and all of us until we meet him again in heaven.

October 3, 2020
October 3, 2020
I had the privilege of meeting pastor Hadi Kusomo in the hospital in the ICU. Although he was very ill at the time, I could sense the spirit of this brother was full of grace. It was only later that I learned what a man of god he was and lived a life fully consecrated to god, and was instrumental in raising up many churches in Indonesia and shepherding of many of God’s children. I am very grateful our Lord gave me this opportunity to know this honorable servant of God and I hope to also run the race And finish the course, and keep the faith the way that he did. May God comfort our sister Maria, who I’m so blessed to know. May god also comfort Joshua and marrieta.
October 3, 2020

Sejak saya melayani dan menggembalakan gereja IFGF/GISI di Solo, saya mengenal dekat dengan Ps.Kusumo, sering sharing dan mengadakan trobosan bagaimana gereja yg memuji dan menyembah yg benar, membentuk paguyuban hamba Tuhan se Surakarta dan sampai sekarang masih jalan. Waktu belum pindah ke USA saya jika sakit gigi & anak2 jika cabut gigi ditangani beliau gratis. Asisten yg membantu praktek, memiliki anak perempuan yg stress berat, sering ngamuk, lari dari rumah, tidak ada yg mampu menanggani, saya dan istri diminta bisa membimbing tinggal bersama keluarga kami, puji Tuhan akhirnya Tuhan pulihkan. Saat gereja HOP di Kedung Tungkul Mojosongo menghadapi tantangan untuk ditutup dari kelompok Islam radikal dan Gereja HOP yang ada di pusat Kota Solo belum keluar ijin gerejanya, saya dipercaya utk memperjuangkan dgn menghadapi kelompok Islam keras seorang diri didalam Masjid pondok pesantren Kedung Tungkul Mojosongo dengan di mediasi aparat Polri, TNI dan pejabat Pemda. Dengan cara saya dijadikan (sementara pinjam nama) gembala di HOP di Kedung Tungkul Mojosongo, saya bisa menghadapi kelompok radikal itu dan akhirnya dengan kesepakatan Gereja HOP di Kedung Tungkul yg sudah ada ijin gerejanya tidak dipakai ibadah gereja lagi, tapi dengan kesepakatan gereja HOP di Kota Solo dikeluarkan ijinnya. Dari peristiwa tersebut akhirnya dengan ditutupnya Gereja HOP di Kedung Tungkul, pemerintah mengeluarkan ijin gereja HOP di Mangkubumen Kota Solo. Semua karena campur tangan Tuhan dari persahabatan saya dengan Ps.Kusumo. Segala kemuliaan hanya bagi DIA. HaleluYah !!
October 3, 2020
October 3, 2020
I believed in God and became a Christian in Hope of God Church Solo in 1995 and was baptized in water by Ps. Kusumo in 1995 and baptized in holy spirit by Ps.Kusumo and Sis. Maria when I went to Indonesia with my father for the first time to visit relatives in Indonesia at my age of 20. From then on, my life was totally changed. Thanks Ps.Kusumo also baptised my father and my uncle in law even though it was 25 years ago, I am always thankful to him and never forget. Ps. Kusumo is a good example of Christian and pastor. He will always be remembered in our heart till we see him again.
October 2, 2020
October 2, 2020
Our entire family has known Ps. Hadi for many years. He has dedicated his life to serve our church as well as his clients in his field of dentistry. His kindness, generosity and resilience are a testament to his unwavering Christian values and character. We are comforted by the thought that he is reunited with Jesus now.
October 2, 2020
October 2, 2020
Koko Hoo Soen, selamat jalan. koko sdh mengakhiri pertandingan dengan baik. Koko yg kita kasihi adalah orang yg baik, hamba Tuhan yg humble, taat dan melakukan perintah Tuhan. Yakinlah buat ci Maria, Joshua and Marietta Mazmur116:15~Berharga di mata Tuhan kematian semua orang yang di kasihiNya. kebaikan kasih perhatian dan ketulusan koko akan selalu kami ingat.

You'll be missed.

With love,

Cu Liong, Erna and Family
October 2, 2020
October 2, 2020
Koko yang aku kenal sebagai orang yang sabar dan murah senyum.
Teringat waktu koko dan ci Hwie Ling pindah ke Solo, aku selalu berlibur di rumah kalian. Pergi belanja dan masak bersama koko....
Koko, tugas mu sudah selesai, beristirahat lah dengan tenang.
Ci Hwie Ling, Joshua dan Etta, doa kami selalu buat kalian...
Koko, we gonna miss you...
Selamat jalan koko....
October 2, 2020
October 2, 2020
From Julia Sugita..
We have known the late Ps Hadi Kusumo and his lovely wife, Maria for quite some time. We would like to share and witness to the strong faith in the Lord that this couple had shown throughout their difficult journey while battling Ps Hadi’s illness.
This beloved couple has never lost their faith and fully trust in the Lord even when Ps Hadi ‘s health condition was in a critical situation.

We have followed Ps Hadi’s and Maria’s walk in faith closely since September 2019 when Maria reached out to us and asked David if he could share his experience when he was facing the same battle with his liver and kidneys in 2002.
David had experienced the same ups and downs in his battle. Times when we felt the earth seems to tumble down and we felt so hopeless. But one thing we can witness to is that in our darkest moments, God’s love and grace never failed us. And we surrendered David’s situation to the Lord. God answered our prayers and gave him a new liver and a new kidney in God’s own timing. It was indeed a miracle by God’s grace - God’s miracle. 

We were so grateful that we got the opportunity to share with Ps Hadi and Maria and offered them hope and comfort that God will always prevail in our life. He will get us through every storm and if at that time, He had chosen to call David home, halleluiah, Lord, You know what’s best.

In God’s grace, Ps Hadi got a new liver in 2019 but then complications arose. When the pandemic started and Ps Hadi was in isolation, Maria remained strong. A strong Christian wife whose faith doesn’t falter and keeps a cheery smile is certainly a big comfort and source of strength to Ps Hadi. Maria sent us pictures of Ps Hadi when they got to visit with him and in all the pictures, Ps Hadi had a big smile.

