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Dr. Jianming Li passed away on June 12 at the age of 58 in his home in Eagan, MN. Deeply loved by his family and highly respected by his friends and colleagues, Dr. Li lived life to the fullest with compassion for everyone around him, dedication to his career, and an infectious curiosity for the world. 

Born on September 24, 1962 in Jilin, China, Dr. Li graduated from Nanjing University with a B.S. degree in biochemistry in 1982. The following year, as one of the sixty students selected for a US-China CUSBEA Exchange Program, he went to the University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center to study biochemistry and received his Ph.D. in 1988. After earning his M.D. from McGill University in 1995, Dr. Li finished his internal medicine residency at the University of Toronto and returned to the University of Texas, Southwestern on a cardiology and cardiac electrophysiology fellowship. In 2002, Dr. Li joined the faculty at the University of Minnesota Medical School and the Department of Cardiology at the Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Dr. Li was the Director of Cardiac Arrhythmia Service at VAMC and Professor of Medicine at the U of M. 

Dr. Li received many professional accolades over his two-decade-long medical career,  including the “Outstanding Contribution Award” (2013) from Chinese Heart Rhythm Society; the “American Heart Association Hero Award” (2013) for his outstanding contribution to cardiovascular care and research;  and the “Teacher of the Year Award” (2014) in Cardiovascular Medicine at the U of M. He was also past president of the Association of Minnesota Chinese Physicians and Chinese American Heart Association. 

Dr. Li whole-heartedly embraced the simplest moments in life with childlike wonder and deep appreciation. He loved biking and taking adventurous road trips with his family, a tradition started when he met his wife in Montreal. Dr. Li also enjoyed travelling, taking pictures, and learning about anything and everything. A food enthusiast, he relished the meals thoughtfully prepared by his wife and the baked goods with which his daughters experimented.

We will miss Dr. Li’s youthful energy, loving presence, and keen eye for beauty, all of which lifted the spirits of everyone around him. Our loving memories of Dr. Li and the legacy he left behind will inspire us to work together to make the world a better place.
June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020
From: 中国医师协会心力衰竭专业委员会


June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020
    追忆往事,历历在目。高考恢复后,剑明从吉林来到南京,和我们共组南大78生化班。这是一个特殊年代的特殊群体,而劍明是这群体中最突出的一员;这是一个拼搏年代的拼博群体,而劍明是其中最勤奋的一员;这是一个创新年代的创新群体,而劍明是其中最有独立见地的一员。4年的同窗生活中,我们记住了他起床号前已在锻练的身影,我们记住了他息灯后仍在学习的情景。我们记住了他对师長的敬重,我们记住了他对学友的友善,我们更记住了他的小号声,那么淸淅,暸亮,就象他的为人,而这些,随着他的离去,变成了永恒.... 其思之深,见之远,仁之厚,一切一切仿如昨天,怎不感念畴昔。僅于此表达全班学友的哀伤,愿剑明一路走好。
June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020
From: 浙江省医学会心血管病学分会

我们谨向贵协会并通过贵协会向李剑明教授的家属表示沉痛悼念和诚挚慰问!恳切希望李剑明教授的家属节哀顺变,保重身体!                   王建安代表
June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020
唁 电
From: 中国心血管健康联盟


June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020
From: 长城心脏病会议组委会








June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020
From: 中国心电学会《临床心电学杂志》






June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020
From: 心房颤动国际论坛组委会


June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020
Please accept my deepest condolences for your family's loss. May your heart and soul find peace and comfort.

June 14, 2020
June 14, 2020
We all wish that we could have had more time with Jianming, because every minute with him was a valuable and up lifting one. You can’t help but being drawn to him by his warm and welcoming heart, his magnetic personality, his generosity in offering help, his wisdom that can help you solve the most challenging issue, and yes, that infectious smile! His impact on us will be forever lasting. He will always live in our memories, and his spirit will always be with us!
June 14, 2020
June 14, 2020
We are deeply saddened by the loss of your dear loved one and our best friend. Sending our loves to all of your family members with deepest sympathy!

Jane & Will
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You and your smile are missed forever. Happy Birthday!

June 14, 2021
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It is one year anniversary but you have never left us! Whenever our ACMP meet, you were there with us. Rest in Peace! Lucy Yun Lu
August 28, 2020
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August 23, 2020
今天上GOOGLE查询CUSBEA出身的医生同行名录,居然在首页第二条蹦出一张讣告, 而且是好朋友李剑明的讣告,没想到老兄在壮年就匆匆离去。

    我和剑明相识于2004年的5月,中国刚加入世贸, 遍地的下岗工人, 生物医药产业还远远没有与世界接轨。 他和我,还有加州的余国良博士等一行六人,作为科技部和商务部的海外咨询专家,从北京到天津再到东三省考察产业并做专业讲座。

