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This memorial website was created in memory of our beloved mother and wife, Jiamei "Maggie" Dong . We will remember her forever.

Please share stories, anecdotes, photos and videos to help document and celebrate Jiamei's life and feel free to forward the link.


Hospice of the Valley

Serving families and patients with life-limiting illnesses in Maricopa County since 1977. 

Aimed at making final days comfortable and helping both patient and their family - they were there when we needed them. Per se only patients that stop all treatment -  except pain management -  can enroll in that program (as insurance companies only pay for treatment or hospice - not both) but Jiamei never gave up and continued her treatment to the very end - fighting to beat the cancer and be there for her children. 

Even so that there was no reimbursement from the insurance - the hospice provided us with the equipment and nursing support we needed to bring Jiamei home to stay in her own bedroom and see her own yard. 


Arizona Floral Exchange: Tel. (480) 539 9007


June 24, 2021
June 24, 2021
Somehow I thought not today, not tomorrow; It is some date far away. It was actually yesterday. A day I should cry and remember, a day I don't want to recall.

June 23, 2021
June 23, 2021
July 6, 2020
July 6, 2020
If someone were to write a book about Maggie, I should be interviewed. I can cover year 2003 to 2012, that’s how close we were during those years, thanks to Dell and Austin that brought us together. And if Maggie were here to read this opening, she would chuckle and say: I knew, Julia, you wrote this opening. She is easy to chuckle, light-hearted, witty and fun, all of which made her extremely easy to connect. And she knew me well, sometimes better than myself.

She’s beautiful, sexy, and classic for sure. But I want to talk about her eyes on beauty, her intelligence on this topic. She’s the only person pointed out my dress up style in a most meaningful sharp way. You are feminine, you always go for warm color, your clothes carry ruffles, etc. She said. Look at me, I can handle “handsome”, cold color like black, just classic and simple without any decorations, I prefer solid color, not much prints. It was from that conversation I bought my first black shirt and tested a little bit on the “handsome” edge she encouraged.

She’s very expressive, another unique talent of hers. When she was trying to convince me to take next vacation to Hawaii, she told me how fun and different snorkeling is, especially for the first timer. Those small fishes will nibble on your skin, like this (then she just nibbled on my arm with her two fingers to imitate that). Nobody sends message better than Maggie. I went to Hawaii right after and really enjoyed snorkeling for the first time and many times after.

Now comes her love and a story about her cat Momo. It was the night before Hawaii trip, a new born cat followed me and my husband home all the way to our apartment door, meowing the whole time. We picked him up, after bath and milk, we don’t know how to deal with him during our vacation. I called Maggie as the first person to try. Maggie took him right away (more for helping me than the cat I’m sure). Only after I returned from Hawaii, I learned Momo (nickname of Monster, a cute name she and Frank gave) gave Maggie a long list of trouble: not potty trained, a lot of flea on him that I didn’t expect, etc. For flea particularly, first time Maggie combed out say 50 of them, 2nd time say 20 of them, 3rd time 5 of them, so on and so forth, until she couldn’t get any from combing. Then she took him to the vet and did the whole package for a new pet. After one week of tough bonding, Maggie happily adopted Momo. Momo after all is a wild cat. When I met with Maggie for lunch during the subsequent years after Momo’s arrival, this beautiful young lady sitting in front of me would have long scar lines on her arm as usual tattoo but at different places each time, and that would be from Momo’s scratch on her. But she never wanted to declaw him.

Maggie appreciates true connections. She would open her heart and invite you in fully. I met her in good years that she was busy and occupied, but not that rushed. Later on, when her drive for excellence attracted her laser focusing on her devoted career, and sometimes required her using 800 meter running speed to run the marathon, I started falling behind more and more, until she couldn't hear my cheer or question. I really appreciated that we had so many memorable years we shared with each other with open hearts. If she’s a cup of coffee, she carries the most distinguishable and rich flavor that is hard to find and not easy to forget. That’s the Maggie I know.

