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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Kathy Ke. We will remember her forever.
June 24, 2019
June 24, 2019
Dear Kathy,
Miss you very much. I saw Charles, his parents and kids yesterday. We had a BBQ party at my house. Angela and Claire also came to join us for the evening. 
Terri ate a lot, she is taller and stronger than the last time at your Memorial service. Tylor had veggies and was quiet. Your in-laws look very healthy and haven't changed much since I last met them eight years ago. Charles has more grey hair now but stays fit and positive. 
Kids are moving to Hangzhou and attending a very good international school. Everything is gradually back to normal, although I know it will never be the same without you. We hugged each other and were in tears when time to say good-bye. 
I felt a piece of you, the family, the memory.... all are drifting away, but Charles says the world is so small and we sure will see each other very soon.
Summer is coming, flowers are blooming. There is always a moment I suddenly think of you and want to share with you. I know you are there watching, smiling, and blessing all those beautiful things around us.
When I see kids next time, hopefully soon, I will drop you another note. 
April 28, 2019
April 28, 2019
来大学时你已经找到了一生的挚爱金彪。金彪一年后来到了我们这所大学就读,你们一起在美国开始建造幸福的家园。 在校园里,总能看到你们俩相亲相爱,互帮互助的身影,你们俩真是让人羡慕的天生有缘的一对。
自从有了孩子以后,你变成了所有父母的楷模。你对两个孩子有无限的耐心和爱心。记得一次在外面聚会的时候, 由于你的孩子对当时的环境有些陌生,有些腼腆, 你就一直耐心的陪着他们,没有任何不耐烦, 一个多小时过去了,他们熟悉环境愿意去玩的时候, 你才过来和大家寒暄。很少有父母能有你这样的无条件的爱。
这次回美国以后,你多次和我讨论过是不是应该再回去上班,要找怎样的工作, 既能够照顾好孩子,又能让生活更有意义,更充实。 后来你找到了如意的工作,可怎么就突然撒手人寰, 让我们阴阳两隔!
April 21, 2019
April 21, 2019
Dear Kathy, the day that I heard that you were taken from us, my heart broke. Life was beautiful in your presence. You left us without a word, but your memories will never leave. In your remembrance. - Ray
April 18, 2019
April 18, 2019
Dear Kathy, 
Words are not adequate to express the shock and grief over your untimely passing. If grief is the price we pay for love, then I must surrender to the paralyzing grief that accompanied my love for you. While my heart aches for your loved ones, the memories we shared provide me with such comfort that I feel you have not really left us. You will continue to be the beacon of hope that shines light through our darkest moments; your infectious laughters will make our hearts dance when we think of you; your characters will live through your cherished children.  What a honor and privilege it was to have known you, to have you as a friend who was always a phone call away.  I miss you terribly but I seem to feel your presence in all things beautiful. Thank you for being my inspiration and my friend over the past 29 years.   Rest In Peace, dearest! 
With enduring love,
April 12, 2019
April 12, 2019
Dear Kathy, I was so shocked to hear of your passing. Far too soon, too much left to be and do. I remember you as such an energetic woman, full of life and positivity – always looking for ways to make the world a better place. When we talked, your primary focus was always your children, encouraging them to fulfil their potential and exploring how to ensure their creativity wasn’t stifled. You were clearly also very good at your job and a great sounding board for me from a professional perspective. You will be missed by so many people whom you have had a positive impact on. My thoughts are with your family at this painful and difficult time. With love and tears, Rachael x
