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Share a special moment from Jeff's life.

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Happy Birthday!

June 1, 2015

Happy Birthday my love!
You were born to make sense in my life and you left so fast, and now my life is empty. 
Love you forever! 

May 9, 2015

Jeff, Jeff, Jeff... how I love and miss you my are in my thoughts always,my true love.


June 29, 2011

In the certainty of my truth

Brooding, unexplainable

In the subtlety of my presence

An image of you

Sure, languid

Unchanging, legendary

Of which all else transcends

My newly altered conscious

To live each day your absence.


Roseli Felix de Moraes (my sister)



June 28, 2011

Na certeza das minhas palavras

brutas, desatinada...

Na sutileza da minha presenca

insalubre, amena

Tua imagem!

certa, inerte


Que de tudo enaltece

a minha sutil embriaguez

de viver cada dia a tua falta.


Roseli  Felix de Moraes (minha irma)


June 28, 2011

He departed!

That happy man!...

Leaving who stayed

A good memories...

A immense missed...

For those who loved him


Too soon

Took off to infinite!


He will never more to return!

Leaving a empty space - his absence!

Never he will be forgotten as well,

For those who enjoyed his presence.


Jeff, you carried out your duty in the life,

To spread in the way:

Love, affection, hope

Relieving suffering of who

Had you as a doctor.


Always you will have a special place, over here.

In your wife's heart - companion - Ione!

Also you will be missed by your family!

And that who you called: "Mainha"!


Good bye, Jeff! Go!

God will be waiting for you

With all love of a Father!...


Auristella Cordeiro de Moraes (my mother)




June 28, 2011

Ele Partiu!

Aquele home

Alegre  e feliz!...

Deixando aos que ficaram

Uma lembranca boa...

Uma saudade imensa...

Para aqueles que o amaram!


Tao cedo ainda

Alcou o voo para o infinito!


Jamais ira voltar!

Deixando um espaco vazio - sua ausencia!

Tambem jamais sera esquecido,

Pelos que vivenciaram sua presenca.


Voce cumpriu o seu dever na vida,

Espalhando pelo caminho percorrido:

Amor,carinho, esperanca

Aliviando sofrimento daqueles

Que o tiveram como um medico.


Aqui tera sempre um lugar especial

No coracao da esposa- companheira - Ione!

Tambem a saudade da sua familia!

E daquela a quem voce chamou de: "mainha"!


Adeus, Jeff! Vai!

Deus estara a sua espera

Com todo o amor de um pai!...


Auristella Cordeiro de Moraes (minha mae)








Dois Coracoes

June 28, 2011

Dois mundos, dois coracoes, um dia se encontraram e surgiu o amor.

Maos entralacadas, o primeiro olhar, o primeiro beijo... o amor se concretizou.

Eles ja se amavam, ja se encontravam em seus sonhos, suas almas mesmo antes de se encontrarem ja se conheciam.

Duas vidas em uma vida, o amor, o companheirismo, a fidelidade, a felicidade.

Mas naquela manha um coracao precisou partir, deixando o outro em pedacos.

Ouviu-se um grito de dor, as lagrimas, a escuridao, o vazio, a solidao.

Silencio... o outro coracao ficou em pedacos, se arrastando, chorando, ja nao tinha mais paz, sentia muita falta daquele que completou sua vida, que coloriu seus sonhos, que lhe deu a verdadeira felicidade.

Silencio... o outro coracao ficou em pedacos, no escuro do sofrimento e sem o seu amor que partiu para sempre.

E o coracao caminhou... caminhou... e caminhou... ate que sem mais forcas o coracao um dia parou.

Silencio... Nao ha mais sofrimento, nao ha mais lagrimas, nao ha mais a dor da saudade, nao ha mais a escuridao, mas ha uma luz muito forte e muitos anjos que com suas trombetas entoam uma linda cancao, e de repente a presenca de um coracao iluminado, radiante vem ao encontro do seu eterno amor.

O encontro, maos entrelacadas, o primeiro olhar, o primeiro beijo no paraiso, e uma luz que brilha com tamanha intensidade... o Amor

E entao eles continuarao a ser um so por toda a eternidade.

Ione Smith



Two Hearts

June 28, 2011

Two  worlds, two hearts, one day met each other and... appeared the love.

Hands entwined, the first look, the first kiss... the love became true.

They already loved each other, they already met each other in their dreams, their soul even before to meet already knew each other.

Two lives in one life, the love, the companionship, the fidelity, the happiness.

But in that morning one heart needed to leave, and left the other in piece.

The pain, the tears, the dark, the empty, the loneliness.

Silence... the other heart is in piece, dragging, crying, she doesn't have peace anymore, she is missing that who completed her life, who colored her dreams, who gave to her the true love.

Silence... the other heart is in piece, in the dark of suffering, walking alone without her love that left forever.

And the heart walked... walked... and walked... until without no more strength, the heart one day stopped.

Silence... there is not more suffering, there is not more tears, there is not more pain of missed, there is not more darkness, but there is a so bright light, and angels that with their trumpets chant a beautiful song, and the presence of a illuminated heart, radiant, that come to meet his eternal love.

The meeting, hands entwined, the firs look, the first kiss in the heaven, a light shine intensely.... the love.

And then, they will continue to be only one for all eternity.