Ps Hadi & Maria are truly a witness of true faith and complete trust in the Lord. They never gave up and continued to pray for God’s miracle healing on Ps Hadi and surrendered everything to the Lord. And on September 15, 2020, God gave the miracle of eternal life for Ps Hadi. God called His faithful servant home.  Matthew 25:23: Well done, Good and Faithful Servant... Enter into the Joy of your Master.
But God also promised His comfort, peace, and strength to Maria and the kids. God will not leave us on our own. He was, is, and will always be with us.
Psalm 46 says God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. There will be difficult times, but God promise to be our refuge.

In God's Grace,
Julia & David Sugita

October 2, 2020
October 2, 2020
Selamat jalan Koko Hoo Soen, koko yang tidak saya sangka dapat menginspirasi banyak orang. Kesetiaanmu pada Tuhan Yesus tidak akan sia sia. Cik Hwee Ling, Joshua dan Etta tetap kuat dan semangat menjalani hari hari kedepan. Tuhan Yesus yang akan selalu menjaga dan memberi kekuatan.

Dari Hoo Bing dan Keke

October 2, 2020
October 2, 2020
Ps. Dr. Hadi is fondly remembered in our hearts as a man of God, a gentle, jovial man who overflows with grace, love and truth. He is a pastor, a teacher, a dentist - all rolled in one godly gentleman. His legacy goes beyond the number of teeth filled or extracted. His legacy is seen in the lives of countless people whose lives have been touched and blessed because he walked with the Lord Jesus Christ and because he served through Christ and for Christ. To God be all the glory and thanks for his life, a life poured out for many.  Thank you - from Denis & Hai Eng
October 2, 2020
October 2, 2020
Kami tumbuh bersama dari masa kecil sampe remaja bahkan setelah berkeluarga pun kami masih menjalin silahturahmi sebelum akhir nya beliau menetap di sebrang nun jauh disana.
Sebagai tetangga sebaya kami selalu bersama setiap hari bermain bercanda berdebat bahkan sering juga dimarahi bersama. Ada dua orang lagi komplotan kami yaitu Nino sekarang tinggal di Holland dan Fendy H di Amrik.
Selamat jalan HS sobat ku
We are just.. dust in the wind
October 2, 2020
October 2, 2020
As long as I've known him, Koh Hadi was a heavenly man who lived his life like an open Gospel to everyone around him. He was like a brother to me, we had deep and fun Bible discussions with each other, and he was a true Christ follower who was focused on the Lord and lived for His kingdom. Now, we say goodbye to him but only for a short time, because we will see Koh Hadi again in eternity where it is timeless. You are to be greatly missed and it was such an honor to know Koh Hadi in our life. God bless his wife, Cik Maria, his son Joshua, and his daughter, Marietta.
October 1, 2020
October 1, 2020
Koko yang aku kenal adalah pribadi yang ceria, suka bercanda , suka gangguin orang ...tapi juga Koko yang baik dan suka bantuin kita adik2 nya ....Koko yqng bisa menjadi panutan dengan iman yang teguh dan akhirnya menjad hamba Tuhan. Di tengah sakit nya Koko masih aja menyempatkan bertanya kavar keluarga, kesehatan kita dan keadaan kita ....Sungguh menjadi kesaksian yang hidup.buat semua orang ....cik Ling , Koko dan Joshua serta Etta ....tetaplah menjadi terang dan garam buat dunia , dan menjadi saksi untuk kebesarqn dan cinta Tuhan Yesus ....Tuhan berkati dan jaga Cik Ling , Joshua dan Etta selalu ....kami semua sayang kalian
October 1, 2020
October 1, 2020
My family and I will greatly miss you, Dr. Hadi. I miss sharing stories and cracking jokes with you. You always bring comfort, calmness, and caring to the people around you. You are such a good listener and always think about other people, even when we visited you at the hospital you were never once complained about your sickness or pain, but always asked how are we and the care group doing. You are truly a man of faith and heaven rejoices to welcome you.
September 30, 2020
September 30, 2020
I have known Ps Kusumo from church since I was 12. He was also my dentist.

His family moved to Solo to fulfil God’s calling in his life. He sacrificed a comfortable lifestyle in US to pioneer church in Solo from absolute zero.
I was so blessed to be part of HOG church. I felt this church was very different, people were genuinely loving & caring. The members were very committed. I think this is because we had a wonderful pastor who lead by example in his commitment to serve God.
I’ll always remember Ps Kusumo as a humble man with a warm and welcoming smile. His love for God transpired in everything that he did. I feel so lucky to have a pastor like him.
After his passing, it makes me realised how meaningful his life is, he has impacted and blessed so many people’s lives. It encouraged me to do the same with my life.
Selamat Jalan my beloved pastor.
Terima kasih banyak atas kasih, pengajaran & teladan hidup yg pastor sudah berikan utk kami semua.
You have been such a great blessing in my life and, though you are no longer with us, but your legacy of love and faith will continue to inspire many of us.
You will be greatly missed forever and always.
Rest in peace up in the heaven Pastor... till we meet again.
September 29, 2020
September 29, 2020
It was an honor to get to know Ps. Hadi not only as a pastor, but also as a friend, a brother, and also a dentist. His life of dedication to God's work was truly an inspiration to me. We met for the first time when he came to visit Hope Church LA from Indonesia. Years later, when his family moved to LA, we got to reunite again, and this time I got to know him and his family more.

I'm grateful for his life and legacy as a faithful servant of God. He and his wife were always welcoming and caring. When I became his regular patient, I'd see him every six months, and every time I'd be cared for not only dentally but also spiritually. They always looked for ways to encourage me every time I see them. I could tell that they genuinely cared for the wellbeing of my church as they were always asking about how my church was doing and giving encouraging words to strengthen my church.

You will be missed, but I have hope in Jesus Christ that we shall reunite again in His presence. I'm confident that you were welcome into the arms of our loving Lord Jesus Christ with His commendation "well done, good and faithful servant."

September 29, 2020
September 29, 2020
I knew Ps. Kusumo first as a dentist. The clinic where he worked for at that time locates in Laweyan district, not too far from my father's house in Solo.

Later on, my parents were invited by Ps. Kusumo and his wife, Mrs. Maria to join "Solo For Christ" fellowship which held every Wednesday at their house. I was really blessed by the fellowship and I started to know about God's vision from them.