I don’t see myself coming to this homepage with candles lighted up for her, that's just too heavy. She never left. I see her under blue sky and white cloud, with her beautiful smile on, along with her dear mom. This time she’s back to be mommy’s girl, enjoying her mom’s meticulous care again. Maggie, am I right? Would you chuckle again when you read this? Could you tell who wrote this ending as well? 
June 30, 2020
June 30, 2020
The BaoYan and her team, which all gone after Flextronics HQ know about the team is not useable at what they did before taking over from MOTO. I mean, they should come to pay a tribute to Mei. Not sure if Mei ever talked about it, it is a dark and chaos Motorola, hard to manage and even a famous Chester Chen, the Sharon Shu'smanager, full of the mouth of the curse & insult. We remembered Mr. Zhou, who worked under Chester Chen, denied assigning him tasks in each morning meeting.  So, when each one got a job to do, Mr. Zhou not, one more month, Arm Huang told me, that is humiliation. Chester, Sherson Xu's manager used this way to fire an employee. Before I come to Maggie, those something, long ago, made me think back 20 more years ago, what we suffered from Managers who came from Singapore, Malaysia, and Taiwan. So, this is the background, which Maggie in that environment.  To understand what really happened, we might know why it got some to go aboard. Rather personal or both? 

Later, our own people took over MOTO when all left from foreign managers, the famous shameless H.S. Lee. The Chinese guy took over named BAO YAN, and her team. Each time met with Bo Huang, all told by Huang Bo are how corrupt BAO YAN and her team did. Continue the MOTO story yet, the BAO YAO and her team got all dismissed by FLEXTRONICS due to the facts as the HR of FLEXTRONICS send email to ask those what happened in MOTOROLA (as to why the quality so bad, why the cell phone got repaired outside the factory by the repair leader to his own company, why put fake numbers on the whiteboard to misleading factory production, why BAOYAN so abuse the policy). Like Flextronics pretty much like to know what's going on before those glorious times then collapse, in a second, why? We all know, after a few times not long, the BAO YAN's team which was said to continue to Flextronics, including Chang Qin, all gone. I wrote this before Mei to say, those people, if there were people, they should come to pay a tribute. BaoYan, Chester, HS Lee, Change Qing, but they not, they never show up in MOTO缘。 It is unforeseen hard in the USA at her time, in the 20s. From facts, all those not go abroad, all pretty well, as they got Beijing (Peking)Moto's senior manager job, Sony senior manager job, CISCO senior manager job. They all deserved H.S Lee's, Lewis Huang's, especially girl, as Cindy Zai, MenJun. As Lewis told me MOTO will collapse soon at later of the year 1998, they send their security (if we call that way, but just site in a small cubic in front of the door) to Beijing Moto. All we see here today, as of now, we can still observe it. The end of the above MOTO history is Flextronics get rid of all BAO YAN's team with herself, the other side from Chang Qing, then, closes the factory, moves away after brought it. 

Now, come to Maggie. Being the facts above in the later 90s, we can understand someone like to go aboard, especially, USA. May help to see why it is hard, why likes to go USA, dream, should be a dream from the dark and chaos MOTO. The reason that made me come here is a coincidence by looking into an old picture. I saw Mei in there. But as far and faded memory, it is really far, that far is all I know of. This picture is a 5 yr ago picture which I phoned to my iPhone. I actually know it a long time and just see and forget. Really, see, and forget. Not sure why, the first time, I saw yesterday and want to google it, that came to it. I not familiar with Mei, just know of her as some(very few times) training as we supervisors will help to organize. So, Mei& GuoLei often came to the production line and talk with Sup. I thought Mel and Guo got married, but it turned out it is Gloria & Guo.I can NOT recognize Mei by looking at some pic you kind people posted, give me to say, she changed a quite few from a young age. I am not busy this afternoon, and really not busy for about 5 years, the only quiet afternoon, listening bird's song. So, I thought, guessing, feels, she would like to back China at the very long moments. Might it be she regret came to the USA, not stay China long enough and viewing the big booming of China's success? From MOTO to Alibaba to Huawei. At Mei's time to go to the USA, that is a big dream. I doubt if it worth it, I always doubt this point. If we lose happiness, why we go there? You don't fully understand, fine. History to Mei. To say what she might want to say, or she ever thoughts. We, we know, the road is a one-way ticket, we proceed, have to, had to, boiling the dream, accept the fates. Life short, mind longing.Hope Mei not suffering, not feeling the sick, dreaming the dream, got what she wanna got. Treat my tribute is an objective way, please. I am not her friend, I just a few talks at her visit to the production line, for a training matter, very small short.  I say what I said here. In early age, Maggie is a very famous name across the factory. Every one knows Maggie, there is. She most time with a yellow (bright yellow) sweater, with a pony, and walk fast. Maggie and Guo Lei, day after day made training, like these two, a girl and boy, are busy per our Sup's knowledge. Moto got training hours each must accomplish, Mei and Guo's responsibility, lots of work. 

