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March 15
March 15
Huayi and I were colleagues at Kepler Financial Management for almost three years. He had been a great friend to me. During the Kepler years, Huayi always had an ear for me, but he rarely said anything to influence me, from time to time he would input his wisdom in a few words. After Kepler, we kept up our friendship, we would talk at least once a year on the phone.

In 2012, when I found out about the end of Maya calendar, I called him and asked him about it. That year he guided me onto a path of spiritual practice. Since then we kept more frequent communication via email and phone calls, as I had too many questions to ask him about the practice. Somehow later, I became more and more lax in my practice, and I almost felt embarrassed to call him. I think that the last time he replied to my email was on April 5, 2020. After that I called him a couple of times, and he never answered. I thought to myself, oh I was such a bad practitioner, Huayi didn’t want to talk to me any more.

Beginning of 2024, I stumbled upon the biggest deception of all time that OUR MASTER IS NO LONGER ALIVE AND THE ONE IN THE MOUNTAIN IS A SUBSTITUTE, A SERPENT DEMON!!! THE ORGANIZATION IS VERY MUCH INFILTRATED!!! So I started to email Huayi again, about all the evidence that led me to believe in this. Huayi never responded. I thought, maybe he would never want to believe in this. It could be too big a blasphemy for him! I called him, no answer. Finally I googled him ... and I found this web site ... I was so saddened ... I never imagined that he could leave us ... I knew that he got sick, but I thought his condition was under control ...

I wish he’d still be here with us ... that he would agree with me that this unprecedented deception is destroying too many good practitioners ... that he could get completely healed with the advent of energy/frequency healing. The future of medicine, energy/frequency healing, is here.

Huayi, now that you are up and above there, I am sure that you are a warrior in the upper realm. You know that humanity will come out victoriously at last, and all the effort and fight you put in will contribute to the winning of this final battle of good over evil. I am forever grateful to you that you guided me onto this spiritual path!
March 10
March 10
“遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人”。 化一虽去,音容犹存。
March 10
March 10
化一,三年前的今天,你静静的走了,解脱了病魔对你的折磨。你曾经告诉过我,你从书里读到,天国是如此的壮观,那里的色彩比起人间漂亮百倍千倍。无法想象你如今在哪里?那里很美吗?对你的家人挂念吗?你的家人思念着你。没有你操持和掌舵,家里的重担落到了我的肩上。很长时间了,我右肩膀一直疼痛, 以致常常夜间痛醒,扛的真累了。希望哪天我把担子卸下,让聆聆奂奂接手。
December 3, 2023
December 3, 2023
December 2, 2023
December 2, 2023
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Today is father's day. Larry called and we miss you very much.
March 11, 2023
March 11, 2023
Last night’s Naples Philharmonic Masterworks performance was excellent. We all enjoyed very much.
March 10, 2023
March 10, 2023
Hi 爸爸,

Similar to Ling-Ling, I've been skiing a lot this winter and I was just talking to my friends about how Mountain Creek and learning how to ski. I was reminded of our family pictures together at Stratton.

Thank you for teaching us and putting us into lessons early on, it's become a big part of my life, and in the past year, I've travelled to Vancouver and Utah to ski, and we're even thinking about going to Japan next year to ski.