Then, together with some people, I joined with Ps. Kusumo and Mrs. Maria pioneered Hope of God Solo. I was still 13 y.o back then. We started our first Sunday service in August 1992, also held at their house.

For me personally, Ps. Kusumo is not only a warm-hearted person. He's easily befriended with youger person and also with elderly people. He and his wife willingly shared their lives as shepherds and be such an open letter for me and also for the congregations.

Another interesting fact, Ps. Kusumo always keep a unique hair style. All my friends in Solo and later in Surabaya (whom I invited to join with the movement), they all agree and pretty amazed with his hair style, in which - according to them - is very neat and shiny even his mustache ! Haha... :)

Despite that Ps. Kusumo being friendly and also loves humors, he is very serious about God's word. He has a deep passion and hunger of God's heart to His people.

One of Ps. Kusumo's favorite song, "I set my eyes on You" help me regained strenght especially during the first year I live in the Netherlands.

Last, thank you for being my dentist, my shepherd, my pastor and also a friend in doing God's vision.

- Kelita Ardiati Mw -
September 28, 2020
September 28, 2020
I knew Ps. Kusumo and his wife, Mrs. Maria when I joined Hope of God Church Solo in the year of 2001. He was the founder of the church and was our senior pastor. He was a humble dignified man of God. Through his teachings, he inspired and set an example for many of his followers to serve and love God.

I loved listening to his preaches; Ps Kusumo was so good at making them simple, easy to understand yet very structural in building christian character of the congregation.

I used to be shepherded by Mrs. Maria every Saturday morning at their house. I still remember very clearly seeing how beautiful their family is. Ps. Kusumo, Mrs Maria and their two kids were so loving to each other. It was a blessing for me to witness such a lovely christian family.

Although it was a brief 4 years experience I had with them, before Ps. Kusumo and his family moved to the U.S in 2004, he had inspired and set an example for me to always serve and love God wholeheartedly.

Farewell Ps. Kusumo; you will be missed and always be remembered. Till we meet again in heaven.

- Sandra Saputro -

September 27, 2020
September 27, 2020
I have known Dr Kusumo since 1985,we were working together in the same clinic at Lakewood, CA, suddenly he annouced that he is going back to Indonesia.
You know it’s hard to get the license to practice dentistry in Ca, no exception for Hadi, when I asked him why, he said that he want to serve God in Indonesia.
Fast forward, we met again here, open his practice also help some churches and bible study including OCCF,he told me his purpose of life is to serve the Lord.
When I visited him in the hospital, he told me that if God heals him, he will go back to Indonesia and serve Him there, but God has other plan for Hadi.
Rest In Peace with the Lord Jesus my friend,good bye , till we meet again.
Eddy and Suzanne Sugiarto
September 26, 2020
September 26, 2020
There were many fond memories of Pastor Hadi I have had ever since I have known him, two out of those moments I vividly remember.

The very first time I met him, he was a guest speaker for our church (this was before he moved to the U.S.). Two things I remember of him that day, his mustache and the word 'stamina'; ‘mustache’ because commonly, Asian men have less facial hairs and ‘stamina’ because from that day on no one ever explained the word stamina quite like him (at least to me). My thought process is this, it was in his expression of loving God's word and his people that he encouraged us to walk and serve God with stamina.

After he and his family moved to the U.S., he continued to be one of the guest speakers for our Sunday services. One occasion, he shared a message with the saying ‘happy wife is happy home’. I have heard that expression before but when he said it, somehow, it resonated in my mind for some time. I come to realize now that he really loved you, Pastor Maria .... you and the children.

In final thought, it seems to me that Holy Spirit really liked him and the things he said so Holy Spirit kept touching the words making them revelation knowledge to me.

He was a faithful servant.
He was a loving and devoted husband and father.
He was a spiritual man of Holy Spirit ..... and I was blessed to know him, Pastor Hadi.

With respect and honor,
Chai & Crystal
September 25, 2020
September 25, 2020
It is still fresh in our minds, the first time we were introduced to Ps. Dr. & Mrs. Hadi & Maria Kusumo by Drs. Eddy & Suzanne Sugiarto at our OCCF monthly gathering in 2006.
We had a good impressions from their smiles and warm hearted greetings to us.
At no time we became good friends and felt closed to them as part of our family.
We often asked Ps. Hadi to preach
and he would always be there for us.
Besides preaching he was also a very good MC. Almost every events we had, we would ask his favor to be the MC and he would be happy to help us. He is a very down to earth person, very cheerful, dedicated and
funny too. He would always had some jokes to share. The OCCF members love him very much.
We then had a prayer meeting at home and we always expected Ps
Hadi to come to share a message and prayers with us. Ps. Hadi would
always try to come even though after he had his chemo.
He will be greatly missed, bit we will
relive him in the sweet memories with us which will only enjoy it with a smile and tears in our eyes.
May God give comfort to Maria, Johua, Marieta and all the family,
knowing that he is with our Lord and
In His Love,
Peter and Yvonne

September 24, 2020
September 24, 2020
I think the value of a life is if you can look back and say you impacted one person's life for eternity. Well, we will look back on Ps Kusumo's life and be absolutely assured that he has impacted thousands of lives for eternity.

I am forever grateful by what he has sown into my life personally and also my family's life. My sister, brother, mother and father got saved through his dedication and perseverance. I still remember when we went to a trip to Bangkok together to attend a church camp. He kept encouraging me to save souls, to make disciples and to plant churches. God's vision in Matthew 28:18-20 really became his vision and left a legacy in all of our lives.

The thing that I adored most about him is that he remained the most humble man you would ever want to meet. He had this inner joy and patience that made you feel inspired to be the same.

