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Her Life


January 5, 2021
Kate loved to work. And that was often recognized by her colleagues.  She kept this photo from an IBM conference in Dallas and would often refer to it. It was the National Secretarial Council held November 13-15, 1989. 

 Like anyone else she talked a bit more about visiting Dallas as opposed to the actual work conference but it was clearly a proud moment for her to be invited to this national council for the company.  And look at her front and center with a big smile!

and yes, this was part of her “Kathy” period.  Ask Brian Kane about that story someday. 

in Her Own Words: When Kate met Mac

January 4, 2021
The following is a quote from a transcript of an interview between a Monmouth University student and Kate in Fall 2019 as part of the Sociology 397 Course: The Sociology of Aging:

"We were going to these parties. I knew the girl that ran some of them, so I got tickets to sell to family, friends, whoever wanted to go.  I think the place is still there but I can't remember the name of it.  It was a public swimming pool.  I worked at Curtis Wright and I told this one woman who knew a lot of the young fellas in Hawthorne, so she passed on the word and said they were good guys so I said ok, you can give the tickets to them.  

So I think the tickets you get one drink or maybe two. I can't remember.  It is funny.  Then the first time after that, I asked him to come back, so he did with a couple of his other buddies [the student writing the paper for the class noted in this section "Kate smiling from cheek to cheek"].  He was a nice guy.  

in Her Own Words: Kate's favorite quality about herself

January 4, 2021
The following is a quote from a transcript of an interview between a Monmouth University student and Kate in Fall 2019 as part of the Sociology 397 Course: The Sociology of Aging:

"Liking people.  Seeing the good in everybody.  We all have do it.  Sometime you get very angry. I know I have.  I upset myself more than anyone else because I know that's not right.  But you try, little by little"

In Her Own Words: Kate talks about the happiest times of her life

January 4, 2021
The following is a quote from a transcript of an interview between a Monmouth University student and Kate in Fall 2019 as part of the Sociology 397 Course: The Sociology of Aging:

"When I got married, or when I had my kids.  Each one was different you know but it was a good time.  It was what my husband and I wanted. But it didn't last too long, only 18 years.  You wonder why things happen, you know.  It could have been worse.  The best thing though is our kids stayeed together.  Usually you know each one wants their independence and they go off and find out it's not easy.  But that"s ok.  You learn.  But I didn't want that, I wanted them to stay together, and they did.  That was the main thing, stay together."

In Her Own Words: Advice on Living a Great Life

January 4, 2021
The following is a quote from a transcript of an interview between a Monmouth University student and Kate in Fall 2019 as part of the Sociology 397 Course: The Sociology of Aging:

Kate shared her advice to living a good life:

"Don't hurt anybody. I don't know, life is good, you should enjoy it.  Be good to your family and friends, notice I put family first.  That's really the main thing. It's hard because say like the parent is the adult now and they want to protect the child, so they can show a way where they can do things easier, faster, but the kid wants to do it his or her way.  They have to let them do it their way.  They'll never be able to succeed the right way at it.  Otherwise they're only going to do what you said to do and not be happy.  If you combine the two, well then you get a little bit ahead.  I think you need to find out what they like and push them in the right direction that way, instead of forcing your own ideas on them"