We miss you and think of you often,
March 9, 2023
March 9, 2023
I’ve started going skiing again. Even though it’s in a different place it reminds me of the times we went skiing when I was a kid and how much you enjoyed it.
March 9, 2023
March 9, 2023
March 8, 2023
March 8, 2023
March 7, 2023
March 7, 2023
My heart still aches in sadness when thinking of you.
March 6, 2023
March 6, 2023
Miss you dearly. You gave me so much to remember......
December 2, 2022
December 2, 2022
March 10, 2022
March 10, 2022
化一走了已经一年,不可思议!星期六在Naples FL“化一慈善基金”赞助的音乐会上,化一的身影和笑容不停地浮现在眼前。1978年认识化一,一直崇拜他的才能智慧和魄力。今生有幸,我们同时立足生活在北美,化一和秀玲是我们最亲近的好友,每年都相聚几次,一起度过体验了人生中最美好的年华。化一和伟康一定有更重要的mission,早早匆匆地丢下我们而去。Life is not the same without you! We miss you so much!
March 10, 2022
March 10, 2022
时光飞逝, 转眼间化一已经离开我们整整一年了。 几十年的经历和友情却历历在目。 真是:一朝生死两离别,常思量,自难忘。
同化一第一次结伴旅游是在一九七八年,我们上大学后的第一个暑假。我俩都是带薪上学,可算穷学生中的富人,因此还能适当地奢侈一下。我们一行五人从上海乘火车到温州。然后转乘长途汽车到天台山,宿于国清寺。在寺内美美地吃了一顿素斋,并以好烟“贿赂”主持方丈给我们讲了一通佛经。从天台山再乘长途汽车一路颠簸到雁荡山。一天傍晚在灵峰观赏雁荡三绝之一的夜景, 回旅馆要走一小时的崎岖山道。 不料那晚月黑星暗,伸手不见五指,我们又忘了带手电筒, 一不小心就可能跌入山崖。 幸亏化一自告奋勇领头带路。 他虽有色盲症,却又有异于常人的夜视功能,隐隐约约地可以分辨出路况。 于是我们象幼儿园的小孩那样排成一列,各自抓住前面那位的后衣襟, 跟着化一有惊无险地回到了旅馆。 事后每当回顾这段遭遇, 大家都说化一是我们的福星。
冥冥之中似乎是上天的安排,在我事业和生活中的几个重要的转折时刻,化一依然是我的福星。此生有幸和化一为邻为友,我已经很知足了。遗憾的是他过早地离去,无法完成曾经的相约。 故友已乘黄鹤去,此地尚留牵挂人.
March 9, 2022
March 9, 2022
在化一去世一周年之际,三月五日,化一的儿女及他的生前好友从美国各地来到佛罗里达州 那不勒斯市(Naples, FL)悼念化一,当晚参加了一场以化一慈善基金赞助的音乐会(Wagner and Schumann)。 化一在退休前选择了那不勒斯市作为他退休后的居住地,他十分喜欢这个海滨城市,更对本城市的交响乐团十分欣赏,曾经几次观看Artis-Naples演出的节目。Artis-Naples的乐团和博物馆经费100%靠私人团体赞助。化一生前就表示他有赞助的意思。在化一2021年生日那天,秀玲联系了Artis-Naples,以化一慈善基金的名义给予捐赠,建立一个Endowment。因为音乐会不可以拍照,所以不能满足大家想看照片的意愿。
June 18, 2021
June 18, 2021


  以无所得故,菩提萨埵,依般若波罗蜜多故,心无罣碍,无罣碍故,无有恐怖, 远离颠倒梦想,究竟涅槃。
April 28, 2021
April 28, 2021




你从医院回来的头几天,精神很不错,讲话的声音很有力,每天坐着轮椅,跟我们大家一起吃饭和聊天,喝茶时你讲究用全套的茶具,慢慢品。还叫我给你中药泡脚。我们大家都认为你会好起来,要庆平医生来看你,也认为你比几天前在医院ICU的情况大为好转。三月五日星期五万小明带着儿子回波士顿,临行时你说下次再见,一点点都没有意识到自己病情的危险。我一直不忍心告知你医生的诊断。三月六日晚你兴致来了,说要喝点我酿的甜酒,壮一和周晨陪着你一起喝。三月七日一早小付来家烧了几个她拿手的好菜,想你多吃一口。一年多来你腹腔和胸腔积水,吃的很少,睡眠也不好。看着你日渐消瘦的身躯,看着你被病痛折磨,很心疼也很无助。你经受着极大的病痛却不抱怨,积极配合医生的治疗,你坚信你会好起来的,直到最后你都没有放弃。三月八日,你没有起床,睡了一整天,我们一直陪在你身旁, 偶尔你张开一下眼睛,就又合起来。三月九日你同样没有起床,又睡了一整天,我们一直观察着你的血氧和心跳频率。三月十日三时,我最后一次给你湿润清洁你的口腔,那时你睡的很平静,六时壮一看你,你平静的睡着,七时我下楼来到你身边时,护理正在摸着你的脖子找脉搏跳动,就在这时你平静的与世长辞了。