His memory will live on as we continue doing the will of God together.
September 24, 2020
September 24, 2020
A humble man, gone too soon, but Heaven gains another angel. Our deepest condolences to Ci Maria & the whole family for the loss of Dr. Hadi.
September 24, 2020
September 24, 2020
We first met Hadi Kusumo when he and Maria moved in next door to us about 16 years ago. We were so excited to learn that a nice Christian family was moving in. From that time on it was like family lived next-door. Hadi would always greet us with a wonderful kind and beautiful smile. He was the most gentle man, yet at the same time you never had to question his convictions and strength. His love for God, and his family were so evident. Hadi sought to honor God and all he endeavored to do. Words can not describe how much he will be missed. Our family counts ourselves as truly blessed to have known him.
Terry and Jill Whalen
September 24, 2020
September 24, 2020
Pastor Dr. Hadi is a fellow minister in pastoral care at the IFGF LA-campus Chino, you can say he is also a mentor at the Chino campus. He is a very caring person, likes to joke around, has a great zeal both in the pastoral ministry and in work. As a doctor, a pastor, he must be very busy, but he is always willing to give his time if anyone wants counseling. I remember that whenever he had a preaching assignment at Chino campus, he would bring a music player that would be turned on at meals together after service. Even though he was sick, he still gave himself to share God's Word and give examples of how to become a true disciple of Christ. We all have proven his loyalty to the Lord Jesus until he returns to his Father's house in heaven. 2 Timothy 4: 7 really happened in his life. "I've ended a good match, I've reached the finish line and I've kept the faith." Now Pastor Dr Hadi is happy with his Father in heaven. Let us who are still alive imitate his faithfulness until we meet him again together sitting at the right hand of God the Father. We also pray that the families who have been left behind will be given strength, fortitude and comfort, especially for Mrs. Maria, Joshua and Marieta. Jesus bless you.
September 23, 2020
September 23, 2020
To be honest I don’t know where to start writing this tribute about my dear brother in Christ Hadi Kusumo who went home to be with the Lord to soon! The journey started many years ago when we went to Israel with our beloved spouses. There we enjoyed the presence of the Lord and we travelled following the footsteps of Jesus and His disciples; we also ministered to one another and to others; we shared the Word of God and prayed together as well. You became a close brother to us and we shared joyful moments in ministry. We even had plans to travel together again when we are healed from our illnesses, but the Lord had bigger plans for you brother Hadi and needed you to come home sooner than we wanted. Though I’m still battling with cancer today, I know that you are in heaven asking God for healing upon me! Thank you brother Hadi for your ministry and you were were a blessing to many; you demonstrated your commitment, faithfulness and perseverance to serve throughout your short journey here amongst us! We miss you very much brother! Until we meet again and celebrate eternal life together in heaven!
September 23, 2020
September 23, 2020
I had the pleasure of serving with Ps. Dr. Hadi at IFGF Los Angeles. Dr. Hadi, as I call him, was a very patient and humble man. During our pastors meetings he was always the quiet one, but when he spoke everyone listened. There was a certain authority and presence that he carried all while remaining a humble person.

Dr. Hadi always made himself available should I have any pastoral related questions. His advice and guidance was not only relevant but also very loving. Because of his guidance the issues at hand would be resolved in a Christ-like manner. His words are wise but never forceful.

I missed our conversations this past year and regret not having more when I could... What he has left behind with me is a mark of humility but with authority. I will always remember his willingness to serve and always on the ready.

See you in Heaven Dr. Hadi. Your life has truly left an impact on mine.
September 23, 2020
September 23, 2020
Selamat jalan ke rumah Bapa di surga, Sang Teladan, gembala kami "Pdt. Drg. Hadi sundjojo Kusumo, DDS"
Kehadiranmu dalam hidup kami telah begitu berarti bagi perjalanan hidup kami berdua. Cinta kasihmu dan kesetiaanmu dalam menggembalakan kami dan meletakkan tujuan hidup dan visi Tuhan dalam hidup kami telah mengubahkan kami menjadi pribadi yang seperti saat ini kami ada.
Sebagai rasa syukur kami dihadapan Tuhan atas apa yang engkau telah kerjakan adalah kami akan mengingatmu senantiasa dalam ucapan syukur kami dan mengerjakan apa yang telah engkau teladankan bagi kami yaitu dengan penuh setia dan semangat menyelesaikan Amanat Agung Tuhan Yesus sampai garis akhir.
Terimakasih Sang teladan, gembala kami. Selamat beristirahat dalam damai sejahtera di kekekalan, di rumah Bapa di surga, sampai kita ketemu kembali.
Roh Kudus kiranya memberikan penghiburan, kekuatan dan berkat bagi ibu kami Maria, Joshua dan Etta

2 Timotius 4:7
Engkau telah mengakhiri pertandingan yang baik, engkau telah mencapai garis akhir dan engkau telah memelihara iman.

Kami yg mengasihi-mu & bersyukur atas-mu :

Pdt. Soeharno, M. Th &
istri Pdm. Nurmi, dr.M. Th
September 23, 2020
September 23, 2020
Mr. Kusumo was one of my favorite patients in the ICU. I am honored and blessed to have had the opportunity to care for him until his last days as an angel on earth. Trying to make him laugh and smile would make my work days so much brighter. He persevered through a difficult recovery after his liver transplant, and I will never forget the strength, courage and faith that he and his family demonstrated each and everyday. The Kusumo family taught us all the importance of love and grace. It will forever leave a mark on me as a nurse and a human being. Mr. Kusumo was a great man and will live on through us all. May he rest in paradise.

-Mariko Nakagawa, UCLA ICU Nurse
September 23, 2020
September 23, 2020
Based off my experiences with Dr. Kusumo throughout his prolonged hospitalization, he was a devoted Christian man dedicated to his wife, children and others around him who needed his help. When speaking to Dr. Kusumo, he always spoke with a loving demeanor and positive attitude despite his medical condition. Dr. Kusumo’s intentions were to always bring the love of Christ to each person he saw and met. Despite staying in the hospital for a long period of time, the commitment he had to his wife and children were very visible. My encounters with Dr. Kusumo have been heart felt and I pray comfort to his family during this difficult time.