Hope you happy all the time, lotus beauty.   
June 24, 2020
June 24, 2020

逝者如歌 -- 麻花辫子


    高中一年级,她从外校考进我们中学。一个是学霸加喜欢画画,写诗的"本校生",一个是放弃以舞蹈为专业,被推上高考之路的"外校生"。作为学生会文艺部长的我要组织迎新大会,她也就自然的成了演出成员之一。但是我已经记不清如此不同的我们怎么这么快成了最好的朋友,也许是我喜欢美貌,她倾慕才华吧。:) 记得有一次小伙伴们一起去她家找她出来玩,她妈妈叫我们在客厅等一等,然后就关上卧室的门给她梳头发。她推门出来时我们都看呆了,一头美丽的法式麻花辫!于是大学时听到这首歌,就情不自禁的想起远方家乡的她。


    2019年六月,那个我可以称作 “Best Friend” 的女孩走了。前一年做手术的时候去看望她,知道她无论是身体,生活,心灵,全部走进了死胡同。友情的廊桥虽已经升到最高,但下面洪水奔涌,所有的支撑都已腐烂。一个月以后,我们的友谊仿佛先她的生命走到了死胡同的尽头。因为这友谊是和彼此的心灵纠缠在一起,一方已经放弃,死结也再沒有理由化解。

    好像是冥冥中的天意,我在她走的前一天,忽然接到了她打来的电话。我听的出她已进入了临终幻觉,不再是她自己,但却仿佛又是那个曾经最熟悉的她。生命的尽头,她还在想着给我做晚餐,吃我们最有故事的龙虾-- 她当年在美国上学时,我毕业请她和她老公在缅因州的海边吃大龙虾,她嘴馋的啃碎吸干了所有的龙虾头,把服务小姐惊掉了下巴。电话里她的声音回到了过去的温柔,不断的重复着,叮嘱着,“别在外面买,你来我给你做”。她听上去虽虚弱却再无烦恼,而我在电话这边已是泣不成声。我感谢上天如此眷顾我们的情意,让我在她生命的最后的时刻和她一起回到了最初的日子,她的蓝裙白腰带,见到她的第一天。曾经为她的痛与苦长夜痛哭我,以为为她的泪已流干,但写到这儿又已经双眼模糊。如果我们的故事需要一个结尾,那一定是这首歌。

























June 23, 2020
June 23, 2020
World is changing with without you. A year without you is difficult and different. Wish you enjoy the peace in heaven...
July 8, 2019
July 8, 2019
Thank you to so many of you who attended on or several of the ceremonies for Jiamei. It consoled the family and warmed my heart to see this love and friendship and to realize once more how much Jiamei means to so many people around us.

It was important for our children to hear more about their mother and what difference she made not only to them. Thank you Thank you.
Below the words that I had the honor to share at the reception:

Jiamei, the mother of our two beautiful children, my wife left this world on Sunday, June 23rd in this house with her family and friends who love her. 

Finally home, after a long stay in the hospital – she had spent the last days at home with her family, with her friends and in our garden right outside here and in her bedroom she had wanted to see again – feel the breeze, see the stars – and she did (thank you to so many her that made it happen). Without much pain she passed in her sleep.

Sometimes it seems as though we had always known one another, but in fact we met rather late in life, when we were both working at Dell – in our 30s – Jiamei barely so – me halfway through.

Just 14 years ago (July 2, 2005) I stood in front of a group of friends and family like today. It was in South France, it was hot and sunny and it was our wedding day. I was talking about the all things that happened since we met in a drafty Austin parking lot in October three years earlier – the only ones to have stopped to check on a colleague who got into a minor car accident. Which is good because when I tried to chat her up earlier that day over lunch – she thought I was boring.  I was lucky – because of the accident (poor Eddie), lucky because in October it starts to get chilly in Austin, lucky because I had a coat in the trunk of my car I got to wrap around her shoulder. 

Fate gave me a wife that was everything I could have wanted, smart, witty, classy, ambitious, and beautiful like a dream. I know that many people around me probably got very tired of listening me talking about my wife, but she was just somebody I felt so blessed to be with day in and day out. So proud – but for a reason.
And while it might make it hard to look into the future – she wouldn’t have it. But rather say go out there take care of the kids and make a difference.

