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May 28, 2023
May 28, 2023
I miss my friend Ken and the times we spent together. I will always remember our times together at Lake Winnipesaukee with the Gordon family. I will miss our lunches and dinners together in Florida and all the times we talked. I am grateful to be in Florida and to still have Ken's sons to visit with. Thanks for being a friend, Ken. 
May 28, 2023
May 28, 2023
To the Gordon Family:

I wanted you to know that you are in my heart and mind on this day.
While I can only imagine all of the “firsts” that you have had to experience without Ken, I felt today was a day to pay tribute to the kind, generous and caring man that I was able to call my friend.

My biggest regret is not talking with Ken more often however, do cherish the times we did talk and no matter how far apart those conversations were, it seemed like it was only yesterday as we seemed to continue right where we left off as if no time had passed.

I am grateful and honored to have had such a special relationship with him. He will always hold a special place in my heart and provided me
with so many memories that I will continue to enjoy during my lifetime. I looked at him as a mentor who provided sound advice, guidance and challenged me at times to ensure I was confident in some of my own decisions (even when he may not have agreed with them).  

He is a legacy and a great example of what hard work, dedication, generosity, caring and commitment is.

The pictures that you have posted on his memorial website complement and showcase what a proud man he was and how important it was that he
be the best husband, father, grandfather and friend to those who knew him.
Jane, you were the love of his life and while you may already
know this, what I want you to know is that in every conversation we had whether business or casual, his priority was that he provided you with everything you deserved and only wanted the very best of everything for you. Your relationship is one that I have admired and while
I may not know all the challenges you faced together, I do know that he credited his successes to you for all of your love and support.  

To Jeff and Kevin, you were as he once said to me, “the best gifts in his life”.  Wow, was he proud of you both and wanted nothing more than to provide a solid foundation and serve as a role-model for you to be proud of.  When you both started your own families, another huge smile and oh how happy he was to watch his family continue to grow. 

To My Dear Friend Ken, although you were taken from us too soon, know that you made a significant difference in my life and there are not enough words for me to write to thank you for all the talks, coaching moments and for being there for me. When we spoke, you made me feel as though I was a priority even if your own life schedule was full.  I feel so grateful that our paths crossed and that we shared so many great moments and conversations together.  I miss you with that smile that would light up a room and hearing that upbeat, cheerful voice....thank you for the joy that I will treasure with every memory that I hold.

With much love….Judy
March 15, 2023
March 15, 2023
As a healthcare practitioner going on 40 years of practicing, I've encountered literally thousands of individuals from all walks of life. Ken was one of them, and I knew him for over 34 years. 

We not so often encounter personalities that are "Bigger than life", who are unforgettable for many reasons. These are people who always leave you with something to ponder, a lesson, or a positive feeling -- something special.

Ken was a man who was 100% BIGGER THAN LIFE! He was a good man, a go-getter, a special BRILLIANT soul that is now at rest. RIP Ken!
February 21, 2023
February 21, 2023
I've known the Gordon's since the 6th grade - the year Kevin and I met. They were a family I looked up to all my life. They still are. They are extremely kind hearted and welcoming. They opened their lives and eventually their home to me. In college, when I needed a place to stay for a year, they welcomed me in. Of course, I'll never forget Mr. Gordon's meeting with me. "You can call me Mr. Gordon or Coach. Make sure you put the toilet seat down and make your bed." All this as Kevin is turning red. "We're glad to have you here Sven." Sven is the name Coach gave me because I had bleached blonde hair (think mid 90's).

From watching him coach his sons, to observing his work ethic, to laughing at the way he picked his teeth while watching sports and commenting along the way. To unexpected conversations about girls (relationships), to sharing a meal...those are my memories of Coach. He was firm and hardworking but he also loved his family so much and could tear up in a second.