    我们吃住在一起两周, 几乎无话不谈。 他是南大82届生化系毕业,作为江苏学子, 当年的南大对我来说, 比北大、清华还要难考得多。他考取CUSBEA赴美时, 我还在苏北的一所乡村中学读书, 对江南贡院大门上的那副 “明经取士, 为国举贤” 对联,只有景仰,不敢奢望。后来我的留美考试,都在南大考点。

    我们在北京海盐宾馆见面,当晚就相互自我介绍, 他那时已经从UT西南医学中心的心内科FELLOWSHIP毕业, 已到明大和退伍军人医院就职。  我2003年刚到FDA去做了新药评审实习,马上就要从UT MD Anderson 癌症中心的HEMO-ONCO专科毕业。所以我们是LONG HORN 校友。他告诉我,他1988年PhD 毕业后申请攻读医学博士,被McGill大学医学院录取, 正赶上八JIU六SI, 改开十年后的又一次公车上书。 书生本色的他,被推举为全美学ZI联的副主席,在驻美大使馆带领留学生们表达愤KAI和抗YI。因为这个,他被祖国列在禁止返乡的黑名单上。

    多年后,他母亲病重,申请回乡探母,几经周折,在当公安的哥哥的担保下, 他终于踏上回乡的路。 从北京下飞机, 转火车,他买了卧铺返乡。 刚登车坐下, 一个年轻的国安便衣上来, 他买的是上铺位置。 二人四目相对了几秒, 剑明微笑地对小伙子说:“你知道我是谁, 我也知道你是谁, 我这是回去奔丧,不会与任何人见面,结束之后我立即回美国”。 那人心领神会, 双方一笑,一路上相安无事。

    我们从北京飞哈尔滨,在当地办完讲座后,中巴车在东北平原上一路奔波,茫茫黑土地,昼长夜短,大豆小麦还没长高。  我们到过大庆,参观了大庆油田, 为大庆市二次创业出谋划略。 再到吉林长春的长生所和长生公司做了讲座, 也去了一汽。 在长春的第二天下午安排参观满洲国溥仪的皇宫,我没有去, 而是去了九台县(区)的紫杉树(用来提取抗癌药紫杉醇)人工林。 第三天我们一起到净月潭国家森林公园,一起爬上北普陀寺,那时的净月潭和寺庙都很荒凉, 我们的几乎没有看到几个游人。

    吉林长春是剑明的故乡,他这次堂堂正正地返乡,非常高兴,还代表我们六人接受当地报纸和电视台的采访。 由于时间来不及了, 辽宁大连的行程就取消了。我们一起乘飞机返回北京,举办最后两天的讲座。最后一天在人民大会堂, 会后大家挥手道别,约定后会有期,他再回长春, 我乘京沪火车到苏州。

    剑明在明州当地华人圈大名鼎鼎。 我今年3月、4月和5月都曾在明尼苏达双子城国际机场转机。居家隔离的总统令下达后,机场很难看到人影,机场接驳旅客的小火车也停开了,6月14日我自驾汽车经过,因为疫情和骚乱,不敢停留, 没想到6月12日剑明兄已经不在人世。今匆挽一联,聊作哀思:

    一介儒医,乘桴浮于海; 学贯中西古今,修齐治平梦难yua;
    密西河水,哀殇伤无声; 庚子瘟疫骚乱,心命继开爱永存!

Recollections By A Once Chubby Boy

June 21, 2020
Timmy Tu 

When I was six years old, my family moved from Milwaukee to Eagan. We didn’t know anyone in the community until one summer evening when we met the Li family on the tennis courts near Eagan High School. It seems almost surreal that this happened a decade ago, but the memories are still vivid. That encounter marked the beginning of the friendship between our two families. 

The dinner parties at Hu Min Ayi and Li Shu Shu’s house will always be the favorite part of my childhood memory. My sister and I have always thought of the Li house as the hub of the Chinese community, with Li Shu Shu sitting at the head of the table entertaining guests with his jokes and Hu Min Ayi’s delicious food. As I ran in and out to play in the backyard or climb up and down the basement stairs to grab a treat on the main floor, I often felt bewildered by how a gathering with swarms of people could be executed so harmoniously. Always busy in the kitchen, Hu Min Ayi never forgot to ask me if I had tried this or that. My wandering presence in the kitchen often inspired her to put more treats out for the kids to enjoy.  When the other Chinese dads were trying to assert their dominance at the table, whether it was using unnecessary hand gestures, raising their voice, or sharing self-promoting anecdotes, Li Shu Shu would often speak with a big smile on his face. His words were passionate, but his voice was respectful and placid—a voice few people could replicate.  

Throughout these years, I realize no family could have been a better example for the model family other  than the Li family, with a warm mother, a doting father, and happy, loving, carefree children. Hu Min Ayi is the heart and soul of the family. For me and my sister, she has also been like a second mom —the calmer, cooler, and classier mom. 