April 14, 2021
April 14, 2021
昨天下午带你回到Naples, 你是那样的期待着在这里安度退休后的日子。
March 25, 2021
March 25, 2021
I was so very sorry to hear of Dr. Zhang’s untimely passing. He and his lovely wife have been sustaining visionary supporters of our medical research for the last decade at the Johns Hopkins Myositis Center. Together, they established an enduring research fund that would go on to allow us to unlock many mysteries of myositis and related lung diseases. Through their generous support, we have been able to better understand the pathophysiology of these cryptic illnesses, improve diagnostic testing, and enhance treatments and outcomes for our patients. We published well over 100 scientific papers together as a team. We grew from a small Center of just 4 doctors in 2007 to now 13 physicians and researchers. Our research was exciting to young physicians who joined the effort to study these challenging and complex illnesses. This excitement was a direct result of the data we were able to gather from the funding support we were given. We had the ability to pursue important research questions that were at times deemed too early for federal grant support. It was through these early studies that we were able to get needed pilot data to secure federal funding to go on to do further studies. Our research is often quoted worldwide. Indeed, I have been fortunate to give talks on six continents teaching the world about what we have learned in the field of autoimmune muscle diseases. We owe a debt of gratitude that could not adequately be repaid in these words. Please know that I will miss Dr. Zhang‘s quiet smile. I loved the interaction between him and his wife. As a physician, I had the privilege of knowing him in a medical capacity, but more importantly, getting to know him and Ms. Zhang as the amazing people that they are was the real joy. My condolences to the entire family, including his beautiful children. As always, I wish we had more time together; however, I carry him with me every day as I try to do better for every patient with myositis. His vision will have a lasting legacy on every patient who is touched by this disease. I am a better person for having known Dr. Zhang.
March 23, 2021
March 23, 2021
34th Anniversary
March 22, 2021
March 22, 2021
Dear Siuling, thank you for sharing this and allowing each of us to share our stories of the wonderful man you and your children loved so deeply. Huayi (or "Dr. Zhang" as our team referred to for the first few years until he said "Mike, we are friends, it is Huayi!") was a gentle, calm, brilliant and humble man. I was happy for your family when he said he was going to be spending more time in Naples but I also know how much he loved his work and the impact his research will leave. We will miss Huayi and will keep your family in our thoughts and prayers!
March 20, 2021
March 20, 2021
So very sad to hear of Huayi’s passing, a good friend and colleague for over twenty years. Chatting in his office was always so enjoyable as he shared his many different views on a wide variety of subjects. His sense of humor and insight made these gatherings so memorable. 
Our thoughts are with Siuling and family at this sad time.
March 20, 2021
March 20, 2021




March 16, 2021
March 16, 2021

科大774 刘万东

March 16, 2021
March 16, 2021

March 16, 2021
March 16, 2021

March 16, 2021
March 16, 2021
It was with great sadness and shock as I learned of Huayi's passing. Though never close to his family, we spent our many lunches together and talked on a wide range of topics. He would always call me Little Ming, in a very endearing way.

He was a guiding figure in many areas of life. When talking about current affairs, he always provided his insight and philosophy but never tried to argue or judge. Always, by thinking over his words, I obtained a new perspective. He also talked about how he missed the times he held his tiny baby daughter, he encouraged me to spend more time to form a tight bond with my toddler. "Don't miss out any moment or you will regret" he said, I followed. He also talked about the time both of his parents passed away when he was just 15, "it was like the whole world crumbled", all with a gentle smile.

Never once he complained about his own illness or boasted his many achievements and philanthropy. I remembered, me, not knowing his illness and also because he always looked cheerful, invited him for an after lunch walk, which was hilly and long. He hesitated but said "let's go". Then I saw him obviously could not catch his breath after a short distance. I wanted to turn back but he said "let's go on". Later, I often found him taking walks by himself after lunch, and was able to walk faster and in longer distance by time. Eventually we could all finish the walk side by side. I thought he must have fully recovered from whatever he had. Around then, his face would lit up talking about his fondness of the food and weather of Florida, where he would choose to retire. I was so happy for him.

Then this news hit. I still can't quite believe it. Huayi, you will be missed!
March 16, 2021
March 16, 2021

March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
I was very sad to learn of Huayi's passing. I can never forget how Huayi and Siuling graciously welcomed us when our group relocated from CA to NY. They opened their house to us all and made sure we felt not alone in our new environment. Huayi and Siuling also showed us by example how happy a family could be living and working in Long Island.

Although we were not in the same group, whenever we talked, Huayi was always a tremendous source of information, not only about work, but about philosophy, religion and other matters as well. His family's donation to Stony Brook University for Endowed Chairs in microbiology and rheumatology was a demonstration of his knowledge based generosity that accomplished something both specific and substantive.