April 10, 2019
April 10, 2019
   记得第一次要去黄一波附中朋友聚会的时候,我问黄一波“形容一下柯晓敏”,他简短地说,“哈聪明,眼睛哈度(大), 我总是抄她功课的。”他真是概括得很好,后来的二十年间和你在纽约的认识交往,我印象和记忆的碎片一直被你闪亮的大眼睛,爽朗的笑容,幽默的对话,以及善良机智的言行串联起来。而你也象一个现实生活里的优秀女性样板, 被我不断“抄袭”和学习。
    你的名字“晓”, 代表“知晓”, 上海人说“拎得清”。真的, 我很少见到一个女性在成长的各个阶段如此头脑清醒:
    当年你在最好的投资银行工作,常驻在欧洲外派的时候, 你从来不把亮瞎眼的履历当作资本高谈阔论(尽管你完全可以), 而是常常开玩笑说“我就是一个买卖南货的(Commodity Trading) ”。
    后来你生娃扎根纽约郊区, 从一个职场精英长出三头六臂, 演变成为一个在职的牛妈。我记得有一次听到你婆婆说“晓敏对小孩真的没话讲, 下班一到家,包一扔, 就陪小孩玩陪他们看书。等小孩都睡了,她才做家务洗碗什么的。”一个女人能得到婆婆的肯定,那是含金量最高的赞誉了。
    记得有一次我到Jersey City的办公室和你午饭聊天,大家吐槽身为职业女性“Have It All” 的困惑,我说其实工作家庭兼顾很累的,如果提早财务自由就好了,没有那么多患得患失。我记得你说“自己的物质欲望总可以调控,工作不工作的经济影响其实没想象中那么大。只不过有多余的钱,哪怕自己节省一点,让父母享受过上好日子,比自己享受还开心。”你一个从来不在乎三姑六婆家长里短有“西式”观念的现代女性,竟然有这样的家庭责任感和孝心,让我佩服。
     再后来,你随金彪海龟上海若干年,我在你上海家里看到你,还是老样子,一点没有因为有了父母亲戚钟点工的Support System,变得养尊处优不食烟火。你还是一样里里外外无处不在的精明强干。金彪在国内事业职场上的大放光彩,你也都只是轻描淡写,好像这种世俗所谓的“成功” 都随时随地可以抛弃。无论是金总太太还是华尔街上的金融才女柯晓敏,各种光环都可以被掌控,但都无法绑架你。我始终认为这就是因为你的心中自有万丈光芒,因为笑傲江湖“拎得清”的人莫过于你。
     你很尊重支持伴侣的选择,后来返回美国, 再到后来,准备二次海龟。。。我觉得每一个人生阶段,你都不是Me Me Me地把自己放在第一位, 第一位的永远是伴侣孩子和家人。然而,你又完完全全是他们的磐石。一个懂得和知晓的女性,令人依赖和仰视。晓敏,You Rock!
    当我们在为一地鸡毛奔忙潦草过日子的时候,你已经推崇玛莎大妈精致生活的圣经了, 聚会时常常出现有机食材和令人惊喜的食谱;在我们生活稍稍平稳,搬大房子扎根的时候,你又开始追求极简生活提倡Moderate Living, 和不必要的物质包袱说拜拜 。在我们鸡鸭鱼肉蛋白质过剩的时候,你又开始素食主义低炭生活了。等到我们竭尽全力精养圈养熊孩子的时候,你已经在思考培养孩子独立能力并尊重他们的天性和允许他们做“普通人”的权利。这些parenting 心得看似easy said than done, 其实我知道你背后花了很多心思和时间去实践推敲,才能归纳分享这些生活的哲学。我清楚记得我们前一阵在讨论女儿们比较内向的问题的时候,你说“我推荐你看一本书 《Silence》, 它讲一个安静内向人的触角和感知比一个外向话痨的人强得多。教育的目的不是要培养一模一样的人。我们Terri的老师一提到她过于文静的时候,我马上就shut her up,建议她多读书多思考,教育工作者怎么能不理解每个小孩都是不同的呢!” 晓敏,你知道么, 你这一翻话,对我是如何的醍醐灌顶!和你聊天时,象这样撞出火花和受到启发的谈话实在是太多了。你好像永远走在思想前沿,既不失风趣又很接地气。 世上那么多女子只甘心做花瓶,而你一直是一朵自信绽放的花,懂的人自然都能欣赏你的色彩,闻到你的芬芳。
    静下心想想,突然没有那么难过了。 你其实从未离开,你身体的特征和笑容留给了Tylor和Terri。你的“知晓”和“聪敏” 象湖面上的涟漪一样,一圈一圈地递增,变得更大传得更远,波及触动了越来越多的心灵。你其实是以另一种方式活着。我依然能时刻感觉到你明媚的笑容, 温暖如初。
April 7, 2019
April 7, 2019
Dear Kathy:
Words cannot express how saddened we are for your passing. May your beautiful soul rest in peace.
April 1, 2019
April 1, 2019
My dear Kathy, I was totally shocked that you have left us forever. To me, you are more than a good friend... my first thought when I heard the news was the Heaven needs super guru like you to work on some projects desperately so they just take you there without giving any Leave Notice. Your perception, your wittiness and your lovable characteristic are something we treasured the most. I hope you continue work hard and share your laughter there and we will meet again someday!
March 29, 2019
March 29, 2019
Hi Kathy, 当Annie告诉我你突发离开时我不敢相信,希望不是我知道的Kathy, 希望只是重名。但还是确认了是你。大约九年前,我们的孩子都在上海的德威上学,遇见了你。你是那么独一无二!因为你常开怀大笑 - 你的笑容那么明媚,你的笑声富有感染力,你常一针见血地发表见地 - 你是那么坦荡,那么睿智,那么聪明,你可以说多种语言,你热心热情。遇见你这样的朋友是幸运的!愿你一路走好,天堂安息!Kathy,相信还能遇见你的!Demi 冬梅
March 29, 2019
March 29, 2019
如今的我们,晓敏所有的同学朋友同事家人,在骤然失去她的时刻,该是何等悲伤心痛!拭泪敢问上苍,天妒英才,为何? 何为?
March 28, 2019
March 28, 2019
Kathy, 亲爱的!
Julie Wu (Roger’s mum)
March 27, 2019
March 27, 2019
If the almighty God is listening,
I want to ask,
Why take our Kathy?
So much loved, so much needed and still so young.
Intelligent, hardworking and generous,
Kathy is the best mom, wife and friend one can hope for.
36 years of friendship is too short,
I was counting on many more,
Watching each other,
Raising the family and nurturing the kids.
Kathy's passing is too abrupt,
I am at loss for words.
One thing I know for sure.
Happy days with Kathy,
I will cherish forever.
My dearest friend,
Safe passage!
March 27, 2019
March 27, 2019
我们曾一起经历成长 一起经历失落
一起做梦 一起哭笑