Living in a tent with her family at age 5 after a big earthquake, excellent student, passionate dancer, engineer and TV station job, she started work in HR in High Tech for Motorola, a bright star, leaving the team that loved her to do an MBA and the US, and then Dell – first accolades, then health scares then fired, she want back at a lower lever to show it to them all – and she did becoming a star again traveling the world. Her last, her most exciting job Alibaba – finally a Chinese company succeeding on a global stage – making her so proud , so proud to be Chinese. Throughout her illness she always wanted to go back planned and got sick again, planned again, sick again – but it didn’t stop her. Her return to work was always just around the corner.

The easy way or quitting was never in the cards with Jiamei. Somebody recently told me, nodding wisely, once somebody critically ill gives up - it will go quickly. Well, for those to know her – you know she didn’t give up, she didn’t know how to. Every day she was in it for the fight to be with Alexander, to be with Sophie. She went to Zander Performance (it took a wheel-chair but she went). Never ever did she complain about it, rage about fate, she dealt with it. She wanted a shower, the nurse said you can’t do it – her response (classic engineer): I know that there is a 95% chance I will fail, but I have to try for the children. And she did – despite it being so painful every second – she sat in her shower chair for 15 minutes – because she felt she had to.

Looking at this, how can we, how can I do any less. But as much as everybody talks about what a classy and tough lady Jiamei was, it is the softer side that made her a truly beautiful person. Her care for all and not only our kids, for her friends, her care taker, for the Chinese girls in the immigration prison in Puerto Rico. A dancer with a lifelong passion for it since she started at the Children Palace in Tianjin – with the dream to open a school one day.

A girl that missed her mom every day, that wanted to be liked, wanted to work with Children later in life – that wanted to be held. Bobo,…… a hug that’s what she wanted / asked until the very last day .. and she got them and deserved so many of them.

Just a few weeks ago, we were in the emergency room one more time. She took my hand, I took hers – I don’t remember. She told me in summer 2002 – just graduated from Purdue – she went on trip across Europe with her friend joy. During one of their many church visits – she prayed for finding the right person in her life and god gave me to her (not exactly a perfect choice but a great project). But in fact god blessed me and I was grateful every day.

Jiamei and I were fortunate enough to share many wonderful years together but all the same, I feel as though I would do anything to be able to have more time with her. I loved to joke about her pushing me in a wheel chair at age 90 - Jiamei would have been a youthful 86 – and according to her I would be more interested in the nurse rather than her - but now I pushed you – and it was good taking a walk outside the hospital in their little park, or out into our yard.

For two years – she fought the big fight, but not alone – so many here were part of it, part of team Maggie. But there was so much more than just the fight… Just a couple of days ago I found a cartoon on her phone – from the peanuts. Charlie Brown says: One day we will die Snoopy- who responds – Yes but every other day we will live.

And that’s what Jiamei did, from the day I met her, and more than ever after she got sick. She started to paint, play the piano, became serious about golf, spent a lot of time with the Tianjin Dance Group – back to her real passion, fashion (as her credit card proves) but more than anything spend time with her friends (so many of them).
Carpe Diem – enjoy the day to the fullest. Everybody can be happy if everything is perfect but finding happiness even in the dark parts of life that is what Jiamei taught me.

She talked about wanting to leave a legacy – looking at Alexander, at Sophie - looking at all of you – she has.
You always said – a mom is the center of the house. And yes, you were and you always will be.

I love you with all my heart and as I promised you all these years ago that as my coat covered you the day we met, my love would cover you every day – so I promise you that my love will cover all of those you care about. Every day and without conditions.

Jiamei – I miss you so much – but I know that you are in a good place now, without pain, with your mom and with plenty of hugs – and one day I will be there with you.
July 6, 2019
July 6, 2019
Remembering Maggie: Eulogy delivered at her Memorial Service on July 6th

When Frank asked me to give a eulogy for Maggie, I hesitated for a few seconds. For us who knew Maggie well, she had high standards and a critical eye. 

It’s been difficult for me to try to put into words what it means to lose Maggie, our dear friend, loving mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, colleague. There were so many stories. There were so many moments and memories.  

A month ago, we visited Maggie at the Mayo hospital. When we were leaving the hospital to catch our flight, we hugged Maggie and told her we’d come back to see her again, soon. Maggie took a breath and said to us, “when you get home, you must clean yourself, clean your clothes, clean everything. I’m having too much chemo treatment and it’s poisonous. You must not forget.” Those were the last words Maggie said to us. Even when she was in so much pain, attached to many tubes, she remained caring, loving and thoughtful, worrying about everyone and trying to take care of everything. 