Fast forward in life and I'm a pastor now. Yeah, we're all surprised. I'll never forget officiating Kevin and Jessica's wedding. What a privilege! And to see Ken (I'll call him that now) so happy. I've never seen him happier (except for the anniversary party the boys threw for he and Mrs. Gordon). If you looked at Ken he would cry, if you smiled at Ken he would cry, if you winked at Ken he would cry. They were tears of joy and love for his son and new daughter in law. He could barely make it through the ceremony. I had to determine not to look at him while I officiated.

Over the years we had conversations about faith - I recall an in-depth one at Lake Winnipesusakee. This, just after we destroyed them in a board game that involved a lot charades (that's how I choose to remember it). That same week he told me stories about Kevin's pitching career - his eyes lighting up with pride. "You should know these things about Kevin!" He was right. I listened as a father spoke with delight and bragged on his boy.

Grateful for you Mr. Gordon. Coach. Ken. Your example has left a mark. It's something I'll carry with me the rest of my life. 
February 14, 2023
February 14, 2023
Ken was a wonderful friend, whom I shared many a good time with, while learning from his vast understanding of our mutual business of MBE / The UPS Store. His most memorable advice was "control the dirt", and following that concept allowed me to achieve great success. I miss the time, conversation and cocktails that we shared together. Damn he could drink!
I'm saddened that we cannot share our friendship, knowledge and bullshit ever again while we endeavor to solve the world's problems.
February 9, 2023
February 9, 2023
Mr G was an exceptional mentor. To this day I find myself with things to share and talk to him about that would go on for hours. A man who truly wanted the best for everybody he interacted with and was willing to give a helping hand in the community. He made a big impact on my life in the short time of our relationship and I really enjoyed his presence. He is missed and loved by many and I can't thank him enough for the opportunities he presented to me and knowledge shared. I hope that his book will be published publicly for all to read one day.
February 9, 2023
February 9, 2023
Kevin was right, Ken was one step ahead of us all.
He was a great husband, father, and grandfather and proud of his family.
Ken and I were friends for 40 years. No one has made any bigger contributions to the building and success of our company.
I went to him often for advice and he often put me in the right direction when I might have been going the wrong way. Through thick and thin he always had my back and supported me when maybe others had not. I miss all our numerous contact and phone calls.
I look forward in the future to reading Ken's book on the history of our company.
- Carl DiGennaro and Family
February 8, 2023
February 8, 2023
From Navi & Neelam Bhalla:
It would have been early 1986….We were going down the steps and Ken was going up. We had never met before. We said hello and smiled at each other and we exchanged some pleasantries. It was a warm exchange and we liked this stranger. He laughingly asked "Buying a franchise?" pointing to the Mail Boxes Etc. sign and we said, "…don't know." He said something like "Buy it" with a huge grin and climbed up the stairs into the MBE office. That was our first encounter and after that many more at numerous MBE meetings and functions….. Always a pleasure sharing thoughts and having conversations with dear Ken. Last time we met, we spent a few days together, was in Amsterdam with Jane and others…it was a long time ago however those joyful, fun & mischievous moments seem not so distant. Happy onward journey Ken! Our loving wishes are with you today and for all days to come and know that your awesome family is your legacy.                            It is said, " Impermanent are all conditioned things, of a nature to arise and pass away. Having arisen, they pass away, their calming and cessation is true bliss."
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
My wife and I were very saddened to hear of Ken's passing. He was an important mentor in my life and a true friend, always invigorated with the hunt for the best business opportunities on the horizon. 

I will deeply miss our conversations on current events. Ken would always seem to have a unique perspective and would often relate to me a personal anecdote from lessons learned from the many businesses he started, invaluable advice for any entrepreneur.