即使她瘦小得一点也不起眼 却有着不凡的个性与魅力
华尔街上的精英 聪慧贤良的太太 耐心呵护的母亲
她的时间 总是排得满满的
她的生活 一直是充实的

闺蜜 挚友
她为了一个承诺 飞了十几个小时来参加活动
相聚如此短暂 却并不遗憾
但却是平静的 没有痛苦


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June 24, 2019
June 24, 2019
Dear Kathy,
Miss you very much. I saw Charles, his parents and kids yesterday. We had a BBQ party at my house. Angela and Claire also came to join us for the evening. 
Terri ate a lot, she is taller and stronger than the last time at your Memorial service. Tylor had veggies and was quiet. Your in-laws look very healthy and haven't changed much since I last met them eight years ago. Charles has more grey hair now but stays fit and positive. 
Kids are moving to Hangzhou and attending a very good international school. Everything is gradually back to normal, although I know it will never be the same without you. We hugged each other and were in tears when time to say good-bye. 
I felt a piece of you, the family, the memory.... all are drifting away, but Charles says the world is so small and we sure will see each other very soon.
Summer is coming, flowers are blooming. There is always a moment I suddenly think of you and want to share with you. I know you are there watching, smiling, and blessing all those beautiful things around us.
When I see kids next time, hopefully soon, I will drop you another note. 
April 28, 2019
April 28, 2019
来大学时你已经找到了一生的挚爱金彪。金彪一年后来到了我们这所大学就读,你们一起在美国开始建造幸福的家园。 在校园里,总能看到你们俩相亲相爱,互帮互助的身影,你们俩真是让人羡慕的天生有缘的一对。
自从有了孩子以后,你变成了所有父母的楷模。你对两个孩子有无限的耐心和爱心。记得一次在外面聚会的时候, 由于你的孩子对当时的环境有些陌生,有些腼腆, 你就一直耐心的陪着他们,没有任何不耐烦, 一个多小时过去了,他们熟悉环境愿意去玩的时候, 你才过来和大家寒暄。很少有父母能有你这样的无条件的爱。
这次回美国以后,你多次和我讨论过是不是应该再回去上班,要找怎样的工作, 既能够照顾好孩子,又能让生活更有意义,更充实。 后来你找到了如意的工作,可怎么就突然撒手人寰, 让我们阴阳两隔!
April 21, 2019
April 21, 2019
Dear Kathy, the day that I heard that you were taken from us, my heart broke. Life was beautiful in your presence. You left us without a word, but your memories will never leave. In your remembrance. - Ray
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A Dear Friend Who Will Always Have a Place in My Heart

April 22, 2019

I have to say I always felt that Kathy and I are missing out each other. I get to know Kathy in 2010 through our common friend when I wanted to move to Short Hills. Kathy was so helpful. She immediately introduced her be-trusted realtor Mary Jo to me, and gave me a full dump of her experience. Just after I moved into Short Hills, and was glad that I already have a friend in the neighborhood, we found out she and her family will move to Shanghai. Fast forward to 2016, Kathy and her family moved back to Short Hills. I was thrilled to have them back. But then 2017 Spring, my family decided to move to Shanghai. Kathy was again so helpful to give me a full dump of her house renting and Shanghai experience. In addition, she hosted a party and introduced her Shanghai friends to me. She is just such person who is always willing to help, thoughtful and warm hearted. Now as I am planning our summer trip to New York this year, it is heartbreaking to think that she is no longer with us. Thankful to this site, where so many friends have shared photos of Kathy. There will always be a special place in my heart for Kathy. And I know her spirit will always be with us. 

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