At that time, Maggie had lost some of her eyesight. Every time there was a nurse shift, she’d ask about the name of the new nurse and repeated to herself making sure she remembered. She asked us to buy some apples, not any kind of apple but Honeycrisp apple, for the nurse taking care of her. Honeycrisp was her favorite apple. And Maggie loved to share her favorite things. She was always generous and giving.

Maggie and I met in Austin, Texas while we were both working at Dell. Her ambition and dreams led her to leave behind a successful career in China and come to the US to pursue her MBA. She was driven, intellectually curious, hardworking and always aspired to achieve more. Maggie and I became close friends when we were both pregnant with our daughters – her daughter Sophie and my daughter Ella. As an expecting mom, Maggie was glowing with joy and so looking forward to meeting her precious baby girl. At her baby shower, with Frank by her side, Maggie gave a speech to her friends, in joyful tears. She said she was finally happy, very happy, after going through all the difficult times, ups and downs. She had experienced a lot – she was hired and fired, detained in prison because of her visa status, suspected she had cancer which turned out to be benign. In those dark and hopeless days, Frank came into her life. Maggie never imagined she’d marry a German. Frank was kind, loving, persistent and adored her. They got married. She wasn’t alone anymore. She had a shoulder to lean on. 

Sophie came to this world, so beautiful and so charming. Then Alexander, her big baby boy, so energetic and so strong. Life was hectic for her and Frank, managing both careers and raising Sophie and Alexander. Despite all the busyness and challenges, those years in Austin were the happiest in Maggie’s life. She had a beautiful family. She had close friends. And we shared so many happy memories. Ladies night out. Making dumplings for Chinese New Year. Playing poker. Sipping margarita at Oasis overlooking lake Travis. Chen’s noodle. Korean House barbecue. Maggie loved to eat, and she never had a problem with her appetite. 

We thought we would be able to grow old together. We talked about where we’d settle when we retire. “We must live close to each other, so we can take care of each other”, Maggie said. “I’ll open a tea house. Patty, you will showcase your photography there. Linda’s calligraphy collection. I will show my paintings…I’ll be a very good painter by then. Daphne, you play piano or be our chef. And Lauren performs tea ceremony. How wonderful life would be.”  
Then two years ago, the fight had begun. We saw Maggie fight the fight with courage, willpower and determination. With her positivity and strength, Maggie made us believe that we still had more time with her. Until the very end, she believed she could beat it. We believed her. “I have to win this battle, for my kids”. Maggie adored her two beautiful children. Sophie, Alexander: you were the light of your mom’s life. She was very proud of you.

Through it all, Maggie never lost her wit, her spark, her thoughtfulness for her family and friends. In the final days, Maggie returned home from the hospital to be where she so desperately wanted to be. Maggie passed away in her sleep. Wherever she is now, there is no illness and no pain.

Last September, Maggie flew to Seattle for a doctor appointment at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. I spent the day with her and we talked about life and purpose. Maggie said to me, “I want to give warmth to the people I love. That’s the purpose of my life.” I think she had accomplished that. Maggie had touched our lives and warmed us in her own loving way. 

Maggie: We love you and we’ll miss you.
July 5, 2019
July 5, 2019
July 5, 2019
July 5, 2019
The saddest of news! I remember Maggie from my days at Purdue. We were not close, but were both part of the SHRM student chapter (Society for Human Resource Management).
I remember Maggie as very smart, capable, and kind. If we would have had a yearbook that listed "Most Likely to..." Maggie surely would have been in there multiple times:
* Most Likely to Succeed
* Most Likely to Make You Smile
* Most Likely to Give You the Shirt off her Back / Her Last Dollar
Maggie was selfless.
July 2, 2019
July 2, 2019
Dearest Maggie rest in peace,
We will miss you very much.
Jérôme, Kimberly, Anand and Laura Zwecker
July 1, 2019
July 1, 2019
While many of us never had the opportunity to meet Maggie, she was talked about frequently in our conversations. There were no doubts that she was a loving and caring mother, wife, and co-worker. You don't have to know someone to know the impact they had in the lives of others nor to bring thoughts about how precious life really is. Frank, on behalf of your team at Lenovo, our heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and the entire family and hope that you find peace through all of this.
July 1, 2019
July 1, 2019

那个我可以称作 “Best Friend” 的女孩走了。走的前一天还在想着给我做晚餐。电话里你的声音还是那么的温柔。我这边已是泣不成声。上天如此眷顾我们的情意,让我在你生命的最后的时刻和你一起回到了最初的日子,你的蓝裙白腰带,见到你的第一天。