Li Shu Shu taught me that life's simplest pleasures could bring so much happiness, even if it was a baked potato. A couple of summers ago, Hu Min Ayi put on a farewell party for Minne’s family before they went back to Beijing. I was in the kitchen nibbling on some treats when Li Shu Shu burst into the house from the backyard, holding a tray of potatoes he had buried in the small campfire. With an ear-to-ear grin, he urged me to pick up one, “Go try it, zhen hao chi!” Before I decided what to do, he shoved one into my hands. Never had I seen anyone so excited about something as rudimentary as a baked potato. The taste of the campfire-baked potato I no longer remember, but Li Shu Shu’s excited voice and expectant looks on his face will forever be etched into my heart and mind.

Throughout my younger years, subconsciously I wanted to impress Li Shushu, whether it was with my school projects, cooking, or just by attempting to be mature. Last summer when I talked to him about the computer refurbishing project that I had just started with a bunch of high school students, including Lori, he said, “zhen hao ya!” I grew up hearing these words from him, no matter how small my project was, how unsavory my food actually tasted, and how miniscule my progress looked. These will forever be the words by which I will remember him.

Many times, I have thought about where I should go for college, what I want to major in, and what I want to do with my life. My mom always tells me it doesn’t matter what I do in the future as long as I enjoy what I do and can have a positive influence on society. However, she keeps on proposing the same idea over and over again. As a daughter of an OBGYN, she also wants me to become a doctor, while emphasizing how many people seem to go into this field for ulterior purposes. I have met many young people saying they want to go into the field of medicine; however, their reasons many times are motivated by fiscal benefits. I always heard my mother say, “once you're older, you can ask Li Shu Shu for help.” Every time Li Shu Shu talked about his work, he spoke about it with a genuine voice and a caring manner that seemed preciously rare. It feels very superficial to be determined from a young age to do medicine, but in case I do become a doctor, I want to be one like Li Shu Shu. Even though this might not happen because of my conflicting interests, I hope I can make a difference, as Li Shu Shu did, whether it is through my writing, cooking, or my non-profits.

When I was young, I was always a chubby boy, so my mom had a hard time finding formal clothes for my concerts. Hu Min Ayi had a quick fix. She dug into Li Shu Shu’s closet and found things that I could wear. At the funeral, I wore a dress shirt from Li Shu Shu, a shirt I had outgrown since last year. It felt very small and tight for the whole day, but it was the only shirt I wanted to wear as Li Shu Shu’s pallbearer. 

Like Li Shu Shu, I am also a foodie. Cooking has been my passion since I was eight, and Hu Min Ayi has been the most enthusiastic supporter of my interests, always getting me cooking gadgets and ingredients my mom didn’t have time to hunt for me. Knowing Li Shu Shu was at home and would taste my food, I always put extra effort into my cooking to impress him. My parents saw Li Shu Shu on his last bike ride with Lori and Stephnie in our neighborhood park. “Tell Timmy a big thank you for all the food he has been making for us.” Li Shu Shu said before he rode away. “Zhen hao chi!” When I bring food over for Hu Min Ayi in the future, I know Li Shu Shu would look down upon me and say, “zhen hao chi,” in the same enthusiastic, affectionate voice I first heard years ago, at the door steps of their house, when he patted me on my chubby round head styling a super short buzz cut. 

There are many things that will remind me of Li Shu Shu, but having regrets will not be on that list. Giving his all to everything he did, Li Shu Shu worked hard, loved his family whole-heartedly, cared for other people passionately, and enjoyed life to the fullest. My young life has been blessed with many precious memories of Li Shu Shu, and I will continue to impress him by doing the best I can for myself and the world. 


June 21, 2020
  • 当听到剑明去世的噩耗, 我不相信这消息是真的, 上网查征后, 我的脑袋里一片空白, 这样一位对生活充满活力的人, 怎么会匆匆离开我们?!  今天在他的追悼会上, 对着屏幕里他的笑脸, 我泪流满面, 深深地怀念我这位有着三十年友情的好友。

我和剑明相识于三十年前的蒙特利尔, 那时的他就非常博学, 健谈, 朋友们常常去他那里聚餐。 后来剑明遇到了胡敏, 在胡敏的张罗下, 我们的聚会越来越多, 那真是一段快乐的时光。

之后,朋友们天南海北的分离,渐渐地失去了联系,而我们却能在每次搬迁后及时地联系上, 从贴邮票写信, 到如今的微信, 我们不时地分享着各自家庭的快乐, 还有孩子们的成长。

记得三年前,剑明带大女儿来多伦多, 我们一起游故地, 忆过去, 像家人团聚一样好开心; 今年剑明应该带小女儿再来多伦多, 我还在悉心准备等疫情解禁后, 迎接他们全家的到来, 而今他却再也不能......

我很早知道, 剑明聪慧过人, 十六岁上大学, 之后又拿下两个博士学位; 现在我又知道, 他在他的专业领域, 有着不可磨灭的贡献。 他的离去, 实在令人惋惜和痛心!

剑明, 我们怀念你!天堂路上, 一路走好!

崔嵘   顾承

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