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December 17, 2021
December 17, 2021
위대한 장군님은 조선인민들과 세계의 진보적인민들의 가슴속에 영원히 살아 계십니다.
December 17, 2021
December 17, 2021
Minhas saudações a todos os camaradas que mantém viva a memória do camarada Kim Jong Il. MANSE!
December 17, 2021
December 17, 2021
Viva o grande Camarada, Dirigente, Líder, Comandante e Teórico Kim Jong Il.
December 17, 2021
Ten years have passed, and December 17, 2011 is still one of the most difficult days in the history of the world struggle for socialism and one of the saddest for progressive people and the people of the world. Dear Comrade Kim Jong Il, you continued the Juche Revolution, launched the Songun Revolution in line with the Juche-oriented army building, set a great example in the history of the labor movement, limited the enraged imperialism of the evil empire when it was at its peak and paved the way for socialist and People's Korea. Our hearts beat in the rhythm of your ideas that have left an indelible mark on humanity. The people were your god and supreme teacher, and yet they saw you as their leader because they recognized themselves in your greatness and recognized you as their personification. Dear Comrade Kim Jong Il, despite all the hardships you have endured with your people, you have found time to support other peaceful peoples of the world in your just struggles, you supported Serbia when it was most difficult for us, and our people our people are grateful to You for that. You recognized the machinations of imperialism in the 21st century and stood firmly, steely and bravely against the world powers, because you fought even the most difficult battles for justice, which was invaluable to you. Dear Comrade Kim Jong Il, your ideals also shine in the 21st century through us, friends of Korea from Serbia, who will remember you forever and apply your words and advice to the letter in life as the supreme ideals of a conscious and social creature such is a human. Dear Comrade Kim Jong Il, we miss you!

In the name of KFA Serbia,
Luka Nićiforović,
Official Delegate of KFA in Serbia

Прошло је десет година, а 17. децембар 2011. је и даље један од најтежих дана у историји светске борбе за социјализам и један од најтужнијих за прогресивне људе и народе света. Драги Друже Ким Џонг Ил-е, наставио си Ђуче револуцију, покренуо Сонгун Револуцију у складу са Ђуче оријентисаном изградњом војске, поставио сјајан пример у историји борбе радничког покрета, ограничио разбеснели империјализам зле силе када је она била најснажнија и утемељио пут за развитак Социјалистичке и Народне Кореје. Наша срца куцају у ритму твојих идеја које су оставиле неизбрисив траг на човечанство. Народ је био твој бог и врховни учитељ, па ипак, видео те је као свог вођу јер је у твојој величини препознао себе и тебе препознао као своје оличење. Драги Друже Ким Џонг Ил-е, и поред свих невремена које си пребродио са својим народом, нашао си времена да подржиш и остале мирољубиве народе света у својим праведним борбама, подржао си Србију када нам је било најтеже у складу са могућностима, и наш народ ти је на томе захвалан. Препознао си махинације империјализма у 21. веку и чврсто, челично и храбро стао против светских сила, јер си војевао и најтеже битке за правду која је за тебе била непроцењива. Драги Друже Ким Џонг Ил-е, твоји идеали сјаје у 21. веку и кроз нас, пријатеље Кореје из Србије, који ће те заувек памтити и твоје речи и савете примењивати дословце у животу као врхунске идеале једног савесног и друштвеног човека. Драги Друже Ким Џонг Ил-е, недостајеш нам!

У име ДПК Србије,
Лука Нићифоровић,
Званични Делегат ДПК у Србији
December 17, 2021
December 17, 2021
평생을 인민들의 삶을 위해 다니신 것도 위대하지만 선군정치를 하여 위기를 해쳐나가신 것에 대해 존경을 합니다. 지금 조선강토가 평화롭게 지켜지며 제국주의 수괴 미국놈들에게 당당히 맞서는 민족의 자존심을 새우는데 초석을 다지셨습니다. 간고한 고난의 행군을 이겨내고 사회주의강국을 건설하신 김정일 장군의 업적은 길이 남을 것입니다
December 15, 2021
December 15, 2021
Despite the demise Of Dear Comrade Kim Jong Il. Our comrade's ideas
still shine
December 14, 2021
December 14, 2021
The General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, the great revolutionary teacher Kim Jong-Il, died 10 years ago on 17 December 2011, at the age of 70, due to a sudden illness.

The theory and achievements of the great revolutionary comrade Kim Jong-il, who honorably defended the science of socialism against the counter-revolutionary wave and Modern Revisionism, will live on in our minds, hearts for many centuries to come.

The prosperous socialist society that blooms more and more every day in Socialist Korea, which is his work, is an example and source of pride for us Turkish class revolutionaries.

Can Uğur İnanç, Official Delegate of KFA in Turkey

December 14, 2021
December 14, 2021
In Memory of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL , a great defender of socialism and independence who was a revolutionary all his life.
 Comrade KIM JONG IL defended the revolutionary ideas of the great leader President KIM IL SUNG ,developing the Juche Idea in depth and systematising it .Comrade KIM JONG IL is also asssociated with the Songun revolutionary leadership and developing the DPRK into a nuclear power .
Dr Dermot Hudson
Chairman Korean Friendship Association UK
Chairman British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea
December 14, 2021
December 14, 2021
The revolutionary ideas of Chairman KIM JONG IL will shine forever in the world history of mankind and the international communist movement. The dear leader will always be with us.
December 13, 2021
December 13, 2021
Kim Jong Il esta vivo como nunca, no Espírito revolucionario de cada proletario da Coreia e do mundo, seu poder pulsa nos corações de todos os comunistas ao redor do globo, Kim Jong Il nunca esteve tão vivo, graças a ele a nação coreana se mantém firme e forte e pode superar às dificuldades enfrentadas na ardua marcha com a queda da união soviética, viva Kim Jong il e todo o povo coreano anti-imperialista e revolucionário.

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