June 30, 2019
June 30, 2019
Yesterday was the 7th day since - Jia Mei's passing - and in the Buddhist tradition the day her spirit will leave her body and on her way to heaven visit her home. So as we prepared the house a little to make it look better - our daughter Sophie left the following note for her:

hi Mommy - we really love and miss you but urge you to move on to peace. I really wish I could have spent more time and happy memories with you.
Love you - Sophie
June 30, 2019
June 30, 2019
Dear Frank,
Just got the terrible news from Steve... What a loss for us in this world, and gain for those in heavenly places. You and your loved ones will be in my prayers.
June 29, 2019
June 29, 2019
Jiamei, 从小谷那儿得到消息,震惊。我告诉摩托的小崔,她说多美好的人啊。这也是我想说的。印象中的你开朗,大方,美丽,干练,集所有让人羡慕的于一身。你应该是比我早离开公司。大概是在2004年我去Austin出差。Sarah 带我周末玩,发现你是我们共同的朋友,巧的是又成同事。记得吃饭是坐在一起的,你讲了你的近况。没想到竟是最后一面。原来“彩云易散琉璃脆”是真的。希望有来生,希望来生不再有病痛。
June 29, 2019
June 29, 2019
夜空的星星 哪一颗是你
纪念永远年轻的Maggie Dong Jiamei
June 29, 2019
June 29, 2019
I am very sad knowing of Maggie's passing, my thoughts and prayers are with you, your young children and the family to get through this time with peace.
Maggie is one of the colleagues and friends I will remember in my life, we were both from the same hometown Tianjin China and then had moved to the US. I've known her since 1994 when we both worked at Motorola Tianjin cellular factory, at the time, she was in HR while I was in Purchasing. I enjoyed those days when we were young, we laughed together and we grew up together with Motorola. Although these memories are from 25 years ago, but they are still seeded in my heart like yesterday ... She always makes people very comfortable to be a friend with. As a girl, a professional, and a mom, her character influenced me a lot. I'm proud of having Maggie as my friend, with her smiles, loves, trusts, helps, confidence, and courage. I'll miss her forever.
June 29, 2019
June 29, 2019
May your heart and soul find peace and comfort.一路走好!
June 28, 2019
June 28, 2019
Firstly, my heartfelt condolences to Maggie's spouse and children. I met Maggie during my tenure at Motorola. At first impression, she struck me as an intelligent and a quick learner. I was fortunate to have worked with her on CSS matters and my first impression was too under-stated. She was not just smart and kind but also very personable and warm. Such a joy to interact with. This trait easily explained the tremendous success she enjoyed in her work career. But I think she would agree with me that her biggest achievement in life was being able to connect with people with genuine empathy and positive emotions. She has left an indelible mark with me in consequence. I was supposed to be her senior but Maggie would always be my role model in how we interact with others as humans and kindred spirit. Rest in peace, Maggie. You have touched our lives with your magical presence.
June 27, 2019
June 27, 2019
Dear family members and friends of Jiawei,
It was a tremendous shock and hard to accept the sad news. My deepest condolences to you all for our loss of her.
She has gone through an unbelievable life journey, from Tianjin to America. Vividly I personally can recall her biggest and brightest smiles in office about 24 years ago when we were colleagues in Motorola Tianjin. She was the first person accepted me into the company. Her smiles lighted up many occasions whenever she was there.
Deeply sadden to learn she has been bravely battling cancer for long. The overwhelming love, caring, and endless support from all her family members and friends, have kept her in warmest when in the toughest time.
May her smile be a tickling star, shining forever, brightest in the sky!
June 27, 2019
June 27, 2019
Dear family members of Jia Mei,
I was shocked by the sad news, and it took me several days to understand and recover from the grief. I would like to express my deepest condolences to all of you and I am sure you will go through this with many heart-felt condolences from all your friends and relatives around the world. I met Jia Mei in Tianjin as a colleague and friend in 1994 and I can still vividly remember her being assigned the critical task of implementing pay-for-skill scheme in our cellular phones manufacturing factory. At that time and in that environment, Jia Mei has shown her determination and strength of implementing a people transformation program in a young and inexperience factory workforce. And the most remarkable aspect of the challenge was that Jia Mei herself has no track record in carrying such project! By her own passion, willingness to learn, and gathering support from others, she accomplished a task beyond the punch of her weight. Even though this experience was 25 years ago when I write this tribute today, the thought was like yesterday to me. I would want this legacy of hers to remain with her children and that their mother has always been brave in facing challenges; and she has no hesitation is securing opportunity that would change her life. I am honored to be her friend who witnessed her career in Motorola at Tianjin and Beijing, and gave her the moral support to pursue her dream in Purdue University in 2000. I regret that I have not met Jia Mei since then and we managed to exchange a couple of messages and emails in the last 19 years. I hope the family continue to stay strong. Lastly, farewell my friend, Jia Mei! 
With deepest condolences,
CP Lee
June 26, 2019
June 26, 2019
Sunday night – June 23, 2019 - after two years of fighting Cancer – our mom, my wife - Jiamei passed away in her sleep at home surrounded by her family.
Being able to spend one more time outside in her yard, looking out a nature, seeing the stars was something she was so looking forward to and was able to take with her. Thank you to so many of you (friends, care giver, family) who helped make it happen.