With Love,

Darlene Balcom, MSW, LCSW
September 23, 2020
September 23, 2020
My name is Linda, I met Dr Kusumo approximately 10 years ago at BNI meeting. Dr Kusumo was a friend and colleague that went out of his way to make sure you were comfortable in all situations that you were in with him. He was admired and respected by the other members of our BNI group. I’ll never forget the first day I joined the breakfast and networking group Dr Kusumo with the first one that spoke to me he made me feel comfortable being around a room full of strangers. I could tell right away that he was liked and respected by all the members of that group. It was shortly after that that I became a patient of Dr Kusumo‘s. That was another place that Dr Kusumo made me feel comfortable and at ease. Sitting in a dental chair is often not a fun thing but Dr Kusumo’s gentle and caring personality made it a pleasant experience. We would talk about dentistry, his wife Maria, and his children. He would ask me about what I have been up to and asked me about each one of my children. Dr Kusumo was definitely a good friend and a family man. I’m sure you can all imagine sitting in a dental chair next to Dr Kusumo and anxiously awaiting that dreaded injection, I can honestly say that his technique was by far the best injection I’ve ever had. I once told him after he cleaned my teeth “ only floss the ones you want to keep.) He actually laughed from his belly, I rest knowing that my friend Dr Kusumo is in heaven sitting with Jesus, talking about his family, his friends, his beautiful wife Maria and telling Jesus “only floss the ones you want to keep.” Dr Kusumo you will be terribly missed by each and every person here today. I want to thank you for your kind heart, your warm smile, and your ability to make any person that you were with feel comfortable. I will see you again my sweet friend.

Thank you kindly,

September 23, 2020
September 23, 2020
Almost a year ago, my husband and I met brother Hadi and his wife Maria through a mutual friend. We began to visit him in the hospital to lend support and prayerful encouragement, and developed a steadfast friendship with them both. While brother Hadi was awaiting a liver transplant, he had good days in his health. When we visited him in the hospital, his faith in our Lord and his love for the salvation of men was strongly evident. His heart was burdened for the salvation of nurses, doctors, aides, or anyone else who served him during his stay. Anyone who stepped into his room, felt the love and presence of the Lord. Hadi and his wife, Maria, would pray fervently for the salvation of many. Thus, they also realized that God’s power and grace needed to be lived out of their lives for the sake of God’s testimony. As a couple, they lived in harmony in their faith and burden for the salvation of men.

In the midst of suffering the deepest pain , and major setbacks in his health, bro Hadi maintained his faithful and prayerful spirit. He was not brought under the power of his physical suffering. As we prayed by his bedside, he mouthed a prayer and his spirit worshiped together with ours. As we sang hymns of praise, his spirit soared with ours, and he mouthed the words he could not sing. Truly he lived a worshiping life.

Hadi never gave up his faith and hope in his faithful, loving Lord. Until the end, he joined his wife in faith that he would recover fully and live to preach the gospel again.

But the Lord had His will and way. The Lord Whom he faithfully served in life, took him home. Even in this time, brother Hadi learned to trust the Lord and not to question God’s timing. We believe our brother kept his faith until the end.

Romans 14:8 “For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So whether we live or die, we are the Lords.”

Lampstand and Rachel Lee
September 23, 2020
September 23, 2020
Eulogy to my spiritual Father and my mentor, Ps. Dr. Hadi S Kusumo, DDS

He called me, "spiritual son" and I called him "spiritual father, my mentor."

I spent most of my teenage and twenties life with him before he went to the US. He mentored me here in Solo, Indonesia, for about 11 years.

He was the one who gave me examples about simplicity and humility. One day I saw him at the church when He was making sure all activities were running well. He rode his bicycle to the church although he was a very famous dentist here. I thought that driving a car will be better for a charismatic man like him, but that day I realized that the true path to genuine charisma is simplicity and humility.

I still remember that he was the one who patched up my teeth cavity. At that time I was very nervous because of the dental drill, but I was able to calm down after I listened to everything he said (to calm me down). Many years after that he told me that I should use braces to straighten my teeth. He said " How can you straighten people's path of life when your tooth path doesn't look straight...ha...ha...ha". Although I never use the braces until now, I still can direct the congregation to walk on a straight path of life (without showing them my tooth path)

Decency, reliability, honor, dignity, respect: these are all the qualities that he not only held in high esteem, but practiced it every day during his time on this earth. He was a serious man, but he could never resist the opportunity to have a good laugh with friends and loved ones, given half the chance.

He was a straightforward man who demanded little from those around him, and who gave only the best for his family & the congregation.

At the airport before going to the US, he said to me "Don"t forget to love and take care of the congregation and also the seniors." That's what I'm doing now.

I thank him for trusting and loving me. It has made me grow in spirit and made me who I am today.

As we remember and commemorate his life, let"s give him farewell as we mourn the loss of a lively, dignified soul. A man that brought joy and fulfilment to many, and whose legacy will live on forever. Surely we all will meet again in the new heaven & earth when The Lord Jesus Christ renews everything.

Dr. Liem Pik Jiang
September 23, 2020
September 23, 2020
I’ve known Dr. Hadi Kusumo since 2004. I was very disappointed with my previous dentist and was referred to Dr. Hadi Kusumo as possible replacement by late Mrs. Masseen. My first impression of him was like heaven and earth from my previous dentist. One thing that I hate the most in life are needle shots and going to the dentist because there was pain and bad trauma associated to it but this very first visit changed my view 180 degrees that I ended up telling everyone about how good my dentist, Dr. Hadi, is. Every time I have a visit we always shared life stories and without realizing, I came to like and respect him. He told me one time that after he completed his dentistry study in USA, he came back to Indonesia for a while to fulfilled God’s call for ministry. Only after that called is fulfilled, later in his life he came back to USA to build his current dentistry. He is a man of God and I believe that he is now in better place with Him.

I will miss you Dr. Hadi and I will see you again in heaven.

Sandy Cholid
September 23, 2020
September 23, 2020
Are you a Christian? These words were the first exchanged with our new neighbors many years ago. Those words identified the man (and family) living next door. Hadi was inspirational in his conversation and his actions. His family is a testament to his beliefs. He was tireless in speaking his faith, generous in helping his neighbors. I remember him helping me determine a “dental accident” was not “the end of the world”. We can be confident that Hadi just moved from his earthbound home to his heavenly home with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
September 21, 2020
September 21, 2020
Perjumpaan kami dengan keluarga Ps Kusuma tentu bukanlah sebuah kebetulan tetapi kami percaya itu adalah bagian dari rencana Tuhan yang besar bagi hidup keluarga kami bagaimana beliau dengan sabar dan setia membimbing kami mengenal sebuah "Gereja yang memiliki visi" dan visi itu bukan visi manusia tetapi visinya Allah, yaitu yang tertuang dalam Amanat Agung-Nya di dalam kitab Matius 28:18-20 sehingga menjadi berkat bagi kehidupan rohani keluarga kami.

