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Born on December 8, 2014 in Rockford, Illinois, United States
Passed away on December 8, 2014 in Rockford, Illinois, United States
This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Hunter Farve, born on December 8, 2014, and passed away on December 8, 2014. We will remember him forever.
I got pregnant with him when i wus in Buffalo NY when i found out hunter wus a boy i wus so happy bc i naver in my life think i could carry a i did everything by the book going to obgyn visit everything. 7months later we found out that he would not make it my geans didnt mix with his daddys and the dr say the only way he wus living in my belly wus bc of the umbilical cord but soon as he would come out he wus not make it but thay give me to options aboard him 2.carry him full term So i did what i wus think wus right i carry him for the 9 months but ther will be no amniotic fluid and his heart wus to big for his chest and born qith no organs i cryed and went crazy i try to get a hold of his daddy bc by this time i live in Rochelle Illinois bc me and his daddy had a toxic relationship he want more then i could give but any way .i wus working when i felt a pop omg it wus time to have him so i called the guys name adam farve i called his mom and told he so we live next to a hospital but thay did not deliver babys so i had to go 30 mins a way to Rockford Illinois to have him so we got there and i wus hurting like i wanted to puch my ex boyfriend in the face if he sayed something stupied . But i got all hook up to ever thing and it wus time to have him this part is funny the dr's come in and i am pushing and he lil thing came out frist and thay as me if i wus sure that i wus not a boy i sayed no i been a girl all my life lol but that had to turn him around in my belly that hurt worse then any thing but when i got him in my arms he wus like fish would of water he lasted a hour then i had to say my goodbye to my lil boy that hurt me yes i had a few misscarries are hard but this wus even harder then i ever had to go throw in my life my lil boy died in my arms .ok this is the part that wus miss up thay let me keep him for 3days like thT he wus truning black on his lips and blue i wus out of my head so bad i wus changeing him clothes and all like he wus a live so the guy came and got him so i wus get ready to go home and he sister told me that he wus in a garage bag and just threw him in the van OOh boy i got mad like i naver been mad be for so i went to the Funeral Home the next day and cuzz him out like i felt bad after i cuzz him out it wus that bad so 4 days past still going crazy not in a good way he guy i cuzz out wus looking for me but i wus at our local food bankbc i layed on hard tims with food and we wus feeding 6 people in the apartment and i wus walking and he found me he give to envelopes and told me not to open them till he left ao i did what he sayed there wus 200 and i note that sayed all the hospital bill wus pay and thay wus paying for my son pic for him and paying for his cremation and the little thing that ashes came in i wus happy and when the day came to pick up his ashes i apologized but he said no apology needed he knew what I was going through