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June 24, 2021
June 24, 2021
Somehow I thought not today, not tomorrow; It is some date far away. It was actually yesterday. A day I should cry and remember, a day I don't want to recall.

June 23, 2021
June 23, 2021
Her Life

Fierce when needed

June 30, 2019

In December 2007 -  we were heading to China to spend the holidays with Jiamei's family - her mom being very ill.

With Sophie, just 9 months old we headed out from Austin on December 17 - with a flight on American Airlines that required us to connect first through Houston - spending the night - and then to New Jersey the next morning and then Beijing.

After a pleasant night staying with Judy and her family in Houston we headed out to the airport early in the morning - just to be told that our flight to New Jersey had been canceled due to an ice storm on the east coast.  Being reasonable - while Jiamei was looking after Sophie - I asked on which flight we would be rebooked to be told that nothing was available until December 27 (9 days later).  I was stunned - voicing my disbelief and being told that the weather wasn't the airlines fault and that therefore we would have to take whatever they could offer.

With a long face I slinked back to my little family - sharing the dire news. After my sad story - Jiamei just said "you take Sophie" and headed over to the counter.  Things got very hot very quickly and oh wonder suddenly we were on a flight with another airlines that was leaving in 30 minutes connecting to Beijing via Chicago.  The airline representative that before had told me that there were not other options - personally rushing us through security to make the flight.

Never get between this Chinese lioness and what she wanted for her family .....

I miss your spirit and your fire ...



Kindness - whereever it is needed

June 30, 2019

In 2003 Jiamei had to face many difficult moments, loosing her job, facing some health scares and yes being arrested and put into jail - but nothing could put her down or stop her caring for the people in need.

In May, 2003  we left for a trip to St. John in the US VIrgin Islands for a week of vacation on a beautiful  island to take our minds of the challenges of her job hunting and the distinct possibility of her having to move away to New York to be able to stay in the US.

After some magical days with a gorgeous dinner on the beach she had organized to surprise me on the last night- we headed home - or at least so we thought.

Instead she got stopped by immigration (due to an error in her filing), told that she was a criminal, sent to Puerto Rico in handcuffs, chained in a prison transport and spent the night in a cell sleeping on the concrete floor watched by a camera.

Meanwhile, I had to watch that the woman I love being taken away and being told that I should continue my trip as I wouldn't see her again.

Frantically, trying to find her I flew to Puerto Rico as well,  and was finally able to trace her to a remote prison at the other end of the island.  When I finally reached the place, I was told that I had to wait to see her as she was busy. Later I learned from her that she had met a group of 8-10 Chinese girls in their early 20s in the same prison camp she was in - that had been arrested for trying to illegally enter the territory. Speaking no English, some of them had been held for months without even being able to understand their lawyers or even read the court documentation of their cases.

Jiamei had volunteered her help and spent the day translating and being an interpreter. So impressed was the ward of the prison that even though it had been only 1 day - he told me that she shouldn't not be in his prison, that is was clearly a mistake and that he would do what he could to help me get her out.

Racing against the clock, I made it back to the capital, posted a bond and late that night was able to close in my arms this wonderful woman, that was so skinny and shivering as I held her that night.

Even then she was feeling guilty about leaving these girls behind and continued to send Chinese Magazines to the prison for them to have something to read.  

Jiamei - you were such a bright light in this world and I miss you so much ....