I will cherish all the memories and lessons learned from our friendship.
- Carlos & Valeria Graterol
January 10, 2023
January 10, 2023
Ken loved to share his business and entrepreneurial wisdom, and it was always welcome and appreciated. His favorite greeting was, "how's business?", and then the conversations would roll on from there! Ken was unique, encouraging, kind, and funny.
He will be missed.
January 7, 2023
January 7, 2023
It was 1977 in Grand Rapids, MI. My phone rang in response to a recruiting mailer I had mailed. One never forgets their first introduction to Ken, "Hey, is this Rick? My name is Ken Gordon, and I got your little post card here. I'm pretty sure I won't be interested in your business...but I'd like to meet the guy that sent this out. You game?"
"Sure, I said, "you sound like a business guy and you just might be interested..."
Ken paused like he was picking his words, "Well, we are staying at a hotel on 28th St. until our house closes, but we can meet at the Howard Johnsons for coffee or whatever. By the way, what's this about?" he asked. Now I paused to pick the right words since any good sales person does not "firehose" a prospect. "This is residual income, Ken. You initialize accounts and as long as they use our products, you get paid...but let's meet and I'll tell you all about it, oh, and it's not Amway.
The punch line here is that Ken not only learned about passive residual income but later, once he had proven his metal with MBE, he became my teacher--as only Ken can.
January 7, 2023
January 7, 2023
I have known Ken Gordon for over 55 years. He married my sister Jane. He was a great person who loved his family and was devoted to Jane. 

He was a wonderful father and grandfather, superb coach and mentor to his two sons, Jeff and Kevin.

We enjoyed many wonderful times with them and have very special memories of being together especially in Florida and New Hampshire.

Ken was a person who truly understood the franchise business and all of its pluses, minuses, and inner workings. I had friends over the years who had expressed an interest in franchises. Whenever I called Ken to find out if he had the time and would be willing to speak to them, there was no hesitancy on his part to speak to them. They told me afterwards how much they appreciated the time and thoroughness he gave them in explaining the franchise business.

In summary, Ken was a great soulmate and companion to Jane, dedicated dad and granddad, highly successful, and wonderful person to truly like, love and admire.

Don’t come any better. The world has a big void.
January 4, 2023
January 4, 2023
i thought that I left a Note
I will always remember Ken a very gentle person.
However he sure was a fun Man
I will always remember him because he liked my carrot cake.
Love Pearl and Tom
January 4, 2023
January 4, 2023
Ken my friend and confidant. I love you like a brother and will never forget our times together.  I will never forget our times together at Company functions and our Area Franchise events. Had a ball with you at Lake Winnipesaukee in the summers. We had a great time together in Florida and I always respected your relationship with your family. Rest in peace. I will be along to see you in the distant future.  Your friend always, Earl.
January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023
To Ken, my wonderful father-in-law. Never really having a father of my own growing up, you stepped into that role so effortlessly-guiding me, teaching me, providing positive feedback, and always encouraging me to be my best self.
It’s difficult to know that you won’t be here in person to watch Bryce, your third grandchild, grow up but I promise to keep your memory alive and to always talk about his “Popi”!
I will miss your laugh, your jokes, hiding food from others, and your stories most of all. You will be forever missed and of course, never forgotten. I love you Ken.
Your daughter-in-law, Jessica “ocho”
January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023
We enjoyed Ken's hospitality - through visits, boat rides, his grilling expertise, hosting dinners but we mostly knew him through Jane and his tremendous love for her and their family. He creatively came up with wonderful presents and trips and surprises for every birthday and anniversary. His courage, stamina and positive outlook as he took the best possible care of himself that he could were a wonderful example of how to live your best life. The smiling pictures of so many loved ones are a fitting tribute to him!
Love and Prayers,
Pat & Ivo Spalatin xx
January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023
My intimidator! Ken, words can’t describe how missed you are. Though you came into my life many moons ago with Nath dating Jeff it took me a long time to butter up to you. Which now I don’t know why. Haha
You have always been so kind to me and my family especially to William and Keeland and treated them as they were your own grandchildren. I am forever grateful for this. I always enjoyed our talks over coffee in the mornings in Lake Winnie. Your knowledge about life is one to admire. You helped me look at life in many different directions. But I Hated! When you put me on the spot and asked me “ why do you think that” lol. I could go on forever about what things I miss about you but one thing I do know is that you are always with us. Love you Popi and miss you! Keep smiling over us!!
January 2, 2023
January 2, 2023
Happy Birthday Ken. It seems like yesterday you were pulling out of your driveway waiving with a great big smile and saying “Have a great day”. You always had such a positive attitude I so admired that about you. I still look for the car pulling out of the driveway. Your presence is greatly missed my friend but you definitely left great memories, stories and the love you had for your family ❤️
January 2, 2023
January 2, 2023
To Ken, you were a great friend to many!!! You shared your wisdom and gave us (Tom,myself, Nicole and Jessica) so many memories!!! We are so lucky to have been able to go on so many Ray’s road trips with you and Jane!!! I continue to think of you often❤️ We will keep an eye on Jane for you❤️
January 2, 2023
January 2, 2023
Happy Heavenly Birthday, Ken! I always loved talking with you and hearing your insight on whatever the topic of conversation might be. But most of all, I loved how you loved life, loved your beautiful wife, loved your sons and their families, and loved your many friends. Looking at all the pictures in your gallery brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes. Your life here was too short, but so well-lived!
January 2, 2023
January 2, 2023
Words cannot express how eternally grateful that I am to be a part of such an amazing “family.” Ken, you always made the Hurms feel welcomed and special, and we all adored you. You were the smartest, kindest, and most generous person that one could ever meet. I loved all of your stories, especially the ones about teaching! Your love for Jane was the purest, most genuine love there is. You set an example for all to emulate. I will cherish all of the memories that I have from Lake Winnie! You will be forever loved and thought of by all us! Ching Ching, my friend! XO
January 2, 2023
January 2, 2023
Every conversation I had with you, I would always come away having learned something new or been given a fresh and straightforward take on whatever topic we were into… and you always seemed to know something about everything! Your generosity in sharing your knowledge, experiences, time… everything… is something I will always remember about you. A rare and lovely man!
January 2, 2023
January 2, 2023
So very happy to have had our weekend with you and
Ken , or Kenny as always knew him. At Lake Wnnie. Was looking forward to a repeat visit. Mt most vivid memory of my older cousin was him .sharing his Johnny Mathis Lp with me, I felt sooo grown up!
I regret that I didn’t have more time to reconnect with him.