Huayi's extraordinary knowledge and wise counsel, coupled with his generous, kind and humble nature will be missed by everyone.
March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
Really sad to learn about Huayi's passing. Huayi had always been so kind to people around him. He had also contributed very generously to medical research, which will surely help many people in the future. He will be missed.
March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
It was with sadness I have received the news of Huayi's passing. Suiling, please accept my sincerest condolences and kindly pass them to your children and the rest of the family. He will be missed.
March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
化一走了,走得平静安详, 留给大家的却是无尽的思念 ...

我和化一自幼在上海是一墙之隔的邻居;青少年时代志趣相投,是学习的伙伴;1977年恢复高考时为备考而朝夕相处, 一起憧憬未来, 共享了梦想成真的喜悦; 多年后又在美国读研时相聚为室友,乃至结婚成家,其缘分延拓到了各自的家庭。我们之间有太多太多的故事...

March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
我们六姐妹在遥远的加卅送上最深摯的悼念與祝福。❤️❤️ 榕表姐敬上
March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
Dear Siuling,

All of us at Stony Brook were so sorry to hear of your loss. We are so grateful for Huayi's philanthropy which will be a lasting legacy to his generosity and vision.  We will miss him and remember him. warmest regards, Deborah Lowen-Klein
March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
Honored to know you as a great neighbor, big brother and fantastic teacher ❤️ Rest In Peace ✌️
March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
    在阳和启蜇、品物皆春之时,我们将送别化一,心中除了深切的不舍和痛惜,更多的是无限的怀念!化一赴美后,一直关心生活在国内的哥哥姐姐,他和秀玲还邀请我们去美探亲。回想起2014年我们在长岛度过的欢聚时光,一切均历历在目。我们一起用餐,一起聊天;化一带我们去他工作的公司参观,每到一处都作详细介绍,如数家珍,我们能感受到他对公司满满的深情!我们也亲眼看到作为公司元老受到员工对他的尊敬!我们还去参观了他和秀玲捐资的医院,感受到他们博大的慈爱之心!当他亲自驾艇带我们游览海湾时,他爽朗的笑声仍似在耳边回响……点点滴滴…人生价值不是用时间,而是用深度去衡量的,化一的一生是有深度的,充满了对事业的执着、对生活的热爱、对家人的关怀、对朋友的诚挚、对慈善的奉献!人生本相同,却有完全不同的生命轨迹,而化一的人生轨迹是灿烂的!虽然他将离我们而去,但他的生命将在奉献中延续,他的精神将在人世间永存!化一永远活在我们心中!愿化一一路走好!张大镇 杨辛 率全家
March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
虽憾未拜见张先生,但早已从秀玲口中知悉张先生的和蔼、仁厚、善良,仿佛与他相识多年。惊闻张先生仙逝,悲痛万分,愿他一路走好,天堂得以永生。愿秀玲和家人节哀顺变,保重身体。    郑晓薇  叩首
March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021


March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
I remember not just our interactions during the company trips but when you taught me and helped me with a nuanced problem. Good memories. All I can say is, "it is too soon."
March 14, 2021
March 14, 2021
TJ and I are deeply saddened by the passing of Huayi. Huayi and Siuling were one of the first friends we got to know when we moved to Long Island from North Carolina 7 years ago. Huayi has been an amazing and dedicated husband and father to his family. He is a man of many talents - a physicist, a mathematician, a scientist and a trading system specialist. Above all he is a philanthropist whose generosity and support has made a significant contribution to research in immunology and rheumatology which will benefit and improve the lives of many. His positive impact on the community and society at large will be felt for many generations to come.

TJ and Audrey Gan
March 14, 2021
March 14, 2021
大镇 叩首
March 14, 2021
March 14, 2021
虽然没有见过张化一表姐夫的面, 但从亲戚朋友及大家的 tributes 中,深深地感受到他的人品、才能及慈善心。得知他的善举已经开始造福社会及患者, 他会放心含笑九泉,安息无病无痛的天堂! 愿表姐夫一路走好!
March 14, 2021
March 14, 2021
Although I hardly spoke with Huayi I knew him from decades ago on various occasions. In recent year I befriended his wife Siuling through travel in Europe. Through Siuling I have been keenly aware of the heroic struggle with the illness Huayi had gone through. What a remarkable human being. A very wise and generous man! May his soul test in peace. May God bless his marvelous family!
March 14, 2021
March 14, 2021
Uncle Huayi was an incredibly warm and generous man with a brilliant mind. Someone I inspired to be growing up. Thank you for the kindness he has shown me over the years. I will always treasure his memories.
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