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Conductor Instructor

June 10, 2017

Starting a relationship at age 15 is a challenge. Struggling finding yourself, choosing a future, friends and facing so much uncertainty as a teenager was stressful. Only one thing I found certain; I was falling in love with a shy, beautiful young lady that gave me a feeling of security. Meeting the family was another challenge though. I didn't know how to connect with Dee at first. She only had one face expression I can remember. I never could tell if she liked me or hated me cause I rarely if ever caught a glimpse of a smile on her. Bill made it harder yet. He didn't accept me. I was called "the boy". Nothing else not my name even. He refused to accept his daughter growing up, pulling away from family and running to the arms of a stranger. I understand his emotions and why he felt that way ONLY now that I'm a father of a wonderful little girl myself. My parents didn't accept Bridget either at first so it seemed the world was against what WE wanted. Eventually I was invited to meet Bridget's grandparents John and Debbie. I was absolutely TERRIFIED! It seemed everyone I met up to that point didn't care for me and I felt awkward. I felt this would make it worse. Upon walking into that home, the very first thing I noticed was a model train covered in dust and webs hanging in a dark corner on the wall. THAT was my ice breaker for John and we instantly hit it off. He was the first one that made me feel truly welcome, smiling every time he saw me, and never shy to strike up a conversation. I adored him and felt he was the closest thing to a grandfather that I've ever had. Even after breaking Bridget's heart and came back, he never judged me. Never brought it up in conversation EVER. He acted like nothing happened and never skipped a beat. He accepted me for the foolish boy I was, and the man I'm growing up to be. I miss talking about trains, rail road stories and Western movies. Being at the Strasburg railroad with Skylar was a bittersweet feeling. I loved seeing her face light up when the locative came streaming into the station. But as I watched the train come to a halt, I thought of John and how I wish he was there with us telling me more stories. I miss you Grandad. Every time I hear that old train whistling I'll think of you and know you're watching over us. 

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