Ione Smith



June 6, 2011

Jeff was always "Jeffy" to mom - he held a very special place in her heart, and he was equally devoted to her - so devoted he actually would spend Christmas eve with her beloved and uh charming pet fox terrier, Nickie, so that poor Nickie wouldn't be lonesome on Christmas eve !!!  This is just one example of Jeff's kindness, amazing patience and tolerance.  Everyone of us probably has an example.  His sweetness allowed my family to have the tradition of her spending every Christmas with their grandma.  The fact that we just accepted this still astonishes me.  We just took his kindness for granted.  He was also a patient traveling companion to grandpa.  In many ways they were two peas in a pod.  I'll always be grateful to him.

I"m sure he's "up there" having a grand ole time with his grandparents, aunt, uncles, and cousin having lots of laughs and getting all the love he richly deserved.  Love you Jeff

My love and sympathy to everyone - Margie

June 1, 2011

Happy Birthday meu amor.

I miss you so much. I'll love you forever.

My friend Jeff

May 29, 2011

I first met Jeff in 1971 at some outdoor rock concert in Clermont County.  I had a car, and, like always I was to find, he needed a ride.  He seemed a nice enough fellow.  So I took him home.  We were the best of friends ever since.  We joined the Navy together on the "Buddy Plan" as it was called, only I couldn't go.  I had a juvenile record.  But Jeff kept in touch... he would send me pictures of every port, every ocean and sea where he had been while in the service.  We kept in touch through the years even though we went different ways.  Whenever we were close enough for a few minutes we'd sit down someplace for dinner and chat.  Last time was in Florida a couple years ago.  Jeff was not only a nice person, he was a best friend to many.  Great with kids, animals and people.  He never held back doing and saying the right things.  I always looked up to him, even though I am the "older brother."   He was a person that touched my life and my heart.  Chris said it best, "because I'm sitting here thinking of one of the sweetest, nicest, kindest, gentlest guys who ain't on the planet any more."  God speed, Jeff, you're on the direct flight.


jeff standing in for santa

May 27, 2011
this is tim, jeffs brother. i wanted to tell you a little story about jeff and my kids and christmas. my kids were getting a little older and were beginning to doubt the existence of santa, and since santa was busy we thought we'd help keep the magic alive by catching santa on video. well they all were going to bed on christmas eve and we made sure the camera was set up to catch him, which they knew wasn't going to work. but the kids went along with it. well, as i said santa was very busy so jeff dressed up in a santa suit, and as the video camera was running in walks "santa" enjoying the cookies and milk that was set out for him, he sat down in a chair next to the tree to admire his work when he spys the camera running across the room. well, he looks into the camera, shakes his finger at the camera with a disaproving look for being caught,then lays a finger on the side of his nose, and with the help of a little camera trickery, disappears. well, the next morning the kids get up and go about the usual christmas morning happenings, when someone remembers to check the video. i wish you could have seen the look on their faces when they saw santa just disappear. it was truely priceless. they ran that video back and forth so many times, they finally wore the tape out and it broke.
  now as i sit hear and think about that, and how excited they all were to see santa in their house and how the magic was kept alive by jeff, but the video is gone, i'm not so disappointed anymore that we can't see that video because it will live on forever in our hearts and minds as the memory of brother, son, husband,uncle and friend jeff. i will miss you always and love you dearly. GOD BLESS YOU
                                          your bro,

Jennifer's story about Jeff

May 24, 2011

 Hi Cousins: Just a note to let you know that I truly feel for all of you with the loss of your brother, Jeff. He and each of you are frequently on my mind. I thought that I would share with you some of my memories of Jeff and let you know how he impacted my life. I lived in Ft. Thomas until I was 8 and I have very distinct memories of my times with my cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. I returned to stay with Grandma Rose or Aunt Mary for 2 or 3 summers until I graduated. Danny came to CA to live with us for a few years starting in approximately 1973 or 74, and Jeff followed him a year or so later. As I recall, Jeff stayed in CA for possibly a year. During this period, Jeff had a big influence on both of my brothers, Brad and Jesse, who likewise became Navy Corpsman. Brad joined the Navy shortly after Danny and Jeff returned to OH/KY, in approximately 1977. When Jesse turned 19 he also became a Corpsman. As a result of Jeff's influence, my brothers met and married my sister-in-laws, Sheila and Patti, while stationed in Florida. I have 4 nephews and 2 nieces as a result of those marriages! 
Jeff was very homesick shortly after he arrived in CA. I believe he came here in 1975-76. He was truly out of his element. Maybe it was the first time that he was so far away from his family. Shortly before he left CA, I took him on a camping trip at a place called Dinkey Creek on the western slopes of the Sierra National Forest (other side of mtn is Yosemite). I recall sitting with Jeff (Danny and Brad too) at a vantage point of at least 8,000 feet elevation enjoying the spectacular view, while Jeff was citing all the bad things about CA. It seemed ironic that we would be viewing the splendid forests and creeks of the Sierras and I could not get him to agree that CA was a nice place. He was a bit stubborn... Jeff did convince me that he was very homesick, and nothing would be right for him until he returned to his familiar people and places. 
My last summer in OH/KY was in 1972, shortly after Grandpa died. Jeff had just inherited Grandpa's car and he drove me (and my sister, Cindy) around quite a bit that summer. On one occasion we were all riding around somewhere near Butler, KY, near Mary's place, and Jeff picked up a hitchhiker. In those days it was fairly routine to hitchike. We all got along so nicely that Jeff drove the hitchhiker, Cindy, and I (and I believe Danny was also in the car) to his destination somewhere near Tennesse! 
I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you all and that Jeff will be missed. He also caused events in my life that were, and still are, very positive. Fondly, Jennifer.

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