It was many years ago, maybe 25, when I met Joel and Andrea through my husband, Ron Long. Ron was so excited when he came home from one of his photo shoots. "You'll never guess who I ran into? Joel Phillips. I haven't seen that guy since college. He was the kindest person, artistic, and all the girls had a crush on him, he was so good looking. Of course the Jaguar didn't hurt." Ron and Joel reconnected. Joel came to visit us, then we both met Andrea. Joel and Andrea hired Ron to install crown molding in their new home in Colorado. An architectural addition which said so much about Joel's and Andrea's love of all things stylish and elegant. After viewing the pictures on this website of Joel, Andrea, and Olivia, Joel maintained his love of style until the very end, by his choice of people to love, a dear pet to harbor, and enjoying a fine wine, or dining out as he mixed things up, dressing to the nines with his favorite bow-tie or barefoot with potato chips! Great photos to remember Joel by.