Semula kami menjadi orang Kristen hanya sebatas beragama sekalipun kami di gereja juga melayani Tuhan tetapi hanya sebatas pengertian melayani adalah kewajiiban sebagai orang Kristen. Setelah mengenal apa itu visi baru mengerti bahwa kami menjadi orang Kristen bukan untuk sekedar menerima keselamatan tetapi juga dipanggil untuk menyelamatkan orang lain sehingga kami sekeluarga memberi diri bagi visi Tuhan dan bergairah dalam melayani Tuhan.

Terimakasih Ps Kusuma, meskipun engkau sudah tidak bersama kami di dunia ini namun kami akan selalu mengingat apa yang telah engkau ajarkan dan akan selalu kami hidupi sebagai wujud hormat kami kepadamu sebagai orang tua rohani kami dan sebagai wujud rasa syukur kami kepada Tuhan Yesus Juruselamat kami.

Kiranya segala yang baik dalam kehidupan Ps Kusuma akan menyertainya dalam perjumpaan kekal dengan BAPA di Surga dan menerima mahkota yang dijanjikan-Nya.

Kami yang mengasihi,
Ps Benny & Esther Yulianto
September 21, 2020
September 21, 2020
In 1979, I met Pastor Hadi for the first time at Trisakti Dental School – he was my mentor at that time, the man that I looked up to as a wise and courageous leader.

When I think of Pastor Hadi Kusumo, I think of the verse in Revelation that says:“Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, "Write: ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’” “Yes," says the Spirit," that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them.” (Revelation 14:13)

I have no doubt that Pastor Hadi has already met people in heaven who have thanked him for leading them to the Lord. I have no doubt that others in the future will come up to him in heaven and express their gratitude for him having led them to the Lord.

His work on this earth was of eternal value, and because of that, he will have an eternal reward.

To me, Pastor Hadi’s finest quality was his patience: an inherent ability to listen, to absorb and to offer a point of view based on quiet, measured wisdom. I will never forget the time when I offered him a prayer; he was the kind of man that showed no self-pity, his focus was and always be on the Lord, the lover of his soul. He has reached the ultimate destination of the universe. We say that he has “departed,” but God says that he has “arrived.”

I prefer to think of him as I saw him at “For Christ Alone Fellowship” as a man who put others before him, who brought forth love, hope and peace and as he went to be with the Lord leaving behind the mantle of his honorable years, the graces of his long ministry. Rest in peace Pastor Hadi, until we meet again!

Yudi Tedjakusnadi DDS
September 21, 2020
September 21, 2020
The Humble Man Of God
September 18, 2020
Thank you all for being here today to give Pastor Hadi Kusumo a fellow pastor a proper send-off and thank you for being here to help his family and friends celebrate his life as we all grief together at his passing.

I met Pastor Hadi about fifteen years ago when we were both ministering at IFGF. We connected that very first time we greeted one another and went on to build Family Care Group together along with our beloved late Pastor Ryanto Sindoro.

Pastor Hadi was a man of God who has led many unbelievers to accept Christ as their Lord, he was one of the most distinguished men of God and had a reputation as "Father And Mentor" to those who knew him. His life was full of dedicated works for the Kingdom of God which demands a higher measure of recognition than he would willingly allow. The most sad experience we can have is when someone we have learned to love is caught up into the embrace of God, into the abounding light where our weak
vision can no longer follow. And when we add to this loss of love, the loss of strength upon which we had learned the trial is greater.

And now, what shall I say of our absent in the body, forever silent friend? Did I say absent and silent? No, not really absent and silent while we remain on earth who felt and truly understood the charm, the intensity, the sincerity, the tenderness of this unusual man of God. At this time we can only turn a few pages filled with memories noting a paragraph here and there revealing the sunlight of his warm, rich nature. As we knew him, he could stoop with the lowliest, and he could rise like some lofty pine until heaven's brightest radiance crowned his head. He could blaze against wrong; and he could glow with the quietest and sweetest generosities.

Sincerity was one of his winning gifts; we were sure at least of one thing that he was honest; and this lent weight to all that he said or did. We knew always that he was speaking from sacred conviction unmodified by personal interests. To every duty that his office imposed upon him he was faithful and
thorough; there was no duty so great that he shrank from it, none so small that he neglected it.

His humility was beautiful; he never seemed to think he had ever done anything worthy of mention. And at the last he had no self-gratulation to buoy him for he always found rest on God's bosom. I never heard him speak of ambition unfulfilled; nor did I ever hear him speak of ambition at all; he spoke only of duty.

I want to leave you with this memory of how Pastor Hadi lives in my mind so that it might bring you as much joy as it brings me. His final thought about the Lord has engraved deeply in my heart when he said, “My pain has nothing to compare with the love of our Lord when He took all the beatings in our place to pay the penalty for our sins – it is well with my soul…”

Rest in peace my beloved friend, until we meet again!

Harry Lee, MD; Psy.D; BBS
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October 12, 2021
October 12, 2021
Dr. Kusumo was a most kind, warm, and caring person. I will always remember him this way and as someone totally without pretense or guile. In his everyday, unassuming way, he was a monument and master class in how to be a gent. I took numerous mental notes on his honorable nature over the many years I knew him. Always so patient and in good humor -- even when there seemed cause to be otherwise -- Dr. Kusumo always saw and brought out the best in people. Thank you, Dr. Kusumo, for all the moments. I will cherish them. In love and gratitude.
September 15, 2021
September 15, 2021
Remembering Mr Kusumo today , his wonderful smile and gentle spirit. God used this man and his wife to spread Gods love.
I and my family will never forget him.
January 14, 2021
January 14, 2021
I first met Dr. Kusumo upon randomly visiting his dentistry for the first time in 2013. I dropped into his office as a sales solicitor but was treated with genuine hospitality rather than being turned away as is the tendency here in the USA. Because of his and Maria's love during that first visit, I wanted him to be my family dentist. Even though I randomly visited his practice that day, I believe that God led me there to learn from his godly example. Over the years, God used him and his wife to draw us close to Jesus in many ways. His was the only dentistry that I ever heard of that played worship music in the background, fellowshipped, and prayed with his patients upon their request. Because my teeth are so sensitive, I would often ask him to pray for me before doing work. Without hesitation, he would laugh joyfully and then pray. Laughter and joy are the words that summarize my family's experience during regular visits. While most family's dread going to the dentist, my family always enjoyed it! I believe we were drawn to the Spirit of God living within him. My son was 2 years old when we started going there. He will soon be 8. Ever since visiting his practice, his dream has always been to be a dentist and a pastor just like Dr. Kusumo (even to this day). We feel blessed to have known such a Christ-like person and are thankful for the many ways that God used him in our lives. We look forward to our regular visits now with Dr. Joshua and Maria and enjoy reflecting on the good times that my family had while visiting Dr. Kusumo's practice. Even though I will not need a dentist in Heaven, I can't wait to see him again in eternity.
His Life