January 2, 2023
January 2, 2023
Happy Birthday Kenny G. I can’t thank you enough for all of the memories, conversations, encouragement, laughs & support that you gave to me, Susan, Nicole & Jessica. Your memory will live on forever & you will be missed by all. I miss you my Friend.
Dammit Joe, bunt!
January 2, 2023
January 2, 2023
Happy 1st Birthday in Heaven. I can’t begin to tell you how often you are in my thoughts, remembering all the fabulous conversations we shared along with lots of laughs. You will live on in the memories you created with everyone you encountered.
January 1, 2023
January 1, 2023
Dad, you are missed…but you already knew this because you were usually one step ahead.
I miss just spending time with you, laughing together, or hearing a new story of yours. You provided so much for me and so many others – love, generosity, wisdom, and inspiration. 
Some days I shed a tear, others I laugh, but most days I simply have deep gratitude for being your son. 
Constantly protecting, coaching, and challenging me to think outside the box which all shaped me to be who I am today.
I am eternally thankful and proud that you are my dad.   
Love you more than words can express, Kev 
January 1, 2023
January 1, 2023
My Dad. My Coach. My Hero.
I am forever grateful and will celebrate you eternally.
Luv Ya Pops, Jeff
December 31, 2022
December 31, 2022
Kenny G, the love of my life!
You were my lover, my protector, my friend.
You were an amazing DAD to Jeff and Kevin...always present, teaching, playing preparing them for life.
You never had daughters, but you were blessed to have Nathalie and Jessica as your "daughters!
Your grandchildren Austin, Julia and Bryce were so lucky to have you in their lives.
You were so intelligent and knowledgeable, always wanting to learn new things and share your wisdom with the many you mentored during your life.
Your love and laughter will be forever missed.
Til we meet again.....jane

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