Recent stories

A story from Austin

July 6, 2019

It has been 8 years since Maggie and Frank moved out of Austin, where we spent 9 years together.  During those years, we were a group of young fresh outs just starting our careers at Dell and building our lives in the U.S.. Maggie was among us and we met almost every weekend to hang out.  We jogged around the Town Lake, played poker, BBQed, partied, learned ski in Vail, Colorado, and went to NYC to spend Christmas together.  It was a fun time in life and unforgettable.  Four years ago, I had a brief reunion with Maggie in North California while I was on a business trip, when she just joined Alibaba. We had a dinner that evening, and we talked till the restaurant told us they had to close for the night.  She was so proud of working for Alibaba and very much looking forward to the future. I never thought that would be my last time to see Maggie in person.  About one year ago, my husband passed away due to an unexpected heart attack.   Maggie called me immediately after she learned about my loss.  We cried together over the phone for a long time.  Since then, she has been sending me encouraging words, sharing songs and making donation to help me and my family stay strong until she couldn't do it anymore a few months ago.  She didn’t mention anything about the suffering she personally went through with her disease and treatment while she was trying to cheer me up and keep me going.  

I will always remember Maggie as a most genuine friend, a loving wife, daughter and mother, and a role model who relentlessly pursue her dreams and passion.  She will continue to inspire me and many of us with a life of long legacies.  

To Frank, I want to share the words Maggie left for me last year:

On May 21, 2018, Maggie wrote:

“They “the kids” now need you more than ever.  So you should take of yourself.  Do whatever to make your life a bit easier, try your best to find something to make you happy, even though it might only last for a few minutes.  You need it!”

To Sophie and Alexander, you should know you mom loves you more than anything else in her life.  She went through so many surgeries and unbelievably amount of pain in her treatment process to survive for you.  She has always been so proud of you, and I know you will always make her proud.

Shelley Xie 

A friend from Austin

To Aunt Jiamei

June 30, 2019
by Yuer Li

I can’t believe it when I heard that you went to heaven.I felt so sad. When we had lunch together I felt like it was yesterday. I am sorry that I didn’t have chance to show you the beautiful dress you gave to me.Everytime when I go to your house happiness rushes into my heart.I remember we talked about “forever “before you did first brain surgery .you told me “ For you age forever seems really really long,but me looking back forever is actually it is now ,it’s every minute,it’s every moment,all pieces together and that is forever.basically in the future is a best friend is now today and tomorrow and this minute and next moment, when you gays all growing up adding all this up every minutes every second and that compose and whole life and whole experience and that becomes forever .”I can’t understand it completely right now, I will get it in the furture.But don’t worry I will take care of Alexander and make sure he doesn’t eat too much candy,we will practice harder in tennis and golf ,we won’t give up that easy.and you don’t forget to practice golf too in heaven. I hope you have fun in heaven. I wish I am “Su Wukong”,so I can visit you every day.
Every night I look up in the sky and I looking for you .I believe you are the brightest star in the whole sky and you are looking at me too.You are in my heart forever. I love you and miss you so much.

By Yuer li

Cherish the day

June 29, 2019

There are rare moments of opportunity where you are in the position to meet the right people that you click with. During those precious moments, you find abundant joy and those moments became one of the best memories of your lifetime.

What’s so special is that Frank and Maggie, and our friends in Austin all have similar characteristics, open, kindhearted, caring, easy going, generous. Seeing Maggie’s tributes demonstrated that Maggie had a natural, innate spirit at attracting together people of similar qualities wherever she goes.

When Frank contacted me last year that Maggie would be in town, I was very excited to have had a chance to connect with her again. However her second visit did not happen as she became ill. I didn’t realize she was battling cancer. Maggie and I commiserated over our friend Luke’s sudden passing, and had proposed a reunion around September of this year. I was very much looking forward to it.

I don’t want to live in regret that I didn’t get to meet our friends for the last time, but I want it to serve as a reminder to cherish more of what you have had, enjoy the moment, and what will come in the future.

I cherish the time we spent enjoying each other’s company. Whether is tennis, running, cycling, poker, BBQ, or just hanging out thinking of starting a business, seeing newborns, it was few years of unbelievable, pure friendship.

Alas, we all went our separate paths to develop our career and raising a family.For me, those memories and joy remains fresh and as if they froze in time, allows me to reminisce often, and sustain me through hectic and busy lives. Although many years had passed, and we haven’t had much chance to meet or connect, I want to thank you!

Frank and Maggie, all the friends in Austin, thank you for giving me the opportunity to have known you, giving me fond memories and friendship that I will cherish forever, and hope to reconnect again, my friends.

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