Recognition of Pastoral Service

October 5, 2020
Rev. Dr. Hadi Kusumo was ordained in IFGF on November 25, 2010 and has served faithfully since as part of IFGF Los Angeles Pastoral Team. We cherish and miss his easy going smile, deep wisdom and generous heart. Ps. Hadi is known as a kind and gentle soul, always ready to serve, always eager to care. His sermons are refreshing, insightful and anointed. He easily makes many new friends, as he puts everyone at ease with his warm demeanor. He has been a steadying voice in our pastoral meetings, and he has served in every kind of pastoral capacity faithfully. IFGF Los Angeles hereby gratefully acknowledges the excellent service rendered by Ps. Hadi, in preaching, leading, counseling and many more areas of pastoral care. We pray that God’s strength and comfort be abundantly provided for the bereft family, and we trust that our beloved Ps. Hadi has reaped his eternal reward in the eternal peace.

Until we meet again, Rev. DR. Daniel Hanafi, Senior Pastor - IFGF Los Angeles


October 5, 2020
Ps. Hadi Kusumo went home to be with the Lord on September 15, 2020. He was born in Malang, Indonesia on May 13, 1956, son of Arif Kusumo and Julianingsih Handayana. He is survived by his very supportive wife Maria, and his son and daughter, Joshua and Marietta. He is also survived by his sister, numerous cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews.

Ps. Kusumo’s life was radically changed when he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior while in college in 1976. His transformation was swift, and soon he became one of the leaders in the college ministry called Perkantas (Inter Varsity) at his university. He graduated from Trisakti Dental School in Jakarta, Indonesia in 1981. Ps. Kusumo went on to continue his studies at UCLA and USC, taking courses to get his dental license to practice in the United States. In Los Angeles, he continued to faithfully serve the Lord as an elder of an Indonesian church in Downey, where he served as an assistant to Ps. Sam Oommen in reaching out to international students.

Love bloomed in 1985 when a mutual friend introduced Ps. Kusumo to Maria at Hollywood Presbyterian Church. Soon after, they started dating and were married on December 1986. Because they both love the Lord and have the desire to make an impact in their homeland, they went back to Indonesia and started a fellowship in their home in Solo. The fledgling work was called Solo for Christ in 1991. They started with 12 youths, but as the attendance grew larger and larger, a fellow friend and pastor challenged Ps. Kusumo and Maria to start a church. After praying and fasting, they joined the Hope of God Movement from Thailand and received spiritual covering. Thus, Hope of God in Solo was started in August 1992. Their vision was to obey the Great Commission by planting biblical churches all over the world, in reference to Matthew 28:18-20. Their lives, their ministry, their love for the Lord and their love for the church became a prime life example for the church members. The church grew steadily with God’s guidance and wisdom, and it now has more than 1000 members. In the following years, as their passion to serve the Lord continued to grow, Ps. Kusumo and Maria started Hope of God branches in Surabaya and Yogyakarta.

Ps. Kusumo was a dedicated and loving father and husband to his family. In his spare time, he loved to hike, travel, and explore the outdoors. He enjoyed sampling different types of foods, and loved to laugh and joke. He had a carefree personality and was very understanding of people. He often spent quality time with his family by going on vacations or spending time together at home. He treasured his wife and loved her deeply. As a father, Ps. Kusumo taught his children to always love and serve God. He supported and protected his family with God in the center of it all. He liked to build strong relationships with his patients, friends, church members, and most importantly, he loved to spend time with God in prayer.

As a dentist, Dr. Kusumo was loved by his patients for being a generous, caring, and empathetic doctor. He used his skills and abilities to minister to those who needed help. Even if they had financial difficulties, he never turned anyone away. With his generosity, Dr. Kusumo exemplified God’s commandment to love and help his neighbors.

The Kusumo family moved to the United States in 2004 and settled down in Southern California. Restarting in mid-life was challenging, but the Lord is faithful and blessed them with strength to persevere. Through it all, Ps. Kusumo never neglected serving the Lord. He joined IFGF Los Angeles, and in November 25, 2010, he was ordained as a minister. As part of the pastoral team, he preached and ministered at IFGF Arcadia/Monrovia, Chino, and Las Vegas. Along with the other pastors, he supported and prayed for people who needed spiritual guidance.

Ps. Kusumo was able to live a fruitful and blessed life during his time on earth. He served God to the fullest to glorify His name and fulfill his role as a humble servant. We will remember Ps. Kusumo as a caring, loving, humble man of God, who aimed to please the Lord in all that he did. He left an everlasting impact on his family and friends throughout his life, and he will forever be missed.
Recent stories

Selamat Jalan Ps. Kusumo, Sang Pahlawan Iman.

October 1, 2020
Mata ini menerawang langit nun jauh di sana....Ingatan pun melayang jauh pada peristiwa puluhan tahun lalu, saat masih tinggal di kota Solo.
Saya mengenal Ps. Dr. Hadi Sundjojo Kusumo, DDS dengan istrinya, Bu Maria Kusumo di kota itu. Mereka adalah gembala saya, di Gereja Hope Of God.
Ps. K, demikian kami biasa menyebutnya, dokter gigi yang terkenal. Ahli Dental Braces satu-satunya di Solo pada akhir tahun 80-an. 
Awal perkenalan yang lucu. Saya begitu rindu memperoleh Baptisan Roh Kudus seperti yang saya baca dalam buku-buku. Jadi saya mendatangi Bu Maria, minta dimuridkan dengan syarat, saya bisa dipenuhi Roh Kudus.   Permintaan yang lucu dan naif.
Pelajaran "Twenty Four Lessons" (24 Pelajaran Dasar) yang seharusnya sekali seminggu, khusus saya 2x seminggu. Sudah tidak sabar menanti... Akhirnya saya betul-betul menerima Baptisan Roh Kudus, dilayani oleh Ps. K dan Bu Maria.
Kami pun bersahabat erat, sekaligus mereka menjadi orangtua rohani saya. Apalagi anak saya Christian, sekelas dengan Joshua, putra Ps. K dan B. Maria. Dan Marietta, putrinya, lahir pada tahun-tahun sesudahnya.  
Suatu ketika Ps. K & keluarga pindah ke Amerika. Saya sendiri pindah ke Surabaya. Namun komunikasi kami tetap tersambung, meski tidak rutin. Dari jaman email, blackberry hingga whatsapp. Perjalanan panjang hidup ini, tidak pernah membuat kami betul-betul jauh. Dengan adanya WA, persahabatan kian erat hingga kini. Sharing dan bertukar cerita.                      
Ada beberapa pengalaman yang sangat membekas di hati saya. Mereka teladan bagaimana pribadi yang sungguh-sungguh mencintai Tuhan, bersikap.
Suatu hari terjadi pencurian di rumah mereka. Seluruh perhiasan dan uang  USD simpanan pun hilang. Sungguh peristiwa yang mengejutkan. Namun tidak sekali pun terucap kalimat kekecewaan pada Tuhan. Mereka justru belajar bersyukur dalam segala keadaan.
Kurun waktu yang hampir bersamaan, ada kebutuhan dana untuk pembangunan gereja. Pasangan ini justru memberikan persembahan yang sangat besar. 
Patut dicatat, Ps. K dan B. Maria melayani TANPA menerima gaji sepeser pun karena mereka profesional dan melayani sebagai bentuk ungkapan kasih kepada Tuhan. 
Wow .... Sungguh mengagumkan. 
Menggambarkan apa yang tersimpan dalam hati mereka: iman sejati kepada Tuhan.
Sekitar 3 bulan kemudian, mobil Kijang mereka dicuri orang!      Oh....     
Apalagi yang terjadi? Mengapa malapetaka terus menerus menimpa? Seluruh jemaat berdoa.... Kami prihatin. Tetap tidak ada sepatah kata negatif terucap. Mereka tetap percaya kepada Tuhan dan mengucap syukur. 
3 hari kemudian, Bu Maria minta diantar Ps. K ke Matahari Mall. Mereka akan mengikuti konferensi di Bangkok, jadi perlu membeli buah tangan.
Saat akan memarkir mobilnya, Bu Maria minta Ps. K berhenti. Ada mobil mirip mobil kijang mereka diparkir di sana. Warnanya sama, tetapi koq plat nomornya B, padahal plat mobil mereka AD.
Bu Maria melihat lebih dekat, emblem tulisan "Toyota" tidak ada. Mobil mereka saat masih baru memang emblemnya dicuri orang. Jadi kemungkinan ini memang mobil mereka.  
Lalu Ps. K segera mengintip dari kaca jendela, terlihat koper, sepatu dan tas Ps. K masih ada di tempat semula.    Yess... Pasti 100% ini mobil mereka yang hilang. 
Segera mereka melaporkan ke polisi dan segera pencurinya ditangkap.
Mengapa mobil ada di sana?
Rupanya selama 3 hari, sang pencuri seperti orang bingung, tidak tahu mau kemana? Berputar-putar tapi tidak bisa berpikir. Akhirnya, mobil diparkir di Matahari Mall.
Sungguh jalan Tuhan tidak terduga. Dan tidak ada doa yang sia-sia!!
Sekarang Joshua sudah lulus menjadi dokter dan Marietta sudah lulus kuliah juga. Ps. K tetap menjadi dokter sekaligus gembala selama di Amerika.
Ps. K sudah menyelesaikan tugasnya di dunia dengan sangat baik dan pulang ke rumah Tuhan pada tanggal 15 September 2020.
Begitu banyak kesaksian dari orang-orang yang diberkati, dikuatkan dan hidupnya jauh lebih baik karena pelayanan beliau. Hidupnya menjadi buku terbuka, yang menginspirasi banyak orang.
Bahkan puluhan tahun berlalu, saya masih teringat akan keteladanan Ps.K dan Bu Maria, bagaimana mengambil respon, saat hal-hal yang secara manusia, buruk dan tidak dimengerti, menimpa mereka.
Sungguh mudah memuji Tuhan saat semua berjalan baik dan mulus. Bagaimana jika sebaliknya? Masihkah mulut kita dapat memuliakan-Nya?
"Jadikan Tuhan pusat kehidupan kita, maka seluruh aspek kehidupan kita akan berjalan dengan baik," pesan Ps. K lainnya yang tetap terngiang di telinga.
Pada tanggal 3 Oktober 2020, Ps. K akan dikebumikan di Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier, California.
Selamat Jalan, Pahlawan Iman.... 
Malaikat-malaikat di Surga menyambut kehadiranmu dengan penuh sukacita.
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’
Aku telah mengakhiri pertandingan yang baik, aku telah mencapai garis akhir dan aku telah memelihara iman. Maka kata tuannya itu kepadanya: Baik sekali perbuatanmu itu, hai hambaku yang baik dan setia, engkau telah setia memikul tanggung jawab dalam perkara yang kecil, aku akan memberikan kepadamu tanggung jawab dalam perkara yang besar. Masuklah dan turutlah dalam kebahagiaan tuanmu.
Seruput Kopi Cantik.
September 30, 2020
by Hwe Hwe
I have known Ps. Kusumo since I was 13, as he was my dentist.
I was really blessed to have joined HOG church while I was young, I'm grateful to have gotten the teaching and values Pastor have shared.
I loved listening to his preaches, Ps Kusumo knew how to share his teaching in a simple yet understandable way, with refreshing humor too.
Farewell Pastor...
Thank you for the example and love you have shared in your life.
Your life have been a blessing and made a transformation in my life.
You will be forever missed and dearly remembered, until we meet again in Heaven.

He is man of God

September 30, 2020
PS Hadikusomo is so meekness patient in any case hunble servant not selfist but very care to all kind people all level he ministry with love sacrifice for God kingdom
2 Tim 4: 6-8
Hizkia hanna knew him since 1974
Thank you for what God was doing thrugh his life never invain 1 cor 15:58

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